Would you be willing to pay pogo $20 to change your current screen name?
Option 1: Yes
votes: 25
Option 2: No
votes: 57
Option 3: $20 is too much
votes: 28
This idea came to me while posting in another thread. Was just wondering how willing people would be to pay for this. ;)
im fine with my sn. :)
Don't push it Homer,, I just got done sending 150.00 and now this.?? I won't have ANY grocery money left lol.. :))
Quote from: nanners on March 20, 2006, 02:19:14 PM
Don't push it Homer,, I just got done sending 150.00 and now this.?? I won't have ANY grocery money left lol.. :))
You don't have to do it but I have read many posts where people wish they could change their sn's. Just curious to see how many are willing to pay for it.
Myself I wouldn't do it.
No I picked a screen name I liked to begin with.
BTW, just a reminder don't post any screen names. ;)
Speaking of sn's..Saw a goody today.. since I can't say what it was..here's a clue..Has to do with a certain kind of undies and a King's wife. Now should that be offensive to me?? sure it is cause I can't wear them :o
lmao ;D
I wouldnt want to change mine .. I like it - and I dont have an issue with stalkers cuz Im so quiet n stuff
I like mine to..a good friend gave me this nickname.. Its a nick for my real name..and if I'm allowed to say..its Nancy.. :)
We are talking Pogo sns here right? Cause I hate my pogo one...well, I don't hate it, its just too easy for someone to remember it...no numbers and such...
i hateeeeeee numbers in sn's
I voted that I would pay to change my name if it was something I really disliked. That might be a small price to pay for someone who put a mates name in their screen name and they are now an ex or something, ;D
I had to add numbers to mine..the original was "taken" please choose another..
I would change mine as it doesn't reflect my personality anymore. My name is one I've had on AOL since 1991 and I've longed for an updated name!
I LOVE MINE! Mainly because no will EVER remember it because people get too confused thinking that maybe an 0 is and o :)) and i have 3 more like that and it tales me like 20 mins to explain how it works :)) :)) .......I agree with u hades i also hate numbers in sns luckily i got one without any, and nanners pogo is probaly lying because they said that to me at first so i add the screen name to my old name and pogo sai it didn't exist and i founf that VERY odd
I like my screenname...I would only change it so that my blocked friends ( thank you pogo ) can't still click on my name and see that I am playing and getting badges and blah blah blah
Quote from: hades on March 20, 2006, 02:52:25 PM
i hateeeeeee numbers in sn's
....but if there are numbers in there...It makes it harder for people to remember your sn...If i was (and this is not mine or anyone else's sn as far as I know) suziesnowflake14305 it would be way harder to remember than just suziesnowflake...
Quote from: foxx on March 20, 2006, 03:02:40 PM
Quote from: hades on March 20, 2006, 02:52:25 PM
i hateeeeeee numbers in sn's
....but if there are numbers in there...It makes it harder for people to remember your sn...If i was (and this is not mine or anyone else's sn as far as I know) suziesnowflake14305 it would be way harder to remember than just suziesnowflake...
:)) If I see the name suziesnowflake with or without numbers Im gonna assume shes a dork and not remember her anyways.. :)) :))
lmao tara :))
and i never had a sn with numbers. :P
Quote from: Tara on March 20, 2006, 03:04:41 PM
Quote from: foxx on March 20, 2006, 03:02:40 PM
Quote from: hades on March 20, 2006, 02:52:25 PM
i hateeeeeee numbers in sn's
....but if there are numbers in there...It makes it harder for people to remember your sn...If i was (and this is not mine or anyone else's sn as far as I know) suziesnowflake14305 it would be way harder to remember than just suziesnowflake...
:)) If I see the name suziesnowflake with or without numbers Im gonna assume shes a dork and not remember her anyways.. :)) :))
LoL, that's not funny. I know some1 (reference to another person on this site) who's name is the only 1 she could find. We gave her like a million and 1 different names and she said it was the perfect 1 for her...
