To play this game you can only change ONE word in this sentence.You have to use the whole sentence.
The lazy brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while chasing his tail.
The lazy brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while licking his tail.
The lazy brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while licking his chops.
The lazy brown dog wallowed in the puddle of jello, while licking his chops.
The lazy black dog wallowed in the puddle of jello, while licking his chops.
the good black dog wallowed in the puddle of jello,while licking his chops
the good black dog wallowed in the pool of jello,while licking his chops
The good black dog wallowed in the pool of jello,while licking his paws.
The good black dog wallowed in the pool of jello,while licking his hades
The mean black dog wallowed in the pool of jello, while licking his hades
The mean black dog wallowed in the pool of jello, while licking his lips
The mean black clown wallowed in the pool of jello, while licking his hades
The happy black clown wallowed in the pool of jello, while
licking his hades
The happy naked clown wallowed in the pool of jello, while licking his hades
the happy naked clown wallowed in the pool of jello,while licking his fingers
the happy naked clown wallowed in the pool of jello,while biting his fingers
the happy naked clown peed in the pool of jello,while biting his fingers
The happy naked clown peed in the pool of jello,while biting his toenails.
The happy naked clown jumped in the pool of jello,while biting his toenails.
The happy naked clown jumped in the pool of jello, while cutting his toenails.
The happy naked monkey jumped in the pool of jello, while cutting his toenails.
The happy naked monkey jumped in the pool of jello, while cutting his bananas.
The happy naked leprechaun jumped in the pool of jello, while cutting his toenails.
The happy naked leprechaun jumped in the pool of jello, while cutting his bananas.
The happy naked leprechaun jumped in the pool of jello, while eating his bananas.
The happy naked leprechaun jumped in the pool of jello, without eating his bananas.
The ugly naked leprechaun jumped in the pool of jello, without eating his bananas.
The ugly naked leprechaun slid in the pool of jello, without eating his bananas.
The ugly naked leprechaun slid in the pool of jello, without eating his apples.
The ugly warty leprechaun slid in the pool of jello, without eating his apples.
The small warty leprechaun slid in the pool of jello, without eating his apples.
The fat warty leprechaun slid in the pool of jello, without eating his apples.
The fat warty leprechaun slid in the pool of jello, without smashing his apples.
The fat warty leprechaun farted in the pool of jello, without smashing his apples.
The fat warty leprechaun farted in the lake of jello, without smashing his apples.
The fat warty leprechaun farted in the lake of chocolate, without smashing his apples.
The fat warty leprechaun farted in the lake of chocolate, without smashing his pie.
This sentence sure does look like it got
Lets just check how much it's changed already...
The lazy brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while chasing his tail.
The fat warty leprechaun farted in the lake of chocolate, without smashing his pie.
It's the same amount of
Quote from: Tara on September 16, 2006, 10:40:23 AM
This sentence sure does look like it got
Lets just check how much it's changed already...
The lazy brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while chasing his tail.
The fat warty leprechaun farted in the lake of chocolate, without smashing his pie.
It's the same amount of
The fat warty leprechaun farted in the lake of chocolate, without smashing her pie.
The fat warty leprechaun splashed in the lake of chocolate, without smashing her pie.
The wonderful warty leprechaun splashed in the lake of chocolate, without smashing her pie. 0:
The wonderful happy leprechaun splashed in the lake of chocolate, without smashing her pie.
The wonderful happy leprechaun danced in the lake of chocolate, without smashing her pie.
The wonderful happy leprechaun danced in the lake of chocolate, without smashing her foot.
The wonderful happy leprechaun danced in the lake of chocolate, without smelling her foot.
The wonderful happy leprechaun danced in the lake of swans, without smelling her foot.
The wonderful happy fairy danced in the lake of swans, without smelling her foot.
The wonderful happy fairy danced in the lake of swans, without hurting her foot.
The wonderful happy fairy danced in the lake of swans, while hurting her foot.
The wonderful happy fairy jumped in the lake of swans, while hurting her foot.
The wonderful happy devil jumped in the lake of swans, while hurting her foot. >>:D
The handsome devil jumped in the lake of swans, while hurting her foot.
The handsome devil jumped in the lake of swans, while hurting his foot.
The handsome devil jumped in the lake of swans, while hurting his horns.
The handsome devil jumped in the lake of fire, while hurting his horns.
The handsome devil jumped in the pit of fire, while hurting his horns.
The handsome devil jumped in the pit of fire, while burning his horns.
The gruesome devil jumped in the pit of fire, while burning his horns.
The gruesome devil sobbed in the pit of fire, while burning his horns.
The gruesome devil sobbed in the pit of slime, while burning his horns.
The gruesome devil sobbed in the pit of slime, while burning his feet.
Quote from: nightperson on September 16, 2006, 05:09:10 AM
the happy naked clown wallowed in the pool of jello,while licking his fingers the naked clown wallowed in the pool of jello, while lickin his fingers nails
Quote from: Tokens Master Tagger on September 16, 2006, 07:28:57 PM
Quote from: nightperson on September 16, 2006, 05:09:10 AM
the happy naked clown wallowed in the pool of jello,while licking his fingers the naked clown wallowed in the pool of jello, while lickin his fingers nails
Quote from: Tokens Master Tagger on September 16, 2006, 07:28:57 PM
Quote from: nightperson on September 16, 2006, 05:09:10 AM
the happy naked clown wallowed in the pool of jello,while licking his fingers the naked clown wallowed in the pool of jello, while lickin his fingers nails
:)) that was on the first page :)) this is the 5th :)) sure is different from the #61 reply :)) yup story change alot since then :))
The gruesome devil sobbed in the pit of slime, while picking his feet.
The gruesome devil sobbed in the pit of slime, while picking his nose.
The gruesome devil sobbed in the pit of slime, while sucking his nose.
The gruesome devil sobbed in the pit of slime, while sucking his snot.
The gruesome devil partied in the pit of slime, while sucking his snot.
The gruesome butterfly partied in the pit of slime, while sucking his snot. <.>
The gruesome devil partied in the pit of slime,while sucking his snot
The gruesome toad partied in the pit of slime,while sucking his snot.
I take it Jade doesn't like this game to well.. :)))
The gruesome toad partied in the bucket of slime,while sucking his snot.
The gruesome toad puked in the bucket of slime,while sucking his snot.
The gruesome toad puked in the bucket of worms,while sucking his snot.
The warty toad puked in the bucket of worms,while sucking his snot.
The blow toad puked in the bucket of worms,while sucking his snot.
The blow fish puked in the bucket of worms,while sucking his snot.
the bass fish puked in the bucket of worms,while sucking his snot
The bass fish puked in the bucket of worms,while eating his snot.
The bass fish puked in the bucket of worms,while eating his tail.
The bass fish puked in the bucket of worms,while swinging his tail.
The bass fish puked in the bucket of worms,while cuttin his tail.
The little fish puked in the bucket of worms,while cuttin his tail.
The little fish pee'd in the bucket of worms,while cuttin his tail.
The little fish peed in the bucket of worms, after cuttin his tail.
The little boy peed in the bucket of worms, after cuttin his tail.
The little boy peed in the bucket of worms, after cuttin his finger.
the little boy sat in a bucket of worms after cuttin his finger.
The little boy sat in a bucket of fudge after cuttin his finger.
The fat boy sat in a bucket of fudge after cuttin his finger.
The fat boy sat in a bucket of fudge after licking his finger.
The fat boy stood in a bucket of fudge after licking his finger.
The fat boy stood in a bucket of fudge after licking his scab.
The fat boy stood in a bucket of fudge after licking his kidney.
The fat boy stood in a bucket of fudge after licking his mother.
The fat boy stood in a bucket of fudge after kicking his mother.
The fat boy pooted in a bucket of fudge after kicking his mother.
The fat boy pooted in a bucket of ice after kicking his mother.
The fat boy pooted in a cooler of ice after kicking his mother.
The fat boy peed in a cooler of ice after kicking his mother
The fat boy peed in a cooler of ice after kissing his mother
The fat woman peed in a cooler of ice after kissing his mother
The fat woman peed in a cooler of ice after kissing her mother
The fat pig peed in a cooler of ice after kissing her mother
The fat girl peed in a cooler of ice after kissing her mother
The fat girl spit in a cooler of ice after kissing her mother
The fat girl spit in a toilet of ice after kissing her mother
The fat cat spit in a toilet of ice after kissing her mother
The fat cat spit in a toilet of ice after bitin her mother
The shaved cat spit in a toilet of ice after bitin her mother
The ball cat spit in a toilet of ice after bitin her mother
The ugly cat spit in a toilet of ice after bitin her mother
The ugly cat spit in a toilet of ice after bitin her brother
The ugly cat puked in a toilet of ice after bitin her brother
The ugly cat puked in a toilet of ice after scratching her brother
The ugly cat played in a toilet of ice after scratching her brother
The ugly cat played in a toilet of poo after scratching her brother
The ugly cat played in a toilet of poo after chasing her brother.
The yellow cat played in a toilet of poo after chasing her brother. :)))
The yellow cat fell in a toilet of poo after chasing her brother.
The yellow cat fell in a dab of poo after chasing her brother.
The old cat fell in a dab of poo after chasing her brother.
The old man fell in a dab of poo after chasing her brother.
The old man fell in a dab of poo after chasing his brother.
The old man fell in a dab of oil after chasing his brother.
The old man fell in a dab of oil after seeing his brother.
The old man slipped in a dab of oil after seeing his brother.
The old man slipped in a dab of oil after seeing his ghost.
The old man slipped in a dab of manure after seeing his ghost.
The old man slipped in a dab of manure after seeing a ghost.
The old man slipped in a dab of cobwebs after seeing a ghost.
The old man pooped in a dab of cobwebs after seeing a ghost
The old man pooped in a gob of cobwebs after seeing a ghost
The old man pooped in a pot of cobwebs after seeing a ghost
The old man pooped in a pot of coffee after seeing a ghost
The old man pooped in a cup of coffee after seeing a ghost
The old man puked in a cup of coffee after seeing a ghost
The old man puked in a cup of coffee after seeing a turtle
The old man puked on a cup of coffee after seeing a turtle
The old man puked on a countertop of coffee after seeing a turtle
The old man puked on a countertop of coffee after licking a turtle.
The old man puked on a countertop of coffee after eating a turtle
the old man puked on a cup of coffee after eating a turtle
The old man sipped on a cup of coffee after eating a turtle
The old man sipped on a cup of coffee after eating a muffin.
The old woman sipped on a cup of coffee after eating a muffin.
The old woman sipped on a cup of coffee after eating a taco.
The old woman sipped on a cup of soda after eating a taco.
The old woman sipped on a cup of beer after eating a taco.
The old cow sipped on a cup of beer after eating a taco.
The old cowboy sipped on a cup of beer after eating a taco.
Quote from: Tokens Master Tagger on September 22, 2006, 07:54:41 PM
The old cowboy sipped on a cup of beer after eating a taco.
The old cowboy sipped on a cup of beer after licking a taco.
:)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :-X %%
The old cowboy sipped on a cup of beer after licking a leg.
The old cowboy sipped on a cup of hair after licking a leg.
The old cowboy slipped on a cup of hair after licking a leg.
The old cowboy slipped on a cup of hair after kicking a leg.
The young cowboy slipped on a cup of hair after kicking a leg.
The young cowboy slipped on a cup of hair after kicking a keg.
The young cowboy slipped on a cup of tulips after kicking a keg.
The moronic cowboy slipped on a cup of tulips after kicking a keg.
The moronic cowboy slipped on a cup of tulips after kicking a bee.
The sweet cowboy slipped on a cup of tulips after kicking a bee
The dumb cowboy slipped on a cup of tulips after kicking a bee
The dumb cat slipped on a cup of tulips after kicking a bee.
the dumb cat slipped on a bed of tulips after kicking a bee
The dumb cat slipped on a bed of tulips after chasing a bee.
The dumb cat fell on a bed of tulips after chasing a bee
The dumb cat fell on on a bed of tulips after chasing a lochness-monster.
the yellow cat fell on a bed of tulips after chasing a lochness_monster
the yellow cat peed on a bed of tulips after chasing a lochness_monster
the yellow cat peed on a bed of tulips after scratching a lochness_monster
the yellow cat peed on a bed of tulips after catching a lochness_monster
the yellow cat peed on a bed of roses after catching a lochness_monster
the yellow cat peed on a pot of roses after catching a lochness_monster
the yellow kitten peed on a pot of roses after catching a locness_monster.
the yellow kitten jumped on a pot of roses after catching a locness_monster.
The yellow veterinian jumped on a pot of roses after catching a locness_monster.
The yellow veterinarian jumped on a pot of fleas after catching a lochness_monster.
The yellow banana jumped on a pot of fleas after catching a lochness-monster.
The yellow pediatrician jumped on a pot of fleas after catching a lochness-monster.
The lying pediatrician jumped on a pot of fleas after catching a lochness-monster.
The lying pediatrician jumped in a pot of fleas after catching a lochness-monster.
The lying pediatrician jumped in a pot of fleas after catching a cold.
The lying pediatrician jumped in a pot of medicine after cathing a cold.
The lying pediatricain jumped in a pot of beer after catching a cold
The drunk pediatricain jumped in a pot of beer after catching a cold.
The drunk pediatrician jumped in a pot of beer after catching a fish
The drunk pediatrician swam in a pot of beer after catching a fish.
The drunk pediatrician swam in a pot of beer after catching a snake.
The drunk clerk swan in a pot of of beer after chasing a snake
The drunk clerk swam in a pot of beer after chasing a leprechaun
The drunk clerk swan in a pot of wine after chasing a leprechaun
The drunk clerk swam in a pot of wine after kissing a leprechaun
The drunk clerk swam with a pot of wine after kissing a leprechaun.
The drunk clerk swan with a pot of wine after kissing a deer
The drunk clerk ran with a pot of wine after kissing a deer
The drunk clerk ran with a pot of wine after kissing a butt
The drunk clerk ran with a pot of wine after kissing a statue.
The drunk clerk ran with a pot of wine after kissing a dog
The drunk clerk ran with a pot of wine after stealing a dog
The drunk clerk ran with a pot of wine after kissing a dog
The drunk doctor ran with a pot of wine after kissing a dog
The drunk doctor fell with a pot of wine after kissing a dog
The drunk doctor fell into a pot of wine after kissing a dog.
The drunk doctor fell into a pot of wine after stabbin a dog.
The drunk doctor fell into a pit of wine after stabbing a dog.
The drunk doctor fell into a pit of wine after eating a dog.
The drunk doctor fell into a pit of wine after eating a stethascope.
The drunk pig fell into a pit of wine after eating a stethascope
The drunk pig fell into a pit of wine after eating a pumpkin
The drunk pig fell into a pit of mud after eating a pumpkin
The drunk pig fell into a hole of mud after eating a pumpkin.
The drunk pig fell into a hole of mud after eating bats
The drunk pig fell into a hole of mud after seeing bats
The drunk pig fell into a hole of snakes after seeing bats
The drunk monkey fell into a hole of snakes after seeing bats
The drunk monkey fell into a hole of snakes after seeing dogs
The drunk monkey fell into a hole of bananas after seeing dogs
The drunk monkey fell into a hole of bananas after seeing double.
The silly monkey fell into a hole of bananas after seeing double.
The silly monkey jumped into a hole of bananas after seeing double.
The silly monkey jumped into a hole of tigers after seeing double
The silly monkey jumped into a hole of tigers after seeing nightmares.
The silly monkey jumped into a hole of tigers after living nightmares.
The silly monkey jumped into a hole of lions after living nightmares
The silly monkey jumped into a hole of lions after having nightmares
The silly monkey jumped into a hole of cockroaches after having nightmares
The silly monkey jumped into a hole of cockroaches after having Hades
The silly monkey jumped in a hole of devils after having hades
The silly monkey jumped in a pot of devils after having hades
The silly monkey jump in a tree of devils after having hades
The silly monkey jumped in a tree of devils after having cake
The crazy monkey jumped in a tree of devils after having cake
The crazy monkey jumped in a tree of thorns after having cake
The crazy monkey jumped in a tree of thorns after having hotwings
The crazy monkey jumped in a bunch of thorns after having hotwings
The crazy monkey jumped in a bunch of celery after having hotwings
The crazy man jumped in a bunch of celery after havinf hotwings
The crazy man jumped in a bunch of celery after eating hotwings
The crazy man jumped in a bunch of celery yelling eating hotwings
The crazy man jumped in a bunch of celery yelling sniffing hotwings
The crazy man jumped in a bunch of poop yelling sniffing hotwings
The crazy man jumped in a bucket of poop, yelling sniffing hotwings.
The crazy man jumped in a bucket of poop, gluttonously sniffing hotwings.
