5year name with 300+ badges
Will pogo even tell me why?
wow, what happened?
You should get a msg and email from Pogo explaining.. hope so.
I'm very sorry :(
that sux. hope it isnt permanent
it is permanent, it says im no longer a club memeber and i can't even log in.
it says my account has been disabled
I'm sorry, all that hard work down the drain. I would be so angry losing that many badges.
Quote from: hallowkween on July 26, 2006, 01:00:47 PM
it is permanent, it says im no longer a club memeber and i can't even log in.
it says my account has been disabled
You should receive an email explaining why. If not, I would contact them and ask. Once when my acct was "flagged", I recd a pogo msg and email from Pogo.
Did you try to claim a prize?
wow.. i dont know what i would do if that happened to me.. i think i would seriously go to wherever they are located and like.. bomb their building lmao :))
So sorry to hear that. The number is posted around here somewhere. You should call them up and speak to an actual person. I don't even bother with emails anymore. You get more help if you talk to them directly. Good luck!
Quote from: donkeyshoes on July 26, 2006, 04:08:34 PM
So sorry to hear that. The number is posted around here somewhere. You should call them up and speak to an actual person. I don't even bother with emails anymore. You get more help if you talk to them directly. Good luck!
I found the numbers on this forum - good luck! 1-866-543-5435 and 1-888-842-6388
I am so sorry that happened to you. Do you have any idea why at all?
sorry you were banned.did you find out why yet?
Sorry you got banned hope you find out why. I found it interesting in the last Miss netiguette Pogo knows they have members that go around haressing people just to report them and get them banned. I think I am just turning chat off and ignoring everything and everybody.
they never told me an official reason why or how long my ban would last when it happened to me. thankfully it only lasted 3 days. but don't hold your breathe waiting for a response from Pogo via email.
*funny side story about sucky pogo customer service*
I was having a problem with Poppit Mobile getting credit for my JP spins towards rank. when i submitted a help request to Pogo they told me to delete my cookies, update my internet explorer and switch to Mozilla if the problem still existed. Shows how well they read the fine parts of our letters that say MOBILE.
Quote from: Spawn O Satan on July 27, 2006, 04:39:43 AM
they never told me an official reason why or how long my ban would last when it happened to me. thankfully it only lasted 3 days. but don't hold your breathe waiting for a response from Pogo via email.
*funny side story about sucky pogo customer service*
I was having a problem with Poppit Mobile getting credit for my JP spins towards rank. when i submitted a help request to Pogo they told me to delete my cookies, update my internet explorer and switch to Mozilla if the problem still existed. Shows how well they read the fine parts of our letters that say MOBILE.
At least you got a reply AND got a laugh out of it. I have submitted at least 3 reports on various issues and on only 1 did I get any kind of reply. THEN they have the stupidity to send me a survey wanting to know how they did. HA!
pogo may read them but they still just send out their standard form letters.
OK one day I ranked 50 in Battle Philnix and i did the little cactus dance 10 or so times
07/08/2006:05:26:31 (my screen name) :2nd 72 hrs suspension (CP player) for scrolling
and then i was getting criped out like 15 times in a row so i vented my anger
07/26/2006:05:52:52 (my screen name) 17:42:21 fother mucker
This violation is serious enough to us to warrant the immediate closure of your account. This account will not be reactivated at any time in the future and all tokens on the account have been lost. There is nothing further that can be done about this account.
Please visit http://ea.custhelp.com for more information on what is and is not acceptable while on the pogo service.
after I begged, called and emailed this is what i got.
We have reviewed the terminated account in question as per your request. After reviewing the matter, it is clear that your actions violated the Terms of Service and Rules of Conduct of Pogo in a manner justifying the account termination.
Pogo does not exist without the members of our community, but we can not condone these actions. As Pogo contains numerous players, our decisions are solely based on the benefits of the community as a whole.
After our review of this matter, it is clear that the termination of this account is in the best interest of our community and is in complete accordance with the Terms of Service and the Rules of Conduct.
That would certainly do it. Sorry you lost your account but that's why it's best not to say or do anything in pogo chat.
so, if anybody decides to leave pogo anytime soon and want to donate their account to me I will donate a couple hundred to you!
Sorry to hear this. I do think Pogo went a bit far about your account. I've seen worse in rooms, where the people were reported, but never lost their accounts. It doesn't make any sense as far as pogo goes.