Ok, I'm killing the "1" joke here but I couldn't resist...
Quote from: SaintHippo on March 20, 2006, 03:06:52 PM
Quote from: Tara on March 20, 2006, 03:04:41 PM
Quote from: foxx on March 20, 2006, 03:02:40 PM
Quote from: hades on March 20, 2006, 02:52:25 PM
i hateeeeeee numbers in sn's
....but if there are numbers in there...It makes it harder for people to remember your sn...If i was (and this is not mine or anyone else's sn as far as I know) suziesnowflake14305 it would be way harder to remember than just suziesnowflake...
:)) If I see the name suziesnowflake with or without numbers Im gonna assume shes a dork and not remember her anyways.. :)) :))
LoL, that's not funny. I know some1 (reference to another person on this site) who's name is the only 1 she could find. We gave her like a million and 1 different names and she said it was the perfect 1 for her...
Ok, I'm killing the "1" joke here but I couldn't resist...
I think its funny cuz when I read it again I started laughing again O0
i like my 2 names...ones 4 letters/numbers, the other is 3 letters/numbers.
The KISS method...Keep It Simple, Stupid
Quote from: SaintHippo on March 20, 2006, 03:06:52 PM
Quote from: Tara on March 20, 2006, 03:04:41 PM
Quote from: foxx on March 20, 2006, 03:02:40 PM
Quote from: hades on March 20, 2006, 02:52:25 PM
i hateeeeeee numbers in sn's
....but if there are numbers in there...It makes it harder for people to remember your sn...If i was (and this is not mine or anyone else's sn as far as I know) suziesnowflake14305 it would be way harder to remember than just suziesnowflake...
:)) If I see the name suziesnowflake with or without numbers Im gonna assume shes a dork and not remember her anyways.. :)) :))
LoL, that's not funny. I know some1 (reference to another person on this site) who's name is the only 1 she could find. We gave her like a million and 1 different names and she said it was the perfect 1 for her...
Ok, I'm killing the "1" joke here but I couldn't resist...
LMAO...Hippo! U R totally gonna git it from sum1 L8R!
And how do you know that Suzie is a dork Tara? lol...she could just have really crappy parents!
Well the voting is a bit surprising so far.
5 Yes
8 No
4 $20 is too much
That makes the score 9-8 in favor of people willing to pay to change their sn even though not everyone is willing to pay the $20 price I suggested.
Yea id change it if it got banned lol.
Quote from: foxx on March 20, 2006, 03:12:55 PM
And how do you know that Suzie is a dork Tara? lol...she could just have really crappy parents!
Shes adopted isnt she? :))
Quote from: Tara on March 20, 2006, 03:24:29 PM
Quote from: foxx on March 20, 2006, 03:12:55 PM
And how do you know that Suzie is a dork Tara? lol...she could just have really crappy parents!
Shes adopted isnt she? :))
LOL...My mom wanted to name me Velvet. Velvet! Can you imagine the wrath I would have faced from my peers? Now quit picking on Suzie! Her name is normal compared to that! ;)
Quote from: foxx on March 20, 2006, 03:31:12 PM
Quote from: Tara on March 20, 2006, 03:24:29 PM
Quote from: foxx on March 20, 2006, 03:12:55 PM
And how do you know that Suzie is a dork Tara? lol...she could just have really crappy parents!
Shes adopted isnt she? :))
LOL...My mom wanted to name me Velvet. Velvet! Can you imagine the wrath I would have faced from my peers? Now quit picking on Suzie! Her name is normal compared to that! ;)
Compared to Velvet yes....I so agree...I guess Suzies off the dork list for now anyways !
What will be interesting is if Pogo offers this option. Wonder where they will get the idea from? Copyright it quick Homer and make them pay you
:D I like the one I have now...........I usually incorporae my first name into my screennames and since my 1st name is spelled a little differnt I never have to add numbers lol
Quote from: foxx on March 20, 2006, 03:31:12 PM
Quote from: Tara on March 20, 2006, 03:24:29 PM
Quote from: foxx on March 20, 2006, 03:12:55 PM
And how do you know that Suzie is a dork Tara? lol...she could just have really crappy parents!
