My sister hasn't been able to get her weekly badges lately because she's been too busy so, being the badge addict that I am, I've been doing them for her. Well, today I was doing the Leapin' Lizards Badge in PoppaZoppa for her and guess what...
I got the freakin' 36 Super Chain badge! On HER account! >:(
I have been trying for months to get this badge for my collection and what happens? I get it after the first few games on someone else's account!
Sigh... :'(
My sister totally owes me.
Do we congradulate you or your sister? >:D wtg you will get it keep trouncin
Congrats to you for getting the badge ... Congrats to your sister for having sucha dedicated sibling! O0
congrats :)
Congrats. That's a fun badge to have!
it would have been cooler if all them poppa zoppa rank badges looked better
Quote from: UnderpantsGnome on April 05, 2006, 02:06:59 PM
My sister hasn't been able to get her weekly badges lately because she's been too busy so, being the badge addict that I am, I've been doing them for her. Well, today I was doing the Leapin' Lizards Badge in PoppaZoppa for her and guess what...
I got the freakin' 36 Super Chain badge! On HER account! >:(
I have been trying for months to get this badge for my collection and what happens? I get it after the first few games on someone else's account!
Sigh... :'(
My sister totally owes me.
Yours will come!!! And yes, she does owe you. :)) :)) :))
thats happen to me on texas holdem badges got the four As badge for others but i still havent got mine so know how you feel >:(
WTG on getting the 36 chain badge for your Sister. Hope you get yours soon. :)
Congrats and I'm jealous! I so want that badge...I've gotten 30 as my highest! UGH I wish I had a sibling who loved me enough to get me that badge!
(gotta use a few smilies cuz they are too cute) ee4.gif r2.gif
Congrats on the 36 for your sister. She does owe you big time. I got it one time and havent been able to do it again. Your 36 is out there. Maybe your sister will get it for you since you got hers ;)
Quote from: UnderpantsGnome on April 05, 2006, 02:06:59 PM
My sister hasn't been able to get her weekly badges lately because she's been too busy so, being the badge addict that I am, I've been doing them for her. Well, today I was doing the Leapin' Lizards Badge in PoppaZoppa for her and guess what...
I got the freakin' 36 Super Chain badge! On HER account! >:(
I have been trying for months to get this badge for my collection and what happens? I get it after the first few games on someone else's account!
Sigh... :'(
My sister totally owes me.
I feel your pain lol, I had been trying for months for that badge, was playing under hubby's name, for the very first time, and got it for him, on the first game, I was so mad, but I finally got it about 2 weeks later. All i can say is be patience, and if you play it, it will come. You will get eventally, Oh yeah, I almost forgot, wtg on getting it for your sister.
Congratulations! You will get it soon for yourself, it just takes a little time and patience. :)
congrats on badge,dont give up you'll get yours
i turned trouncer on, at half speed, and then went to sleep, when i woke up, i had the badge O0
give that a try.
I so feel your pain. I have 300 badges, but no poppa zoppa 36 or the four of a kind texas hold em.
Yet, when getting the badges for my mom (who only plays jungle jin an pinochle) I got those badges on HER account.
wtg! i had to run trouncer for 2 nights to get that badge. don't be too happy just yet, the toughest are yet to come. the most difficult game award badge has to be the rising star of 6th omaha. been trying for it since i joined pogo, still no luck.
ahhahah that stinks man bad luck I have that badge as well on my main account took me a long long time to get it.
didnt take me long to get the badge... i was totally suprised cuz ppl in the room were talking about it and i was like oh i wont get it soon cuz im not good at the game (it was like the 1st or 2nd day it came out).. well i played and played and played got my 1st game badge and the very next day i got the 36 i was totally excited....
the same thing happened to me. the game came out and i played for like 2 hrs. i had no idea what the chains and all that did but just kept hopping and next thing i know i had cleared the board. although i have only gotten it like 3 or 4 times since then
lol i've only gotten it that 1 time
Quote from: foxtrot on April 07, 2006, 12:25:20 PM
the same thing happened to me. the game came out and i played for like 2 hrs. i had no idea what the chains and all that did but just kept hopping and next thing i know i had cleared the board. although i have only gotten it like 3 or 4 times since then
It seems that after you get it once they just keep coming!!
i only got it one time everrr
Quote from: hades on April 07, 2006, 01:28:03 PM
i only got it one time everrr
That's all you really need though!! :)) :)) :)) :)) :))
Quote from: Helen on April 07, 2006, 01:26:46 PM
Quote from: foxtrot on April 07, 2006, 12:25:20 PM
the same thing happened to me. the game came out and i played for like 2 hrs. i had no idea what the chains and all that did but just kept hopping and next thing i know i had cleared the board. although i have only gotten it like 3 or 4 times since then
It seems that after you get it once they just keep coming!!
