Simpson to pay Lachey?
Feb. 19, 2006. 01:00 AM
LOS ANGELES—In divorce papers filed Friday, Nick Lachey is seeking spousal support from singer-actress Jessica Simpson, and he wants his jewelry back.
In responding to Simpson's Dec. 16 divorce filing, Lachey, 32, cited irreconcilable differences for the end of the three-year marriage. He asked for "miscellaneous jewelry and other personal effects," other assets and part of Simpson's earnings after separation.
They had no prenuptial agreement and Simpson has asked the court not to grant spousal support.
Lachey, who gained fame in the boy-band 98°, had more earning power when the couple wed in 2002, but Simpson's fame skyrocketed during the marriage. The 25-year-old reportedly earned more than $30 million last year.
Associated Press
I'm kinda indifferent to this. On one hand, I think Lachey is asking for too much because I don't know the entire story but on the other hand, if I'm looking at Newlyweds (TV show) and where they were in their lifes before the marriage, I believe he's not asking for enough due to the stuff he had to put up with.
I'm sure neither one is hurting for money.
Is it chicken or tuna? :P
it said chicken of the sea ::)
She's about as smart as a brick. LOL
Quote from: wattsmyname on February 19, 2006, 05:12:21 PM
it said chicken of the sea ::)
So they grow chicken in the ocean? ???
No. That's where they lay the eggs. :o
Quote from: Homer on February 19, 2006, 05:16:34 PM
No. That's where they lay the eggs. :o
Ohhhhh, see, learn something new every day.
LMAO :))
Quote from: SaintHippo on February 19, 2006, 05:07:24 PM
I believe he's not asking for enough due to the stuff he had to put up with.
( (
'Nuff said >:D
Quote from: DJ_SI on February 19, 2006, 05:40:26 PM
Quote from: SaintHippo on February 19, 2006, 05:07:24 PM
I believe he's not asking for enough due to the stuff he had to put up with.
( (
'Nuff said >:D
LoL. How many people actually paid attention to Jessica before Newlyweds? She looked hot back then (sure, she was more covered up but still hot) and Nick tried to put up with it. Even staying married for 3-4 years (don't know the exact number off the top of my head) with her... I don't care how beautiful someone is. If your husband or wife can't even hold a decent conversation with you without getting lost on the way to finish line 75% of the time... it's time to pay up!
I don't know how he put up with her for so long either. I didn't think it would last as long as it did though. I can't see why he even married her in the first place. She's such a ditz.
her and her sister are what they are because of there father and that marrage was a joke :)
Quote from: mama on February 19, 2006, 07:13:26 PM
her and her sister are what they are because of there father and that marrage was a joke :)
O.J.? :P
First of all, their father is a creep (he actually bragged on TV about the size of Jessica's breasts :o). Her father is all up under her (no pun intended) and is there really any wonder why Nick comes second in Jessica's life? Second, she's a slut. She was seeing Adam Levine in 2004, while married to Nick (see the new US weekly, on news stands now). Nick is not perfect, or he wouldn't have married THAT. I say he takes the tramp for all she's worth (which isn't much, in my humble opinion). Maybe he can deflate those boobs of hers while he's at it. I think America is sick of seeing them on every magazine cover every week. Well, Jessica always has her acting abilites to fall back on. :)) :)) :)) >:D
The releationship they seem to have with their dad is WEIRD! Everytime I see them together he makes me think of a child molester or soemthing....he's always got his arm around them or touching them or leering at's not normal
This is completely off of this topic, but Jessica's Pizza Hut commercial is REALLY starting to get on my nerves. I've heard "These Bites Were Made for Poppin" at least fifty times in the past week.
Back on topic, I think he should be asking for more.
Pogohatesme, that's exactly my point. He is too, oh how shall I say, "involved" in a "not so kosher" sort of way, especially with Jessica. After the sexually suggestive stuff he has said about her, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if there wasn't some deep dark secret there.
Quote from: pogohatesme on February 19, 2006, 07:26:37 PM
The releationship they seem to have with their dad is WEIRD! Everytime I see them together he makes me think of a child molester or soemthing....he's always got his arm around them or touching them or leering at's not normal
Ditto on everything with that!
THAT, unfortunately, would go a long way to explaining the emotional & psychological dysfunction of the sisters:
Jessica during the whole reality show (huh? ???)