Shes adopted isnt she? :))
LOL...My mom wanted to name me Velvet. Velvet! Can you imagine the wrath I would have faced from my peers? Now quit picking on Suzie! Her name is normal compared to that! ;)
To quote the best show EVER....
George: I love it! This is fantastic! Look at this couch, is this velvet?!
Bonnie: Are you a velvet fan?
George: A fan? I would drape myself in velvet if it were socially acceptable.
And look at this, hardwood floors!
i like mine had it way before pogo bought out excite so it has kinda grown on me i will keep it forvever i think r1.gif
not today have not upset enough people yet ;D
I would love to change my POGO screenname and KEEP all of my progress . . . I don't want to have to pay to do it though. It really should be a SERVICE that they would provide for their loyal customers.
Pogo Service . . . now that is an OXYMORON ! ! ! ee2.1.gif
Happy Gaming ee2.1.gif
I think I would change my pogo name if pogo ever gave us the option. But they would never offer that option so I will stick with the name I have. 8)
I feel the same way Bree... It isn't that big of a deal to have to pay money for it, but like you said if they gave you an options I might too. It might be a good idea if they gave that option as well, maybe people that say they have stalkers, if they were able to change their names that might solve some things.
I don't know why it would be a problem to let us change them, after all we can change our password at will. If their system can keep up with that it should keep up with screen names.
Thats a very good point Country Lady :D
I would change my screen name in a New York second if I were given the option! ee2.gif
Quote from: Country Lady on March 20, 2006, 11:14:03 PM
I don't know why it would be a problem to let us change them, after all we can change our password at will. If their system can keep up with that it should keep up with screen names.
It wouldn't be a problem about 4 years ago or more we were allowed to change our screen names without any hassles..there was a option in our account information to do so.....but this was before club memberships ...but I don't know why that would be any different
Yea, I remember that Tara. We could change them once every 30 days. :))
and I did..once every 30 days :))
Quote from: Country Lady on March 20, 2006, 11:14:03 PM
I don't know why it would be a problem to let us change them, after all we can change our password at will. If their system can keep up with that it should keep up with screen names.
Because then they would actually be providing a service to their customers ;D.
Seriously, though, Pogo would have to redo their entire username database. I remember when I first signed up, the name I wanted was "taken." I had to compromise & add numbers to my name (even a couple of those were taken). I tried adding those names to my friends list, just out of curiousity, and it said that they were not registered Pogo players. Keep in mind that they have all the AOL users as well.
I pogo just for the games not to attract people so if my name was 123456 it would be fine with me. ;D
Quote from: DJ_SI on March 21, 2006, 10:38:12 AM
Quote from: Country Lady on March 20, 2006, 11:14:03 PM
I don't know why it would be a problem to let us change them, after all we can change our password at will. If their system can keep up with that it should keep up with screen names.
Because then they would actually be providing a service to their customers ;D.
Seriously, though, Pogo would have to redo their entire username database. I remember when I first signed up, the name I wanted was "taken." I had to compromise & add numbers to my name (even a couple of those were taken). I tried adding those names to my friends list, just out of curiousity, and it said that they were not registered Pogo players. Keep in mind that they have all the AOL users as well.
Correct with the AOL users. When Pogo & AOL had their agreement, AOLers had first crack at names. Meaning if you wanted a certain name like "HomerSimpsonRocks" on Pogo but someone from AOL had it (and wasn't a Pogo member, user, visitor or whatever), you couldn't have that name period. Doesn't matter if that person never had any intention of using Pogo, it just wasn't happening. When I 1st heard of Pogo, I had AOL but didn't sign up thru AOL. I tried using my the same name I had on AOL to sign up for Pogo and was told "already taken". I thought that sucked because I didn't want anyone confusing that person for me. So I created another account and played that for a while. Then one day I forgot I was on the AOL broswer and tried logging into Pogo. To my surprise, I had only 50 tokens (I think that was the amount, it's been a long time so I don't remember) but I also had access to my "SaintHippo" name (and no that's not my Club Pogo SN. You can add it because I do have it but I only created it last week to stop anyone from getting it and it's never being used again.. besides, it's a non-club pogo account and if it's deleted, I will get over losing all 50 tokens) I was told was already taken.
