I read that some have had a badge taken away about a wonderland glitch or something...
Has anyone lost ALL of their badges?
It has happened to more than one, I wondered how many more this has happened to?
Was it one badge or all badges? I haven't heard about anyone losing badges.
I have not lost my Wonderland badge it is still in my badge album as are all the rest of the badges I have won. :)
they just lost their wonderland memories badges because of the "glitch" no other badges, i know someone it happened to.
This is ALL badges, ALL ranks, everything.
And it really happened, its not something made up.
I have a couple of questions. Was this person reported? Did they win a jackpot and try to get the money?
Quote from: WillMoon on February 10, 2006, 10:10:15 PM
This is ALL badges, ALL ranks, everything.
And it really happened, its not something made up.
I did not want you to think I thought you made it up and I am sure some people have lost everything like you said they did. All I was saying is that all my badges and my Wonderland badge is still in my badge album. Sorry if you took it wrong!!
Here is the complete help response and complaint that generated it... Pogo is now taking away ALL badges now for those who are found to be using autos and glitches. I included the full text of the support response, the last paragraph is what is relevant... We all know the TOS.
ive lost all my badges in all games and i dont know why can you help me pleas...
Discussion Thread
Customer 02/09/2006 03:11 PM
yes i noticed yesterday that all badges and ranks are
gone on my name .. i got a response back saying i was
tossed for a program ... i am telling you that i do
not have nor have i ever cheated on pogo ... i like
to play the games my self .. and work on my badges ..
i have never had any problem with pogo in the past ..
but im telling you i did not do this ... why would i
pay for a site then use a program to play it for me ?
would defeat the purpose dont you think ? well i
would like my account back in good standing with pogo
... rank and badges back as they were please ... i
have a new pc .. hardly nothing on it .. and i do not
have no such programs .. never will ... i have had aol
for almost 9 years with the same screen name .. i
dont cause trouble ! but i can not pay the 23rd of
this month for pogo and exspect to have to start
over for something you say i have done ! to bad you
cant run a program .. that would detect such programs
.. for you would see i do not nor ever had such a
thing on my pc ! i dont give out my password either
... so i dont understand this at all ? but im very
upset about this .. i have been a pogo player for
years ... never had no such problems in the past ...
is there a way for ea to check ? this has to be a
mistake !!!! i will be waiting for a responce ..
but if not i will be forced to cancel my account ..
but i think this is so unfair .. for i have done
nothing wrong .. nothing against tos ! it took my months and months to finish the garden game ... and world class sol ... i had just reached rank 50 in pinochle .. for i play them no program ... i am very upset ... and i feel that i can not prove myself .. but yet this is so unfair ! is there anything i can do ? i feel like i have been the one cheated ! anything you can do would be great . ty
Customer 02/09/2006 01:35 PM
i have never EVER ran anything .. or a program ... i have never did anything against tos ... there for i do not know what u are talking abbout ... ?????? i do not own such a program ... never have never will ... i have never been warned by pogo ... i have did nothing to cause this ... if pogo does not reinstate my rankings and badges there fore i will have to cancel my account ! this is so unfair .. for i have not did such a thing ! is there anything i can do ?
Response (Pogo Patrick) 02/09/2006 12:29 PM
Hi there,
Thanks for contacting us about this.
In case you did not receive it, I am going to begin by re-sending you a message we recently sent to the email address registered on your account.
Pogo Patrick
Customer Service Representative
Club Pogo
Need help with Club Pogo? Click the 'help' button on any Club Pogo page
Copy of the original email sent to you:
It has come to our attention that your account has been found to be in violation of the EA Terms of Service by using prohibited methods to advance your progress. The Terms of Service to which you agreed when you created your account states:
“You will violate the Terms of Service if you (or others using your Account) do any of the following:
o Use or distribute “auto†software programs, “macro†software programs or other “cheat utility†software program or applications.
o You may not modify any part of the Service or any Service Web Site that EA does not specifically authorize you to modify.
o You will not attempt to interfere with, hack into or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running the Service.
o You will not exploit any bug in the Service or in any EA product to gain unfair advantage in the game and you will not communicate the existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public posting) to any other user of the Service.â€
As a result of this violation and to highlight the seriousness of the offense, we have removed all badges from the accounts found to be violating the Terms of Service in this manner. All incidents of this nature go through an internal review before any action is taken against an account; therefore, there is no appeal for this action.
Ordinarily, this would result in immediate account closure. However, we are, at this time, allowing you to keep your account active. Please be aware that any further Terms of Service violations *will* result in a permanent account closure, regardless of their severity. In addition, because of the nature of this Terms of Service violation, you are no longer eligible to claim any cash or merchandise prizes available at Pogo.com. The following information is from the Pogo Prize Eligibility rules, which you can review at http://www.pogoprizerules.com.
woah...wonder what this means for the rest of us cheats?!?!?! :-X
When you first posted your original message I was guessing it had to do with hacking. If pogo is going to start yanking badges for auto use they will suffer more than they could ever imagine. Hacking is a different story though.