The crazy man slipped in a bucket of poop, gluttonously sniffing hotwings.
The crazy hades slipped in a bucket of poop, gluttonously sniffing hotwings.
The crazy hades slipped in a bucket of poop, smiling sniffing hotwings
The crazy person slipped in a bucket of poop, smiling sniffing hotwings
The crazy monkey slipped in a bucket of poop, smiling sniffing hotwings
The crazy monkey slipped in a bucket of poop, while sniffing hotwings
The crazy lady slipped in a bucket of poop, while sniffing hotwings
The crazy lady slipped in a bucket of poop, while eating hotwings
The crazy Tara slipped in a bucket of poop, while eating hotwings
The crazy Tara slipped in a bucket of poop,while throwing hotwings
The crazy Tara slipped in a bucket of poop,while throwing Homer.
The crazy tara jump in a bucket of poop,while throwing homer
The crazy tara peed in a bucket of poop, while throwing homer
The crazy doctor peed in a bucket of poop,while throwing homer
The witch doctor peed in a bucket of poop,while throwing homer
The witch doctor peed in a bucket of poop,while throwing up! :ooo
The witch doctor peed in a bucket of poop, after throwing up!
The witch doctor sat in a bucked of poop,after throwing up
The insane doctor sat in a bucked of poop,after throwing up.
The insane doctor sat in a sand of poop,after throwing up
The poor doctor sat in a sand of poop,after throwing up
The poor doctor sat in a sand of fleas,after throwing up
The poor doctor sat in the sand of fleas,after throwing up
The poor doctor sat in the sand with fleas, after throwing up
The poor doctor sat in the sand with fleas, after getting up
The poor doctor sat in the sand with fleas,after standing up
The poor doctor sat in the sand with fleas,after throwing up
The poor monkey sat in the sand with fleas,after throwing up
The poor monkey sat in the oatmeal with fleas, after throwing up
the poor monkey laid in the oatmeal with fleas, after throwing up
The poor monkey laid in the oatmeal with fleas,after throwing up
after throwing up, the poor fleas laid in oatmeal with the monkey
Quote from: justahumping on September 30, 2006, 11:36:39 PM
after throwing up, the poor fleas laid in oatmeal with the monkey
what is this :))
well, I thought I changed it up? I guess I just messed it up tho. so sorry
:o :))
Quote from: justahumping on September 30, 2006, 11:53:57 PM
well, I thought I changed it up? I guess I just messed it up tho. so sorry
dont be sorry, it all good, justa you may have something here it is different and will make it go over better
after throwing up, the poor dog laid in oatmeal with the monkey
after throwing up, The helpless dog laid in oatmeal with the monkey
while throwing up, The helpless dog laid in oatmeal with the monkey
while throwing up, The helpless dog laid in mud with the monkey
While throwing up,The helpless dog laid in bed with the monket
After throwing up,The helpless dog laid in bed with the monkey
after throwing up,The helpless woman laid in bed with the monkey
After throwing up,the helpless woman laid in bed with the doctor.
after throwing up,The helpless pig laid in the bed with the doctor
Before throwing up,The helpless pig laid in the bed with the doctor.
After throwing up, the helpless pig laid in the bed with the doctor.
After throwing up, the helpless wench laid in the bed with the doctor.
Before throwing up, the helpless wench laid in the bed with the doctor.
Before throwing up, the helpless wench laid in the bed with TWO doctor.
before throwing up the the helpless justa laid in the bed with 2 doctor
Before getting up, the helpless wench laid in the bed with TWO doctors.
Before getting down, the helpless wench laid in the bed with TWO doctors.
Quote from: justahumping on October 01, 2006, 04:43:57 PM
Before getting up, the helpless wench laid in the bed with TWO doctors.
before getting down,the helpless wench laid in the bed with THREE doctor
Before getting down,the nasty wench laid in the bed with three doctors.
before getting down,the nasty wench laid in the floor with three doctoe
Before getting STD,the nasty wench laid in the floor with three doctors.
before getting STD,the nasty wench laid in the floor with three dogs
before getting std the nasty blonde laid in the floor with three dogs
before getting std the nasty blonde laid in the floor with three wenches
before getting whacked,the nasty wench laid in the floor with 3 wenches
Before getting whacked,the nasty wench laid in the floor with 3 chippendales.
before getting whacked,the ugly wench laid in the floor 3 chippendales
i have seen them
Before getting lapdance,the ugly wench laid in the floor with 3 chippendales.
before getting lapdance.the ugle wench slip in the chippendales
Before getting lapdance,the ugly wench slipped in the floor with 7 chippendales. (rofl... more men..more men.. more) lol
Quote from: Tokens Master Tagger on October 02, 2006, 06:08:54 PM
Before getting lapdance,the ugly wench slipped in the floor with 7 chippendales. (rofl... more men..more men.. more) lol
:)) :)) :))
before getting lapdance,the ugly wench lay in the floor with 7 chippendales,
men,men,men and more men :P
Before getting lapdance,the ugly wench lay in the floor with several chippendales.
while getting lapdance, the ugly wench laid in the floor with several chippendales
While getting lapdance, the ugly wench laid in the bed with several chippendales.
you guys realize THIS is where we started?? :))
The lazy brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while chasing his tail.
yes :)) :))
while getting lapdance,the ugly wench laid in the tub with several chippendales
:))) that is too funny... thats how gossip start.. it neva the same when u get to the end as it began!!!
While getting lapdance,the ugly wench played in the tub with several chippendales
While getting lucky,the ugly wench played in the tub with several chippendales
While getting lucky,the fat wench played in the tub with several chippendales. <fallin outta chair lol so hard> omg..this is too funny
While getting drunk, the fat wench played in the tub with several chippendales.
While getting drunk, the fat wench played in the tub with several winoes
while getting drunk,the fat man played in the tub with several winoes
while getting sober,the fat man played in the tub with several winoes (I hope I am playing this right this time)
while getting whacked,the fat man played in the tub with several winoes
while getting whacked,the fat man played in the tub with several widow's
while getting whacked,the old man plyed in the tub withseveral winoes
while getting whacked,the old man died in the tub with several winoes :))
while getting whacked,the old man died in the tub with several dogs
While getting CPR,the old man died in the tub with several dogs.
while getting hugs,the old man dies in the tub with several dogs
lol I dont know what I typed that is censored.. it wasnt bad... trust me... lol... oh i know... I said
While getting CPR,the old man dies in the tub with several dogs.
while getting shaved,the old man dies in the tub with several dogs
Quote from: nightperson on October 04, 2006, 11:34:54 AM
while getting shaved,the old man dies in the tub with several dogs
rofl.. what the heck did they shave off.... <fallin outta chair lol>
While gettin shaved, the old man pees in the tub with several dogs.
while getting shaved,the old man dies in the tub with 20 dogs
i dont know im going with the flow :))
While getting shaved,the old man pees in the tub with 20 dogs.
wjiles getting shaved,the man pees in the tub with 20 dogs
how can he pee he is dead :)) :))
While getting shaved,the old man falls in the tub with 20 dogs
while geting shaved, the old man winkeds in the tub with 20 dogs
while getting shaved, the old man winked in the shed with 20 dogs.
While getting shaved, the old man winked in the doghouse with 20 dogs.
While getting shaved, the old man sneezed in the doghouse with 20 dogs.
While getting dinner, the old man sneezed in the doghouse with 20 dogs.
While getting dinner, the old man sneezed in the outhouse with 20 dogs.
while getting dinner, the old man dances in the outhouse with 20 dogs
While getting dinner the old man dances in the kitchen with 20 dogs.
While getting dinner the old man fences in the kitchen with 20 dogs.
While getting dinner the old man dances in the kitchen with 20 dogs.
While getting dinner the old man dances in the kitchen with 20 strippers
While getting drinks, the old man dances in the kitchen with 20 strippers
While getting drinks, the young man dances in the kitchen with 20 strippers
While getting drinks, the young man dances in the kitchen with 20 polecats
While getting drinks, the young man dances in the kitchen with 20 monkeys.
While making drinks, the young man dances in the kitchen with 20 monkeys.
while getting drunk,the young girl dances in the kitchen with 20 monkeys
while being drunk the young girl is dancing in the kitchen with 20 pink elephants
while being drunk the young girl is running in the kitchen with 20 pink elephants
While being drunk the young girl is running in the yard with 20 pink elephants.
While being silly the young girl is running in the yard with 20 pink elephants.
While being blonde the young girl is running in the yard with 20 pink elephants.
while being blonde,the young girl waling in the yard with 20 elephant
While being blonde,the young girl stompin in the yard with 20 elephant
While being blonde,the young girl jumped in the yard with 20 elephant
While being blonde,the young girl jumped in the yard top 20 elephant
while being blonde,the young monkey jumped in the yard top 20 elephant
while being playful, the young monkey jumped in the yard top 20 elephant
while being playful,the young monkey jumped in the can top 20 elephant
while being playful,the mean monkey jumped in the can top 20 elephant
Frequently being playful,the mean monkey jumped in the can top 20 elephant.
Frequently being playful,the mean monkey jumped in the can top 20 horses
Frequently being playful,the mean monkey jumped into the can top 20 horses
Frequently being playful,the mean monkey jumped into the can with 20 horses
Frequently being playful, the mean monkey jumped over the can with 20 horses.
Frequently being playful, the silly monkey jumped over the can with 20 horses.
frequently being playful the silly cow jumped over the moon with 20 horses O+O
frequently being playful the silly cow jumped over the moon with 20 pigs
frequently being playful the silly goose jumped over the moon with 20 pigs
frequently being playful the silly goose jumped over the moon with little pigs
frequently being playful the wolf threw all 20 pigs over the moon
frequently being playful the wolf threw all 20 pigs over the roof
Frequently being playful the wolf threw all 20 cows over the roof.
Quote from: Tokens Master Tagger on October 07, 2006, 10:40:59 AM
Frequently being playful the wolf threw all 20 cows over the roof.
This is how much the sentence has I wonder how come we are 2 words short? :-\
The lazy brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while chasing his tail.
Frequently being playful the wolf threw all 20 grasshoppers over the roof.
Quote from: Tara on October 07, 2006, 10:45:54 AM
Quote from: Tokens Master Tagger on October 07, 2006, 10:40:59 AM
Frequently being playful the wolf threw all 20 cows over the roof.
This is how much the sentence has I wonder how come we are 2 words short? :-\
The lazy brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while chasing his tail.
Frequently being playful the wolf threw all 20 grasshoppers over the roof.
u go back and find it... and I buy u an icecream cone... rofl
Frequently bein playful, the wolf threw all 21 cows over the roof.
frequently being playful the witch threw all 1002 cats over the fence
Frequently being playful the witch threw all 1002 cats over the tombstone.
frequently being playful the with threw all 1002 cats into the tombstone
Quote from: kandykitty20012 on October 07, 2006, 11:13:20 AM
frequently being playful the with threw all 1002 cats into the tombstone
lol typo here
Frequently being playful the witch threw all 1002 cats into the dreary tombstone. (ok Tara... I added one of the lost
LOL Ok and I added the other lost word...we're back in business.
Frequently being super playful the witch threw all 1002 cats into the dreary tombstone.
Frequently being super freaky the witch threw all 1002 cats into the dreary tombstone.
Frequently being super freaky, the dude threw all 1002 cats into the dreary tombstone.
Freguently being super frecky,the girl threw all 1002 cats into the dreary tombstone
frequently being super nasty the girl smashed 1013 pumpkins into the shiney new truck
frequently being super nasty the girl smashed 1012 punkins into the shiney new truck
always being super evil the chicky smashed 1012 witches into the shiney new pot
always being super dirty the chicky smashed 1012 witches into the shiney new pot
Quote from: kandykitty20012 on October 07, 2006, 01:54:34 PM
frequently being super nasty the girl smashed 1013 pumpkins into the shiney new truck
You changed too many words at one time... smashed... shiney... and new truck............. you can only change one word per new sentence
the last 3 posts are alllllllllll messed up.. they changin any and everything they want to... lol
This is the last correct change... startin with Night...
Freguently being super freaky,the girl threw all 1002 cats into the dreary tombstone.
Frequently, being super freaky, the girl threw all 1002 cats into the spooky
Quote from: Tokens Master Tagger on October 07, 2006, 05:31:41 PM
Quote from: kandykitty20012 on October 07, 2006, 01:54:34 PM
frequently being super nasty the girl smashed 1013 pumpkins into the shiney new truck
You changed too many words at one time... smashed... shiney... and new truck............. you can only change one word per new sentence
i was going with what i seen before i post
Frequently, being super frecky,the boy threw all 1002 cats into the spooky tombstone
Frequently, being super freaky,the boy threw all 1002 cats into the spooky grave.
Frequently,being super nasty, the boy threw all 1002 cats into the spooky grave
Frequently,being super nasty, the boy pushed all 1002 cats into the spooky grave.
frequently,being really nasty,the boy pushed all 1002 cats into the spookygrave
frequently,being really nasty,the boy threw all 1002 cats into the spookygrave
frequently,really really nasty,the boy threw all 1002 cats into the spookygrave
The really really nasty,the boy threw all 1002 cats into the spookygrave
The really nasty man and boy threw all 1002 cats into the spookygrave.
The really nasty girl and boy threw all 1002 cats into the spookygrave.
I wouldn't of posted one after another like that, but I was trying to get the sentence, back to a He took a detour.
The really nasty girl and boy threw all shaved cats into the spookygrave.
Thats what I thought you were doing....Good Job :D It needed some fixen :))
The really nasty girl and boy threw all shaved cats into the pot.
the really nasty girl and boy pushed all shaved cats into the pot
the really nasty girl and boy pushed all shaved cats into the pool.
The really nasty girl and boy pushed all dirty cats into the pool
The really nasty girl and boy pushed all dirty underwears into the pool.
The reall nasty girl and bot pushed all the dirty pigs into the pool
The really nasty girl and boy pushed all the dirty pigs into the pit.
The really nasty girl and boy pushed all the dirty pigs into the fork
The really nasty girl and boy pushed all the dirty pigs into the floor.
The really nasty girl and boy pushed all the dirty pygmies into the floor.
The really ugly girl and boy pushed all the dirty pygmies into the floor.
The really ugly girl and boy pushed all the dead pygmies into the floor.
The really ugly girl and boy pushed all the dead pygmies into the grave
The really ugly girl and boy kissed all the dead pygmies into the grave.
the really ugly girl and boy kissed all the cute pygmies into the grave
the really ugly girl and boy kissed all the cute pygmies into the river
The really ugly girl and boy kissed all the cute pygmies at the river.
The really sexy girl and boy kissed all the cute pygmies at the river.
The really sexy girl and boy kissed all the cute pygmies at the tavern.
The really sexy girl and mom kissed all the cute pygmies at the tavern.
The really sexy dad and mom kissed all the cute pygmies at the tavern.
The really sexy dad and mom hugged all the cute pygmies at the tavern.
The really sexy dad and mom hugged all the cute drunks at the tavern.
The really sexy dad and mom huged all the ugle drunks at the tavern
The really thirsty dad and mom huged all the ugle drunks at the tavern
What's a ugle? I'm gonna change it assuming it's suppose to be ugly.
The really thirsty mom and dad sneezed on the ugly drunks at the tavern.
The really thirtsy mom and dad puked on the ugly drunks at the tavern
The really thirtsy mom and dad puked on the ugly basket at the tavern
the really thirtsy mom and dad puked on the nice basket at the tavern
the really thirsty mom and dad danced on the nice basket at the tavern
The homeless thirsty mom and dad danced on the nice basket at the tavern
The homeless thirsty mom and dad danced on the nice table at the tavern.
the homeless dirty mom and dad danced on the nice table at the tavern
the homeless dirty mom and dad jumped on the nice table at the tavern
The homeless dirty mom and dad danced on the nice table at the tavern.
The homeless dirty mom looked dad danced on the nice table at the tavern.
the homeless dirty mom slap dad danced on the nicetable at the taven
The homeless dirty mom watched dad dance on the nice table at the tavern.
The homeless dirty mom watched daughter dance on the nice table at the tavern
The homeless dirty mom watched daughter dance on the dirty table at the tavern
The homeless dirty mom watched strangers dance on the dirty table at the tavern
The homeless dirty mom watched strangers dance on the flat table at the tavern
The homeless dirty man watched strangers dance on the flat table at the tavern
The rich dirty man watched strangers dance on the flat table at the tavern
The rich nice man watched strangers dance on the flat table at the tavern
The rich nice man watched watts dance on the flat table at the tavern
good god Busted again :-X
The rich nice man helped watts dance on the flat table at the tavern
The rich nice man helped watts dance on the flat table at the hotel
The rich nice man helped watts dance on the long table at the hotel
The rich man married watts dance on the long table at the hotel
The rich man married watts while on the long table at the hotel
Bring him on :)) :))
The rich man married watts while kissing her on the table at the hotel.
