PogoCheats Forum

Pogo Cheats => Club Pogo => Topic started by: TommySack on February 05, 2006, 05:16:29 AM

Title: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: TommySack on February 05, 2006, 05:16:29 AM
I can't believe how hard and time-consuming it is to get even the first game award badge for most of the pogo games.Does anyone else think they should just make more badges for each game and thereby make it easier to get each one? Most of us I think play mostly to get the badges and I think pogo is foolish not to do this.I've given up on some of the later stage badges,even using an auto because they're just waaaayyyyy too hard!
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: pogohatesme on February 05, 2006, 06:06:47 AM
Quote from: TommySack on February 05, 2006, 05:16:29 AM
I can't believe how hard and time-consuming it is to get even the first game award badge for most of the pogo games.Does anyone else think they should just make more badges for each game and thereby make it easier to get each one? Most of us I think play mostly to get the badges and I think pogo is foolish not to do this.I've given up on some of the later stage badges,even using an auto because they're just waaaayyyyy too hard!

I agree and disagree on some. I've heard the horror stories about Pop Fu and Word Whomp where it seems never ending.  But some really are easy you just have to be willing to work on them and understand that your not going to finish it in a day.  I've been working on the First Class Solitaire since they remade it with badges and I've done it all by hand.  I'm up to rank 39 now.  At first you get 7 % for a win now I'm only getting 2% but I'm enjoying watching my process.  It would be kinda pointless if they made them all easy....you'd have all the games finished then you'd complain cause they couldn't get games out fast enough.  Wonderland memories is another easy one......I've heard people say they finished that game in about a week or so.
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: ClingFree on February 05, 2006, 06:07:06 AM
I personally dont think they should make it any easier.  With an auto it isn't Hard to get all the badges, just time consuming. Besides ... if they made it easier, youd get all the badges ..then youd have to find some other addiction besides pogo!
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: SaintHiρρo on February 05, 2006, 06:11:29 AM
Quote from: TommySack on February 05, 2006, 05:16:29 AM
I can't believe how hard and time-consuming it is to get even the first game award badge for most of the pogo games.Does anyone else think they should just make more badges for each game and thereby make it easier to get each one? Most of us I think play mostly to get the badges and I think pogo is foolish not to do this.I've given up on some of the later stage badges,even using an auto because they're just waaaayyyyy too hard!

No, I think they should leave them the same, if not make them harder. The purpose of the game award badges is to show off your committment to playing the games and earning the badge (unless you're an auto user, then it's the auto's committment and that doesn't have a choice). By getting to the latter stages of the games, it helps prove you've stuck around and didn't give up on a game and that's why the badges are there. I know a lot of people who've proudly displayed their last Jaguar badge from Tri-Peaks or their Black Belt badge from Pop Fu because they knew there were few of them around (prior to me learning about the auto usage on Pogo). If they added more badges, it would pretty much take away from what each badge means as anyone could get the easy badges and it would be pointless of wanting to wear them. I'm a badgehog as much as the next person but I'm not for them adding more badges to games unless these badges are apart of extra added & harder levels (like they did for PPS & WCS). Just my opinion and everyone has one! Cheers!
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: IndianLover on February 05, 2006, 07:48:03 AM
I don't believe that it is hard to get the first couple in every game. After that like in most games it gets harder, with longer spands of what you have to do to get them.  Only thing i would ever suggest is maybe a few more badges inbetween the ones that take forever...  :D  I personally don't use autos for game rank badges though.. It's suppose to be challenging and for me not using the autos to get them is a def.. challenge.

Please don't get me wrong i never said i never have used an auto.... hmmm maybe on chess, checkers lol.
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: thirteendown on February 05, 2006, 11:25:22 AM
I don't think that they should be made easier.  I have the first one or two badges for each game and I like the challenge of now having to actually put some effort into the game to get the rest of the badges for the higher ranks.  The weekly challenges have been sort of easy lately so I like how hard it is to get some of these game rank badges. 
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: Jonathan on February 05, 2006, 11:34:59 AM
In my opinion you should be happy that they release new badges at all. They dont have to do it you know, they could use the resources doing other things such as bringing new games out sooner or something...... >:(
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: Lish on February 05, 2006, 01:53:58 PM
Personally I would like to see them add more rank badges to things like WWW and PopFu, and a few games could really use to be made easier such as TriPeaks- that one is ridiculous!
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: PogoCrazyMomma on February 05, 2006, 04:18:25 PM
Well I also agree and disagree some aren't bad but tripeaks is a nightmare but with lots of playing can be worked on, but to me fortune bingo is the worst I play it alot but still don't have first badge, cause it's not playing that gets you the bingos, it's chance plain and simple you have to get lucky to get a bingo, and since I play without autos I am not that lucky. I have sometimes played for hours without a bingo. But when challenges come up and there are lots of rooms if you find an empty one or one with not many players play away and you'll get quite a few bingos.   
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: TommySack on February 05, 2006, 11:58:27 PM
Ok,I hear what you guys are saying and I agree that the badges should be challenging.But I just think a few more badges in beyween the tougher,higher levels would be better...just my opinion.And hey Johnathon,lighten up dude,it's not life and death. You are entitled to your opinion,as am I,no need to get so nasty!
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: Bree on February 06, 2006, 01:41:46 AM
Quote from: TommySack on February 05, 2006, 11:58:27 PM
Ok,I hear what you guys are saying and I agree that the badges should be challenging.But I just think a few more badges in beyween the tougher,higher levels would be better...just my opinion.And hey Johnathon,lighten up dude,it's not life and death. You are entitled to your opinion,as am I,no need to get so nasty!