To ban people just for auto use will cost pogo millions of dollars in future revenue. It should be interesting to see how this plays out.
I know this woman well, she did not hack anything...
She would not know how.
This is very weird, Im not sure what to make of this.
is this to do with autos how do they know u are using them etc and what will happen to us all i got most of my badges b4 i got the autos i dont want to lose everything
Quote from: Homer on February 10, 2006, 10:58:48 PM
When you first posted your original message I was guessing it had to do with hacking. If pogo is going to start yanking badges for auto use they will suffer more than they could ever imagine. Hacking is a different story though.
To ban people just for auto use will cost pogo millions of dollars in future revenue. It should be interesting to see how this plays out.
I agree with Homer if the ban all the people who use autos they will lose millions of dollars and I do not think Pogo would want to lose that amount of money. Also Pogo will lose more than half or more of there paying customers and I doubt they would want to lose that many people.
Quote from: WillMoon on February 10, 2006, 11:01:00 PM
I know this woman well, she did not hack anything...
She would not know how.
This is very weird, Im not sure what to make of this.
I'm not saying she did. It was my first reaction as to what might be happening. I've been waiting to see if pogo was going to do something about the java hacking. Like I said if they yank badges just for using autos they may as well shut their site down because they will lose in the long run. People simply won't renew their club memberships. They will have essentially cut off their nose to spite their face.
I didnt take it wrong :) No apology needed :)
If someone had told me what I said, I would have considered the same thing....
In fact, I did until I saw it in writing. Its like urban legend syndrome sometimes,
sometimes people exaggerate.. Especially about an evil corporation like Pogo ;D
I reposted all of the text of the support response in a new thread.
Thanks for your input, everyone :)
Very well said Homer!!! :D
Quote from: Homer on February 10, 2006, 11:05:29 PM
Quote from: WillMoon on February 10, 2006, 11:01:00 PM
I know this woman well, she did not hack anything...
She would not know how.
This is very weird, Im not sure what to make of this.
I'm not saying she did. It was my first reaction as to what might be happening. I've been waiting to see if pogo was going to do something about the java hacking. Like I said if they yank badges just for using autos they may as well shut their site down because they will lose in the long run. People simply won't renew their club memberships. They will have essentially cut off their nose to spite their face.
I know you werent saying she did... you were thinking what I did too... That some aggregious violation occurred for such drastic consequences. She played religiously, and NEVER missed a badge... This was quite devestating. Im really shocked about this.
how can they prove people are using autos anyhow and how can they do this especially when she doesnt use autos
It should be interesting. So far I'm not seeing any reaction or comments in any of the pogo rooms I've just been in. Rather quiet in fact. Unless of course I'm in the wrong room. :o
Quote from: Homer on February 10, 2006, 11:05:29 PM
I've been waiting to see if pogo was going to do something about the java hacking. Like I said if they yank badges just for using autos they may as well shut their site down because they will lose in the long run. People simply won't renew their club memberships. They will have essentially cut off their nose to spite their face.
It appears that Pogo is willing to lose a lot of money over this...
Quote from: apple on February 10, 2006, 11:10:56 PM
how can they prove people are using autos anyhow and how can they do this especially when she doesnt use autos
Auto use is very easy to prove. They have logs that indicate every move you make. Most of us who use autos understand it is against the TOS and we also realize we'll never collect any prize from pogo.
It should be interesting to see if caroline has any insight into this matter.
i didnt know it was that easy to detect hell also how ?
i dont think its fair about that woman though if she didnt use autos
they will lose a hell of a lot of money now 9/10 ppl on pogo use autos
This has been going on for a few days now.No one is talking about it in any of the rooms I have been in and i do a lot of room hopping(bingo) as well as other games. It has been stated that someone hacked into 1 of pogo's email addy's server and sent these bogus emails out saying something similer to this but none of their badges have been taken as of yet(the ppl that got the bogus emails).Altho there have been ppl that have had ALL their badges taken away...from what I understand it is because they have used a cheat engine.Best thing I can tell ANYONE is that if you use cheats to do it wisely.....do not get all the ranks and badges in 1 day....spread them out.There have been some glitches that ppl have taken advantage of in the past(most recent was Wonderland Memories).Pogo took away some ppls badges and some they didn't.I guess this time they are going full force. All I can tell you is to sit quiet and don't discuss it in any of the rooms.So sorry to all the ppl that have lost their badges.
Quote from: apple on February 10, 2006, 11:21:11 PM
i didnt know it was that easy to detect hell also how ?
i dont think its fair about that woman though if she didnt use autos
they will lose a hell of a lot of money now 9/10 ppl on pogo use autos
The number of people who use autos is not certain... The financial impact of consequences dire for using them is not clear either. Pogo maintains a fear campaign of misinformation about them, they even went so far as to insinuate in the community news that auto use would somehow get your account hacked.
Where facts dont work, Pogo is happy to use inuendo and outright fallacious statements to scare people into not using them.
Whether or not this woman used an auto is not clear. Realistically, it would be understandable if someone in that position would consider denying it. She lost everything that she had worked a long time for.
