This is the last paragraph in answer from Ms Netiguette I found it interesting
I do want to clarify one statement you made. You said: "If Pogo allows you to do it, it cannot be cheating." This is not always true. There are going to be situations where the game will allow you to do something that you shouldn't. For instance, in many table games Pogo allows you to set up games with no timers. Unfortunately, some poor sports who are losing simply stop playing when it is their turn. This forces their opponent to either "out-wait" them, or to quit the game and take the loss. This is not something Pogo expects or encourages people to do, but it is possible to do it, yet it is still cheating.
Quote from: spiritwarrior1953 on April 17, 2006, 04:50:27 AM
This is the last paragraph in answer from Ms Netiguette I found it interesting
I do want to clarify one statement you made. You said: "If Pogo allows you to do it, it cannot be cheating." This is not always true. There are going to be situations where the game will allow you to do something that you shouldn't. For instance, in many table games Pogo allows you to set up games with no timers. Unfortunately, some poor sports who are losing simply stop playing when it is their turn. This forces their opponent to either "out-wait" them, or to quit the game and take the loss. This is not something Pogo expects or encourages people to do, but it is possible to do it, yet it is still cheating.
I have to stand up and raise my hand and say guilty >:D
Just sounds like to me that some glitches are intentional just so they can say you cheated and not give you the jackpot :o
Quote from: spiritwarrior1953 on April 17, 2006, 05:06:11 AM
Just sounds like to me that some glitches are intentional just so they can say you cheated and not give you the jackpot :o
Yea if they were so worried about that, they would take the timers out of the options. Its not a big deal to me. I wouldn't try to claim a prize anyways. I just want my badges and my mini mall clothes and I'm a happy camper :D
ive played against people who stopped playing in pinochle.a couple even locked the room if their partner left so nobody else could join...but i outwaited them all...after awhile they all just left :D ;)
Quote from: Tara on April 17, 2006, 05:15:54 AM
Quote from: spiritwarrior1953 on April 17, 2006, 05:06:11 AM
Just sounds like to me that some glitches are intentional just so they can say you cheated and not give you the jackpot :o
Yea if they were so worried about that, they would take the timers out of the options. Its not a big deal to me. I wouldn't try to claim a prize anyways. I just want my badges and my mini mall clothes and I'm a happy camper :D
same here want the badges :))
Quote from: Tara on April 17, 2006, 04:56:40 AM
Quote from: spiritwarrior1953 on April 17, 2006, 04:50:27 AM
This is the last paragraph in answer from Ms Netiguette I found it interesting
I do want to clarify one statement you made. You said: "If Pogo allows you to do it, it cannot be cheating." This is not always true. There are going to be situations where the game will allow you to do something that you shouldn't. For instance, in many table games Pogo allows you to set up games with no timers. Unfortunately, some poor sports who are losing simply stop playing when it is their turn. This forces their opponent to either "out-wait" them, or to quit the game and take the loss. This is not something Pogo expects or encourages people to do, but it is possible to do it, yet it is still cheating.
I have to stand up and raise my hand and say guilty >:D
So, are you saying that you do that? Wait until a big pot is there, and sit and wait everyone out? I cannot believe you admitted that on here. That is the same as using an auto against an opponent in Qwerty. No... It is worse. At least in Qwerty they can get out fast. Unbelievable! >:(
Quote from: greenflash on April 17, 2006, 09:47:53 AM
Quote from: Tara on April 17, 2006, 04:56:40 AM
Quote from: spiritwarrior1953 on April 17, 2006, 04:50:27 AM
This is the last paragraph in answer from Ms Netiguette I found it interesting
I do want to clarify one statement you made. You said: "If Pogo allows you to do it, it cannot be cheating." This is not always true. There are going to be situations where the game will allow you to do something that you shouldn't. For instance, in many table games Pogo allows you to set up games with no timers. Unfortunately, some poor sports who are losing simply stop playing when it is their turn. This forces their opponent to either "out-wait" them, or to quit the game and take the loss. This is not something Pogo expects or encourages people to do, but it is possible to do it, yet it is still cheating.
