PogoCheats Forum

Pogo Cheats => Club Pogo => Topic started by: Spooks on February 10, 2006, 01:24:31 AM

Title: Idle Players
Post by: Spooks on February 10, 2006, 01:24:31 AM
I know there is another post on here somewhere about players just sitting in rooms taking up space that other players who really want to play could use. Anyways, I have an idea about that... I think that Pogo should implement a rule that if a player is idle in a game for 10 mins, they should get booted out of the room. I've been playing Phlinx for an hour or so now and there are 2 players in there whoes scores have not moved a single token... Am I just going overboard with this or do others think the same?? It just seems unfair to the people that really want to play and there is no room for them in a game room because of idle players.... That's my thoughts.
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: RC on February 10, 2006, 02:04:16 AM
I'm not sure about the regular game rooms, but the games that have a lobby and you have to choose a table to sit at, those games do have some sort of thing where if you aren't playing and are just sitting idly, they will boot you off the table to free it up.. not sure how much time has to go by for it to happen, but it will eventually happen. The other games I'm not sure if it happens or not.. but there's usually enough rooms that aren't full that someone could find a place to go and play in if need be.. I doubt those games have every single room full at any given time where you would need to boot players out just to let other players in.
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: heavenly on February 10, 2006, 02:50:21 AM
i  play at work, and often i have to do something else for a few minutes or even more, and i would get annoyed pretty fast if i got booted from a room after 10 minutes. for some people, loading a room might take just a few seconds, but for people on dialup or with slow computers i'm sure loading a room can take much longer, which is probably a reason why some people idle in rooms for a long time.

personally, i don't think i have ever had a single case of not being able to get into a game. if you have to play in a specific room, you can always use the backdoors. i guess it's a little different for games with tables, but still it's pretty rare i think to just not be able to get in at all.
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: froggielover on February 10, 2006, 03:21:28 AM
honestly.  do u have nothing better to do than go through everyone's token count and monitor who's getting tokens and who isn't? 

i've had to leave my computer quickly and forget about my game that is up.  i've been idle for hours one day while i had to take my son to the hospital.   and to know there is someone like you monitoring token counts..... seems kinda "baby-ish"

just play the game and stop your bellyache'n.....
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: bubblegum on February 10, 2006, 03:41:04 AM
you mean to tell me you have nothing better to do than sit there and watch everyone's token count?  You need a life dude. 

I play at work myself and sometimes have to walk away for 10-15 minutes, sometimes longer.  Also I play at home.  I also do laundry, dishes, and other housework as well.  That sometimes causes me to be away from the puter for 10-15 minutes, sometimes longer as well.  I would get SO annoyed if I got booted every 10 minutes.  Now if I KNOW ahead of time how long I'm going to be away then yes I close out my game but sometimes I don't.
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: pogohatesme on February 10, 2006, 03:58:40 AM
The only time I have a problem with it is in Lottso.....You'll go into a room that you think is full and find out that half the room is just "parked" there.
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: barbn0lastname on February 10, 2006, 03:58:57 AM
I have never ever seen every single room of any given game full.  Not even on badge day.  If your favorite room is full, go to another one.  So what if people leave their name in a room while they go out to do errands or do housework or whatever it is they want to do, they are not taking away from your tokens or hindering your game so why would you even care??
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: bubblegum on February 10, 2006, 04:01:13 AM
Yes I do feel the same way about lottso.  Since the game moves so quickly and if your not in a competive room, your playing or not playing hinders the rest of the room scores on the team cards.  If I'm playing lottso (and not useing an auto and the time) and I have to step away from the puter, I just close the game out.  With the other games I don't do that.
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: LastCall on February 10, 2006, 04:39:10 AM
   I bought Pogo to enjoy it I could care less about what any one does or how many tokens they have
       just play your game Sometimes they stop get a drink or what ever and most of them are chatting and having fun  That is what this is all about FUN not watching othe people. Enjoy your game
   Plus if you are watching others in a room isant your game stopped :-\ I THINK SO
        Let the games begin  ;D
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: nanners on February 10, 2006, 04:49:54 AM
Ditto Ditto Ditto! Play your game.. to heck with who has how many tokens and when they get them..I just click away. Sometimes I chat sometimes I just read. lol..  ;)
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: harley89 on February 10, 2006, 04:58:15 AM
I have found alot of people idling in Poppa Zoppa.
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: bubblegum on February 10, 2006, 05:02:01 AM
yes in games like poppa zoppa and lottso do annoy me when they are just parked there, but the way I see to heck with em-more tokens for my mini's shopping addiction... >:D
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Spooks on February 10, 2006, 05:42:01 AM
Quote from: bubblegum on February 10, 2006, 03:41:04 AM
  You need a life dude. 