What makes them ban certain accounts and not others? do they pick names out of a hat.
I hardly ever chat in any games. Best that way.
Again, I'm sorry this happened to you!
That's just terrible :(
Well, I think they might have let the chat infraction pass if you hadn't had the 72 hour suspension just before that. Usually, if a person has a clean record on Pogo ( I know, sounds like Jr. High), they will take your years on Pogo into consideration if you appeal the suspension or ban in a nice and cordial manner.
Also, I am really certain that Pogo didn't pick up on your screen name. Chances are, another player reported you using the Abuse function in a Pogo room. Pogo doesn't actively look at chat, screen names and profiles which pass their initial filter unless someone complains. ( I hate the complaining busybodies too!!)
I don't know if I've said this on here, but after what happened to me with MY screen name and two WEEKS of not being able to play, thinking I had a permanent ban, phone calls, emails, EA " support forms", and then finally contacting someone at Pogo with a brain and a soul, I learned a few things about the way they do things there. I also think I learned how to avoid MOST foreseeable problems.
IF anyone gets a 72 hour suspension, please take it in stride. Yes, it may well go into effect on a Friday evening, meaning that the person will wonder all weekend long what they did wrong ( if they really don't know as I didn't), or it may go into effect on Monday and affect your Wed. AM badge gathering, but Pogo does not consider 72 hour suspensions to be a " critical offense".
FWIW, I got ALL my time out credited back to me, which I didn't ask for but I think was fair and considerate of EA/ Pogo to do.
Hindsight being 20/20, I learned that it's better to quietly appeal the 72 hour suspension through the EA Appeal form and not do anything else to stir them up.
The key to surviving on Pogo with the employees of EA seems to me to be staying off their radar and out of their hair. IF someone on Pogo complains about another player, they will usually put a 72 hour suspension on the account while they investigate the complaint.
I don't think it's fair, but it's better than yanking the account permanently for no reason.
The heart of the rule making and arbitrary desicions made tie into EA.com's Pogo ERSB ratings. When my account was suspended, and actually went into permanent ban status, I found out what ERSB ratings mean. In order to have the family rating, and I imagine to partner with AOL, ( yuck and double yuck), they decided to put rather arbitrary rules in place which I still think some members don't know about. EA.com didn't make the ERSB standards, parents and people who were in positions of power like Tipper Gore did. The ERSB rating system was big on her agenda when she was the VP's wife.
Info about the criteria for the ratings can be found at www.ersb.org
I didn't know WHY Pogo had changed and suddenly my screen name was seen as #^& with the chat filter on until I had a rational conversation with Alex at Pogo. He is the ONLY person at EA/ Pogo who cared to tell me what the perceived infraction was, and the only person with the reasoning ability to see that I had not committed an infraction after I provided proof of what my screen name stood for.
I was lucky in that I hadn't made a titillating screen name or said something offensive in chat which got me reported, because I could have, lol. Someone with their chat filter on thought my screen name was obscene and reported it. I didn't even know it was filtered out until then.
I really don't think people who make bawdy profiles, XXXskrewmenowXXX screen names, and piss off the little old women in chat have a leg to stand on in an appeal process. I remember when people would scroll and scroll in the rooms, send wav. files, etc way back before Club Pogo existed. It was a free for all, but it was FUN. :)
This strict adherence policy to the ERSB " family" rating is also why I never ever chat on Pogo. I was playing Dice City Roller with my husband one night, and he beat me, lol. I typed " WTF" instead of " WTG" because I was in a hurry to start the next game on time and the letters are right next to each other. I freaked because if someone else had been in the room, they probably could have had my account suspended for that. The really funny thing is that he was sitting beside me in our house, so I didn't need to type anything. I was so happy that he had found a game he liked to play and would play with me that I guess I got a little giddy. :))
Be careful!! Cheat well. :)
Quote from: hallowkween on July 27, 2006, 10:25:32 AM
so, if anybody decides to leave pogo anytime soon and want to donate their account to me I will donate a couple hundred to you!
QuoteI remember when people would scroll and scroll in the rooms, send wav. files, etc way back before Club Pogo existed. It was a free for all, but it was FUN.