What is clear is that she did not have thetechincal/knowlege capability to use a hack or a mod... So this leaves the conclusion that this happened due to the use of an auto as the only logical explanation.
Quote from: persistence on February 10, 2006, 11:23:06 PM
This has been going on for a few days now.No one is talking about it in any of the rooms I have been in and i do a lot of room hopping(bingo) as well as other games. It has been stated that someone hacked into 1 of pogo's email addy's server and sent these bogus emails out saying something similer to this but none of their badges have been taken as of yet(the ppl that got the bogus emails).Altho there have been ppl that have had ALL their badges taken away...from what I understand it is because they have used a cheat engine.
Im sorry, "it has been said that someone hacked one of pogos email servers?" Said by who? "from what you understand, they used a cheat engine"? That doesnt sound very factual...
Please come back and post with a copy of one of the faked emails, from an account that still has its badges despite this faked letter.
Quote from: persistence on February 10, 2006, 11:23:06 PM
Best thing I can tell ANYONE is that if you use cheats to do it wisely.....do not get all the ranks and badges in 1 day....spread them out.There have been some glitches that ppl have taken advantage of in the past(most recent was Wonderland Memories).Pogo took away some ppls badges and some they didn't.I guess this time they are going full force. All I can tell you is to sit quiet and don't discuss it in any of the rooms.So sorry to all the ppl that have lost their badges.
The posted facts (not speculation) would indicate that there is no wise way to use an auto... That the price of using one of them at all if you get caught has gone up. I hope that we hear more on this soon.
hell the last thing i want is to get caught hop e all is well scared now :'(
There's no point in losing sleep over it. We'll see what happens soon enough or maybe not. LOL
Before you start acussing someone that what they are saying is not true,maybe you need to check out some of the other forums on the web.I will not name NAMES just like you did not do about the person you were speaking of.
Here is a copy of the bogus email that some ppl are getting......
****Do not reply to this Email - Replies to this Email will not be
If you have questions about this message or why you received it, please
contact us via the "Ask a Question" tab at support.ea.com***
It has come to our attention that your account has been found to be in
violation of the EA Terms of Service by using prohibited methods to
advance your progress. The Terms of Service to which you agreed when
created your account states:
"You will violate the Terms of Service if you (or others using your
Account) do any of the following:
o Use or distribute "auto" software programs, "macro" software
programs or other "cheat utility" software program or applications.
o You may not modify any part of the Service or any Service Web
Site that EA does not specifically authorize you to modify.
o You will not attempt to interfere with, hack into or decipher
any transmissions to or from the servers running the Service.
o You will not exploit any bug in the Service or in any EA
to gain unfair advantage in the game and you will not communicate the
existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public
posting) to any other user of the Service."
As a result of this violation and to highlight the seriousness of the
offense, we have removed all badges from the accounts found to be
violating the Terms of Service in this manner. All incidents of this
nature go through an internal review before any action is taken against
an account; therefore, there is no appeal for this action.
Ordinarily, this would result in immediate account closure. However, we
are, at this time, allowing you to keep your account active. Please be
aware that any further Terms of Service violations *will* result in a
permanent account closure, regardless of their severity. In addition,
because of the nature of this Terms of Service violation, you are no
longer eligible to claim any cash or merchandise prizes available at
Pogo.com. The following information is from the Pogo Prize Eligibility
rules, which you can review at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
"The use of machines, computers, scripts or any automated system to
the Games is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal liability
under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, Section 1030 of the United
States Code. Users may only play the Games with one type, version or
copy of browsing software application at any one time. Pogo may
terminate and permanently disqualify any entrants who Pogo, in its sole
discretion, determines as being in violation of these Official Rules.
All decisions by Pogo are final."
"Pogo, America Online, Inc., their parent, subsidiaries, and affiliated
companies, agents, and representatives" are not responsible for errors,
omission, interruption, deletion, defect, or delay in operations or
transmission; theft or destruction or unauthorized access or
of entry materials, computer transmissions, or for technical telephone
equipment, electronic, hardware or software, network, Internet, or
computer malfunctions of any kind; or inaccurate transmission of, or
failure to receive entry information by Pogo on account of technical
problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any Web site or
combination thereof."
****Do not reply to this Email - Replies to this Email will not be
If you have questions about this message or why you received it, please
contact us via the "Ask a Question" tab at support.ea.com***
And as far as the CHEAT ENGINE,that is factual.There are more that just autos that you can cheat with,but I will refrain from saying what they are on this forum because that would not be nice to advertise for others.I'm sure that Homer and the rest of the moderators know what I am talking about.
Also YES there is a wise way to use an auto,I have already stated what it was.
Also you don't know me,why would you jump on me for me stating something that I do know about? I'm not going to get in a pissing match with you about this.I was telling what I knew in hopes that maybe some of the ppl that may have gotten the bogus email wouldn't worry so much.EXCUSE the heck out of me for trying to help.
I asked you to please show some evidence, which you did.
Thanks for posting that. :)
A wise way to use an auto is open to the interpretation of the person assessing risk/benefit of doing so.