I'm a night shift worker, we don't have time to get a life.

I don't care about how many tokens they have. Its the fact that they sit there while other people are trying to get into the rooms and there is no room for them. All I asked was what people thought about a time limit on ilde players, not to be bitched at by people in here who you thought wouldn't be so rude about it.
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: RowdyOne on February 10, 2006, 06:18:21 AM
if i'm not mistaken about this, you asked what EVERYBODY thought about this type of situation in pogo and you got a few OPINIONS  of what the fine people here thought. Everyone has and is entitled to their own OPINIONS about things wether they agree or disagree with your question. Just accept the fact's and move on.
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Torn2pieces on February 10, 2006, 06:24:56 AM
I don't even pay attention. I go, play my game and leave. Also, sometimes, someones name gets stuck in a room, when infact, they're not even there. Happened to me several times.

Just enjoy the games......
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Spooks on February 10, 2006, 06:30:18 AM
Yes, I did ask what people thought about it. But I did not asked to be called babyish or to be told that I need to get a life.
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: kazandchip on February 10, 2006, 06:31:53 AM
quoting George Sanders
"Dear World, I am leaving because I am bored. I feel I have lived long enough. I am leaving you with your worries in this sweet cesspool. Good luck."
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: nanners on February 10, 2006, 06:37:48 AM
Spooks!? Yes I personally think you went overboard on this one.. Why do you care how many and when the others get tokens??.. It doesn't effect your game or tokens.. I gave my 2 cents earlier..now this makes 4. Just enjoy the games YOU play and the tokens YOU get.
ok i'm done lol promise!
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: LastCall on February 10, 2006, 06:42:22 AM
   It is okay to ask questions but to say you are`watching other players
         hmmmmmm that is weird to me But now you know how people feel so just move on and enjoy your games count your credits not the people ok? O0
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Mary on February 10, 2006, 07:37:27 AM
i know what spook is talking about and i know several people who park in rooms and go to bed lol even large rooms . but i look at it this way as long as i can get in a room that is a favorite and play my game i don`t care what there doin.. but the smaller rooms like lotso is a pain they do that there also but sometimes you go into a full room and they get booted.. so as the sayin goes to each there own i have tokies to get my mini is exspensive and badges are waitin enjoy pogo let the games begin  :)
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: bubblegum on February 10, 2006, 07:47:22 AM
Yes just parking in the room like you said mamma is annoying, however I feel it is a waste of time to go poking around and rideing someone about how many tokens they have or do no have.  I myself chose not to say anything as I will prob get myself reported or at very least get told off by the very people in the room.  Now THERE has to have been a time for any of us that we were playing a game, got a phone call (or unexpected vistor) or the laundry took longer than we thought to put away and somewhere along the line forgot we were sitting in pogo.  It would be very annoying to be booted after 10 minutes or so of non play all the time.  Sometimes I click on the room I want to go in and walk away for 5-10 minutes while it loads and would be very mad if I got in only to be booted before I came back 5 minutes later.

Now as for watching the token amounts....come on, do you really have nothing else better to do?  If your so busy watching everyone else's token amount to see if they are parked in the room or not prob means your not playing.  I really don't care what other people or doing and the only time I talk to anybody in pogo is if they on my friends list.  I pay no attention whatsover.
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Mary on February 10, 2006, 07:58:34 AM
me either bubble to busy watchin my own .. as for people with tokies the only time i look at someones profile is when i get nosey lol because they have like 75 mill seen alot of high amounts lately 50 and up i guess i look every once in a while to see there profile cuz i wish i had 75 mill tokies so i could buy my mini every thing  :'( better yet no i don`t cuz then everyone would be in my profile  :o so no i don`t care about others people stuff and if they want to keep there names in a room for days i`ve seen that also good for them. every one has there own way of playin pogo and some are afraid to leave a room so like i said to each there own . if i spent my time lookin at every ones stuff in a room my mini would be naked lmao so stop watchin and just play  ;D
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: TmT on February 10, 2006, 08:04:27 AM
In The Average Pogo Game Rooms there are 60 players at a max allowed in a room and on a good day--- mo'--- if ppl use backdoor. 