The rich man married watts while kissing her on the forehead at the motel
The rich man married watts while kissing her on the navel at the motel.
The rich man married watts while kissing her on the neck at the motel
The rich man married watts while kissing her on the butt at the motel
The rich man married watts while kissing her on the butt at the park
The rich man married watts while biting her on the butt at the park
The rich man married Tokens while biting her on the butt at the park. rofl
The rich man married tokens while biting her on the neck at the park
The rich man married Tokens while biting her on the neck at the hotel. :)))
The rich man kicked Tokens while biting her on the neck at the hotel.
The rich man loved tokens while biting her on the neck at the hotel
The rich man loved Night while biting her on the neck at the hotel.
rofl.. Night..ur turn to get some lovin...
mmm does he have teeth are was he guming your neck
The rich man loved kandy while biting her on the neck at the hotel
kandys turn :)))
Quote from: nightperson on October 11, 2006, 05:02:06 PM
mmm does he have teeth are was he guming your neck
The rich man loved kandy while biting her on the neck at the hotel
kandys turn :)))
The rich man licked Kandy while bitin her on the neck at the hotel.
Quote from: Tokens Master Tagger on October 11, 2006, 05:07:42 PM
Quote from: nightperson on October 11, 2006, 05:02:06 PM
mmm does he have teeth are was he guming your neck
The rich man loved kandy while biting her on the neck at the hotel
kandys turn :)))
The rich man licked Kandy while bitin her on the neck at the hotel.
You guys are to funny :))) The rich man licked Kandy while sucking her on the neck at the hotel
Quote from: kandykitty20012 on October 11, 2006, 05:12:26 PM
Quote from: Tokens Master Tagger on October 11, 2006, 05:07:42 PM
Quote from: nightperson on October 11, 2006, 05:02:06 PM
mmm does he have teeth are was he guming your neck
The rich man loved kandy while biting her on the neck at the hotel
kandys turn :)))
The rich man licked Kandy while bitin her on the neck at the hotel.
You guys are to funny :))) The rich man licked Kandy while sucking her on the neck at the hotel
:)) :))
The rich man licked handy while guming her on the neck at the hotel
The rich man licked Crazy_ while gummin her on the neck at the hotel.
The bad man licked crazy_ while gumming her on the neck at the hotel
The bad man licked crazy_ while smellin her on the neck at the hotel.
The bad man lickes crazy_ while smellin her on the neck at the house
The bad man lick crazy_ while smellin her on the neck at the whitehouse.
The bad man spanks crazy_ while smellin her on the neck at the whitehouse.
The horny man spanks crazy_ while smellin her on the neck at the whitehouse.
The horny man spacks crazy_ while tickling her on the neck at the whitehouse
Thr horney man spanks crazy_ while tickling her on the feet at the whitehouse
Thr horny man spanks crazy_ while lickin her on the feet at the whitehouse
The horny man spanks crazy_ while lickin hor on the toe at the whitehouse
crazys but must be sore time for a change :)))
The horny man spanks token while lickin hor on the toe at the whitehouse
The crazy man spanks token while lickin her on the toe at the whitehouse
The crazy man spanks token while kissing her on the toe at the whitehouse
The crazy man spanks token while kissing her on the hand at the whitehouse
The crazy man spanks token while kissing her on the lips at the whitehouse
The crazy man spanks token before kissing her on the lips at the whitehouse
The old man spanks token while kissing her on the lips at the whitehouse
The old man helps token while kissing her on the lips at the whitehouse
Th young man helps token while kissing her on the lips at the whitehouse
Th young man helps token while kissing her on the lips at the party
The young man handcuffs token while kissing her on the lips at the party
The young man cops a feel of token while kissing her lips at the whitehouse party
The young man cops a feel of token while kissing her lips at the movie
the young man cops a feel of token whike kissing her boobs at the movie :)))
sounds like token's having an interesting saturday nite :))
the young man grabs a feel of token while kissing her boobs at the movie
the young man grabs a feel of token while nibbling her boobs at the movie
the young man grabs a feel of token while nibbling her popcorn at the movie
the young man grabs a feel of token while eating her popcorn at the movie
The silly man grabs a feel of token while eating her popcorn at the movie
the gross man grabs a feel of token while eating her popcorn at the movie
the gross man grabs a feel for token while eating her popcorn at the movie
the gross man grabs a feel for token while smelling her popcorn at the movie
the gross man grabs a coke for token while smelling her popcorn at the movie
the fat man grabs a coke for token while smelling her popcorn at the movie
the fat man grabs a coke for token while eating her popcorn at the movie
the fat man grabs a coke for token while selling her popcorn at the movie
the fat man grabs a coke for token before selling her popcorn at the movie
The fat man steals a coke for token before selling her popcorn at the movie
The hairy man steals a coke for token before selling her popcorn at the movie
The hairy man pours a coke for token before selling her popcorn at the movie
The bald man pours a coke for token before selling her popcorn at the movie
The bald man pours a coke for token before selling his popcorn at the movie.
The hairy man pours a coke for token before selling his popcorn at the movie.
The hairy man pours a coke for everyone before selling his popcorn at the movie.
the ugly man pours a coke for everyone before selling his popcorn at the movie.
the ugly man pours a vodka for everyone before selling his popcorn at the movie.
The ugly man pours a vodka for everyone before selling his popcorn at the zoo.
The ugly man pours a vodka for everyone before selling his life at the zoo.
The ugly man pours a vodka for everyone before selling his life at the bar.
The ugly man pours a vodka for everyone before selling his mama at the bar.
The bald man pours a vodka for everyone before selling his mama at the bar.
The bald man drinks a vodka for everyone before selling his mama at the bar
The bald man makes a vodka for everyone before selling his mama at the bar
The bald man drinks a vodka for everyone before selling his mama at the bar.
The bald man drinks a beer for everyone before selling his mama at the bar.
The bald man drinks a beer for elvis before selling his mama at the bar
The bald man drinks a beer with elvis before selling his mama at the bar
The invisible man drinks a beer with elvis before selling his mama at the bar
Quote from: Tara on September 15, 2006, 05:55:16 PM
To play this game you can only change ONE word in this sentence.You have to use the whole sentence. [/color]
The lazy brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while chasing his tail.
stop adding more words !@#$
The invisible man drinks beer with Tom before selling his mama at the bar
The invisible man drinks beer with Henry before selling his mama at the bar
The invisible man drinks beer with henry before trading his mama at the bar
The invisible man drinks beer with henry before trading his cards at the bar
The dopey man drinks beer with henry before trading his cards at the bar
The dopey man drinks beer with weims before trading his cards at the bar
The dopey man spills beer with weims before trading his cards at the bar.
The dopey man throws beer with the weims before trading his card at the bar
The dopey man drops beer with the weims before trading his card at the bar
The dopey man drops beer on the weims before tradin his card at th bar
The dopey man drops beer on the weims before giving his card at the bar
The dopey man drops beer on the weims before giving his dog at the bar
The dopey man drops beer on the weims before petting his dog at the bar.
The dopey man drops nuts on the weims before petting his dog at the bar.
The dopey man drops nuts on the weims before getting his dog at the bar
The dopey man drops nuts on the floor before getting his dog at the bar.
The dopey man drops nuts on the floor before getting his dog at the store
The dopey man drops coffee on the floor before getting his dog at the store ;::
The dopey man drops coffee on the floor before getting his dog at the pound
The dopey man drops coffee on the floor before getting his wife at the pound
The drunk man drps coffee on the floor before getting his wife at the pound
The old man drops coffee on the floor before getting his wife at the pound
The old Tom drops coffee on the floor before getting his wife at the pound
The old boy drops coffee on the floor before getting his wife at the pound.
The old boy drops coffee on the floor before getting his mom at the pound.
The old boy drops coffee on the floor before getting his dog at the pound.
The old man drops coffee on the floor before getting his dog at the yard
The old man drops coke on the floor before getting his dog at the yard
The old man drops coke on the floor before petting his dog at the yard ;::
The old man drops coke on the floor before petting his dog at the store
The old man drops coke on the floor before petting his dog at the graveyard.
The old man drops coke on the ground before petting his dog at the graveyard.
The old man drops coke on the ground before petting his pumpkin at the graveyard.
The haunted man drops coke on the ground before petting his pumpkin at the graveyard.
The haunted man drops coke on the ground before cutting his pumpkin at the graveyard.
Quote from: wattsmyname on October 19, 2006, 01:13:25 AM
The haunted man drops coke on the ground before cutting his pumpkin at the graveyard.
The haunted man drops ashes on the ground before cutting his pumpkin at the graveyard.
The haunted man drops ashes on the ground before gutting his pumpkin at the graveyard.
The haunted man drops ashes on the headstone before gutting his pumpkin at the graveyard.
Quote from: Tara on October 19, 2006, 06:30:32 AM
The haunted man drops ashes on the headstone before gutting his pumpkin at the graveyard.
rofl ...omg...u morbid lil weirdo.... lmao
Demented haunted man drops ashes on the headstone before gutting his pumpkin at the graveyard.
Demented haunted man drops ashes on the headstone after gutting his pumpkin at the graveyard.
Demented haunted man rubs ashes on the headstone after gutting his pumpkin at the graveyard.
Demented haunted man rubs ashes on the headstone after carving his pumpkin at the graveyard.
demented lod man burnt his pumpkin..went to graveyard to bury it... <O>
i'm confussed :((
Demented evil man rubs ashes on the headstone after carving his pumpkin at the graveyard
Demented evil man rubs ashes over the headstone after carving his pumpkin at the graveyard
Demented evil man rubs ashes over his privates after carving his pumpkin at the graveyard.
Demented evil man rubs ashes over his privates after carving his pumpkin at the school
Demented perverted man rubs ashes over his privates after carving his pumpkin at the school.
Demented perverted man rubs ashes over his privates after carving his pumpkin at the jail
Demented perverted man rubs lotion over his privates after carving his pumpkin at the jail
Demented perverted man rubs lotion over his privates after carving his pumpkin at the beach
Demented preverted man rubs lotion over his privates after carving his pumpkin at the shop
Demented preverted man rubs lotion over his privates after eating his pumpkin at the shop.
Demented preverted man rubs lotion over his privates after licking his pumpkin at the shop.
Demented preverted man rubs lotion over his privates after licking his pumpkin in the shop.
Demented preverted man rubs lotion over his privates after licking his fingers in the shop.
Demented preverted man rubs lotion over his privates after licking his fingers in the box
Demented preverted man rubs lotion over his privates after licking his fingers in Tokens box. :))
Demented preverted man rubs lotions over his privates after sucking his fingers in tokens box :))
Demented preverted man rubs lotions over his privates after sticking his fingers in tokens box
Demented preverted man rubs spit over his privates after sticking his fingers in tokens box
Demented preverted man rubs KY over his privates after sticking his fingers in tokens box
:D I am gonna kick Tara's a... dubba s :. takin a picture... ooouuuhhh I owe u, woman!
Demented preverted man rubs KY over his privates after sticking his fingers in Tara's box.
Demented preverted man rubs KY over his privates after sticking his fingers up Tara's box
Demented preverted man rubs KY over hisprvates after sticking his thumb up tara'a box
The preverted man rubs KY over his privates after sticking his thumb up tara'a box
The preverted man rubs penicillin over his privates after sticking his thumb up tara'a box. (pay back is a <O>) rofl
The perverted man rubs penicillin over his privates after sticking his hand up tara's box
The preverted man rubs penicillin over his privates after craming his hand up tara's box
The infected man rubs penicillin over his privates after craming his hand up tara's box
The infected man rubs penicillin over his privates before craming his hand up taras box :)))
The infected man rubs poop over his privates before craming his hand up tara's box :))
OMG!! Lmao I just saw this... :))
The infected man rubs poop over his privates before craming his hand up nights box.
:)) :)) to funny 10 post later
The infected man rubs poop over his privates before craming his hand up dogs box
i cant stop :))
The infected man rubs poop over his privates before craming his hand up dogs butt.
The infected man rubs poop over his face before craming his hand up dogs butt.
The infected man rubs poop over his butt before craming his hand up dogs butt
we are so sick this poor man im lauhging so hard tears are in my eyes and the poor dog
The frustrated man rubs poop over his butt before craming his hand up dogs butt.
The frustrated man rubs lemons over his butt before craming his hand up dogs butt.
The frustrated man rubs lemons over his scrotch before craming his hand up dogs butt.
The frustrated man rubs lemons over his chest before craming his hand up dogs butt.
The frustrated man rubs grease over his chest before craming his hand up dogs butt
The frustrated man rubs grease over his chest before craming his hand up dogs doghouse.
The frustrated man rubs grease over his chest before craming his foot up dogs doghouse.
The nasty man rubs grease over his chest before craming his foot up dogs doghouse
The nasty man rubs grease over his chest before scraping his foot up dogs doghouse.
The nasty man rubs grease over his body before craming his foot up dogs doghouse
The nasty man rubs grease over his body before craming his foot up someones doghouse
ugly nasty man rubs grease over his body before craming his foot up someones doghouse
Ugly nasty men rubs grease over his body before craming his foot up someones doghouse.
Ugly nasty man rubs flour over his body before craming his foot up someones doghouse
Ugly nasty man rubs flour over his body before shoving his foot up someones doghouse
Ugly nasty man rubs flour over his body before shoving his nose up someones doghouse
Ugly nasty man rubs flour over his body before shoving his nose up someone's booty
fat nasty man runs flour over his body before shoving his nose up someones booty
Fat nasty man runs wax over his body before shoving his nose up someones booty
Fat nasty man runs lotions over his body before shoving up his nose up someones booty
Fat nasty l0c0 runs lotions over his body before shoving his nose up someones booty :)))
Fat nasty pervert runs lotions over his body before shoving his nose up someones booty
Fat nasty pervert runs oil over his body before shoving his nose up someones booty
Fat nasty pervert puts oil over his body before shoving his nose up someones booty
lmao this poor sentence has really been through the ringer. :))
The nasty pervert puts oil over his body before shoving his nose up someones booty.
The old pervert puts oil over his body before shoving his nose up someones booty.
The old pervert puts oil over his nose before shoving his nose up someones booty
The old pervert puts oil over his nose before shoving his nose up someones business
The old pervert puts oil over his legs before shoving his nose up someones business
The old pervert puts oil over his legs before putting his nose up someones business
The old pervert puts oil over his legs before putting his nose up someones whazoo
The old pervert puts mayonaise over his legs before putting his nose up someones whazoo.
The old prevert puts mayonaise over his arms before putting his nose up somes whazoo
The old pervert puts mayonaise over his face before putting his nose up someones whazoo
The old pervert puts mayonaise over his arms before putting his nose up someones whazoo
The old pervert coats mayonaise over his arms before putting his nose up someones whazoo
The old pervert dog mayonaise over his arms before putting his nose up someones whazoo
The old pervert dog covers over his arms before putting his nose up someones whazoo
The old pervert dog covers over his legs before putting his nose up someones whazoo
The old pervert dog covers over his eyes before putting his nose up someones whazoo
The old three-legged dog covers over his eyes before putting his nose up someones whazoo
The old three-legged dog covers over his eyes before putting his nose up someones whazoo
The mean three-legged dog covers over his eyes before putting his nose up someones whazoo
The mean three-legged dog covers over his eyes before putting his hand up someones whazoo
The mean three-legged dog covers over his eyes before putting his hand up Tokens whazoo
The mean three-legged dog ;:: coverrs over his mouth before putting his hand up Tokens whazoo :)))
The mean three-legged dog spits over his mouth before putting his hand up Tokens whazoo
The mean Three-legged dog spits over his shoulder before putting his hand up Tokens whazoo
The mean three-ledded dog spits over his butt before putting his had up tokens wahzoo
The mean three-legged dog licks over his butt before putting his hand up Tokens whazoo
The three-leggid dog licks over his butt before putting his paw up tokens wahzoo
The three-legged dog licks over his butt before putting his paw up nights wahzoo
The three-legged dog licks over his butt before putting his paw up Indian's wahzoo.
The three-legged dog licks over his nose before putting his paw up Indian's wahzoo
The three-legged dog licks over Indian nose before putting his paw up Indian's whazoo
The three-legged dog licks over Night's butt before puttin his paw up Indian's whazoo
The three-legged dog licks over tokens butt before putting his paw up Indian'swhazoo
The three-legged dog licks over NIGHT'S butt before putting his paw up Indian's whazoo.