I remember those days. I did get suspended back then for about 2 hours, that's what the suspension was or about that time. I didn't break any tos violations, the guides that use to come in just had it out for me and the way I worked around the tos stuff. I used words in different way.
I remember exactly what I said...... "I need to give an oral presentation at work" and that sentence got me suspended.
Needless to say, I grew up and keep to myself on Pogo. I never ever give out my name to anyone, so I'm purdy secretive.
This gets me...
From the ToS...
Strong vulgar language, crude or explicit sexual references, discussions of illegal drugs, and hate speech are always inappropriate Content for EA Online. Content standards may vary depending on where you are on EA Online, the type of game you are playing and the expectations of the community. Some game play and chat rooms may involve use of stronger language than others, including mild expletives. Always use your best judgment in online conduct. If you would not say something in a room full of people you have never met, or in the workplace, don't post it on our message boards or chat.
Obviously people who do or say these things would do this. So who is right? The person who would do this in real life? (They were only told not to do it if they wouldn't in real life.) Or the person saying it is wrong? You cant tell some they can do something if they would for real and them punish them when they do... just doesn't make any sense. I think the best way to keep it out would be to say DONT DO IT AT ALL. I read that as I can do what ever I would normally do and not get into trouble because hey that is me. But that is NOT true at all. It is kind of a double edge sword they want you to try and swallow with out getting cut.
What " message boards" they are referring to? As far as I know, Pogo doesn't have message boards. We create our own right here!! :))
Quote from: xsquezme on July 28, 2006, 10:18:21 AM
This gets me...
From the ToS...
Strong vulgar language, crude or explicit sexual references, discussions of illegal drugs, and hate speech are always inappropriate Content for EA Online. Content standards may vary depending on where you are on EA Online, the type of game you are playing and the expectations of the community. Some game play and chat rooms may involve use of stronger language than others, including mild expletives. Always use your best judgment in online conduct. If you would not say something in a room full of people you have never met, or in the workplace, don't post it on our message boards or chat.
Obviously people who do or say these things would do this. So who is right? The person who would do this in real life? (They were only told not to do it if they wouldn't in real life.) Or the person saying it is wrong? You cant tell some they can do something if they would for real and them punish them when they do... just doesn't make any sense. I think the best way to keep it out would be to say DONT DO IT AT ALL. I read that as I can do what ever I would normally do and not get into trouble because hey that is me. But that is NOT true at all. It is kind of a double edge sword they want you to try and swallow with out getting cut.
When I enter a room, I almost always close the chat. There are a few people I like to chat with, and they know how to contact me. I have kids that play on Pogo and one night they were playing in a room where the chat was about drag queens, various sexual positions and all this in very vulgar language (my then 11 year old son asked me where drag was. After questioning him to find out what he was talking about ("drag queen") I stepped in LOL In the room I 'gently' reminded the chatters that it was a famly site and to please remember that sometimes children are present. I knew I was leaving myself wide open for ridicule, which did happen, but I still felt that I was justified in my comments but no, I did not report them, I just changed rooms and closed the chat. I sometimes feel that people like myself who do not appreciate lude discussion are thought of as prudes or nerds or just intolerant. I just feel that I have as much right to chat in a game room without having to 'listen' to that as those who want to talk that way do. Then again, they can always take their chat private, right?
I'm thrilled that Pogo has implemented Friends List features that allow us to block certain people, allow everyone, or only allow those on our List.
I wish people and Pogo could be like the good ol days...was a place to play, make friends and chat. I can't understand why "club pogo members" are now so ready to report anyone for any little thing said. That sucks. I've never reported anyone before for any reason. I think the people who report need to get a life ...there are so many other options..i.e. using the mute button, changing rooms or heck just turn their chat off.
It's very difficult to make "friends" now without worrying about being reported for this and that..heck, no chat..no friends :o
I no longer chat for these reasons...and for some reason, Pogo just isn't that much fun anymore. :o I love this forum though..always a laugh and a smile.