Wonder how far my progress would be to earn the next rank/badge if I could devote my time, energy,love/hatred for the game I'm playin with w/o being disturbed by... phone, door, children, or bathroom break..... oh and all the normal things we do daily...includin work/eatin...etc... Don't see if all that was eliminated... I would sit and WATCH 59 other players... or 79 other players...--- (Seein) what they are doin----... scrollin up and down repeatedly...tryin to see if someone else has earn 1 brown token....


Thats why I put up curtains and mini blinds.... and some of us have privacy fences...BECAUSE THERE IS ALWAYZ ONE NEIGHBOR thats so (**bleep**... censorin myself) cant mind their own business....

Guest thats life... even the government wont give u privacy... ........why would a fellow-pogo-player???

There are too many pogo rooms to worry about one if that is the prob... and with back doors and other opts... u can alwayz get in a room if u know how...

I have my fav rooms as shortcuts on my desktop.

But there is simply no excuse to worry about what another player is doin...we have enuf prob with snitches doin that!!
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: bubblegum on February 10, 2006, 08:08:13 AM
oh yes snitches.....the biggest reason to mind your own dang business in the first place.  And mama, like you if I was so worried about what everyone else was doing my mini would be wet, hungry and nekkie.  I'd be throw in pogo jail for mini abuse!!! LOL
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: LastCall on February 10, 2006, 08:12:25 AM
I will tell you now
since there are so many snoopy people I will have my pants on at all times not just my bathing suit ;)
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: nanners on February 10, 2006, 08:16:04 AM
Ok so i'm NOT done lol.. I see Spooks looking for a hole to crawl in after posting that message? ROFL! :o
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: IndianLover on February 10, 2006, 08:37:06 AM
Ok I knew i was gonna have to put my two cents in geez.... go figure.  As far as people idling i could give a hoot.. Like i posted in the other one I myself stay at an idle not playing to tend to kids or something i need to do.  But come on we are in a cheat site why in tarnation would you say you watch peoples accounts, that is the one thing we don't like to hear lmao... Especially the people that use autos.  I myself use autos on occassion. I am not nosy about what anyone else is doing, and appreciate that other people do the same. Just let me be and enjoy playing pogo..  Regardless what I might be doing or not doing.

Just like other people said there is never every room full in every game at all times. If you can't use your favorite room try a back door.

Oh yes, and how about the autos that people run over night.. and then the auto faces a glitch and stops working why the person is asleep, Do you also get upset with them "now that their name is just sitting there"?
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: LastCall on February 10, 2006, 08:41:05 AM
All I know they must look like this all night > :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o    <the snoops
          sheesh Play your game AND MYOB
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: a-dhold on February 10, 2006, 08:51:59 AM
maybe those players are idle because they are too busy watching the token count.
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: foxx on February 10, 2006, 09:04:27 AM
Quote from: Spooks on February 10, 2006, 06:30:18 AM
Yes, I did ask what people thought about it. But I did not asked to be called babyish or to be told that I need to get a life.

I think you just hit a nerve with us cheaters, Spooks.  One of the things that annoys a cheater most is someone "watching" us to check on our rank progress, token count, etc.  We tend to get a little riled up when that goes on.  So the response you got was mostly indicative of what we cheaters say to the people in Pogo who question stats, tokens, etc.  "Get a frickin Life" is a response that I use often, in fact.  You did in fact ask for our "opinion"....and sometimes opinions aren't nice.  So, sorry you were offended, and I hope that it doesn't turn you off to the forum in general, because we are mostly helpful, sympathetic people. 