The three-legged dog licks over tokens but before putting his paw up Indian's whazoo
The three-legged dog licks over tokens butt before putting his paw up Damian's whazoo
The three-legged man licks over tokens butt before puttin paw up Damians whazoo
The three-legged man looks over tokens butt before puttin paw up Damians whazoo
rofl, gawd I'd luv to know what that man is doin with his 3 leg doin all this... rofl
The three-legged man looks over his butt before puttin paw up Damians whazoo.
The three-legged man looks over his butt before putting paw up watta whazoo
The oggressive man looks over his butt before putting paw up watta whazoo.
The oggressive man look under his butt before putting paw up watta whazoo
The oggressive man look under his butt before putting foot up watta whazoo.
The oggresive man look under his butt before putting foot up witches whazoo
The oggresive man look under his shoe before putting foot up witches whazoo
The oggresive man look under his armpit before putting foot up witches whazoo.
The oggresive man look under his chair before putting foot up witches whazoo.
The oggresive man rolled under his chair before putting foot up witches whazoo.
Yhe invisible man rolled under his chair before putting foot up witches whazoo
The invisible man rolled under his house before putting foot up witches whazoo
The invisible man rolled under his house before putting knife up witches whazoo
The invisible man rolled under his house before putting knife up witches stew.
The invisible man rolled under his house before putting a knife up witches stew
the invisible man jumped under his house before putting a knife up witches stew
The invisible man jumped under his house before putting a knife up witches crotch.
The invisible man jumped under his house before jamming a knife up witches crotch
The invisible man jumped under his house before jamming a knife up father's crotch... omg this sounds so painful
The invisible man jumped under his house after jamming a knife up father's crotch
The invisible man jumped under his bed after jamming a knife up father crotch
The invisible man jumped under his bed after jamming a knife up his crotch
The invisible man jumped under the cow after jamming a knife up his crotch
The invisible man jumped under the cow after jamming a knife in his crotch
The invisible man jumped under the bull after jamming a knife in his crotch.
The spider-man jumped under the bull after jamming a knife in his crotch
The spider-man jumped over the bull after jamming a knife in his crotch
The spider-man jumped over the bull after jamming a knife in is tummy
The spider-man jumped over the monster after jamming a knife in is tummy
The spider-man fell over the monster after jamming a knife in is tummy
The spider-man fell over the monster after jamming a knife in is leg.
The spider-man fell over the monster while jamming a knife in is leg
The spider-man fell over the monster while hitting a knife in his leg
The spider-man fell over the monster while hitting a knife in his jugular.
The spider-man fell over the monster while stabbing a knife in his jugular
The spider-man leap over the monster while stabbing a knife in his jugular
The Robo-cop leap over the monster while stabbing a knife in his jugular
The Robo-cop crouched over the monster while stabbing a knife in his jugular
The Robo-crouched over the monster while kicking stabbing a knoife in the jugular
The Robo-cop crouched over the beast while stabbing a knife in his jugular
The robo-cop crouched under the breast while stabbing a knife in his jugilar
The Robo-cop crouched under the beast while stabbing a sword in his jugular
The Robo-cop crouched under the beast while stabbing a sword in his chest.
The Robo-cop crouched under the beast while stabbing a machete in his chest.
The robo-cop stood over the beast while stabbing a machete in the cheas
The stupid cop crouched under the beast while stabbing a machete in his chest.
The smart cop crouched under the beast while stabbing a machete in his chest.
The smart cop crouched under the beast while stabbing a knife in his chest.
The smart cop crouched over the beast while stabbing a knife in his chest.
The smart cop crouched over the beast while stabbing a knife in his leg.
The smart cop crouched over the prisoner while stabbing a knife in his leg.
The smart cop crouched over the prisoner while stabbing a knife in his back.
The smart cop bent over the prisoner while stabbing a knife in his back.
The smart cop stood over the prisoner while stabbing a knife in his back.
The smart cop stood over the prisoner while throwing a knife in his back.
The smart cop stood over the prisoner while throwing a knife in his leg.
The smart hooker stood over the prisoner while throwing a knife in his leg.
The smart hooker crapped over the prisoner while throwing a knife in his leg.
How did I know you would go there... :)) :))
The smart hooker crapped over the prisoner while farting a knife in his leg.
:)) GmTa --great minds think alike
The smart hooker crapped over the prisoner while farting a knife on his leg.
The smart hooker crapped over the prisoner while farting loudly knife on his leg.
The smart hooker crapped over the prisoner while farting loudly poots on his leg.
The smart hooker crapped over the prisoner while loudly loudly poots on his leg.
(I'm trying to change two words around) lol
well I aint psychic... so u jus keep tryin til u get it right...and pray I dont have u hear all night... lmao
The smart hooker crapped over the prisoner while Tara loudly poots on his leg.
The smart hooker crapped over the prisoner while farting loudly poots on his leg.
The smart hooker crapped over the prisoner while farting loudly poots on his leg
Quote from: nightperson on October 25, 2006, 05:09:46 PM
The smart hooker crapped over the prisoner while farting loudly poots on his leg
You didn't change anything? :-\
The smart hooker looked over the prisoner while farting loudly poots on his leg
ops i thought i did my bad\
The dumb hooker looked over the seal while farting loudly poots on his leg
The dumb hooker looked over the seal while farting loudly poots on their leg.
The dumb hooker looked over the river while farting loudly poots on their leg
The dumb hooker looked over the river while passing loudly poots on their leg.
The dumb hooker looked into the river while passing loudly poots on their leg.
The dumb hooker looked into the river while passing stinky poots on their leg.
The dumb hooker looked into the river while cutting stinky poots on the leg
The dumb hooker fell into the river while cutting stinky poots on the leg
The dumb hooker fell into the river while cutting stinky poots ont the face
The dumb hooker fell into the river after cutting stinky poots on the face
The dumb horse fell into the river after cutting stinky poots on the face
The dumb horse fell into the river after hoofing stinky poots on the face
The dumb horse fell into the river after puking stinky poots on the face
The dumb horse fell into the bushes after puking stinky poots on the face
The dumb horse fell into the bushes after puking stinky poots in the face
The dumb horse fell into the bushes after poking stinky poots in the face
The dumb horse fell into the bushes after poking stinky sticks in the face.
The silly horse fell into the bushes after poking stinky sticks in the face.
The silly horse fell into the bushes after poking many sticks in the face.
The silly horse fell into the bushes after poking many sticks in the eye.
The silly horse fell into the bushes after poking many sticks in his eye.
The silly horse fell into the bushes after poking many sticks in his ear.
The silly horse fell into the bushes after stepping many sticks in his ear.
The silly horse fell into the bushes after stepping many sticks on his ear.
The silly horse fell into the bushes after stepping on sticks on his ear.
The silly horse fell into the bushes after stepping on boots on his ear.
The silly horse fell into the bushes after stepping on boots that his ear.
The silly horse fell into the bushes after putting on boots that his ear.
The silly horse hop into the bushes after putting on boots that his ear
The silly horse hop into the bushes after putting on boots on his ear
The silly frog hop into the bushes after putting on boots on the ear
The silly frog hop into the bushes after putting his boots on the ear
The silly frog hop into bushes after sitting his boots on the ear
The silly frog hop into bushes after sitting his boots on the rug
The silly frog hop into bushes after sitting his leg on the rug
The silly frog hop into bushes after dragging his leg on the rug
The silly frog hopped into bushes after dragging his leg on the rug.
The silly frog hopped into bushes after dragging his leg on the floor
The silly frog hopped into bushes while dragging his leg on the floor
The little frog hopped into bushes while dragging his leg on the floor
The little frog hopped into bushes while dragging his leg on the ground.
The little frog hopped into water while dragging his leg on the ground
The bumpy frog hopped into water while dragging his leg on the ground.
The prince frog hopped into the water while dragging his leg on the ground
The green frog hopped into the water while dragging his leg on the ground
Thr drunk frog hopped into the water while dragging his leg on the ground
The drunk frog hopped into the water while dragging his leg on the bank
The drunk frog hopped into the water while dragging his belly on the bank
The drunk frog hopped into the pond while dragging his belly on the bank
The drunk frog hoppen into the pond while dragging his belly in the bank
The drunk frog hoppen in the pond while dragging his belly in the bank
The dizzy frog hoppen in the pond while dragging his belly in the bank
The dizzy frog hoppen in the pond while dragging his belly on the bank
The dizzy fog happen in the poundwhile pushing his belly on the bank
The dizzy frog swam in the pond while pushing his belly on the bank
The dizzy from swam in the river while pushing his belly on the bank
The dizzy frog jumped in the pond while pushing his belly on the bank
The drunk frog jumped in the pond while pushing his belly on the bank
The drunk frog staggered in the pond while pushing his belly on the bank
The dizzy horse staggered in the pond while pushing his belly on the bank
The dizzy horse staggered in the mud while pushing his belly on the bank
The dizzy monkey staggered in the mud while pushing his belly on the bank
The dizzy kitty staggered in the mud while pushing his belly on the bank :P
The dizzy kandy straggered in the mud while pushing his belly on the bank :pp
The dizzy kandy straggered in the mud while pushing his foot on the bank
The dizzy kandy straggered in the mud while pushing her foot on the bank
The dizzy kandy staggered in the mud while dragging her foot on the bank
The drunk kandy straggered in the mud while dragging her foot on the bank
The drunk kandy straggered in the door while dragging her foot on the bank
The drunk kandy laid in the door while dragging her foot on the bank
The drunk kandy laid in the door while dragging her foot on the step
The drunk kandy laid in the door while hitting her foot on the step
The drunk monster laid in the door while hitting her foot on the step
The drunk monster laid in the door way hitting her foot on the step
The drunk monster sat in the door way hitting her foot on the step
The drunk monster sat in the door way slamming her foot on the step
The drunk monster sat in the door way slamming her head on the step
The drunk monster sat in the door way slamming Bob's head on the step
The drunk monster sat in the hall way slamming Bob's head on the step
The drunk monster sat in the basement slamming bob's head on the step
The drunk monster sat in the basement slamming bob's head on the wall
The drunk monster stand in the basement slamming bob's head on the wall
The drunk monster stood in the basement slamming bob's head on the wall.
The nice monster stood in the basement slamming bob's head on the wall
The nice monster stood in the basement slamming someones head on the wall.
The nice monster stood in the basement holding someones head on the wall
The nice monkey stood in the basement holding someones head on the wall
The nice monkey stood in the basement kissing someones head on the wall
The nice monkey stood in the basement kissing someones head on the ladder.
The nice monkey stood in the basement kissing someones hand on the ladder.
The nice monkey stood in the shower kissing someones hand on the ladder.
The nice monkey stood in the shower kissing someones hand on the banana.
The nice monkey stood in the shower putting someones hand on the banana.
the dirty monkey stood in the shower putting someones hand on the banana
the onery monkey stood in the shower putting someones hand on the banana
The onery monkey stood in the shower shoving someones hand on the banana. :ooo
The silly monkey stood in the shower shoving someones hand on the banana.
The silly monkey stood in the shower shoving someones hand on his banana.
The silly monkey stood in the shower shoving someones hand on his showerhead.
(these are getting double meanings unless it's just me! :)))
lol@gator... thats my kinda game... rofl
The frisky monkey stood in the shower shoving someones hand on his showerhead.
The frisky pervert stood in the shower shoving someones hand on his showerhead
The frisky pervert squatted in the shower shoving someones hand on his showerhead
The frisky pervert squatted in the shower placing someones hand on his showerhead
The frisky pervert squatted in the shower placing cousin hand on his showerhead
The frisky pervert squatted in the shower placing sister's hand on his showerhead
The frisky pervert squatted in the shower placing mother's hand on his showerhead. :)))
The frisky pervert laid in the shower placing mother's hand on his showerhead
The frisky pervert laid in the shower placing mother's fingers on his showerhead
The frisky man laid in the shower placing mother's fingers on his showerhead
The frisky man laid in the shower putting mother's fingers on the showerhead
The lame man laid in the shower putting mother's fingers on the showerhead
The lame man laid in the shower putting ten fingers on the showerhead
The lame man laid in the shower putting ten fingers on his showerhead.
the horny man laid in the shower putting ten fingers on his showerhead
The horny man jumped in the shower putting ten fingers on his showerhead.
The horny man jumped in the shower grasping ten fingers on his showerhead.
The horny man jumped in the shower grasping five fingers on his showerhead.
The horny girl jumped in the shower grasping five fingers on his showerhead
The dirty girl jumped in the shower grasping five fingers on his showerhead
The dirty girl jumped in the shower grasping ten fingers on his showerhead
lmao @Night... hey... when u type do u ever go back and read it... <fallin outta chair lol
The dirty girl jumped in the shower grasping ten fingers on her showerhead.
The dirty girl ran in the shower grasping ten fingers on her showerhead
^5 Night--you didnt messed that up... lol <winkin>
The dirty girl ran in the shower massagin ten fingers on her showerhead.
The dirty girl ran in the shower massagin ten fingers on her belly.
The dirty girl ran in the oil massagin ten fingers on her belly
The slippery girl ran in the oil massagin ten fingers on her belly
The slippery girl ran in the oil massagin five fingers on her belly .
The slippers girl ran in the oil massagin five fingers on her head
The slippery girl ran in the oil spreading five fingers on her belly .
The slippery girl ran in the oil spreading five fingers on her thighs .
The slippery girl ran in the oil hitting five fingers on her thighs
The slippery girl slid in the oil hitting five fingers on her thighs
The slippery girl fell in the oil hitting five fingers on her thighs
The slippery girl fell in the oil hitting five fingers on the thighs
The slippery girl fell in the sand hitting five fingers on her thighs
The slippery girl fell in the sand hitting five fingers on her rock.
The slippery girl fell in the sand hitting five fingers on her wall
The slippery girl fell in the sand hitting five knuckles on her wall
The slippery man fell in the sand hitting five knuckles on her wall
The skinned man fell in the sand hitting five knuckles on her wall
The skinned man fell in the hole hitting five knuckles on her wall
The skinned man fell in the hole hitting more knuckles on her wall
The skinned man jump in the hole hitting more knuckles on her wall
The naked man jumped in the hole hitting more knuckles on her wall
The naked man jumped in the hole hitting more knuckles on his wall
The naked man jumped in the hole hitting more knuckles on the wall
The naked man jumped in the hole hitting less knuckles on the wall
The naked man jumped in the hole hitting less Balls on the wall
The naked man jumped in the hole hitting tennis Balls on the wall
The naked policeperson jumped in the hole hitting tennis balls on the wall
The naked policeperson jumped in the hole hitting tennis balls on the ground
The naked policeperson fell in the hole hitting tennis balls on the ground
The naked policeperson fell in the hole hitting his balls on the ground :)))
The naked monkey fell in the hole hitting his balls on the ground
The naked monkey fell in the hole hitting his head on the ground
The naked monkey crawl in the hole hitting head on the ground
The naked monkey crawl in the hole hitting head on the rock.
The naked monkey hops in the hole hitting head on rock
We need to get this back on trap...We are missing 3 words of the sentence. :)) ( I bet I know why) :))
Original sentence The lazy brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while chasing his tail.
Ok...back to 14 words..
The naked monkey hops in the big hole, hitting his head on a rock.
The naked monkey hops in her big hole, hitting his head on a rock.
Quote from: Tokens Master Tagger on November 14, 2006, 08:08:35 AM
The naked monkey hops in her big hole, hitting his head on a rock.
The naked man hops in her big hole, hitting his head on a rock.
Quote from: Tara on November 14, 2006, 08:13:03 AM
Quote from: Tokens Master Tagger on November 14, 2006, 08:08:35 AM
The naked monkey hops in her big hole, hitting his head on a rock.
The naked man hops in her big hole, hitting his head on a rock.
Oooh Lawdie Lawdie Lawdie...dont u jus miss me when Im gone... who keeps you in trouble... like I do... rofl
The naked man leaped in her big hole, hittin his head on a rock.
The naked man leaped in the big hole, hittin his head on a rock.
The naked man leaped in the big sewer, hittin his head on a rock.
The naked man leaped in the big canyon, hittin his head on a rock
The naked man leaped in the big canyon, banging his head on a rock.
The retarded man leaped in the big canyon, banging his head on a rock.
The confused man leaped in the big canyon, banging his head on a rock
The confused man leaped in the big ocean, banging his head on a rock.
The confused man played in the big ocean, banging his head on a rock.
The confused man played in the big ocean, banging his face on a rock.
The confused man played with the big ocean, banging his face on a rock.
The confused man played with his big ocean, banging his face on a rock.
The confused man played with his big stick,banging his face on a rock
The confused man played with his big guitar,banging his face on a rock
The confused man played with his big guitar,banging his face on a drum.