I don't know if that practice still exist but AOL did create problems for people wanting certain names.
I voted no. First, even if I did want to change it I can't see paying for it.
But my main pogo ID is one I have had for years.
I use the name on everything.
In fact, I once did change it on another game site, just for something different,
and no one could get used to it. They still called me by my original screen name lol.
I even have a short version of it that I am known by and everyone who knows me calls me that. It has even carried over offline, my husband, friends etc call me by it. So I guess I would be stuck with it even if I did have the option on pogo. >:D
why would people want to change their sn? and pay for it too!, that's what x-box live does now
Quote from: bobby on March 21, 2006, 06:46:40 PM
why would people want to change their sn? and pay for it too!, that's what x-box live does now
Some people have issues with stalkers (Altho the new friends list feature should solve that) ... and what if youre sign on was umm say "KevinsWife" and ya got a divorce? Just a couple examples
Very true Cling... I guess that is just what they have to live with then if pogo won't ever give that option. Reminds me of someone who puts tattoo of spouses name or something on them and then gets divorced...They are kinda stuck with it forever. i know, I know, u can get it removed, but just reminded me of it.
Quote from: Spice It Up on March 21, 2006, 11:09:01 PM
Very true Cling... I guess that is just what they have to live with then if pogo won't ever give that option. Reminds me of someone who puts tattoo of spouses name or something on them and then gets divorced...They are kinda stuck with it forever. i know, I know, u can get it removed, but just reminded me of it.
Thats actually what I was thinking of also ... I remember when I first met my ex and he wants to get a tattoo of my name .. I firmly said NO
Quote from: ClingFree on March 22, 2006, 03:31:37 AM
Quote from: Spice It Up on March 21, 2006, 11:09:01 PM
Very true Cling... I guess that is just what they have to live with then if pogo won't ever give that option. Reminds me of someone who puts tattoo of spouses name or something on them and then gets divorced...They are kinda stuck with it forever. i know, I know, u can get it removed, but just reminded me of it.
Thats actually what I was thinking of also ... I remember when I first met my ex and he wants to get a tattoo of my name .. I firmly said NO
Well you are living proof then!! :)) I know that you will never be one of those who will put there lovers name for their screen name. You know better!! Sorry to hear the ex part... but funny about what we are talking about here.
When I made my screenname - 5 yrs ago - I thought about it - made it from something I really dig - A song. People don't think when they make some of these names up. They do not think of the consequences of others not approving of them and probably only visit the "uncensored rooms" - but hey, it's a funny name. Then they build up their account and then subscribe to the Club and - while doing a challenge enter a normal room and is reported. Common sense in the beginning would have saved these people from the hypothetical $20 name change fees.
Sorry, about the rant. I am just tired of people complaining about "banned accounts" from screennames...you hear a lot of it on Pogo lately.
:D :D I love my screenname and would never consider changing it! However, it is the 3rd account I named because I didn't like the other 2 and yes....all club pogo accounts!
ee2.1.gif Used to change Pogo screen names for free whenever we wanted to. Why pay for something that was always free? ee2.1.gif
Quote from: BoJangles on March 23, 2006, 09:15:51 AM
ee2.1.gif Used to change Pogo screen names for free whenever we wanted to. Why pay for something that was always free? ee2.1.gif
8) ummmmmmmmmmmmm because they are not free anymore????
Pogo should clear out it's data base every 2-3 years, anyone who hasn't logged on by then should be recycled!!
20 bucks!!! hahahahaha
I might use my precious tokens but not real money. Pogo sucks enough out of us as it is! >:(