Ashlee with the whole lip-sync thing, and then exploding on that poor McD's employee >:D
Quote from: DJ_SI on February 19, 2006, 07:32:51 PM
THAT, unfortunately, would go a long way to explaining the emotional & psychological dysfunction of the sisters:
Jessica during the whole reality show (huh? ???)
Ashlee with the whole lip-sync thing, and then exploding on that poor McD's employee >:D
That Ashlee incident was hilarious! I've always hated her! I couldn't stop laughing for the whole night. And yes. . . that poor McDonald's employee. . . I wouldn't want to even see Ashlee in real life. I wonder if she was lip syncing her order. :))
Jessica Simpson??? Horse with makeup on....
Nick should get whatever he asks for... :)
Quote from: Homer on February 19, 2006, 05:14:59 PM
She's about as smart as a brick. LOL jr high I knew this girl that carried a brick in her purse. I asked her one day why and she said so I could hit my boyfriends with it.
Quote from: bubblegum on February 19, 2006, 08:43:36 PM
Quote from: Homer on February 19, 2006, 05:14:59 PM
She's about as smart as a brick. LOL jr high I knew this girl that carried a brick in her purse. I asked her one day why and she said so I could hit my boyfriends with it.
:o Yikes!
She probably has some major shoulder problems now.... :P
Quote from: PogoLovinMonkey on February 19, 2006, 07:27:01 PM
This is completely off of this topic, but Jessica's Pizza Hut commercial is REALLY starting to get on my nerves. I've heard "These Bites Were Made for Poppin" at least fifty times in the past week.
Back on topic, I think he should be asking for more.
I absolutely hate that commercial, but love the version with miss piggy, way better on my ears!!!!!!(though I have only seen the miss piggy commercial once or twice to the twenty I see of jessica singing) Pizza Hut should just have Miss Piggy as their main spokeswoman, at least she has some brains.
He should get the money as most was made during marriage, the poor guy had to deal with her and have his life watched by millions which mostly attributted to her success.
well unlike the majority I think he got what he deserved. It wasnt a marrage it was a business deal. If he was dumb enough to bed it without having that piece of paper to protect his butt then he deserves what he gets. Everyone says jessica simpson is stupid, sorry to say but it is more an act then anything, she owns a production company and a few other businesses. Nick owns nothing and should get nothing. The marrage was used to boost both of their careers and if his didnt go up then he should have done something about it.
Quote from: knightrider13195 on February 28, 2006, 10:14:02 AM
well unlike the majority I think he got what he deserved. It wasnt a marrage it was a business deal. If he was dumb enough to bed it without having that piece of paper to protect his butt then he deserves what he gets. Everyone says jessica simpson is stupid, sorry to say but it is more an act then anything, she owns a production company and a few other businesses. Nick owns nothing and should get nothing. The marrage was used to boost both of their careers and if his didnt go up then he should have done something about it.
Im glad IM not married to you...lmao Putting up with Jessica for 4 years....yea he deserves something
He should throw Jessica back in the ocean.....hold on or should that be the chicken coop? :P :o
Quote from: knightrider13195 on February 28, 2006, 10:14:02 AM
well unlike the majority I think he got what he deserved. It wasnt a marrage it was a business deal. If he was dumb enough to bed it without having that piece of paper to protect his butt then he deserves what he gets. Everyone says jessica simpson is stupid, sorry to say but it is more an act then anything, she owns a production company and a few other businesses. Nick owns nothing and should get nothing. The marrage was used to boost both of their careers and if his didnt go up then he should have done something about it.
lol what you don't know is he wasen't dumb enough to "go to bed without a piece of paper to protect his butt" It was Jessica who was that stupid..or should I say her dad. They were going to have a prenup because Nick was worth more at the begining. It was Jessica's DAD who said no to a prenup thinking it would screw Jessica out of she's worth more, they're getting to divorced..and thanks to her Daddy he's gonna get half of it all!!!
Your exactly right...Nick had more at first and Jessicas Dad didnt want a pre-nump...And we know she always does what Daddy says
If their situations were reversed you know that she would be awarded half of his assets. I say what's fair for the goose is fair for the gander! spb.gif
PogoSlave I agree with you 100% ;D