The funny man played with his big guitar,banging his face on a drum
The funny man played with his big weiner, banging his face on a drum. :-X
The funny man played with his big weiner, banging his face on a pie. :oo
The funny man played with his big toe, banging his face on a pie
The funny man played with his big dough, banging his face on a pie.
The funny goat played with his big dough, banging his face on a pie
The funny monkey played with his big dough, banging his face on a pie
The funny monkey played with his big dough, banging his face on a rock
The funny monkey played with his big dough, banging his dough on a rock. :)))
The huge monkey played with his big dough, banging his dough on a rock. :)))
The huge monkey played with his big thumb, banging his dough on a rock
The huge monkey played with his big cucumber, banging his dough on a rock
The huge idoit played with his big cucumber, banging his dough on a rock
The huge idoit played with her big cucumber, banging his dough on a rock
The huge idiot played with her big cucumber, banging his dough on a monkey.
The huge idiot played with her big cucumber, banging her dough on a monkey.
The huge idiot played with her big cucumber, fingerin her dough on a monkey.
The huge idiot played with her big cucumber, fingerin her dough inside a monkey.
The huge idiot played with her big cucumber, fingerin her dough inside excited monkey.
The huge idiot played with her big cucumber, fingerin her dough inside excited Tokens.
The drunk idiot played with her big cucumber, fingerin her dough inside excited Tokens.
The drunk idiot played with her big cucumber, slamming her dough inside excited Tokens.
The drunk idiot played with her imaginary cucumber, slamming her dough inside excited Tokens.
The drunk idiot played with her imaginary cucumber, slamming her dough inside excited women.
The drunk idiot played with her imaginary friend, slamming her dough inside excited women.
The drunk idiot played with her imaginary friend, slamming her foot inside excited women.
The drunk idiot played with her imaginary friend, slamming her foot inside dead women.
The drunk idiot played with her imaginary friend, slamming her foot inside dead dogs
The drunk coed played with her imaginary friend, slamming her foot inside dead dogs
The drunk coed played with her imaginary friend, slamming her fist inside dead dogs
The drunk coed played with her imaginary vibrator, slamming her fist inside dead dogs
The drunk coed played with her imaginary friend, slamming her fist inside dead dogs.
The drunk coed played with her best friend, slamming her fist inside dead dogs.
The drunk boy played with her best friend, slamming her fist inside dead dogs.
The drunk boy played with her best friend, slamming her fist inside dead santa.
The drunk woman played with her best friend, slamming her fist inside dead santa.
The drunk woman played with her best friend, slamming her foot inside dead santa.
The drunk woman played with her smelly friend, slamming her foot inside dead santa.
The drunk woman played with her stuffed friend, slamming her foot inside dead santa.
The drunk woman played with her stuffed friend, slamming her foot inside the santa
The drunk woman played with her little friend, slamming her foot inside the santa
The drunk woman danced with her little friend, slamming her foot inside the santa
The drunk woman danced with her little legs, slamming her foot inside the santa
The drunk woman danced with her little legs, slamming her foot inside the shoe
The drunk woman danced with her little legs, slamming her foot inside the drum
The drunk woman danced with her little legs, slamming her foot into the drum
The drunk woman danced with her long legs, slamming her foot into the drum
The drunk woman danced with her long legs, slamming her toes into the drum
Ur Deer Friend
The silly woman danced with her long legs, slamming her toes into the drum
The silly girl danced with her long legs, slamming her toes into the drum
The silly girl danced with her long legs, dipping her toes into the drum
The silly girl danced with her long legs, dipping her toes into the Man
The silly girl danced with her long legs, dipping her toes into the jello.
The silly girl fell with her long legs, dipping her toes into the jello.
The bowlegged girl fell with her long legs, dipping her toes into the jello.
The bowlegged girl fell with her long legs, dipping her nose into the jello.
The goofy girl fell with her long legs, dipping her nose into the jello
The goofy girl fell with her broken legs, dipping her nose into the jello.
The goofy girl fell with her broken nose dipping her nose into the jello.
The goofy girl fell with her broken nose, dipping her nose into the puddin.
The toothless girl fell with her broken nose, dipping her nose into the puddin.
The toothless girl fell with her broken nose, dipping her nose into the poop
The toothless girl fell with her broken nose, dipping her nose into the pool.
The toothless girl fell with her broken nose, slinging her nose into the pool.
The breastless girl fell with her broken nose, slinging her nose into the pool.
The looney girl fell with her broken nose, slinging her nose into the pool.
The looney girl tripped with her broken nose, slinging her nose into the pool
The looney girl tripped with her broken nose, bangin her nose into the pool.
The old girl tripped with her broken nose, bangin her nose into the pool
The drunken girl tripped with her broken nose, bangin her nose into the pool
The drunken girl tripped with her broken nose, bangin her nose into the sidewalk.
The insane girl tripped with her broken nose, bangin her nose into the sidewalk.
The insane girl tripped with her broken nose, bangin her nose into the soup.
The insane girl tripped with her broken nose, bangin her Ears into the soup.
The insane girl tripped with her large nose, bangin her ears into the soup.
The insane girl tripped with her large toe, bangin her ears into the soup.
The insane girl tripped with her large toe, putting her ears into the soup.
The insane girl tripped with her large boyfriend, putting her ears into the soup.
The insane girl tripped with her large boyfriend, putting her fingers into the soup.
The insane girl tripped with her large boyfriend, putting her fingers into the ear.
The insane girl walked with her large boyfriend, putting her fingers into the ear.
The insane girl walked with her borin boyfriend, putting her fingers into the ear.
The insane girl walked with her borin boyfriend, putting her fingers into his ear.
What insane girl walked with her borin boyfriend, putting her fingers into his ear?
Which insane girl walked with her borin boyfriend, putting her fingers into his ear?
What insane girl walked with her borin boyfriend, putting her fingers into his ear?
What insane girl walked with her borin boyfriend, putting his fingers into his ear?
What insane girl slept with her borin boyfriend, putting his fingers into his ear?
What insane girl slept with her borin boyfriend, putting his toe into his ear?
What insane girl slept with her borin boyfriend, putting his razor into his ear?
What insane girl slept with her boring boyfriend, putting his razor into his beer
What insane girl slept with her boring boyfriend, putting a razor into his beer
What insane girl slept with her boring boyfriend, putting a razor into his pants.
The insane girl slept with her boring boyfriend, putting a razor into his pants.
Which insane girl slept with her boring boyfriend, putting a razor into his pants?
Which insane girl slept with her fun boyfriend, putting a razor into his pants?
Which insane girl slept with her cheatin boyfriend, putting a razor into his pants?
The insane girl slept with her cheatin boyfriend, putting a razor into his pants
The sane girl slept with her cheatin boyfriend, putting a razor into his pants. (sounds like a smart, sane girl to me!!!!) :)) :))
Which sane girl slept with her cheatin boyfriend, putting a razor into his pants? (sounds like a smart, sane girl to me!!!!)
Which sane girl slept with her cheating boyfriend, putting a banana into his pants?
omg laughing so dang hard here, i don't dare try to change that. :ooo :))
Which sane girl slept with her cheating boyfriend, putting a cucumber into his pants?
Which sane girl slept with her cheating boyfriend, putting a Zucchini into his pants?
Which sane girl slept with her dead boyfriend, putting a Zucchini into his pants?
Which sane girl slept with her dead boyfriend, putting a Zucchini into his shorts?
Which sane girl slept with her dead boyfriend, putting a toy into his shorts?
Which sane girl slept with her frisky boyfriend, putting a toy into his shorts?
Which hot girl slept with her frisky boyfriend, putting a toy into his shorts?
Which hot girl slept with her frisky boyfriend, putting a ball into his shorts?
Which hot girl slept with her hungover boyfriend, putting a ball into his shorts?
Which hot girl danced with her hungover boyfriend, putting a ball into his shorts?
Which hot girl stripped with her hungover boyfriend, putting a ball into his shorts?
Which hot girl stripped with her hungover boyfriend, putting a sock into his shorts?
Which hot girl stripped with her hungover boyfriend, putting a snake into his shorts? lol
Which hot girl stripped with her hungover boyfriend, putting a snake into his briefs? lol
Watts, hot girl stripped with her hungover boyfriend, putting a snake into his briefs?
That hot girl stripped with her hungover boyfriend, putting a snake into his briefs?
Tokens, hot girl stripped with her hungover boyfriend, putting a snake into his briefs? lol
Tokens, hot girl stripped with her hungover boyfriend, shoving a snake into his briefs?
Tokens, hot girl stripped with her happy boyfriend, shoving a snake into his briefs?
<<fallin outta chair lmao @ Watts>> u saw that huh.... rofl hard
What hot girl stripped with her happy boyfriend, shoving a snake into his briefs?
What hot girl stripped with her happy boyfriend, shoving a lizard into his briefs?
What hot girl stripped with her horny boyfriend, shoving a lizard into his briefs?
I sure did see it LMAO :)) :))
What hot girl stripped with her horny boyfriend, shoving a worm into his briefs?
What hot girl stripped with her horny boyfriend, shoving a worm into his boxers?
What hot girl stripped with her horny boyfriend, shoving a worm into her boxers?
What hot girl stripped with her horny boyfriend, shoving a snake into her boxers?
What hot girl stripped with her drunk boyfriend, shoving a snake into her boxers?
What hot girl stripped with her drunk boyfriend, massagin a snake into her boxers?
:)) I am NOT touching this one
What hot girl stripped with her drunk boyfriend, massagin a snake thru her boxers?
What hot girl stripped with her drunk boyfriend, massagin a snake thru his boxers?
What hot girl stripped with her drunk brother, massagin a snake thru his boxers?
What drunk girl stripped with her hot boyfriend, massagin a snake thru her boxers?
What drunk girls stripped with her hot boyfriend, massagin a snake thru her boxers?
What drunk girls stripped with her hot boyfriend, massagin a snake thru his boxers?
What drunk girls stripped with her hot boyfriend, sucking a snake thru his boxers?
What drunk girls stripped with their hot boyfriend, sucking a snake thru his boxers?
typo there---their
What drunk girls stripped with there hot boyfriend, sucking a wad thru his boxers?
What drunk girls stripped with their hot boyfriends, sucking a wad thru his boxers?
typo there-their
What Girls stripped with their hot drunk boyfriends, sucking a wad thru his boxers?
What Girls stripped with their hot drunk boyfriends, sucking a wad thru their boxers?
I thinks it's time for a new topic, dat hot boyfriend has had tons of wads sucked already and you can only go to the well so many times before it drys up :))
What Girls stripped with their hot drunk brothers, sucking a wad thru their boxers?
What Girls swallowed with their hot drunk brothers, sucking a wad thru their boxers?
What Girls swallowed with their hot drunk brothers, sucking a popsicle thru their boxers?
What Girls swallowed with their hot drunk brothers, sucking a Bananna thru their boxers?
What Girls swallowed with their hot drunk brothers, sucking a Bananna thru their foottrunk?
What Girls swallowed with their hot drunk brothers, sucking a Bananna thru their jockstrap
What Girls swallowed with their hot drunk brothers, sucking a Bananna thru their pjs.
What Girls swallowed with their hot drunk brothers, sucking a sausage thru their pjs.
What Girls swallowed with their hot drunk brothers, bitin a sausage thru their pjs.
What Tokens swallowed with their hot drunk brothers, bitin a sausage thru their pjs.
:)) Gamer
What Tokens swallowed with their hot drunk boyfriend, bitin a sausage thru their pjs.
What Tokens swallowed with their hot drunk boyfriend, bitin a sausage thru their nakedness
What woman swallowed with their hot drunk boyfriend, bitin a sausage thru their nakedness?
What woman swallowed with their hot drunk boyfriend, bitin a sausage in their nakedness
What woman swallowed with their hot drunk boyfriend, ridin a sausage in their nakedness.
What woman swallowed with their hot drunk boyfriend, ridin a sausage in his nakedness.
What woman bit with their hot drunk boyfriend, ridin a sausage in his nakedness.
What woman jumped with their hot drunk boyfriend, ridin a sausage in his nakedness
That woman jumped with their hot drunk boyfriend, ridin a sausage in his nakedness
That woman jumped with their hot drunk boyfriend, ridin a sausage in his glory
That woman jumped with TMTs hot drunk boyfriend, ridin a sausage in his glory
That woman jumped with one hot drunk boyfriend, ridin a sausage in his glory.
That woman jumped on one hot drunk boyfriend, ridin a sausage in his glory.
That woman jumped on one hot drunk boyfriend, ridin a cucumber in his glory
That woman sucked on one hot drunk boyfriend, ridin a cucumber in his glory
That woman sucked on one demented drunk boyfriend, ridin a cucumber in his glory
That woman sucked on one demented drunk boyfriend, ridin a cucumber in his Thong
That woman sucked on one demented drunk boyfriend, hiding a cucumber in his Thong
That woman sucked on one Hard drunk boyfriend, hiding a cucumber in his Thong
The woman sucked on one hard long boyfriend,hiding a cucumber in his thong
The woman sucked on one hard long boyfriend,hiding a cucumber out his thong
The woman sucked on one hard long wee-wee,hiding a cucumber out his thong
The woman sucked on one hard long Chipendale ,hiding a cucumber out his thong
The woman castrated on one hard long Chipendale ,hiding a cucumber out his thong.
The woman castrated the one hard long Chipendale ,hiding a cucumber out his thong.
The woman castrated the one hard long Chipendale ,hiding a Gherkin out his thong.
the woman felt the one hard long chipendale, hiding a gherkin out his thong!!
the woman felt the one hard long chipendale, hiding a TMT out his thong!!
The woman felt the one hard long Gamer, hiding a TMT out his thong!!
The woman felt the one hard long Gamer, hiding a Dick out his thong!!
The woman felt the one lost long Gamer,hiding a dick out his thong
The woman felt the one lost long Gamer,Showing a dick out his thong
The woman felt the one lost long Gamer,Pulling a dick out his thong
The woman felt the one fat long Gamer,Pulling a dick out his thong
Guess we need to "Change it Up" rofl... goin back to original sentence unless someone else wanna start one....
The lazy brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while chasing his tail.
The lazy white dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while chasing his tail
The lazy white dog wallowed in the pile of mud, while chasing his taill
the lazy white dog wallowed in a pile of poop,while chasing his tail ;::
The lazy white dog jumped in a pile of poop,while chasing his tail .
The lazy white dog jumped in a pile of poop,while chasing his owner
The lazy white dog jumped in a pile of manure,while chasing his owner.
The lazy white Kitty jumped in a pile of manure,while chasing his owner
The lazy white Kitty jumped in a pile of manure,while scratchin his owner.
The lazy white Kitty jumped in a pile of manure,while scratchin his butt
The lazy white Kangaroo jumped in a pile of manure,while scratchin his butt.
The energetic white Kangaroo jumped in a pile of manure,while scratchin his butt
The energetic white Kangaroo jumped in a pile of manure,while scratchin his scalp.
The energetic white Boy jumped in a pile of manure,while scratchin his scalp.
The energetic prosac Boy jumped in a pile of manure,while scratchin his scalp.
The energetic prosac Boy slipped in a pile of manure,while scratchin his scalp
The energetic prosac Boy slipped in a pile of manure,while slappin his scalp.
The energetic Boy slipped in a pile of fresh manure,while slappin his scalp.
The energenic boy slipped in a pile of fresh manure, while slappin his :o0
The energenic boy slipped in a pile of fresh manure, while sticking :ox his :o0
The energenic boy slipped in a pile of fresh manure, while stickin his appendix.
The energenic boy slipped in a pile of fresh manure, while stickin his date
The energenic boy slipped in a pile of fresh manure, while cleanin his date.
The energinic boy flopped in a pile of fresh manure, while cleanin his date
The energinic boy flopped in a pile of fresh Dasies, while cleanin his date
The energetic monkey flopped in a pile of fresh Dasies, while cleanin his date.
The energetic monkey flopped in a pile of fresh daisies,while cleanin his banana.... <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0">
The hung monkey flopped in a pile of fresh daisies,while cleanin his banana
The hung monkey flopped in a pile of fresh daisies,while cleanin bunch banana.
The hung monkey flopped in a pile of fresh linnins
,while cleanin bunch banana
The fairy monkey flopped in a pile of fresh linens,while cleanin bunch banana.
The fairy monkey flopped in a pile of fresh linens,while cleanin his banana
The fairy monkey flopped in a pile of fresh linens,while cleanin his tail.
The fairy flopped in a pile of fresh linens,while cleanin his Gay tail
The fairy flopped in a pile of fresh linens,while cleanin her Gay tail
The fairy flopped in a pile of fresh linens,while cleanin her Gay wings
The fairy flopped in a pile of fresh linens,while cleanin her furry wings.