I have to stand up and raise my hand and say guilty >:D
So, are you saying that you do that? Wait until a big pot is there, and sit and wait everyone out? I cannot believe you admitted that on here. That is the same as using an auto against an opponent in Qwerty. No... It is worse. At least in Qwerty they can get out fast. Unbelievable! >:(
I don't think she said she waits until a big pot is there, sit and wait everyone out because the post she replied to did not mention "Texas Hold 'Em" by name at all. However, it has always been (and should always be) the case of you should check the SETTINGS before sitting down @ any non-single player game. One thing that makes me mad is when people sit and they don't like the settings of the table and ask to restart... why don't people check settings before sitting? If you see a game doesn't have a timer, don't sit. If you see a game is rated and you didn't want to play a rated game, don't sit. The option to view the settings is and always will be there. If you don't take the time to view, then it's partially your fault!
And before you say it's my fault for making the settings like that, I play with a timer in games, I don't wait anything out and I don't complain about settings because I'm smart enough to check BEFORE I sit!
That's too logical hippo.
I used qwerty auto vs. ppl...not my fault they don't have it. didnt know there was auto etiquette
Quote from: BluRaven on April 17, 2006, 10:01:40 AM
That's too logical hippo.
I used qwerty auto vs. ppl...not my fault they don't have it. didnt know there was auto etiquette
Yes, guess it's my fault for expecting people to check settings before trying to play a game. Anytime I'm in a game of Checkers, someone tries to sit and when I don't let them, they ask why. I say "Do you really want to play an unrated game" and they say "oh, sorry I didn't see it wasn't rated". It's real simple to check if it's rated or not but people look at the rating you have before looking at the settings. If people just took the time, a lot of table problems could be avoided!
Quote from: BluRaven on April 17, 2006, 10:01:40 AM
That's too logical hippo.
I used qwerty auto vs. ppl...not my fault they don't have it. didnt know there was auto etiquette
Maybe we should write Ms Netiquette and ask her about Auto etiquette? After you of course >:D
Quote from: SaintHippo on April 17, 2006, 09:55:54 AM
Quote from: greenflash on April 17, 2006, 09:47:53 AM
Quote from: Tara on April 17, 2006, 04:56:40 AM
Quote from: spiritwarrior1953 on April 17, 2006, 04:50:27 AM
This is the last paragraph in answer from Ms Netiguette I found it interesting
I do want to clarify one statement you made. You said: "If Pogo allows you to do it, it cannot be cheating." This is not always true. There are going to be situations where the game will allow you to do something that you shouldn't. For instance, in many table games Pogo allows you to set up games with no timers. Unfortunately, some poor sports who are losing simply stop playing when it is their turn. This forces their opponent to either "out-wait" them, or to quit the game and take the loss. This is not something Pogo expects or encourages people to do, but it is possible to do it, yet it is still cheating.
I have to stand up and raise my hand and say guilty >:D
So, are you saying that you do that? Wait until a big pot is there, and sit and wait everyone out? I cannot believe you admitted that on here. That is the same as using an auto against an opponent in Qwerty. No... It is worse. At least in Qwerty they can get out fast. Unbelievable! >:(
I don't think she said she waits until a big pot is there, sit and wait everyone out because the post she replied to did not mention "Texas Hold 'Em" by name at all. However, it has always been (and should always be) the case of you should check the SETTINGS before sitting down @ any non-single player game. One thing that makes me mad is when people sit and they don't like the settings of the table and ask to restart... why don't people check settings before sitting? If you see a game doesn't have a timer, don't sit. If you see a game is rated and you didn't want to play a rated game, don't sit. The option to view the settings is and always will be there. If you don't take the time to view, then it's partially your fault!
And before you say it's my fault for making the settings like that, I don't play with a timer in games, I don't wait anything out and I don't complain about settings because I'm smart enough to check BEFORE I sit!
