Guess I'll post a website I find very handy. is one of my favorite websites for cooking ideas. I made a great Valentine's Day meal for my girlfriend and I thru this website and it came out... well, it was ok. I can't cook but I have made meals from this site before and have many favorites that even my very picky girlfriend enjoys. So I'm recommending this site.
How about BAM!!! (
Thanks SaintHippo
I can always use a new recipe.
Quote from: Homer on February 15, 2006, 05:30:51 PM
How about BAM!!! (
Oh that's my fav! I also use sometimes
I use them all lol, and these also ,
Oh I love this topic as I like to cook, thanks !! O0 I have lots of good sites saved, will get some & post em later. Saint, I'll be checking that site out, don't think I've seen it before.
just looking at the links i want food so who is cooking dinner to night ::) ::) ::) :) :) :)
Quote from: BNS on February 15, 2006, 06:16:28 PM
just looking at the links i want food so who is cooking dinner to night ::) ::) ::) :) :) :)
I went to Cracker Barrel for dinner (Chicken and Dumpling, Mashed Potatoes, and Cottage Cheese.....Roast Beef and Potoatoes for bf) and now I'm having Steak 'N' Shake milkshakes (Turtle Carmel Nut for me...chocolate for bf) yummmyyyyy
Oh I love Cracker Barrel, no matter how many times I try I just can't get my sauage gravy to turn out like theirs, lol. ::) ( is al so a good place.
another really good one is
emrill rocks dude