So here's the helpful part: www.sneekin.com is a marvelous way to get into your favorite rooms when they are full.   O0
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Mary on February 10, 2006, 09:06:24 AM
well said foxx  O0
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: foxx on February 10, 2006, 09:08:20 AM
Thanks mama!  :)
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Mary on February 10, 2006, 09:12:16 AM
yqw foxx  :)
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: mailwench on February 10, 2006, 09:18:07 AM
Quote from: foxx on February 10, 2006, 09:04:27 AM
Quote from: Spooks on February 10, 2006, 06:30:18 AM
Yes, I did ask what people thought about it. But I did not asked to be called babyish or to be told that I need to get a life.

I think you just hit a nerve with us cheaters, Spooks.  One of the things that annoys a cheater most is someone "watching" us to check on our rank progress, token count, etc.  We tend to get a little riled up when that goes on.  So the response you got was mostly indicative of what we cheaters say to the people in Pogo who question stats, tokens, etc.  "Get a frickin Life" is a response that I use often, in fact.  You did in fact ask for our "opinion"....and sometimes opinions aren't nice.  So, sorry you were offended, and I hope that it doesn't turn you off to the forum in general, because we are mostly helpful, sympathetic people. 

So here's the helpful part: www.sneekin.com is a marvelous way to get into your favorite rooms when they are full.   O0

Oh my spook.......what a question for a cheat site!  Well in my opinion....and I tell people in rooms this also, how about minding your own business and worry about what you are doing and not what I am doing!!!  Did you actually expect to get favorable opinions on this subject??  Just wondering ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Tiffany-Pamela on February 10, 2006, 09:24:51 AM
Quote from: mailwench on February 10, 2006, 09:18:07 AM
Quote from: foxx on February 10, 2006, 09:04:27 AM
Quote from: Spooks on February 10, 2006, 06:30:18 AM
Yes, I did ask what people thought about it. But I did not asked to be called babyish or to be told that I need to get a life.

I think you just hit a nerve with us cheaters, Spooks.  One of the things that annoys a cheater most is someone "watching" us to check on our rank progress, token count, etc.  We tend to get a little riled up when that goes on.  So the response you got was mostly indicative of what we cheaters say to the people in Pogo who question stats, tokens, etc.  "Get a frickin Life" is a response that I use often, in fact.  You did in fact ask for our "opinion"....and sometimes opinions aren't nice.  So, sorry you were offended, and I hope that it doesn't turn you off to the forum in general, because we are mostly helpful, sympathetic people. 

So here's the helpful part: www.sneekin.com is a marvelous way to get into your favorite rooms when they are full.   O0

Oh my spook.......what a question for a cheat site!  Well in my opinion....and I tell people in rooms this also, how about minding your own business and worry about what you are doing and not what I am doing!!!  Did you actually expect to get favorable opinions on this subject??  Just wondering ::) ::) ::)
Mailwench O0 O0 O0 O0(https://img468.imageshack.us/img468/3778/abpenguin4pk.jpg) (https://imageshack.us)
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Bree on February 10, 2006, 09:52:18 AM
I just play the games and do not look at what others are doing.  I would hope that no one would sit there and watch my token count, but if they do I really do not care.  I run the auto when I go to sleep and it is giving me tokens so even if I am not there my token count goes up.  So I do not want them to take me out of a room after 10 minutes if my token count did not go up.

Sometimes I forget to log off in PogoCheats and I sit idle for hours before I realize that I did not log off.  I hope no one watches me while I sit idle in here.....lmbo.... :P

Just my opinion..... :)
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: SaintHiρρo on February 10, 2006, 10:35:06 AM
I agree with Spook to a certain level (read before yelling at me). There are times when I look to play certain games like Lottso or Poppa Zoppa and I see an almost full room. I think to myself: "Yes, a lot of players mean they will help with the team type part of the games". I enter a room and turns out only 4 people are playing, the rest are there either doing nothing or just talking to one another. This makes me mad because I now have to leave and find a room where people are actually playing the game. Once I find this, it's all good! Now, I do believe that for SOME games, there should be a time limit. Poppa Zoppa & Lottso are perfect examples. Zoppa has the team play and Lottso is limited to 20 players (unless you have the backdoor). While I don't have an idea of what the time limit should be (10 mins can go by in a heartbeat...), I do agree there should be one. For games that has big number of space available (110 players in Jungle Gin or something like that), they should keep the current time limit they have for TABLES and not the room.