The Stripper flopped in a pile of fresh linens,while cleanin her furry wings
The Stripper fainted in a pile of fresh linens,while cleanin her furry wings.
The Stripper ?.? in a pile of fresh linens,while cleanin her furry wings
The nun fainted in a pile of fresh linens,while cleanin her furry wings.
The nun fainted in a pile of fresh
flowers ,while cleanin her furry wings
The nun fainted in a pile of fresh flowers,while cleanin her heavenly wings. :)))
The nun fainted in a pile of fresh flowers,while cleanin Tokens heavenly wings
The nun fainted in a pile of fresh flowers,while cleanin her angel wings.
The nun fainted in a pile of fresh flowers,while cleanin her angel horns
The nun fainted in a pile of fresh flowers, while cleanin her angel halo.
The nun Farted in a pile of fresh flowers, while cleanin her angel halo. ?.?
The astronaut farted in a pile of fresh flowers, while cleanin her angel halo.
The Pope farted in a pile of fresh flowers, while cleanin her angel halo.
The assassin farted in a pile of fresh flowers, while cleanin her angel halo.
The assassin farted in a pile of fresh flowers, while cleanin her horny halo
The assassin farted in a pile of fresh flowers, while cleanin her broken halo.
The Nun farted in a pile of fresh flowers,while cleanin her broken halo.
The Nun farted in a pile of fresh flowers,while waxin her broken halo.
The nun farted in a pile of fresh flowers,while waxin her broken chooch :)))
chooch or do u mean coochie
The woman farted in a pile of fresh flowers,while waxin her broken coochie.
The woman farted in a pile of fresh flowers,while waxin her stinky coochie.
The woman farted in a pile of fresh flowers,while douchin her stinky coochie.
I just looked at the first sentence that started this all and wow I do have to say it has changed. lol!
The woman farted in a pile of fresh flowers,while refreshenin her stinky coochie.
The woman farted in a pile of fresh douche,while refreshenin her stinky coochie.
The woman farted in a box of fresh douche,while refreshenin her stinky coochie.
The woman farted in the box of fresh douche,while refreshenin her stinky coochie.
The woman farted in the box of vinegar douche,while refreshenin her stinky coochie.
The woman farted in the box of vinegar douche,while refreshenin her hairy coochie.
The woman farted in the box of vinegar douche,while refreshenin her bald coochie.
The woman farted in the box of vinegar douche,while shaving her bald coochie.
A woman farted in the box of vinegar douche,while shaving her bald coochie.
A woman farted in the bathtub of vinegar douche,while shaving her bald coochie.
A woman farted in the bathtub of vinegar douche,while rubbing her bald coochie
A woman farted in the bathtub of vinegar douche,while rubbing her hairy coochie
A woman pee'd in the bathtub of vinegar douche,while rubbing her hairy coochie
A woman pee'd in the bathtub of vinegar douche,while rubbing her hairy armpits.
A woman pee'd in the bathtub of vinegar bubbles,while rubbing her hairy armpits.
A woman played in the bathtub of vinegar bubbles,while rubbing her hairy armpits.
A woman played in the bathtub of vinegar bubbles,while shaving her hairy armpits.
A woman played in the bathtub of jello bubbles,while shaving her hairy armpits.
A woman played in the bathtub of jello bubbles,while shaving her hairy crack.
A woman played in the bathtub of red jello ,while shaving her hairy crack.
A woman played in the bowl of red jello,while shaving her hairy crack.
A woman played in the pool of red jello,while shaving her hairy crack.
A woman played in the pool of red jello,while plucking her hairy crack.
A woman played in the pool of red jello,while braiding her hairy crack.
A woman played in the pool of red jello,while scratching her hairy crack.
A woman played in the pool of red jello,while scratching her funky crack.
A Loco played in the pool of red jello,while scratching her funky crack.
A Loco played in the pool of red jello,while scratching Tara's funky crack. :-X
A Loco played in the pool of red jello,while scratching Token's funky crack. :-X
Quote from: Tara on February 06, 2007, 03:02:02 PM
A Loco played in the pool of red jello,while scratching Token's funky crack. :-X
I said shhhrrr... how did she know I put her name... rofl (O+O)
A Loco played in the pool of red jello,while scratching Our funky crack.
Loco played in a the pool of red jello,while scratching Our funky crack.
Loco played in a the pool of red jello,while :pp Our funky crack.
Loco played in a the pool of red jello,while sniffing Monkeys funky crack. :))
Loco played in a large pool of red jello,while sniffing Monkeys funky crack.
Loco ate in a large pool of red jello,while sniffing Monkeys funky crack.
Loco ate in a large pool of red crap,while sniffing Monkeys funky crack.
Loco ate in a large pool of red jelly,while sniffing Monkeys funky crack.
Loco ate in a large pool of rasberry jelly,while sniffing Monkeys funky crack.
Loco ate in a large bathtub of rasberry jelly,while sniffing Monkeys funky crack.
*Loco and Monkey's gonna kick y'alls :o0 for using their names :))
>>:D >:D (O+O) !@#$ >:(( :[
Loco ate in a large bathtub of rasberry jelly,while sniffing Kelly's funky crack. <:>
LMAO!! I tried to tell them you wouldn't like it ""
Loco played in a large bathtub of rasberry jelly,while sniffing Kelly's funky crack.
Loco played in a large bathtub of rasberry jelly,while licking Kelly's funky crack. :)))
Quote from: Tara on February 07, 2007, 11:53:18 AM
*Loco and Monkey's gonna kick y'alls :o0 for using their names :))
No sista dear.... u gettin that :o0 kickin all by yourself... u put l0c0's name... I used your name... then you used my name.... thennnnnnnnn you got even bolder and used Monkey's name... thank gawd they love you... rofl.. it would be some monkeyin goin loco on your :o0 fo' sure...all over fun and games... "we jus one big happy family"
Loco played in a large bathtub of rasberry jello,while licking Kelly's funky crack.
Stop trying to blame me for everything. Imma watching out for the boys on the forum. :^*
Loco played in a large bathtub of icy jello,while licking Kelly's funky crack.
Sista dear... the evidence is plain as pie... rofl punt@l0c0 all one have to do is go back and read when/who/where started it.... like usual ... your :o0 will always be up in da mix... and mine too... lmfaoz ((cuz its fun fun fun))
Loco played in a large bathtub of icy jello,while licking Kelly's funky pie.
Well since she's gone for a couple of days I have to do it... :)))
Loco played in a large bathtub of icy jello,while licking Token's funky pie.
Quote from: Tara on February 08, 2007, 07:52:30 AM
Well since she's gone for a couple of days I have to do it... :)))
Loco played in a large bathtub of icy jello,while licking Token's funky pie.
haha! tooooo dayum funny! Shes gonna get you! :)) :)) :)) :)) :))
Loco played in a large bathtub of icy jello,while licking Token's funky cooch.
Ok now I am in for it, but it was way too tempting. lol! :^ I got these on for when tokens gets back. :))
I'm blaming it all on you when she gets back. :))
Loco played in a large bathtub of icy jello,while licking Token's hairy cooch.
Quote from: Tara on February 08, 2007, 07:52:30 AM
Well since she's gone for a couple of days I have to do it... :)))
Loco played in a large bathtub of icy jello,while licking Token's funky pie.
uh uh uh
Quote from: Tara on February 08, 2007, 08:02:48 AM
I'm blaming it all on you when she gets back. :))
Loco played in a large bathtub of icy jello,while licking Token's hairy cooch.
Like I cant read and see who called my pie "funky".... uh uh uh
Tara played in a large bathtub of icy jello, while lickin Token's hairy cooch...
Umm...hell no :oo
Monkey played in a large bathtub of icy jello, while lickin Token's hairy cooch...
Monkey played in a large bathtub of icy jello, while licking Janelle's hairy cooch
Monkey played in a large bathtub of icy jello, while spitting at Janelle's hairy cooch
spitting? :o :ooo
Monkey played in a large bathtub of icy jello, while spitting at Janelle's delicious cooch !@!
Monkey played in a large bathtub of icy jello, while spitting at Janelle's stanky cooch
Monkey played in a large bathtub of icy jello, while admiring Janelle's stanky cooch
Monkey played in a large bathtub of icy jello, while admiring Kelly's stanky cooch
lemme correct that dang word... what the heck is cooch... coochie is like hoochie... ebonics/ghetto slang...and neither are in the dictionary... but google it... I promise u... u will find coochie and no cooch.... rofl .. and every hoochie has a coochie... rofl harder
Monkey played in a large bathtub of icy jello, while admirin Kelly's stanky coochie... lol
Monkey played with a large bathtub of icy jello,while admirin kelly.s stanky coochie
Bree played with a large bathtub of icy jello,while admirin Kelly's stanky coochie
Quote from: Tokens Master Tagger on February 11, 2007, 06:45:32 PM
lemme correct that dang word... what the heck is cooch... coochie is like hoochie... ebonics/ghetto slang...and neither are in the dictionary... but google it... I promise u... u will find coochie and no cooch.... rofl .. and every hoochie has a coochie... rofl harder
Monkey played in a large bathtub of icy jello, while admirin Kelly's stanky coochie... lol
Gawd...If we wanna say cooch we can... >:D Who said we had to spell out every word? Ummm add a
G to
admirin so it will be a word when you google it... :)))
Monkey played in a large bathtub of icy jello, while admiring Token's stanky coochie.
Patches played in a large bathtub of icy jello, while admiring Tokens' stanky coochie.
Patches played in a large bathtub of icy jello, while admiring Tokens' hairy coochie. :)))
Patches played in a large bathtub of icy meat while admiring Tokens' hairy coochie.
Patches played in a large bathtub of raw meat while admiring Token's hairy coochie.
Patches played with a large bathtub of raw meat while admiring Token's hairy coochie.
Patches played with a large bathtub of raw meat while fingering Token's hairy coochie. :-X :))
Patches played with a large pole of raw meat while fingering Token's hairy coochie. :)) :))
Patches sucked with a large pole of raw meat while fingering Token's hairy coochie.
Quote from: Tara on February 12, 2007, 01:04:04 PM
Quote from: Tokens Master Tagger on February 11, 2007, 06:45:32 PM
lemme correct that dang word... what the heck is cooch... coochie is like hoochie... ebonics/ghetto slang...and neither are in the dictionary... but google it... I promise u... u will find coochie and no cooch.... rofl .. and every hoochie has a coochie... rofl harder
Monkey played in a large bathtub of icy jello, while admirin Kelly's stanky coochie... lol
Gawd...If we wanna say cooch we can... >:D Who said we had to spell out every word? Ummm add a G to admirin so it will be a word when you google it... :)))
shut up wench... rofl :{:
Patches sucked out a large pole of raw meat while fingering Token's hairy coochie.
Patches sucked on a large pole of raw meat while fingering Token's hairy coochie.
Patches sucked on a large pole of cooked meat while fingering Token's hairy coochie.
Token's sucked on a large pole of cooked meat while fingering Token's hairy coochie.
Token's sucked on a large pole of cooked meat while fingering Tara's hairy coochie.
Token's sucked on a large pole of cooked meat and fingering Tara's hairy coochie.
This sentence is like really nasty... :)))
Token's sucked on a large pole of cooked meat and fingering her hairy coochie.
Quote from: Tara on February 13, 2007, 12:18:56 PM
This sentence is like really nasty... :)))
Token's sucked on a large pole of cooked meat and fingering her hairy coochie.
Uh huh....becomes nasty once "YOUR" name gets in it.... I saw ya put my name... and I saw Monkey put Patches... uh huh... I know ya luv me... yep... yep... yep....
Tara sucked on a large pole of cooked meat and fingerin her hairy coochie....
Quote from: Tokens Master Tagger on February 13, 2007, 12:53:09 PM
Quote from: Tara on February 13, 2007, 12:18:56 PM
This sentence is like really nasty... :)))
Token's sucked on a large pole of cooked meat and fingering her hairy coochie.
Uh huh....becomes nasty once "YOUR" name gets in it.... I saw ya put my name... and I saw Monkey put Patches... uh huh... I know ya luv me... yep... yep... yep....
Tara sucked on a large pole of cooked meat and fingerin her hairy coochie....
Monkey made me do it..I liked it better when Loco and Monkeys name was in
MsBehavin sucked on a large pole of cooked meat and fingerin her hairy coochie.... :!!
MsBehavin sucked on a large pole of cooked meat and fingerin her hairless coochie.... :)) :)) :)) well finally its not me... :{:
LOL...we can pick on her for a bit.
MsBehavin sucked on a large pole of cooked meat while fingerin her hairless coochie. ++
MsBehavin sucked on a broken pole of cooked meat while fingerin her hairless coochie. rofl
MsBehavin sucked on a broken pole of cooked meat while lickin her hairless coochie :o
MsBehavin sucked on a long pole of cooked meat while lickin her hairless coochie
MsBehavin sucked on Monkeys long pole of cooked meat while lickin her hairless coochie. :"
Give me my 5 bucks for saying it Monkey >:D He made me say it!
:[ :oo ::) >:D
Msbehavin sucked on monkeys long pole of raw meat while lickin her hairless coochie
Msbehavin sucked on Monkey's thick pole of raw meat while lickin her hairless coochie.
look what happens, I go away for a few days and now I am lickin my hairless coochie. rotflmao! :)) :)) :)) :)) :))) :))) You guys are so bad!
Msbehavin sucked on George Clooney's thick pole of raw meat while lickin her hairless coochie.
Hey a girls gotta dream! lmfao! :)) :)) :))
Quote from: Ms.Behaving on February 14, 2007, 09:11:16 AM
Hey a girls gotta dream! lmfao! :)) :)) :))
Yeah and add 50 more words to the sentence to benefit your sexual needs...perv :))
Msbehavin sucked on Pee Wee Herman's thick pole of raw meat while lickin her hairless coochie. :))
I have to draw the line somewhere and Pee Wee Herman is it. lmao!
:)) :)) :)) :))
Tara sucked on Pee Wee Herman's thick pole of raw meat while lickin her hairless coochie. :)) :))
Bams sucked on Pee Wee Herman's thick pole of raw meat while lickin her hairless coochie
Bams sucked on Pee Wee Herman's thick pole of raw meat while rubbing her hairless coochie
Bams sucked on Pee Wee Herman's thick pole of limp meat while rubbing her hairless coochie :%
Monkey sucked on Pee Wee Herman's thick pole of limp meat while rubbing his hairless bootie.
Quote from: Tara on February 17, 2007, 07:06:25 PM
Monkey sucked on Pee Wee Herman's thick pole of limp meat while rubbing his hairless bootie.
::) :@ :oo :[ (O+O) :{: :^ !@#$ >:(( >>:D >:D
Tara sucked on Pee Wee Herman's thick pole of limp meat while rubbing her hairless bootie.
Monkey sucked on Pee Wee Herman's thick pole of limp meat while rubbing his hairless bootie.
Britney Spears sucked on Pee Wee Herman's thick pole of limp meat while rubbing her hairless bootie.
rofl Monkey refuses to suck on anything...lmao
Britney Spears sucked on Pee Wee Herman's thick pole of limp meat while scratchin her hairless bootie.
Quote from: Tokens Master Tagger on February 18, 2007, 05:20:25 PM
rofl Monkey refuses to suck on anything...lmao
Britney Spears sucked on Pee Wee Herman's thick pole of limp meat while scratchin her hairless bootie.
Britney Spears sucked on Pee Wee Herman's thick pole of limp meat while scratchin
her hairless head!!!
Britney Spears sucked on Pee Wee Herman's thick pole of aroused meat while scratchin her hairless head!!!
Britney Spears sucked on Paris Hilton's vibrator while scratchin her hairless head!!!
Quote from: Tara on February 18, 2007, 08:48:42 PM
Britney Spears sucked on Paris Hilton's vibrator while scratchin her hairless head!!!
well why not jus start all rofl.. u jus had a ball changin things.... ok.. well it makes sense... here we go
Britney Spears licked on Paris Hilton's vibrator while scratchin her hairless head.
Britney Spears rode on Paris Hilton's vibrator while scratchin her hairless head. :)))
Britney Spears climaxed on Paris Hilton's vibrator while scratchin her hairless head.
Britney Spears climaxed on Paris Hilton's vibrator while scratchin her hairless coochie.
Britney Spears climaxed on Paris Hilton's vibrator while scratchin her hairy coochie.
Britney Spears climaxed on Paris Hilton's vibrator while fingering her hairy coochie.
Britney Spears climaxed on Santa's vibrator while fingering her hairy coochie.
Britney Spears climaxed on Santa's lap while fingering her hairy coochie.
Britney Spears climaxed on Santa's lap while spankin her hairy coochie.
Let's start over from the 1st post so theres no more coochies. :P
1st post:
The lazy brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while chasing his tail.