I do not think Jonathan said anything wrong or nasty to you Tommy.  Yes we all have opinions on this forum and we can voice those opinions, but I have read the post and looked at each and every post listed and I still say that Jonathan did not say anything wrong or was he being nasty to you. ::)

Just my observation....Bree
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: Jonathan on February 06, 2006, 10:10:25 AM
I didnt mean to sound nasty. I like the challenges, and they really dont have to do them you know lol
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: Ethan_Hawley on February 06, 2006, 10:11:43 AM
I felt the same about how tedious some game badges were until I finished my first game.  I got the rank 50 badge for Casino Island Blackjack this week (all by hand) and it was pretty satisfying I must say.  If it's a game that I enjoy, I really don't mind seeing it through to the end.
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: Jonathan on February 06, 2006, 08:24:04 PM
i didnt think i would ever get the one for steller sweeper, but i read the tips, and learned how to play the game. Now I love the game and play it often.

Sometimes you just have to buckle down lol, and above all dont give up..... O0
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: Roseybud333 on February 06, 2006, 09:04:58 PM
I kinda agree that there should be a badge inbetween the very hard levels. . . It (for me) would be kinda like a light at the end of the tunnel or a pick me up so that I would want to finish the game. Some of the games are like "Man will I ever finish?" and then this pretty Badge pops up and your like "Hey. . . I'm almost finished!" I guess you could say it would be a moral booster LOL O0
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: *Angel* on February 06, 2006, 09:26:06 PM
Quote from: Roseybud333 on February 06, 2006, 09:04:58 PM
I kinda agree that there should be a badge inbetween the very hard levels. . . It (for me) would be kinda like a light at the end of the tunnel or a pick me up so that I would want to finish the game. Some of the games are like "Man will I ever finish?" and then this pretty Badge pops up and your like "Hey. . . I'm almost finished!" I guess you could say it would be a moral booster LOL O0

I agree dear.  I would definitely finish Tri Peaks if there was more of an incentive.  They made that game awfully long, but made Wonderland SO easy.  Why can't they find a happy median??  :-\
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: Helen on February 06, 2006, 09:29:49 PM
Quote from: *Angel* on February 06, 2006, 09:26:06 PM
Quote from: Roseybud333 on February 06, 2006, 09:04:58 PM
I kinda agree that there should be a badge inbetween the very hard levels. . . It (for me) would be kinda like a light at the end of the tunnel or a pick me up so that I would want to finish the game. Some of the games are like "Man will I ever finish?" and then this pretty Badge pops up and your like "Hey. . . I'm almost finished!" I guess you could say it would be a moral booster LOL O0

I agree dear.  I would definitely finish Tri Peaks if there was more of an incentive.  They made that game awfully long, but made Wonderland SO easy.  Why can't they find a happy median??  :-\

There is NO method to their madness!! Nothing is consistent. They (Pogo) just like to keep us guessing.
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: TommySack on February 06, 2006, 10:26:45 PM
Well,at least a couple of people agree with me now,lol.And sorry if I over-reacted Johnathon.When I saw what you wrote and the angry emoticon it kinda seemed like you were pissed at me personally just for having a different opinion then you.So...no blood,no foul dude.  ;D O0
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: Jonathan on February 07, 2006, 09:41:05 AM
oh, the emoticon lol I thought i clicke the other one lol. I didnt mean to sound mad. No harm no foul lol
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: pogohatesme on February 07, 2006, 04:50:14 PM
Quote from: TommySack on February 06, 2006, 10:26:45 PM
Well,at least a couple of people agree with me now,lol.And sorry if I over-reacted Johnathon.When I saw what you wrote and the angry emoticon it kinda seemed like you were pissed at me personally just for having a different opinion then you.So...no blood,no foul dude.  ;D O0

Lol that's the problem with the internet...you can't excatly rely on your message and emoticons to show your true feelings lol
Title: Re: Pogo should make game award badges easier to get!
Post by: Jonathan on February 07, 2006, 05:51:48 PM
yeah that is a problem, I tend to sound kinda smart aleky and dont mean to half of the time, because of the way some things get worded