I leave that to the individual, without predjudice or endorsement.
You are welcome......also I forgot to put the part in there that this bogus email was sent from "pogo/prizewinners" not from the place that you would normally get a pogo email.
Quote from: persistence on February 11, 2006, 12:23:27 AM
also I forgot to put the part in there that this bogus email was sent from "pogo/prizewinners" not from the place that you would normally get a pogo email.
That tells us a lot, seriously. It therefore seems logical that someone else had this happen, received this same email legitimately, and resent it to others as a joke.
Does that seem a reasonable thought to anyone else?
If it is a bogus email, why/how are the badges disappearing??
I am totally confused. Is this something the regular auto player needs to worry about?
Quote from: Jewel on February 11, 2006, 12:51:45 AM
If it is a bogus email, why/how are the badges disappearing??
I am totally confused. Is this something the regular auto player needs to worry about?
The first posted support response was legitimate. It was received by a person who did in fact have all their badges taken away by pogo.
They were not the only one to get the message from pogo, and have their badges taken away.
Here is the confusing part: It seems that one or more who have received this email and lost badges have recirculated it to others...
Hence some that received this message secondhand (as a joke perhaps) did not have their badges taken, but they were sure nervous, since some of them didnt know it wasnt really sent to them by pogo.
Here are the facts... Pogo has taken away all badges and ranks from some players, for TOS violations.
This is a new step by pogo, and a very drastic one. Many have invested a lot of work in their badges and ranks, to have them taken away.
This is something that EVERY pogo player should be aware of.
It makes no sense to "worry"... Pogo keeps logs that indicate TOS violations, past and present. Anyone who has violated the TOS for as long as pogo maintains our player records can fall victim to this new policy anytime pogo chooses to audit their account.
In that case, the dreaded email will come, along with the removal of all badges, ranks, and any earned game progress.
If Pogo wants to take our badges away, they can... and they have shown that they will.
Ever felt you are on Big Brother?
Sounds like the Pogo has gotten brave and testing the waters. If they take your bades and ranks does that clean the slate when you start over. Last week I was idly surfing and came across a forum on the program called Snaggit. From what I read it was developed to actively catch cheaters. But it didnt specify where the cheaters were and what they were doning. Ever heard of it Homer
Omg.....i will be very carfully in the future....... >:( >:(
i do not think pogo will take away everybodys badges they will loose millions of dollors in income
must have been from something else :o
:o :o
Someone lost their badge they got because of a glitch in Memorie?!? How did we miss the glitch lol :D Sorry to hear about your friend losing their badges......did they email customer service about it?
Quote from: orion42 on February 11, 2006, 04:20:28 AM
i do not think pogo will take away everybodys badges they will loose millions of dollors in income
must have been from something else :o
:o :o
Well I for one will not be playing in pogo if this happens to me....and I have 3 club pogo member names! >:( >:( >:( >:(
I dont understand and very
confused >:(
But why would POGO take away Badges????? :-\
I can only say if this is true Pogo would lose many players & lose lots of $$$$$$
But why is my question<<<
From what I heard, those who got the memory badges all in a day or 2, lost their badges. Most of those, who got those badges in that time frame, used a certain program.
How true it is, I don't know. This is what I heard and have read many times. I'm sorry for anyone who lost any badge!
what was the glitch? i never heard of one in any thread or posting.
i don't think it was a glitch it was a cough" kcah :-X
I do not believe this romor about loosing badges because this same romor came out about a year ago on another fourm and it was not true. I play pogo alot and I have yet to see or hear of someone saying anything about loseing all there badges enless I haven't heard about it because thay are no longer willing to play pogo after looseing them all. and just the other day it was talked about on another fourm and cut short because it was found that the person who started it was not telling the truth. it's just my opinion but if i am wrong then i won't renew my account if pogo takes my badges from me.
sorry i posted the above post in the wrong thread
from what i heard the person who lost their badges used a glitch to get all the badges in one day in a game and pogo punished them by taking them all away.they didnt use some magic tracking system either lol
Quote from: Thunder on February 11, 2006, 06:04:49 AM
sorry i posted the above post in the wrong thread
::) too confusing with 2 threads about the same thing going on
like i just said in the other thread...the one who lost all the badges got all the WM badges in one day thats how they got "caught"
Quote from: LastCall on February 11, 2006, 05:17:10 AM
I dont understand and very
confused >:(
But why would POGO take away Badges????? :-\
I can only say if this is true Pogo would lose many players & lose lots of $$$$$$
But why is my question<<<
If any of this scenario really did happen...they took the badges away because the person violated the Pogo TOS by either using an auto or exploting a problem in the game.
sssssshhhhhhhhhhh I still have mine ;D
I did not lose 1 :)
Quote from: LastCall on February 11, 2006, 06:36:05 AM
sssssshhhhhhhhhhh I still have mine ;D
I did not lose 1 :)
Like Hades said...if you have all your badges and got them using the auto and you've used it responibly and stretched it out over a few days then your likely to not have a problem. It's the idiots that turn the auto on and let it run for a few hours on high speed and get all the badges on the same day that ruin things. And then act stupid and try and figure out why they're in trouble.