Just my 2 cents, like everyone else!
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: bubblegum on February 10, 2006, 10:41:19 AM
ST. Hippo I do agree with you when it comes to lottso and poppa zoppa as they are team games and you need your fellow players to help you score higher.  On the other games like you said with gin for instance, keep it the way it is.  However I don't agree with watching the token count to see if they are camping out in the room or not-thats just being a bit anal.  As someone else posted we have enough stinches to worry about as it is.  I mind my own business and I like it that way just fine.
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: LastCall on February 10, 2006, 10:45:26 AM
They may have autos running Hippo
    you never know  ::)
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: SaintHiρρo on February 10, 2006, 11:02:48 AM
Quote from: LastCall on February 10, 2006, 10:45:26 AM
They may have autos running Hippo
    you never know  ::)

If they have autos running, then I'm happy they're there but if they're just doing nothing (and again, this is for team type games), then that's why I said there should be a time limit on the game being played. It's real simple (and I do this myself for a brief time period) to go into a room to chat with a Pogo friend you haven't seen for a while and not play a game. It's sitting there waiting for me to start but my only intention was to chat with my friend(s) in that room. Now, if it's already a full room and I'm just taking a space for someone else to get into that room, I think after a certain time period, if no moves have been made on the gameboard, then I should be kicked out of that room. I don't know exactly how Pogo would decide some type of criteria for determining how to kick people out but this is something I would do if I was Pogo (and this is purely my opinion) and the game was Dice Derby (since it will never get full outside of badge week):

Jungle Gin room limit: 120 (example, I don't know the real limit)
If the room is filled to 80% capacity: 96 people, then the time limit kicks into effect
If an attempt to play the game isn't made after 10 mins (and you're at a table): you get kicked out the TABLE
If an attempt to play the game isn't made after 20 mins (and you're just in the room): you get kicked out the ROOM

I know not everyone agrees with this (like if you're in a league and you have to wait for a player to finish before you play the winner) but something to solve this so you can open up your own table and play a game is to get a warning message (like Pogo gives out when they're about to shut down all games) @ 5 mins, 2 mins and 1 min points. Now, with something like Poppa Zoppa:

Poppa Zoppa room limit: 20 (again, I don't know the real limit)
If the room is filled to 50% capacity: 10 people, then the time limit kicks into effect
If an attempt to play the game isn't made after 2 mins: you get kicked out the ROOM

My reasons for shortening the number of players in the room and the time limit is strictly based on the game and the style of play. It's a timed game and the time limit is short. Also because it's a game where teamplay comes into effect and if half the players aren't playing, it's going to hurt those involved. It's all based on each case and it's something I was thinking about just to past the time while I was at work.

Again, my 2 cents (4 total now, lol)
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: nanners on February 10, 2006, 11:15:16 AM
Hey, SaintHippo?? If we keep adding our "4" cents worth we'll soon have enough to go out to dinner somewhere LOL..
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: ME4SPADES_ on February 10, 2006, 11:19:09 AM
hey i have my 2 cents in can i go lol
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: froggielover on February 10, 2006, 11:22:57 AM
yes what you are saying about poppa and lottso are true.. but ... checkin out to see who's token level is going up or staying the same is extremely nosey if not borderline psychotic O0
if it gets under their skin that badly.. wow.. hate to see how they handle a real problem.  

i have issues about stuff on pogo.. but i'm not going to go boo-hooing about it and get all bent out of shape about it.  there are other things in my life that need my energy and attention.  

play games, have a good time, get your tokies and badges and stuff the crap in the trash.  

just sayin what i'm thinkin.  

(i've been reading this forum for a while and i became a member to post ::))
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: nanners on February 10, 2006, 11:28:42 AM
You sure can come to Night.. the more the merrier.. :D
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: mailwench on February 10, 2006, 11:33:53 AM
Quote from: froggielover on February 10, 2006, 11:22:57 AM
yes what you are saying about poppa and lottso are true.. but ... checkin out to see who's token level is going up or staying the same is extremely nosey if not borderline psychotic O0
if it gets under their skin that badly.. wow.. hate to see how they handle a real problem.  

i have issues about stuff on pogo.. but i'm not going to go boo-hooing about it and get all bent out of shape about it.  there are other things in my life that need my energy and attention.  

play games, have a good time, get your tokies and badges and stuff the crap in the trash.  

just sayin what i'm thinkin.  