You are correct. I just assumed because that is where it is bring done a lot and logically that is the only one that would make any sense because of the huge pots in there. Why would anyone wait hours to win a game of hearts, spades, gin, etc. There is no auto etiquette but I have seen people many times on this forum say it is just wrong to use auto against other players. I did it in Qwerty once too. Some girl let her friends watch and help her. I said that wasn't right. Stop it. She kept on, I turned the auto on. She lost big time and left. :oo
Oh and by the way, I also check the settings, BUT there are a lot of people that don't play on Pogo a lot, or new members that are not savvy that get trapped by these people. I still think it's not right. especially in Super Rollers. This is a new hobby for token thieves in there and they do get the 72 hours suspension for it. :oo
Once again I had to go back and edit my post because I type quicker than I think (a majority of us make that mistake)... I meant to say I DO play games with a timer. I don't play games without timers.
And in terms of waiting hours, well the wait in those other games is only 10 mins before Pogo kicks you out in games without timers. Also, most people don't want to lose their ratings (like Pinchole, sp?) so they just walk away from their computer or do other tasks instead of finishing their game. I even heard of stories where they have the option to view other people hands and then ask a friend to view his/her opponent's cards and just say what's in that player's hand. This is another reason why I make sure my checkbox for "allow watchers to view hands" or whatever it says is UNCHECKED! My settings are always saved so I know if I start a table, it's set so I can't be cheated against (unless they have an auto). And if I sit @ a table, I have to make sure the settings are not set so I'll get screwed out of a win! Just my personal experience!
I was talking about timer games...I don't play with humans...I don't like them ::)
Quote from: Tara on April 17, 2006, 11:55:14 AM
I was talking about timer games...I don't play with humans...I don't like them ::)
Quote from: spiritwarrior1953 on April 17, 2006, 05:06:11 AM
Just sounds like to me that some glitches are intentional just so they can say you cheated and not give you the jackpot :o
well in my opinion people should just play fair when they are not using the autos.
I was playing in jungle gin one time and this man set the timer uberly low, and was catching people to get their ratings..
Another time I was playing in qwerty and this man was trying to sex people up so that they be offended and leave and give him their rating points...
: End rant ;D
Quote from: jrlt on April 17, 2006, 01:51:48 PM
well in my opinion people should just play fair when they are not using the autos.
I was playing in jungle gin one time and this man set the timer uberly low, and was catching people to get their ratings..
Another time I was playing in qwerty and this man was trying to sex people up so that they be offended and leave and give him their rating points...
: End rant ;D
I play my games @ a timer of :30 seconds because it moves the game along quicker. This is nothing to catch people off guard but I don't like to take 1 minute to make a move they knew they were going to make 45 seconds earlier. I also give people 1 extension, which sets the next timer to 1 min. If I don't hear from them why they needed the extension, I don't give them another one and I end the game if their time runs out again. I don't consider that against the rules because they had a chance.
And in the sense of QWERTY, I would have just turned the chat off and left it at that.
See thats why playing with yourself is better...You don't have to wait for your partner..or even listen to them...just play and get it over with...And if a game has a timer and it takes real people or whatever I am going to use the timer to time out and get my badge and go on about my buisness ... 8)
Quote from: Tara on April 17, 2006, 02:11:16 PM
See thats why playing with yourself is better...You don't have to wait for your partner..or even listen to them...just play and get it over with...And if a game has a timer and it takes real people or whatever I am going to use the timer to time out and get my badge and go on about my buisness ... 8)
You did that on purpose. You made me spit my drink onto my monitor... that's not cool at all! :))
Hippo Gigglesnorted! LMFAO!
Quote from: foxx on April 17, 2006, 02:16:35 PM
Hippo Gigglesnorted! LMFAO!
WooHooo Now if we can just get him to gigglepee!
Quote from: SaintHippo on April 17, 2006, 02:12:01 PM
Quote from: Tara on April 17, 2006, 02:11:16 PM
See thats why playing with yourself is better...You don't have to wait for your partner..or even listen to them...just play and get it over with...And if a game has a timer and it takes real people or whatever I am going to use the timer to time out and get my badge and go on about my buisness ... 8)
You did that on purpose. You made me spit my drink onto my monitor... that's not cool at all! :))
Was this one I should of re-read before I posted? ???