Your so very right
I do agree with you
Thanks for getting back to me O0
very well put pogohatesme...people need to learn to space their badges out.i always stretch it out....rather wait then get caught :)
Some people
just cannot wait it is like they are going to miss a train or
something.. They should be smarter than to do that....
But then again I guess there not ::)
Quote from: LastCall on February 11, 2006, 06:44:42 AM
Some people
just cannot wait it is like they are going to miss a train or
something.. They should be smarter than to do that....
But then again I guess there not ::)
Hi...I just looked at the badges of a few people on my list that got all their wonderland badges within 2 days and they still have them! ;D
I think that this email very odd. they ussually would put your pogo name in the letter but notice its not there. i email looks ligit but the rest seems to be funny
Quote from: jamie9999 on February 11, 2006, 06:53:58 AM
I think that this email very odd. they ussually would put your pogo name in the letter but notice its not there. i email looks ligit but the rest seems to be funny
If very well could have been there but seeing as how your not supose to post screenames on here...I'm sure it's been removed for that reason
I did get that email and there was no screen name on it. it seemed fishy so i just deleted it. its been 3 days now and no badges have been deleted.
I never gotten an email about that everyone is saying, but I always go for badges make sure it not in one day I play other games, I will do one badge then move on work for another badge try get it the next day or week later. I hope this is not true.
OK, I was really nervous when I read this thread. Back in my not-so-smart cheating days (before I found this site and Badgehelp), I used the old Wordjong glitch and got all the rank badges in one day...and then i used the Spider Solitaire one and got all of those in two days. (Before you newbies start asking; neither glitch works anymore... ;) )
Anywho, I thought for sure all my badges would be gone when I went to pogo today...luckily, they are not. Whew....
Haven't got the email either, but I have pretty much blocked messages from everyone except pogo so, so far so good. 8)
My personal opinion is this is a bunch of BS designed to scare people who use autos.
None of this has been proven as fact to this point.
Quote from: Homer on February 11, 2006, 09:34:15 AM
My personal opinion is this is a bunch of BS designed to scare people who use autos.
None of this has been proven as fact to this point.
;D ;D I am thinking the same Homer.....brilliant minds do think alike! O0
I agree with Homer. I still have my spider badges from the glitch a couple months ago....also if they take away badges from everyone who used glitches/autos...wouldn't they consider the recent ride the tide glitch to? (Even though like the other glitches, it was their fault..) And they'd have to take away almost everyone's golf badge to becuase just about everyone I know whos gotten that badge has used the glitch in there and pogo still hasn't fixed it far as I know.
taking away a badge how low can you go is it worth it to Pogo
for 1 ugly badge I would not mind if it was a calender girl or something ::)
I think it may<<< be a rumor I have looked up many of my friends and they all have them
no badges missing A okay REM you are on the internet dont listen to anyone
only( Homer and Badgehelp)they would know the truth For all You know I can be President Bush
the reason a few people badges where taken away was due to hacking (not a topic discussed here)
most of these people who got banned or badges removed was due to getting all the badges in wonderland memories in 1 day
why people do that is beyond me!!!
i haven't hear anything about a blitz on auto users and i doubt there will ever be,so no need to panic
i dont use auto and never will,
but if i look at peoples badges i can tell who is using an auto and who is playing fairly
someone mentioned about 9/10 people use auto,i think that figure is way off,my opinion is about 3/10 people use auto and the rest dont
heres a few tips to auto users to keep safe
1)use autos sensibly-dont run autos for 24 hours,yr stats will give you away if you have played 100s of games on the go
2)dont get several rank badges on the same game on the same day,people looking at yr badges will work out out who's a cheat and they ain't all as nice as me
3)avoid empty rooms,try getting in a fairly full room and turn your chat off-this stops people private chatting you-i have seen from being in a room if some people question somebody and they dont get a reply they usually start openly question your account in the room and then a discussion goes on and some people who are snitch happy will report you
4)be careful and safe
5) Dont play jungle gin with me on auto- i will personally kick your butt lol
Thanks for the info caroline. I had a pretty good idea it was because of the hacking issue which of course we do not discuss here. ;)
thank you very much caroline for the info. :) i have seen many auto abusers goin and gettin all the wm in one day and those who have gotten all the pps in one weekend those are the ones making it hard on bh pogo goes in there and changes a color or just some little change to stop autos useres for a minute or so until bh fixes it ;D there are people who need the auto help for many reasons and use them responsabley then theres those who go nuts and get every badge in a day so those who do that knock it off and play right >:( now on another note pogo employees are placein badges in there profile that are all done in a day just waitin for some dummy to say how did you do that my auto took me all weekend lol so be carefull out there and play right and everyone will be ok.. and thanks again caroline O0
Hi Mama
About time you got up rise and shine lol
Yes people abuse badgehelp But there may be some kids that might have bought the
games and they just dont know any better I just feel they cannot find everyone now that I see here how many people respond to the threads seems like badgehelp has as many clients as POGO lol
I just dont think they will remove all peoples badges Pogo may be trying to put fear in the cheaters
that is what I think thanks for listening to me
Quote from: caroline196 on February 11, 2006, 10:08:54 AM
the reason a few people badges where taken away was due to hacking (not a topic discussed here)
most of these people who got banned or badges removed was due to getting all the badges in wonderland memories in 1 day
why people do that is beyond me!!!