The lazy brown puppy wallowed in the puddle of mud, while chasing his tail.
The lazy brown puppy wallowed in the puddle of mud, while chasing his :o0.
The lazy brown puppy wallowed in the puddle of milk, while chasing his :o0
The lazy brown puppy wallowed in the puddle of milk, while chasin neighbor's :o0 .
The BIG brown puppy wallowed in the puddle of milk, while chasin neighbors :o0
The big brown puppy crapped in the puddle of milk, while chasin neighbors :o0
The big brown puppy crapped in the puddle of milk, while chasing neighbors' cat :;'
The big brown ;:: crapped in the puddle of milk,while chasing the neighbors cat :;'
The big brown dog crapped in the bowl of milk, while chasin neighbor's cat.
The big white dog crapped in the bowl of milk,while chasin the neighbor's cat.
The big white dog peed in the bowl of milk,while chasin the neighbor,s cat.
The big white sheep peed in the bowl of milk,while chasin the neighbor,s cat.
The big white sheep peed in the bowl of milk,while chasin the farmer's cat.
The big white goat peed in the bowl of milk,while chasin the farmer's cat.
The big white goat peed in the bowl of milk,while eating the farmer's cat. :;'
Quote from: Monkey on February 23, 2007, 02:33:06 PM
The big white goat peed in the bowl of milk,while eating the farmer's cat. :;'
The big white stallion peed in the bowl of milk,while eating the farmer's cat
A big white stallion peed in the bowl of milk,while eatin the farmer's cat.
A big white stallion peed in the bowl of milk,while licking the farmer's cat.
A big white dude peed in the bowl of milk,while licking the farmer's cat.
A big white dude peed in the tub of milk,while licking the farmer's cat.
A big white dude peed in the tub of milk,while licking the wife's cat.
:)) :))
A big white dude peed in the tub of milk,while licking his wife's cat. :;'
Quote from: Monkey on February 25, 2007, 12:16:04 PM
:)) :))
A big white dude peed in the tub of milk,while licking his wife's cat. :;'
<winkin> I was hopin u caught where I was goin with this... "PERFECT"
A big white dude peed in the bed of milk,while licking his wife's cat. :;'
A big white dude peed inside the bed of milk,while licking his wife's cat.
A big white dude climbed inside the bed of milk,while licking his wife's cat.
A big white dude climbed inside the bed of pie,while licking his wife's cat.
A big white dude massaged inside the bed of pie,while licking his wife's cat. >>whisperin...ur gonna get me in trouble<< lmfaoz
A big white dude came inside the bed of pie,while licking his wife's cat. :;'
A big white dude came inside the corner of pie,while licking his wife's cat.
A big white dude came inside the paradise of pie,while licking his wife's cat.
A big white dude came inside the paradise of pie,while touching his wife's cat.
A big white dude entered inside the paradise of pie,while touching his wife's cat.
Two big white dude entered inside the paradise of pie,while touching his wife's cat.
Two big white stallions entered inside the paradise of pie,while touching his wife's cat.
Two big white dudes entered inside the paradise of pie,while touching his wife's cat.
Two big white dudes slipped inside the paradise of pie,while touching his wife's cat.
Two big white dudes slipped inside the paradise of pie,while spankin his wife's cat.
Two big white dudes slipped inside the paradise of pie,while spankin Tara's cat.
Two big white dudes slipped inside the paradise of pie,while spankin Kitty's cat.
Two big white dudes slipped inside the paradise of pie,while beating Kitty's cat.
Two big white dudes slipped inside the paradise of pie,while beating monkey's cat
Two big white dudes slipped inside the paradise of pie,while beating Kelly's cat
Two big white dudes slipped inside the paradise of pie,while licking Kelly's cat
Two redneck white dudes slipped inside the paradise of pie,while licking Kelly's cat
Two redneck white dudes slipped inside the paradise of panties,while licking Kelly's cat
Two holy white dudes slipped inside the paradise of panties,while licking Kelly's cat
Two prisoner white dudes slipped inside the paradise of panties,while licking Kelly's cat.
Two prisoner white dudes ate inside the paradise of panties,while licking Kelly's cat. !@!
Two prisoners, horny dudes ate inside the paradise of panties,while licking Kelly's cat.
Two prisoners, horny dudes ate inside the paradise of panties,while petting Kelly's cat.
Two prisoners, horny dudes ate inside the paradise of salad,while petting Kelly's cat.
Two prisoners, ugly dudes ate inside the paradise of salad,while petting Kelly's cat.
Two redneck ugly dudes ate inside the paradise of salad,while petting Kelly's cat.
Two redneck ugly dudes ate inside the paradise of salad,while petting Kelly's dogs.
Two redneck ugly dudes ate inside the paradise of salad,while feeling Kelly's dogs.
Two Monster ugly dudes ate inside the paradise of salad,while feeling Kelly's dogs.
Two Monster discusting dudes ate inside the paradise of salad,while feeling Kelly's dogs.
Two Monster disgusting dudes ate inside the paradise of salad,while feeling Kelly's tatas. :)))
Two-headed disgustin dudes ate inside the paradise of salad,while feelin Kelly's tatas.
Two-headed disgustin dudes ate inside the paradise of salad,while feelin Ms. B's tatas.
Two-headed disgustin dudes ate inside the bowl of salad,while feelin Ms. B's tatas.
Two-headed stripper dudes ate inside the bowl of salad,while feelin Ms. B's tatas.
Two-headed stripper dudes ate inside the bowl of salad,while pinchin Ms. B's tatas.
Two-headed stripper dudes poked inside the bowl of salad,while pinchin Ms. B's tatas.
Quote from: Monkey on March 24, 2007, 11:38:25 AM
Two-headed stripper dudes poked inside the bowl of salad,while pinchin Ms. B's tatas.
Quote from: Ms.Behavin on March 24, 2007, 11:53:05 AM
Quote from: Monkey on March 24, 2007, 11:38:25 AM
Two-headed stripper dudes poked inside the bowl of salad,while pinchin Ms. B's tatas.
Tara's the one that put your name in there :-X
I'm just an innocent 0:
Quote from: Tara on March 21, 2007, 11:30:23 PM
Two-headed disgustin dudes ate inside the paradise of salad,while feelin Ms. B's tatas.
Quote from: Monkey on March 24, 2007, 12:53:14 PM
Quote from: Ms.Behavin on March 24, 2007, 12:08:51 PM
Quote from: Tara on March 21, 2007, 11:30:23 PM
Two-headed disgustin dudes ate inside the paradise of salad,while feelin Ms. B's tatas.
rofl at both of you... :)) oh ...oh.. :)) omg.. my side hurts... :)) oh...oh :))
Two-headed stripper dudes poked inside the bowl of salad,while nursin Ms. B's tatas.
Two well-hung stripper dudes poked inside the bowl of salad,while nursin Ms. B's tatas. :)) :)) :)) :))
Two well-hung Monkey dudes poked inside the bowl of salad,while nursin Ms. B's tatas.
Two well-hung beastly dudes poked inside the bowl of salad,while nursin Ms. B's tatas. :))
Two well-hung Monkey dudes poked inside the bowl of salad,while tasting Ms. B's tatas.
Two well-hung Monkey dudes poked inside the bowl of salad,while licking Ms. B's tatas.
Two well-hung pointless dudes poked inside the bowl of salad,while licking Ms. B's tatas. :))
Quote from: Monkey on April 06, 2007, 06:57:38 PM
Two well-hung pointless dudes poked inside the bowl of salad,while licking Ms. B's tatas. :))
They can be anything but POINTLESS!
Two well-hung SEXY dudes poked inside the bowl of salad, while licking Ms. B's tata's
Two well-hung SEXY dudes poked inside the bowl of salad, while licking Ms. B's kitty.
Two well-hung SEXY dudes poked inside the bowl of salad, while licking Sanjaya's kitty. :))
Quote from: viveeee on April 03, 2007, 06:21:56 PM
Two well-hung Monkey dudes poked inside the bowl of salad,while tasting Ms. B's tatas.
Quote from: Monkey on April 07, 2007, 06:19:02 AM
Two well-hung SEXY dudes poked inside the bowl of salad, while licking Sanjaya's kitty. :))
Quote from: viveeee on April 03, 2007, 06:21:56 PM
Two well-hung Monkey dudes poked inside the bowl of salad,while tasting Ms. B's tatas.
Love Ya Man.... <3 :[
Two well-hung dudes poked inside the bowl of Bananas,while licking Sanjaya's kitty :{x
Two tiny dudes poked inside the bowl of Bananas,while licking Sanjaya's kitty
two tiny dudes played inside the bowl of bananas,while licking Sanjaya's kitty.
Two tiny dudes played inside the bowl of cherries,while lickin Sanjaya's kitty.
Two tiny judges played inside the bowl of cherries,while lickin Sanjaya's kitty. :)))
Two tiny judges played inside the bowl of cherries,while smackin Sanjaya's kitty.
Two tiny Idols played inside the bowl of cherries,while smackin Sanjaya's kitty.
Two tiny Idols played inside the bowl of cherries,while smackin Sanjaya's toe.
Two tiny Idols played inside the bowl of cherries,while smackin Sanjaya's mangina. :-X
Two tiny Idols played inside deep bowl of cherries,while smackin Sanjaya's mangina.
Two fat Idols played inside deep bowl of cherries,while smackin Sanjaya's mangina.
Two fat monkeys played inside deep bowl of cherries,while smackin Sanjaya's mangina.
Two hunky monkeys played inside deep bowl of cherries,while smackin Sanjaya's mangina.
Two hunky monkeys played inside bottomless bowl of cherries,while smackin Sanjaya's mangina.
Hungry hunky monkeys played inside bottomless bowl of cherries,while smackin Sanjaya's mangina.
Hungry hunky monkeys jumped inside bottomless bowl of cherries,while smakin Sanjaya's mangina.
Hungry hunky monkeys jumped inside bottomless bowl of cherries,while eating Sanjaya's mangina.
Hungary hunky Hippos jumped inside bottemless bowl of cherries,while eating Sanjaya's mangina.
Hungary? :)))
Hungry hunky hippos jumped inside bottomless bowl of cream,while eating Sanjaya's mangina.
Quote from: Monkey on April 15, 2007, 03:16:01 PM
Hungary? :)))
Hungry hunky hippos jumped inside bottomless bowl of cream,while eating Sanjaya's mangina.
Huge Hunky Hippos jumped inside bottomless bowl of cream,while eating Sanjaya's mangina.
Huge Hunky Loco jumped inside bottomless bowl of cream,while eating Sanjaya's mangina.
Huge Hunky Cannibals jumped inside bottomless bowl of cream,while eating Sanjaya's mangina.
Huge Hunky Cannibals licked inside bottomless bowl of cream,while eating Sanjaya's mangina.
Huge Hunky Cannibals licked inside bottomless glass of cream,while eating Sanjaya's mangina.
Huge Hunky Cannibals licked inside bottomless glass of cream,while eating Mr.Boston's mangina.
Huge hunky Cannibals licked inside bottomless glass of cream,while eating Mr.Bostons sausage.
Huge hunky strippers licked inside bottomless glass of cream,while eating Mr.Bostons sausage.
Huge hunky strippers licked inside bottomless glass of cream,while swallowing Mr.Bostons sausage.
Huge hunky strippers licked inside bottomless tub of cream,while swallowing Mr.Bostons sausage.
Huge hunky strippers licked inside bottomless tub of cream,while swallowing New York's sausage.
OMG I'm bad :)) :)) :)) :))
Huge hunky strippers jumped inside bottomless tub of cream,while swallowin New York's sausage.
Huge hunky strippers jumped inside bottomless tub of cream,while swallowin New York's weave.
Huge hunky strippers jumped inside a tub of cream,while swallowin New York's weave.
Huge womanly strippers jumped inside a tub of cream,while swallowin New York's weave.
Huge womanly strippers jumped inside a tub of cream,while kissing New York's weave.
Huge womanly strippers jumped inside a tub of champagne,while kissing New York's weave.
Huge womanly strippers jumped inside a tub of champagne,while kissing New York's feet.
Huge womanly hunks jumped inside a tub of champagne,while kissing New York's feet.
This sentence is a hot friggen mess.
Huge womanly hunks jumped inside a tub of champagne,while kissing a York's feet.
Huge feminine hunks jumped inside a tub of champagne,while kissing a York's feet.
Huge feminine hunks jumped inside a tub of champagne,while kissing a strippers feet.
Huge feminine hunks jumped inside a tub of champagne,while kissing the strippers feet.
A feminine hunks jumped inside a tub of champagne,while kissing the strippers feet.
A feminine hunks jumped inside a sauna of champagne,while kissing the strippers feet.
A feminine whale jumped inside a sauna of champagne,while kissing the strippers feet.
A sperm whale jumped inside a sauna of champagne,while kissing the strippers feet.
A **** whale slid inside a sauna of champagne,while kissing the strippers feet.
I have no idea what you said Monkey
Oh god :ll
It is a type of whale. I didn't think the filter would catch it :-[
A blue whale slid inside a sauna of champagne,while kissing the strippers feet.
A blue balls slid inside a sauna of champagne,while kissing the strippers feet.
A blue balls Monkey slid inside a sauna of champange,while kissing the strippers feet.
A blue balls kitty slid inside a sauna of champange,while kissing the strippers feet.
A blue balls kitty slid inside a sauna of champange,while kissing the bouncers feet.
A blue balls kitty slid inside a sauna of champagne, while kissin the bouncer's :o0.
A blue balls kitty slid inside a sauna of champagne, while rubbing the bouncer's :o0 .
A blue balls kitty slid inside a sauna of champagne, while squeezin the bouncer's :o0
A blue balls kitty slid inside a sauna of champagne, while squeezin the bouncer's balls.
A blue balls kitty slid inside a sauna of champagne, while bouncing the bouncer's balls.
A blue balls hippopotamus slid inside a sauna of champagne, while bouncing the bouncer's balls.
Two blue balls hippopotamus slid inside a sauna of champagne, while bouncing the bouncer's balls.
Two blue balls hippopotamus slid inside a hole of champagne, while bouncing the bouncer's balls.
No blue balls hippopotamus slid inside a hole of champagne, while bouncing the bouncer's balls.
No blue balls hippopotamus slid inside a hole of cream, while bouncing the bouncer's balls.
6 blue balls hippopotamus slid inside a hole of cream, while bouncing the bouncer's balls.
6 blue ugly hippopotamus slid inside a hole of cream, while bouncing the bouncer's balls.
6 saintly, ugly hippopotamus slid inside a hole of cream, while bouncing the bouncer's balls.
Six saintly, ugly hippopotamus slid inside a hole of cream, while bouncin the bouncer's testicles.
Six saintly, ugly hippopotamus slid inside a hole of cream, while bouncin on a bouncer's testicles
Six saintly, ugly hippopotamus slid inside a hole of cream, while bouncin on a bouncer's table
Six saintly, ugly hippopotamus slid inside a hole of cream, while bouncin on a bouncer's horse
Six saintly, ugly hippopotamus slid inside a cup of cream, while bouncin on a bouncer's horse
Six saintly, spying hippopotamus slid inside a cup of cream, while bouncin on a bouncer's horse
Six saintly, spying hippopotamus slid inside a cup of cream, while jumping on a horses mouth.
Six saintly, spying hippopotamus slid inside a cup of cream, while jumping in a horses mouth.
Seven saintly, spying hippopotamus slid inside a cup of cream, while jumping in a horses mouth.
Seven saintly, spying hippopotamus slid inside a cup of cream, while gagging in a horses mouth.
Seven saintly, spying hippopotamus farted inside a cup of cream, while gagging in a horses mouth.
Seven saintly, spying hippos farted inside a cup of cream, while gagging in a horses mouth.
A spying fat hippo farted inside a cup of cream, while gagging in a horses mouth.
A spying fat hippo farted inside a cup of cream, while gagging in a horses backside.
A spying fat hippo farted inside a mouth of cream, while gagging in a horses backside.
A horny fat hippo farted inside a mouth of cream, while gagging in a horses backside
A horny fat hippo peed inside a mouth of cream, while gagging in a horses backside
A homeless fat hippo peed inside a mouth of cream, while gaggin in a horses backside.