Welcome to the forum froggie!!!!   O0 O0 O0

(i've been reading this forum for a while and i became a member to post ::))
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: ME4SPADES_ on February 10, 2006, 11:36:44 AM
ok on my way ,,,,,wait a minute where am i going to lol ;D
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: bubblegum on February 10, 2006, 11:36:52 AM
since were all putting our 2 cents in, why don't I make us reservations at the space needle? cuz with everyone's 2 cents we can afford a decent lunch there... :)
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: ME4SPADES_ on February 10, 2006, 11:42:31 AM
ok im running know to join every1 lol
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: mailwench on February 10, 2006, 11:52:08 AM
Quote from: barbn0lastname on February 10, 2006, 11:50:35 AM
super hero outfits are out

Yes thank you barb but can we keep the thread to its original topic?
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: LastCall on February 10, 2006, 12:23:16 PM
I never watch to see how many or how long someone is in a game
   I just move on  and play other games and let people do what they want
         I say just move on  O0  there are plenty of rooms Don't you think ?
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: nanners on February 10, 2006, 12:31:51 PM
YESSS! space needle it is!!
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: foxx on February 10, 2006, 12:34:06 PM
Quote from: mailwench on February 10, 2006, 11:52:08 AM
Quote from: barbn0lastname on February 10, 2006, 11:50:35 AM
super hero outfits are out

Yes thank you barb but can we keep the thread to its original topic?

lol mailwench...that was very polite!   ;)
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: lioness on February 10, 2006, 12:38:26 PM
Hi All,
I would like to respond to idle players. I find that in one canasta room that I enjoy playing in has several idle players in it in the evenings. A lot of times I can not even get in the back door. Please do not say go to another room because the rating I have is 99% being played with people with my rating.It is the only room I like to play in. Some people definetly go to room earlier in the day and just sit there for HOURS till they want to play. When I do sometimes get in back door they are still just sitting there. Please do not start chewing at me over this. I think everyone has a right to a opinion. Enjoy all  :)
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: LastCall on February 10, 2006, 12:41:43 PM
I am to full to chew you lol  ::)
  We just cannot tell people what to do
      And that is it No one will listen any way As you know bye :-\
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: nanners on February 10, 2006, 01:16:19 PM
Hey wait! I can't go to the space needle.. to many miles away from me lol
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: EeyoreCouldBMyTwin on February 10, 2006, 01:30:18 PM
Whenever I find a room like Poppa or Lottso and it's Team, if there are alot of folks just parked, I simply find a new game room. I couldn't care less if people park their names, there are tons of game rooms out there for each room. I don't watch people's token counts either, I go to play games not watch and tattle.
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: LastCall on February 10, 2006, 01:44:52 PM
that is how it should be  O0
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Lish on February 10, 2006, 02:59:31 PM
I agree with popular opinion this time- who cares who's playing and who's not?
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: barbn0lastname on February 10, 2006, 03:03:34 PM
Quote from: mailwench on February 10, 2006, 11:52:08 AM
Quote from: barbn0lastname on February 10, 2006, 11:50:35 AM
super hero outfits are out

Yes thank you barb but can we keep the thread to its original topic?

its gone, happy now?
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: SexySagittarian on February 10, 2006, 03:57:32 PM
Wow Spooks, you really seem to have brought out the worst in the majority of the repliers on this thread. I'm sure that you thought your inquiry about appropriate or inappropriate pogo etiquette would be met with many diverse opinions from the members of this forum but were as shocked as I am at the name calling and condescension that was a part of most of the replies. If these people spoke to their bosses, significant others, etc., the way they spoke to you I'm sure they would have been told not to let the door knob hit them where the good Lord split them. I am all for healthy debate on just about any subject but abuse in any form is definitely unacceptable. I am embarrassed to be a member of this forum today. I hope you will accept my apology for the way you have been spoken to. I hope also that some of the other members will sit back and think about their answers to you and decide that it is never acceptable to speak to another member of this forum so harshly. :o :o
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Homer on February 10, 2006, 03:58:29 PM
Gee and I thought this was a thread about American Idle.  :P
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: SexySagittarian on February 10, 2006, 04:01:26 PM
 ;D you always know just what to say Homer!
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Homer on February 10, 2006, 04:03:33 PM
If we can't laugh at ourselves who can you laugh at. :P