i haven't hear anything about a blitz on auto users and i doubt there will ever be,so no need to panic
i dont use auto and never will,
but if i look at peoples badges i can tell who is using an auto and who is playing fairly
someone mentioned about 9/10 people use auto,i think that figure is way off,my opinion is about 3/10 people use auto and the rest dont
heres a few tips to auto users to keep safe
1)use autos sensibly-dont run autos for 24 hours,yr stats will give you away if you have played 100s of games on the go
2)dont get several rank badges on the same game on the same day,people looking at yr badges will work out out who's a cheat and they ain't all as nice as me
3)avoid empty rooms,try getting in a fairly full room and turn your chat off-this stops people private chatting you-i have seen from being in a room if some people question somebody and they dont get a reply they usually start openly question your account in the room and then a discussion goes on and some people who are snitch happy will report you
4)be careful and safe
5) Dont play jungle gin with me on auto- i will personally kick your butt lol
Do you know how crazy we'd go around here without you to give us all this insider info......lol I think you should be made some kinda honorary moderator for badgehelp or something lol.....you need a benefit package so you don't try to leave us lol
gm last i was here but been in that darn qq :( and pogo how true that is don`t want to lose caroline :)
I do not know Caroline being >>new here`But I will tell you
she is great aaand very helpful PS Caroline I will taake your challange on Jungle Gin ;) <<she is THANKS Caroline :-*
now we have slingdot ads on the page :P
whats a slingdot :o
I know what is a slingdot ? :(
Slingdot is a competing site to Pogo. :)
yes they want to give you stamps << that you cannot mail >:(
I want my badges.... POGO can use a challange although
Maybe they will leave there clients alone And let them keep there badges
Plus I want badgehelp who is my main concern ::) NOTslingdot
Quote from: foxx on February 11, 2006, 11:31:00 AM
Slingdot is a competing site to Pogo. :)
lol I don't even think they can compete with Pogo lol...more like a ripoff from pogo....by the way nice wheaties there lol
well i cant use the stamps for anything cant use the to mail letters are use the for stamp collection so i will stay with pogo ;)
Quote from: pogohatesme on February 11, 2006, 11:40:29 AM
Quote from: foxx on February 11, 2006, 11:31:00 AM
Slingdot is a competing site to Pogo. :)
lol I don't even think they can compete with Pogo lol...more like a ripoff from pogo....by the way nice wheaties there lol
Isn't the wheaties box neat? A little donut loving birdie made it...lol
:-[ lol ive just played on there and i aint going there again mind you i have earned 1040 dots i will stick with pogo and my autos >:D O0
:-[ Slingbot = Dingbot :-[
you know, pogo really needs to let some of the air out of their head before they lose lots of paying customers...its supposed to be FUN but it seems like every room i go into anymore its more about sexual talk or people fighting or complaining...auto users should be the least of their worries, there are people leaving simply because of the increasingly frequent server errors, the "h" word and assorted other reasons...getting rid of peoples badges for using an auto shouldnt be their top concern when there are people actually stalking and
"h"-ing thru pogo in one way or another...ive had ppl say downright disgusting and nasty and threatening things to me, and ive reported them to no avail....all i get is some cheesy email that says theyll check it out...so maybe pogo needs to try making their site a bit more user-friendly before they go after people who just sneak a little help for the badges...ok thats all i have to say lol
I dont see the kindness of leavin a person with an account after u swiped all their badges... Let'z jus say...if u swipe my badges... u can HAVE MY ACCOUNT!!... I dont see the use of stayin... I'm not a kid.. u dont punish me then see if I play again... scrap that idea.
Quote from: WillMoon on February 10, 2006, 09:42:30 PM
I read that some have had a badge taken away about a wonderland glitch or something...
Has anyone lost ALL of their badges?
It has happened to more than one, I wondered how many more this has happened to?
nope still have all my rank 1-25 badges for wm =/
Thanks caroline196 for info and tips :)
Quote from: Tokenstokenstokens on February 11, 2006, 02:43:31 PM
I dont see the kindness of leavin a person with an account after u swiped all their badges... Let'z jus say...if u swipe my badges... u can HAVE MY ACCOUNT!!... I dont see the use of stayin... I'm not a kid.. u dont punish me then see if I play again... scrap that idea.
I agree with you 1000%!!!!!!
Thank you caroline.................. O0 oh yes, will you marry me? >:D
Quote from: CrazyPogoChick on February 14, 2006, 03:07:29 PM
NO, not made up. I lost all 100+ badges and stats. I didn't hack anything. I did get the ride the tide foot badge.........I didn't get all my badges the same day either.
Well did you email them and ask them what happend? Are you sure your club membership didn't run out?
all my badges are there and I admit I have a rather shady badge history past...