I know i had to re-read
lol we know what tara does with here time lol
good point saint
Didn't think you'd gigglesnort either, did ya? >:D
Quote from: foxx on April 17, 2006, 02:31:18 PM
Didn't think you'd gigglesnort either, did ya? >:D
LoL, I can say it only happens in movies and TV... never in real life until today.
Quote from: SaintHippo on April 17, 2006, 02:32:26 PM
Quote from: foxx on April 17, 2006, 02:31:18 PM
Didn't think you'd gigglesnort either, did ya? >:D
LoL, I can say it only happens in movies and TV... never in real life until today.
Since I made you gigglesnort in real life ( I think I am the one who made you do it) ...I think you know the price and the addy to deposit your funds in to....Thanks and have a wonderful day >:D
Quote from: Tara on April 17, 2006, 02:38:29 PM
Quote from: SaintHippo on April 17, 2006, 02:32:26 PM
Quote from: foxx on April 17, 2006, 02:31:18 PM
Didn't think you'd gigglesnort either, did ya? >:D
LoL, I can say it only happens in movies and TV... never in real life until today.
Since I made you gigglesnort in real life ( I think I am the one who made you do it) ...I think you know the price and the addy to deposit your funds in to....Thanks and have a wonderful day >:D
LoL, nope it wasn't you. I'm not going to say who made me "gigglesnort" but it wasn't the one with the address of tara@paygal... errr
Quote from: SaintHippo on April 17, 2006, 02:57:09 PM
Quote from: Tara on April 17, 2006, 02:38:29 PM
Quote from: SaintHippo on April 17, 2006, 02:32:26 PM
Quote from: foxx on April 17, 2006, 02:31:18 PM
Didn't think you'd gigglesnort either, did ya? >:D
LoL, I can say it only happens in movies and TV... never in real life until today.
Since I made you gigglesnort in real life ( I think I am the one who made you do it) ...I think you know the price and the addy to deposit your funds in to....Thanks and have a wonderful day >:D
LoL, nope it wasn't you. I'm not going to say who made me "gigglesnort" but it wasn't the one with the address of tara@paygal... errr
It was about playing with yourself or with bots right? And could you tell me what you see right here >:D
Quote from: Tara on April 17, 2006, 03:07:34 PM
Quote from: SaintHippo on April 17, 2006, 02:57:09 PM
Quote from: Tara on April 17, 2006, 02:38:29 PM
Quote from: SaintHippo on April 17, 2006, 02:32:26 PM
Quote from: foxx on April 17, 2006, 02:31:18 PM
Didn't think you'd gigglesnort either, did ya? >:D
LoL, I can say it only happens in movies and TV... never in real life until today.
Since I made you gigglesnort in real life ( I think I am the one who made you do it) ...I think you know the price and the addy to deposit your funds in to....Thanks and have a wonderful day >:D
LoL, nope it wasn't you. I'm not going to say who made me "gigglesnort" but it wasn't the one with the address of tara@paygal... errr
It was about playing with yourself or with bots right? And could you tell me what you see right here >:D
Uhh a devil.
Quote from: ClingFree on April 17, 2006, 03:08:00 PM
Quote from: Tara on April 17, 2006, 03:07:34 PM
Quote from: SaintHippo on April 17, 2006, 02:57:09 PM
Quote from: Tara on April 17, 2006, 02:38:29 PM
Quote from: SaintHippo on April 17, 2006, 02:32:26 PM
Quote from: foxx on April 17, 2006, 02:31:18 PM
Didn't think you'd gigglesnort either, did ya? >:D
LoL, I can say it only happens in movies and TV... never in real life until today.
Since I made you gigglesnort in real life ( I think I am the one who made you do it) ...I think you know the price and the addy to deposit your funds in to....Thanks and have a wonderful day >:D
LoL, nope it wasn't you. I'm not going to say who made me "gigglesnort" but it wasn't the one with the address of tara@paygal... errr
It was about playing with yourself or with bots right? And could you tell me what you see right here >:D
Uhh a devil.