I'm full of silly comments. I've stuck my foot in my own mouth many times. ;)
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Brandon493 on February 10, 2006, 04:04:01 PM
 O0 lol Homer :D
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: missminimouse on February 10, 2006, 04:51:56 PM
I have a friend who not only is on dial up,   but she shares her dial up connection with her hubbies puter........2 puters running off 26K modem,   lemme tell ya how slow that loads.   She is the type that will play 1 game and 1 game only untill it is finished (no hope of auto's for her,  takes up too much of her system resources,  freezes her whole comp).   She will park herself in a room before taking a nap,   making lunch,   whatever she's doing.    She will leave it for hours to do whatever she's doing,   then when she returns it's fully loaded and she can play as much as she likes.   She'll usually stay there without leaving untill she has to reboot her computer.   
So no,  I don't think there should be a boot timer.    I've never once seen every single room full,   and there's  many backdoor sites for pogo to allow you to get into any room if that room is full.   Try not to judge idle players till you walk a mile in their shoes......you have no clue why they are idle.
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Homer on February 10, 2006, 04:57:39 PM
I think pogo has it right. The table games boot you after a certain period of time which I don't see being a problem. I know people get upset when they can't get in their favorite room but is it really the end of the world? There are more important things in life to be upset about. If you can't get in your favorite room try using a backdoor. If that doesn't work send your friend a message and move to another room or something. ;)
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: nightperson on February 10, 2006, 04:59:51 PM
i have to homer but know my feet are cold and dont want to do that lol
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Homer on February 10, 2006, 05:09:41 PM
Quote from: nightperson on February 10, 2006, 04:59:51 PM
i have to homer but know my feet are cold and dont want to do that lol

I'm confused. :-\
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: froggielover on February 10, 2006, 05:18:30 PM
some people tell it like it is.. some dont like that.   an opinion is an opinion. 

i sat back.. looked at my replies.. and i still agree with what i said. 

i think i pretty much said what i felt about someone keepin tabs on other people's token counts.. that's pretty much what set people off.

dont like it... oh well.   that's my story and i'm stickin to it!   O0   ;D

i didn't mean to be rude.. and for that i appologize..  :-\
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: TmT on February 10, 2006, 07:43:57 PM
Quote from: Homer on February 10, 2006, 03:58:29 PM
Gee and I thought this was a thread about American Idle.  :P

ROFL...Even American Idols Cheat On Pogo........

If I wasnt such a cheater this thread wouldnt have provoked me to comment...but...Im a paranoid-cheater!!! Dat Hafta Get My Tokies....
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Ethan_Hawley on February 10, 2006, 11:17:44 PM
I guess I just don't really see what the problem is....

Who cares what room you're in...why a favorite room?  Just play the game..

Glad that opinions of all sorts can be expressed here...hope nobody stays bent out of shape.  We all still like POGO right?!?! 
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Homer on February 10, 2006, 11:20:23 PM
Quote from: Ethan_Hawley on February 10, 2006, 11:17:44 PM
I guess I just don't really see what the problem is....

Who cares what room you're in...why a favorite room?  Just play the game..

Glad that opinions of all sorts can be expressed here...hope nobody stays bent out of shape.  We all still like POGO right?!?! 

Whether or not we still like pogo will be based on the results of the latest story that they are taking badges away from members.
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Bree on February 10, 2006, 11:22:31 PM
Yep....If Pogo starts taking badges we will not like pogo anymore.  ::)
Title: Re: Idle Players
Post by: Ethan_Hawley on February 10, 2006, 11:23:03 PM
Quote from: Homer on February 10, 2006, 11:20:23 PM
Quote from: Ethan_Hawley on February 10, 2006, 11:17:44 PM
I guess I just don't really see what the problem is....

Who cares what room you're in...why a favorite room?  Just play the game..

Glad that opinions of all sorts can be expressed here...hope nobody stays bent out of shape.  We all still like POGO right?!?! 

Whether or not we still like pogo will be based on the results of the latest story that they are taking badges away from members.

Good point Homer, guess I would be pretty upset too if that happened to me.  Sorry for not "staying on point" as Karl Rove might say.