Crazy, you are not alone. I know of alot of others who have lost every badge Some lost around 500 badges, including their mobile badges!
I have had a stalker for almost 2 years now--pogo wants my money and just tells me to ignore "the person", ok fine and all until they started calling me a cheat in rooms..............Ugh, this is my main cioncern with pogo at the moment, well, besides creating games when the old ones still stink :o :(
i lost over 515 badges and all i did was use auto i even lost my mobile badges :'( :'( :'( :'(
Quote from: BNS on February 14, 2006, 11:33:25 PM
i lost over 515 badges and all i did was use auto i even lost my mobile badges :'( :'( :'( :'(
Sorry to hear of you lose BHS!!! :(
so far i havent lost anything but i do play carefuly i dont leave auto on when im on bed in case pogo realsises that im not normally on at that time i take my time going uop the ranks etc so fingers crossed a lot of ppl rank up and finish whole game in one day thats just silly
so far all still there
>:( >:( There is a person on my friends list that had all her badges removed.......all pogo left was the pogo membership badge and they dated it 02-14-2006! :-\ :-\ :-\ >:( >:(
Just curious if anyone has heard of any other members that have lost their badges today (Feb. 15), or was this something that only happened yesterday. Mine are all still intact as are all of the people in my friends list. So sorry to hear about the people who did lose their badges though. Keeping my fingers crossed that it won't happen anymore to anyone else. Counting my blessings.
i was on another forum and alot of people lost there badges there. ya i was one of them that lost them i called pogo up and asked what is going on with people losing badges i have few club names and all badges are gone. pogo said they had no clue what was going on and i said well i know about 300 people that lost all there badge if that is the case why dont you just ban me and i hung up on them then i call my cc and told them that some game site put 34 on my credit card 3 times call pogo and they refunded my my money.
No one on my friends list has lost any badges. I know for a fact a few of them do use autos often. So what do these people that have lost their badges have in common?
Quote from: caroline196 on February 11, 2006, 10:08:54 AM
the reason a few people badges where taken away was due to hacking (not a topic discussed here)
most of these people who got banned or badges removed was due to getting all the badges in wonderland memories in 1 day
why people do that is beyond me!!!
i haven't hear anything about a blitz on auto users and i doubt there will ever be,so no need to panic
i dont use auto and never will,
but if i look at peoples badges i can tell who is using an auto and who is playing fairly
someone mentioned about 9/10 people use auto,i think that figure is way off,my opinion is about 3/10 people use auto and the rest dont
heres a few tips to auto users to keep safe
1)use autos sensibly-dont run autos for 24 hours,yr stats will give you away if you have played 100s of games on the go
2)dont get several rank badges on the same game on the same day,people looking at yr badges will work out out who's a cheat and they ain't all as nice as me
3)avoid empty rooms,try getting in a fairly full room and turn your chat off-this stops people private chatting you-i have seen from being in a room if some people question somebody and they dont get a reply they usually start openly question your account in the room and then a discussion goes on and some people who are snitch happy will report you
4)be careful and safe
5) Dont play jungle gin with me on auto- i will personally kick your butt lol
Coming from Caroline I believe what she's saying....the people that lost their badges know what they did
Quote from: Country Lady on February 15, 2006, 09:52:21 PM
No one on my friends list has lost any badges. I know for a fact a few of them do use autos often. So what do these people that have lost their badges have in common?
In the rooms, I have seen 2 people with over 100 million lose their badges and both only had the pogo badge listing February 14, 2006 as their membership date! I agree with Caroline...I'm almost positive its due to H***king :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
Quote from: mailwench on February 16, 2006, 04:07:13 AM
Quote from: Country Lady on February 15, 2006, 09:52:21 PM
No one on my friends list has lost any badges. I know for a fact a few of them do use autos often. So what do these people that have lost their badges have in common?
In the rooms, I have seen 2 people with over 100 million lose their badges and both only had the pogo badge listing February 14, 2006 as their membership date! I agree with Caroline...I'm almost positive its due to H***king :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
It was! They used other
"programs" to obtain all ranks in WM in 1 day.
These posts have been making me nervous! :-\ Been watching my badges closely. :o
So far so good. ;) I try to be very careful about my auto use. I never leave them running for extended periods without changing rooms etc. When I just saw the post about the 100 mil plus tokens it put me in mind of another player who I see a lot and is so blatantly obviously using autos everyone knows it and talks about it. Anyway, I looked up that player and I found that persons badges & 100 mil plus tokens are all intact! This makes me feel better. I think it points out what Caroline has said about the issue being the H word and not autos. O0
Quote from: Country Lady on February 15, 2006, 09:52:21 PM
No one on my friends list has lost any badges. I know for a fact a few of them do use autos often. So what do these people that have lost their badges have in common?
The only thing I noticed that they had in common was the fact that they lost all their badges except the pogo member badge dating 02-14-2006.........Adds new meaning to the St. Valentines Day Massacre..... >:( >:(
Quote from: mailwench on February 16, 2006, 06:33:18 AM
Quote from: Country Lady on February 15, 2006, 09:52:21 PM
No one on my friends list has lost any badges. I know for a fact a few of them do use autos often. So what do these people that have lost their badges have in common?