Thanks Pogo Cheat (ers) ;)
Screw talking in Pogo. I just come here and let loose. :pp
Quote from: Tara on July 28, 2006, 04:09:22 PM
Screw talking in Pogo. I just come here and let loose. :pp
hehe thats the best thing you can do, at least ppl here listen and sometimes care lol :)))
If you go to the uncensored rooms you can say whatever tah hell yah want :D
Quote from: EyeCu on July 28, 2006, 04:11:16 PM
If you go to the uncensored rooms you can say whatever tah hell yah want :D
not worth the risk .. I just shut up and let uncle play :)))
Quote from: Krissy*Kitty on July 28, 2006, 04:10:33 PM
Quote from: Tara on July 28, 2006, 04:09:22 PM
Screw talking in Pogo. I just come here and let loose. :pp
hehe thats the best thing you can do, at least ppl here listen and sometimes care lol :)))
You got that right..Turn your auto on and go on about your business.
Quote from: Tori on July 28, 2006, 01:27:26 PM
I wish people and Pogo could be like the good ol days...was a place to play, make friends and chat. I can't understand why "club pogo members" are now so ready to report anyone for any little thing said. That sucks. I've never reported anyone before for any reason. I think the people who report need to get a life ...there are so many other options..i.e. using the mute button, changing rooms or heck just turn their chat off.
It's very difficult to make "friends" now without worrying about being reported for this and that..heck, no chat..no friends :o
I no longer chat for these reasons...and for some reason, Pogo just isn't that much fun anymore. :o I love this forum though..always a laugh and a smile.
Thanks Pogo Cheat (ers) ;)
i love it here better i just getting my ranks have not been here for while i come and and read and reply and back to the ranks i dont ever talk in pogo anymore not less a friend come in then we go private
Quote from: Tori on July 28, 2006, 01:27:26 PM
I wish people and Pogo could be like the good ol days...was a place to play, make friends and chat. I can't understand why "club pogo members" are now so ready to report anyone for any little thing said. That sucks. I've never reported anyone before for any reason. I think the people who report need to get a life ...there are so many other options..i.e. using the mute button, changing rooms or heck just turn their chat off.
It's very difficult to make "friends" now without worrying about being reported for this and that..heck, no chat..no friends :o
I no longer chat for these reasons...and for some reason, Pogo just isn't that much fun anymore. :o I love this forum though..always a laugh and a smile.
Thanks Pogo Cheat (ers) ;)
I agree with you...I miss the good ole days, it isn't nearly as much fun now that we have to worry about every little thing that we say.
lol tonight in bowling i got four straight 200+ games and was accused of cheating by this crybaby. lol i told him off and he left the room. ;D
Quote from: hades on July 29, 2006, 08:54:22 PM
lol tonight in bowling i got four straight 200+ games and was accused of cheating by this crybaby. lol i told him off and he left the room. ;D
Punkin? You do realize you are lucky, right?
Good work, though...
thank you...and i was actually playing tho.i got all my progress in bowling by hand.
Quote from: hades on July 30, 2006, 08:54:36 AM
thank you...and i was actually playing tho.i got all my progress in bowling by hand.
You're welcome...
...by hand? I dunno how to do that anymore. :)))
Quote from: hades on July 30, 2006, 08:54:36 AM
thank you...and i was actually playing tho.i got all my progress in bowling by hand.
If you wanna brag about doing it "by hand" Theres a new braggin section in Off Topics. :)) :))
Quote from: foxx on July 30, 2006, 09:18:09 AM
...by hand? I dunno how to do that anymore. :)))
And if you're bragging because you don't "do it by hand" you can post that in the braggin topic also missy!! :)) :))
Quote from: Tara on July 30, 2006, 11:05:48 AM
Quote from: hades on July 30, 2006, 08:54:36 AM
thank you...and i was actually playing tho.i got all my progress in bowling by hand.
If you wanna brag about doing it "by hand" Theres a new braggin section in Off Topics. :)) :))
Quote from: foxx on July 30, 2006, 09:18:09 AM
...by hand? I dunno how to do that anymore. :)))
And if you're bragging because you don't "do it by hand" you can post that in the braggin topic also missy!! :)) :))
LMAO... :)))
>>:D i think it is so unfair of pogo to ban ppl...but they sure like our $$ every year..
without the million who play there there wouldn't be a POGO..
we as players keep there site up and running...
and some ppl just like to report to cause trouble instead of playing the dam play...
i was i canasta this person said someone called her a loser..she asked if she should report them ..i said why it's only a game ..close chat if you are unhappy with chat...she didnt say no more... :))
Quote from: foxx on July 29, 2006, 10:23:37 PM
Quote from: hades on July 29, 2006, 08:54:22 PM
lol tonight in bowling i got four straight 200+ games and was accused of cheating by this crybaby. lol i told him off and he left the room. ;D
Punkin? You do realize you are lucky, right?