Do you have that devil on your smileys?
a few years ago it used to bother me people would come into a game then stop playing it , hoping you would leave so they would go up in ratings..I just put my auto mouse clicker on ..think it was xu mouse not sure anymore..but I would let it run till they gave up..I had 2 computers so I never quit playing time it took them 2 days to give up, but they finally did and I won :)) :)) :))
I would rather play bots when the badges or challenges are NOT rated ....makes the game go by faster also I get alot of "IMS" so playing bots allows you to "im" and not be accused of "cheating" if takes more then 3 secs to play, especially in partner games...LOL
Especially in a "partner" game. You can cuss out the bot without getting in trouble. :))
Quote from: Helen on April 18, 2006, 06:33:43 PM
Especially in a "partner" game. You can cuss out the bot without getting in trouble. :))
i thought i was the only one that cuss the bots out :))
Quote from: nightperson on April 18, 2006, 06:35:34 PM
Quote from: Helen on April 18, 2006, 06:33:43 PM
Especially in a "partner" game. You can cuss out the bot without getting in trouble. :))
i thought i was the only one that cuss the bots out :))
Nope. They play sooooo stupid. :))
LOL... yesterday I was cussing out the tinheads and DH thought I was talking to him. :P That one took a little smoothing over.
Quote from: notmypogoname on April 18, 2006, 09:40:42 PM
LOL... yesterday I was cussing out the tinheads and DH thought I was talking to him. :P That one took a little smoothing over.
LOL, I bet it did!! :)) :))
sometime i think i here dead ppl :))
you must of had fun doing that :-X
Quote from: nightperson on April 19, 2006, 12:28:37 PM
sometime i think i here dead ppl :))
What do they say??? lol
ive said a few things to the bots as well lol
I swear I was only kidding about not saying "hi" in your native language...
Dear Ms. Netiquette,
There is a problem in the game rooms that REALLY upsets me. It has happened to me several times and I would like to share it with you and get your opinion. Sometimes I run into a player who has an obviously German screenname, and me being German (living in the USA for many years) I will ask that person if he/she is from Germany and if so, we will start talking in German.
Recently there were four German ladies with me in the room, and all of a sudden someone piped up and said how rude we were by chatting in a foreign language, and that if we wanted to talk in our language we should go to "private chat." This player went on to say that the only reason we were talking in German, was so that they couldn't understand what we were saying! This is NEVER the case!
It got really nasty, and more and more people started in on us and sided with the person who first called us "rude." I told all of them that I was under the impression that Pogo is an "international" site and the Germans (or people from any other country) are free to type in whichever language they choose, just like the Americans. The more I thought about this, the more upset I became. I get excited "running" into people from my country! I got so upset I clicked out of the room and promised never to go to the same room again!
What are the rules on people talking other languages than English? And what should I do if this happens again?
German Girl
Dear German Girl,
There are absolutely no rules or any Terms of Service dictating what languages people can use to chat. As long as you're not violating our Terms of Service in whatever language it is you're using, you are free to chat away.
So how do you best deal with someone who interrupts your conversation to tell you that you are rude simply because he or she doesn't understand what you're saying?
First of all, you must accept the fact that the vast majority of players on Pogo are English speaking. Unfortunately, not all of them read this column, and the reality is that you will no doubt find it a common occurance to be accused of rudeness should you type in your native language. I'm certainly not suggestion you should stop-- I'm merely being frank. You must be prepared for this behavior and deal with it rationally.
So, I will give you the same advice I would give someone who is upset by someone typing in a foreign language. Utilize the mute button. The moment someone says something to the effect of "you're being rude by not typing in English" is the moment you should use the mouse to right click on that person's name, mute them, and forget them.
at least she didn't say to learn to type in german ;::
Quote from: Helen on April 18, 2006, 06:33:43 PM
Especially in a "partner" game. You can cuss out the bot without getting in trouble. :))
Helen that is why I like private rooms so I can fuss with the bots and not get into trouble either. I slam the tinheads all the time and I have fun doing it. :))
too funny bree