The only thing I noticed that they had in common was the fact that they lost all their badges except the pogo member badge dating 02-14-2006.........Adds new meaning to the St. Valentines Day Massacre..... >:( >:(
It most certainly does. ;D
Quote from: mailwench on February 16, 2006, 06:33:18 AM
Quote from: Country Lady on February 15, 2006, 09:52:21 PM
No one on my friends list has lost any badges. I know for a fact a few of them do use autos often. So what do these people that have lost their badges have in common?
The only thing I noticed that they had in common was the fact that they lost all their badges except the pogo member badge dating 02-14-2006.........Adds new meaning to the St. Valentines Day Massacre..... >:( >:(
Nice analogy! Think I'll steal that from you. :P
Quote from: Homer on February 16, 2006, 02:31:51 PM
Quote from: mailwench on February 16, 2006, 06:33:18 AM
Quote from: Country Lady on February 15, 2006, 09:52:21 PM
No one on my friends list has lost any badges. I know for a fact a few of them do use autos often. So what do these people that have lost their badges have in common?
The only thing I noticed that they had in common was the fact that they lost all their badges except the pogo member badge dating 02-14-2006.........Adds new meaning to the St. Valentines Day Massacre..... >:( >:(
Nice analogy! Think I'll steal that from you. :P
>:D >:D Be my guest Homer.....
Have people really lost all their badges or is this just a hoax?
i realy dont know i ave friends they have never had any taken from them
Hi its me ::)
It was the H-----S <<< you know that bad word that lost there badges AS I was told
I hope u know what I mean ;)
Quote from: Helen on February 20, 2006, 06:23:26 PM
Have people really lost all their badges or is this just a hoax?
I know of one fellow who lost all his badges like some others mentioned in this site. Before 2/14/06 he had every badge of Pogo, including mobile badges. Now his album has the P badge for new members dated 2/14/06. This fellow isn't a friend of mine. I saw him in a room and added him just because of his many badges. I had suspected he was doing the H word because when a new game came out, boy, he got all those badges fast.
There is another person whose progress I follow. I can tell this person is an auto user. When a new game comes out, he runs that auto 24/7 till he gets the badges. This person did not lose any badges during the "St. Valentine's Day Massacre."
none of the people who lost there badges used autos they did a bad thing to pogo thats why >:(
Quote from: mama on February 20, 2006, 06:35:08 PM
none of the people who lost there badges used autos they did a bad thing to pogo thats why >:(
That is how it seems. The auto users didn't lose their badges. It was the ones who do the H word. As far as I'm concerned, they got what they deserved.
thats right tookie they ask for it messin with pogo >:( spg.gif
Hey there
I think your barking up the wrong tree
those are not AUTO uses and why dont you just mind your own business
and play Pogo instead pf spying on people I wonder about people like you
Maybe if u played u would have tokens to instead of watching people
have a drink spb.gif and enjoy playing POGO
Lol if they were stupid enough to actually run a h*** program, losing their badges is the LEAST of their concerns...
Pogo would have every right to report them to the FBI's cyber-crimes department. Not that it would necessarily result in any arrests, but would you want the FBI snooping through your computer & cyber activity? Being someone that cherishes my privacy, I sure wouldn't...
ON THE pogo games oh boy ::) I need a drink spb.gif spb.gif spb.gif spb.gif spb.gif spb.gif spb.gif spb.gif spb.gif spb.gif spb.gif spb.gif spb.gif spb.gif spb.gif I meant several drinks 8)
Quote from: Tookie Tookie on February 20, 2006, 06:38:25 PM
Quote from: mama on February 20, 2006, 06:35:08 PM
none of the people who lost there badges used autos they did a bad thing to pogo thats why >:(
That is how it seems. The auto users didn't lose their badges. It was the ones who do the H word. As far as I'm concerned, they got what they deserved.
I agree...the H'rs got what they deserved......running an auto is one thing...doing that is entirely different! If pogo is all knowing like we think they are, they know us cheaters are their bread and butter....who gets more excited about the mere mention of new premium badge albums coming out???? Us cheaters....we are salivating at the thought that maybe tomorrow there will be another album for us to buy!!! Is pogo gonna mess with that....my answer is no, I don't think so cause that will be an awful lot of their money if they start messin with this group of people! Don't worry, pogo watches this forum and pogo knows we keep their paychecks coming! O0 O0
well said mail O0 cheers spb.gif
:-* :-*Thank you mama and I truly believe it also!
your very welcome mail :-* spg.gif
I think it is right also that the lost everything for using illegal means of getting their badges. They should be punished and I think they should also have there accounts taken away from them. Illegal is Illegal.....no ands, ifs or buts about it...... O0
I totally agree, Bree. Using an auto is one thing; doing the H word is another issue entirely. They shouldn't be whining about losing their badges. Like they say in the criminal justice system, If you can do the crime, make sure you can do the time. That principle applies here.