Good work, though...
:)) and i bet you was as well you cant win in bowls, scores high ur a cheat ,dont answer em ur a cheat , damed if u do damned if ya don't >:((
Quote from: Gecko on July 30, 2006, 03:33:26 PM
Quote from: foxx on July 29, 2006, 10:23:37 PM
Quote from: hades on July 29, 2006, 08:54:22 PM
lol tonight in bowling i got four straight 200+ games and was accused of cheating by this crybaby. lol i told him off and he left the room. ;D
Punkin? You do realize you are lucky, right?
Good work, though...
:)) and i bet you was as well you cant win in bowls, scores high ur a cheat ,dont answer em ur a cheat , damed if u do damned if ya don't >:((
yep, i just set my autos to slow and let em rip. If it's a game that scrolls scores across window, I find an empty room and leave it on at night only, never during day.
what a waste of time for all that work and to be banned ... sorry maine!!!!
that really sucks
Quote from: foxx on July 30, 2006, 09:18:09 AM
Quote from: hades on July 30, 2006, 08:54:36 AM
thank you...and i was actually playing tho.i got all my progress in bowling by hand.
You're welcome...
...by hand? I dunno how to do that anymore. :)))
lol aw.
Quote from: hallowkween on July 27, 2006, 10:15:33 AM
OK one day I ranked 50 in Battle Philnix and i did the little cactus dance 10 or so times
07/08/2006:05:26:31 (my screen name) :2nd 72 hrs suspension (CP player) for scrolling
and then i was getting criped out like 15 times in a row so i vented my anger
07/26/2006:05:52:52 (my screen name) 17:42:21 fother mucker
This violation is serious enough to us to warrant the immediate closure of your account. This account will not be reactivated at any time in the future and all tokens on the account have been lost. There is nothing further that can be done about this account.
Please visit http://ea.custhelp.com for more information on what is and is not acceptable while on the pogo service.
after I begged, called and emailed this is what i got.
We have reviewed the terminated account in question as per your request. After reviewing the matter, it is clear that your actions violated the Terms of Service and Rules of Conduct of Pogo in a manner justifying the account termination.
Pogo does not exist without the members of our community, but we can not condone these actions. As Pogo contains numerous players, our decisions are solely based on the benefits of the community as a whole.
After our review of this matter, it is clear that the termination of this account is in the best interest of our community and is in complete accordance with the Terms of Service and the Rules of Conduct.
Sorry to read about your banning :( That really sucks and I personally believe the reasons they had for banning you are petty considering. I mean there's people going around in Pogo with dodgy names and profiles and saying things in chat way worse than what you did and they're still around. I guess all it takes is one person super sensitive or easily offended or just plain nasty to report you and that's it, it's all over.
Sorry you lost your account and all your badges. I don't chat in pogo anymore. It's safer to just keep quiet in pogo. Now I come here to chat with NICE people and have fun.
Quote from: SuzieQ2 on July 31, 2006, 09:07:48 AM
Sorry you lost your account and all your badges. I don't chat in pogo anymore. It's safer to just keep quiet in pogo. Now I come here to chat with NICE people and have fun.
I'm with you, Suzie! I usually close the chat all together and if there's a friend I want to chat with, we go private.
that's what I do too! makes it so much nicer that way.
lol these days you can get reported for just playing good. :ll
:)) so sad but true, eh? pogo used to be such a fun place to play and act silly. It used to be my stress reducer. Now I just drink! ;D
pass me a drink.
I only chat with people that I know are auto users.
makes it much more safe.
Quote from: ABraveLady on July 31, 2006, 09:28:50 AM
I'm with you, Suzie! I usually close the chat all together and if there's a friend I want to chat with, we go private.
Quote from: SuzieQ2 on July 31, 2006, 09:38:51 AM
that's what I do too! makes it so much nicer that way.
These days I only chat in private too but according to the thread below, I don't know how safe that is anymore...Don't know whether Pogo has fixed this yet :-\
What ya drinking, hades? I've got a fully stocked bar and would like a drinkin buddy. ;)