That's how it was for me. Once I got the 36 chain, they kept coming. This is a good week to try for your 36 badge. Poppa rooms will be full and it's much much easier to do it in a full room.
That stinks! I just got lucky one day didn't even realize what was happening until about 5-6 buildings left....then I got really nervous but pulled it out. Never got Trouncer but I hear good things.
Skygirl, is that a Cylon in your avatar? Frakking Cylons..... >:(
Quote from: Ethan_Hawley on April 07, 2006, 05:37:39 PM
Skygirl, is that a Cylon in your avatar? Frakking Cylons..... >:(
Yes, one of the old cylons from the old cylons home. Not one of those new computer-generated fangangled ones.\(
Quote from: skygirl on April 07, 2006, 09:22:24 PM
Quote from: Ethan_Hawley on April 07, 2006, 05:37:39 PM
Skygirl, is that a Cylon in your avatar? Frakking Cylons..... >:(
Yes, one of the old cylons from the old cylons home. Not one of those new computer-generated fangangled ones.\(
I know, I can't help it, but I love the new episodes... :-[ Child of the '80s so the new sci-fi channel version was my first exposure to the series. Seen the older version on DVD, very good, but love Starbuck as a hot blonde. <3 <3 <3
I finally got the 36 super chain last night!
I had Trouncer going for about half an hour when I had to use the little gnome's room. 10 minutes later (hey, I had a book with me, ok...jeez, I'm not the only one who does this) I come back to my PC and see the badge waiting for me! About freakin' time!
Thanks for a great auto, Oscar! ;D
wtg gnome, now you can work on phase 2 ;D
Quote from: UnderpantsGnome on April 08, 2006, 09:15:03 AM
I finally got the 36 super chain last night!
I had Trouncer going for about half an hour when I had to use the little gnome's room. 10 minutes later (hey, I had a book with me, ok...jeez, I'm not the only one who does this) I come back to my PC and see the badge waiting for me! About freakin' time!
Thanks for a great auto, Oscar! ;D
wtg!!! O0 ee2.1.gif
wtg on getting the badge O0
Congrats! ..I know the feeling all too well getting others badges first before I get mine, I still like the rush you get though O0
i think my friend owes me now. i was doing her badge for her and on the first game i got a 36. what luck
Thanks everyone!
Now if I can only get my hands on the two Texas Hold'em badges.... ;)
Wtg on getting your badge Underpants!!
WTG :) I know the feeling..I have the royal flush x2 on one of my pogo names and can't get it at all on my main name..(whatever that is :)) ) Yet, I do have the 4 aces in hold em 4, 5, 6 or more times lol
Quote from: WhatAutos on April 10, 2006, 11:03:54 AM
WTG :) I know the feeling..I have the royal flush x2 on one of my pogo names and can't get it at all on my main name..(whatever that is :)) ) Yet, I do have the 4 aces in hold em 4, 5, 6 or more times lol
yes i would love to get the RF badge in there i have tried but no luck one of theses days ;D
Very nice it could not happen to a better person wtg O0
Quote from: UnderpantsGnome on April 05, 2006, 02:06:59 PM
My sister hasn't been able to get her weekly badges lately because she's been too busy so, being the badge addict that I am, I've been doing them for her. Well, today I was doing the Leapin' Lizards Badge in PoppaZoppa for her and guess what...
I got the freakin' 36 Super Chain badge! On HER account! >:(
I have been trying for months to get this badge for my collection and what happens? I get it after the first few games on someone else's account!
Sigh... :'(
My sister totally owes me.
Soooooooooooooooooo, do you wanna do mine? ;D