A homeless fat hippo peed inside a mouth of cream, while gaggin on a horses backside
A closeted fat hippo peed inside a mouth of cream, while gaggin on a horses backside
A closeted fat hippo peed inside a mouth of cream, while gaggin on a horses thingy
A closeted fat hippo peed inside a mouth of cream, while gagging up a horses thingy
A closeted gay hippo peed inside a mouth of cream, while gagging up a horses thingy
A closeted gay hippo peed inside a mouth of cream, while swallowing up a horses thingy
A closeted gay ;:" peed inside a mouth of cream, while swallowing up a horses thingy
A closeted gay hippo peed inside a mouth of cream, while swallowing up a horses thingy
A closeted gay hippo peed inside a mouth of the cream, while swallowing a horses thingy
A closeted gay hippo peed inside a mouth of the horse, while swallowing the horses thingy
A closeted gay hippo peed inside a mouth of the horse, while devouring the horses thingy :-[
A closeted gay hippo pooped inside a mouth of the horse, while devouring the horses thingy. :-[
A closeted gay hippo pooped inside a mouth of the horse, while devouring the horses teeth.
A closeted gay hippo pooped inside a mouth of a fat ugly horse, while devouring the horse.
A closeted gay hippo pooped inside a mouth of a fat ugly bad-toothed horse, while devouring the horse.
Guess we're adding words now :)))
A closeted gay hippo squirted inside a mouth of a fat ugly bad-toothed horse, while devouring the horse.
Quote from: Monkey on May 11, 2007, 06:23:16 PM
A closeted gay hippo pooped inside a mouth of a fat ugly bad-toothed horse, while devouring the horse.
Guess we're adding words now :)))
:)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :))
Quote from: Ms.Behavin on May 11, 2007, 07:28:07 PM
Quote from: Monkey on May 11, 2007, 06:23:16 PM
A closeted gay hippo pooped inside a mouth of a fat ugly bad-toothed horse, while devouring the horse.
Guess we're adding words now :)))
:)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :))
I saw the sentence and like...omg... its growin...lmfaoz
A closeted gay whale squirted inside a mouth of a fat ugly bad-toothed horse, while devouring the horse
A closeted gay whale squirted inside a mouth of a fat jealous bad-toothed horse, while devouring the horse
A closeted gay whale squirted inside a mouth of a fat jealous bad-toothed horse, while doing the horse
A closeted gay whale squirted inside a mouth of a fat jealous bad-toothed horse, while doing the hippo
Quote from: Monkey on May 12, 2007, 08:07:32 AM
A closeted gay whale squirted inside a mouth of a fat jealous bad-toothed horse, while doing the hippo
sounds like a dang orgy
A closeted gay whale squirted inside a mouth of a fat jealous no toothed horse, while doing the hippo
A closeted gay whale entered inside a mouth of a fat jealous no toothed horse, while doing the hippo
A closeted gay whale entered inside a mouth of a fat jealous no toothed horse, while doing the dirty
A saintly gay whale entered inside a mouth of a fat jealous no toothed horse, while doing the dirty
A saintly gay whale entered inside a mouth of a fat jealous no toothed horse, while doing the spies
Quote from: pogo_gamer on May 12, 2007, 08:40:41 AM
A saintly gay whale entered inside a mouth of a fat jealous no toothed horse, while doing the spies
I wanna see how messed up our sentence has
The lazy brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while chasing his tail. 14 words
A saintly gay whale entered inside a mouth of a fat jealous no toothed horse, while doing the spies 19 words.
Not bad...lmao
A stupid gay whale entered inside a mouth of a fat jealous no toothed horse, while doing the spies
A stupid gay whale entered inside a mouth of a fat jealous loser horse, while doing the spies
A stupid gay hippo entered inside a mouth of a fat jealous loser horse, while doing the spies.
A stupid gay hippo entered inside a mouth of a fat jealous loser horse, while slapping the spies.
A stupid gay hippo entered inside a mouth of a fat ignorant loser horse, while slapping the spies.
A stupid gay member entered inside a mouth of a fat ignorant loser horse, while slapping the spies
A stupid gay hippo entered inside a mouth of a fat ignorant loser horse, while slapping the spies
A smart gay hippo entered inside a mouth of a fat ignorant loser horse, while slapping the spies
A two-faced gay hippo entered inside a mouth of a fat ignorant loser horse, while slapping the spies
A blonde two-faced gay hippo entered inside a mouth of a fat ignorant loser horse, while slapping the spies
A sorry two-faced gay hippo entered inside a mouth of a fat ignorant loser horse, while slappin the spies.
A sorry two-faced gay monkey entered inside a mouth of a fat ignorant loser horse, while slappin the spies.
A sorry two-faced cryin monkey entered inside a mouth of a fat ignorant loser horse, while slappin the spies.
I would rather kill myself than enter inside of that horse thing >:D
A sorry two-faced cryin reporter entered inside a mouth of a fat ignorant loser horse, while slappin the spies.
A sorry two-faced cryin reporter entered inside a mouth of a fat ignorant loser horse, while grindin the spies.
A sorry two-faced cryin reporter entered inside a mouth of a fat ignorant loser whale, while grindin the spies.
And omg Monkey I didn't even think when I put Monkey in that sentence lmao....
Quote from: IndianLover on May 12, 2007, 12:13:53 PM
And omg Monkey I didn't even think when I put Monkey in that sentence lmao....
A sorry two-faced cryin horse entered inside a mouth of a fat ignorant loser whale, while grindin the spies.
Quote from: Monkey on May 12, 2007, 12:14:59 PM
Quote from: IndianLover on May 12, 2007, 12:13:53 PM
And omg Monkey I didn't even think when I put Monkey in that sentence lmao....
A sorry two-faced cryin horse entered inside a mouth of a fat ignorant loser whale, while grindin the spies.
I believe ya cuz u had lower case m... I knew it was harmless ...
A sorry two-faced cryin horse entered inside a mouth of a fat ignorant stupid whale, while grindin spies... lmao
A jealous two-faced cryin horse entered inside a mouth of a fat ignorant stupid whale, while grindin spies
Big jealous two-faced cryin horse entered inside a mouth of a fat ignorant stupid whale, while grindin spies.
Big jealous two-faced cryin horse entered inside a mouth of a fat ignorant stupid whale, while banning spies. :)) :)) :D <..> :^*
Big jealous two-faced cryin horse entered inside a mouth of two fat ignorant stupid whale, while banning spies.
Big jealous two-faced cryin wolf entered inside a mouth of two fat ignorant stupid whale, while banning spies.
Big jealous two-faced cryin Brutus entered inside a mouth of two fat ignorant stupid whale, while banning spies.
Big jealous two-faced cryin reporters entered inside a mouth of a fat super ugly ignorant stupid horse, while banning spies.
Big jealous two-faced cryin reporters entered inside a mouth of a fat super ugly ignorant ex-stripper horse, while banning spies.
Big jealous two-faced cryin reporters wanted inside a mouth of a fat super ugly ignorant ex-stripper horse, while banning spies.
Obese jealous two-faced crying reporters wanted inside a mouth of a job-faking super ugly ignorant ex-stripper horse, while banning spies.
I vote to start this out of whacked sentence all over..lmao
Quote from: Tara on May 14, 2007, 05:03:26 AM
I vote to start this out of whacked sentence all over..lmao
O0 Im one with you... create a new sentence...
The silly little girl landed in the field of flowers, while chasing her puppy.
The hypnotized little girl landed in the field of flowers, while chasing her puppy.
The hypnotized little girl landed in the field of flowers, while walking her puppy.
The hypnotized little girl frolicked in the field of flowers, while walking her puppy.
She realizes one of her slippers is missing.
Quote from: InsideJoke on May 20, 2007, 09:20:23 AM
She realizes one of her slippers is missing.
Read the rules in the first post of this topic :-\
The hypnotized little girl frolicked in the field of flowers, while walking her doggie.
The hypnotized little girl frolicked in the field of flowers, while walking her kitty. :;'
The hypnotized little girl frolicked in the field of flowers, while chasing her kitty.
The hypnotized little girl frolicked in the field of flowers, while opening her kitty.
The hypnotized little girl pranced in the field of flowers, while opening her kitty.
The hypnotized little girl pranced in the field of flowers, while tasting her kitty.
The hypnotized little girl sat in the field of flowers, while tasting her kitty.
The hypnotized little girl sat in the field of men, while tasting her kitty.
The nasty little girl sat in the field of men, while tasting her kitty.
The nasty little girl sat in the field of men, while rubbing her kitty.
The nasty big girl sat in the field of men, while rubbing her kitty.
The nasty popular girl sat in the field of men, while rubbing her kitty.
The nasty popular girl laid in the field of men, while rubbing her kitty.
The nasty reporter girl laid in the field of men, while rubbing her kitty.
The nasty reporter girl laid in the field of trash, while rubbing her kitty.
The nasty pogo girl laid in the field of trash, while rubbing her kitty.
The nasty pogo girl laid in the field of trash, while rubbing her horse.
(monkey has a horse theme toady)
The nasty pogo girl laid in the field of trash while licking her horse.
The nasty pogo girl laid in the field of pee while licking her horse. :)) :))
The nasty pogo girl laid in the shower of pee while licking her horse.
The nasty bimbo girl laid in the shower of pee while licking her horse.
Well, if going lick your horse guess can expect a shower of pee! lol
The smelly bimbo girl laid in the shower of pee while licking her horse
The smelly bimbo girl laid in the shower of pee while licking her foot
The smelly bimbo girl laid in the shower of pee while licking her lips
The smelly bimbo girl laid in the shower of pee, while licking her feet.
The jealous pill popping girl laid in the shower of pee, while licking her feet. :/\
The jealous pill popping girl laid in the shower of pee, while damaging her feet.
The jealous pill popping psycho laid in the shower of pee, while damaging her feet.
The jealous pill popping psycho bathed in the shower of pee, while damaging her feet.
The jealous pill popping psycho bathed in the shower of pee, while cramping her guts out. :/\
The spying pill popping psycho bathed in the shower of pee, while cramping her guts out.
The spying pill popping psycho bathed in her nasty pee, while cramping her guts out.
The spying pill popping psycho horse bathed in her nasty pee, while cramping her guts out.
The spying pill popping psycho horse bathed in her nasty pee, while pulling her teeth out.
The spying pill popping psycho horse drinks her nasty pee, while pulling her teeth out.
The spying pill popping psycho horse drinks her nasty pee, while straightening her teeth out.
The spying pill popping psycho horse drinks her nasty pee, while trying to whiten her yellow teeth. :)))
:)) :)) :)) :))
The PMS'ing pill popping psycho horse drinks her nasty pee, while trying to whiten her yellow teeth.
Starting over...
The lazy brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while chasing his tail. :,
The lazy brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while chasing his thingy.
Why does he have to be chasing his thingy Rob? :)))
The big brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while chasing his thingy.
The big brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while beating his thingy.
The big brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while whacking his thingy
The big long dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while whacking his thingy
The big long dog fell in the puddle of mud, while whacking his thingy
The big long dog fell in the puddle of cream, while whacking his thingy
The big long dog fell in the puddle of cream, while jackin his thingy.
The big long dog fell in the hole of cream, while jackin his thingy.
The thick long dog fell in the hole of cream, while jackin his thingy.
The thick long dog dined in the hole of cream, while jackin his thingy.
The thick long dog puked in the hole of cream, while jackin his thingy.
The thick juicy dog puked in the hole of cream, while jackin his thingy.
The thick juicy dog fingered in the hole of cream, while jackin his thingy.
Y'all can sure make a sentence nasty pretty fast. :)))
The thick juicy dog slid in the hole of cream, while jackin his thingy.
The thick juicy dog slid in the hole of cream, while suckin his thingy. :))
The thick juicy dog slid in the hole of cream, while enlarging his thingy. O+O O+O O+O
The thick juicy dog slid in the hole of cream, while cutting his thingy. :=
The fizzy juicy dog slid in the hole of cream, while cutting his thingy. :/\
The fizzy juicy milkshake slid in the hole of cream, while cutting his thingy.
The fizzy juicy milkshake slid in the cup of cream, while cutting his thingy.
the fizzy juicy milkshake slid in the cup, whild cutting his finger
The fizzy juicy milkshake slid in the cup of cream, while cutting his thigh.
The fizzy juicy milkshake slid in the cup of cream, while cutting her thigh.
The fizzy juicy milkshake spilt in the cup of cream, while cutting her thigh.
the fizzy juicy milkshake squirt in the cup of cream, while cutting her thigh
New sentence..this one is a hot mess.. :)))
The mean old man was sitting on a log while spitting on a ugly toad.
The mean old man was sitting on a hog while spitting on a ugly toad.
The mean old man was sitting on a hog while spitting on a fugly toad.
The mean old Jinx55 was sitting on a hog while spitting on a fugly toad. sg.gif
Quote from: Bratty Tara on July 26, 2007, 07:29:57 PM
The mean old Jinx55 was sitting on a hog while spitting on a fugly toad. sg.gif
The mean old goat was sitting on a hog while spitting on a fugly toad.
The mean old goat was sitting on a hog while spitting on a fugly lady.
The mean old goat was sitting on a hog while spitting on a pretty lady.
The mean old goat was sitting on a hog while sitting on a pretty lady.
The mean old goat was sitting on a hog while sitting on an ugly lady.
The mean naked goat was sitting on a hog while sitting on an ugly lady.
The mean naked goat was sitting on a hog while farting on an ugly lady.
The mean naked goat was sitting on a bed while farting on an ugly lady.
The mean naked goat was laying on a bed while farting on an ugly lady.
The mean naked man was laying on a bed while farting on an ugly lady.
The mean naked man was laying on a bed while barfing on an ugly lady.
The handsome naked man was laying on a bed while barfing on an ugly lady.
The pretty naked man was laying on a bed while barfing on an ugly lady.
The skinny naked man was laying on a bed while barfing on an ugly lady.
The skinny bald man was laying on a bed while barfing on an ugly lady.
The skinny bald man was laying on a bed while hitting on an ugly lady.
The fat bald man was laying on a bed while hitting on an ugly lady.
The fat bald man was laying on a bed while kissing on an ugly lady.
The fat bald man was laying on a bed while kissing on an ugly pie.
The fat bald man was jumping on a bed while kissing on an ugly pie.
The fat bald man was jumping on a bed while kissing on an ugly dog. :-\
The fat bald man was jumping on a bed while licking on an ugly dog. :xx
The fat bald man was jumpin on a bed while lickin on a wet dog.
The fat bald man was farting on a bed while lickin on a wet dog.
Old fat bald man was fartin on a bed while lickin on a wet dog.
Old fat bald man was farting on a bed while laughing on a wet dog.
Old fat bald man was farting on a toilet while laughing on a wet dog.
Old fat bald man was farting on a toilet while laughing at a wet dog.
Old fat bald man was farting on a chair while laughing at a wet dog.
A bald dog was farting on a bald man who was sitting on the toilet.
A bald woman was fartin on a bald man who was sittin on the toilet. +++
A bald woman was fartin on a bald dog who was sittin on the toilet.
A bald woman was peein on a bald dog who was sittin on the toilet.
A bald woman was peein on a old dog who was sittin on the toilet.
A bald woman was peeing on a old toilet who was sitting on the toilet.
A bald woman was peeing on a old toilet and was sitting on the toilet.
A bald woman was peeing on a old toilet and was sitting on the throne
A bald woman was looking at an old toilet and was sitting on the throne
A silly woman was lookin at an old toilet and was sittin on the throne.
A silly woman was looking at an old toilet and was playing on the throne.
A silly woman was looking at an old toilet and was talking on the phone.
A silly woman was looking at an old urn and was talking on the phone.
A silly woman was looking at an old computer and was talking on the phone.
A silly woman was looking at an old hag and was talking on the phone.
A silly woman was looking at an old hag while she was talking on the phone.
A silly woman was looking at an old magazine while she was talking on the phone.
A silly woman was lookin at an old pervert while she was talkin on the phone.
A silly woman was lookin at an old bottle while she was talkin on the phone.
A silly woman was lookin at an old todger while she was talkin on the phone.
A charming woman was looking at an old todger while she was talking on the phone.
A charming man was looking at an old todger while she was talking on the phone.
A charming man was looking at an old todger while she was talking on the beach.
charming man was looking at an old todger while he was talking on the beach.
A charming man was looking at an old todger while he was walking on the beach.
A charming man was looking at an old woman while he was walking on the beach.
A charming man was grooping at an old woman while he was walking on the beach.
Acharming man was looking at an old watch while he was walking on the beach
A charming man was looking at an old watch while he was strolling on the beach
A lost man was looking at an old watch while he was strolling on the beach
A lost man was looking at a rusted watch while he was strolling on the beach
A lost man was looking at a rusted watch while he was strolling down the beach
A poor man was looking at a rusted watch while he was strolling down the beach
A homeless man was looking at a rusted watch while he was strolling down the beach
A homeless man was looking at a rusted can while he was strolling down the beach
A pathetic man was looking at a rusted can while he was strolling down the beach
A pathetic man was looking at a rusted can while he was strolling down the street
A pathetic man was looking at a cola can while he was strolling down the street
A pathetic man was looking at a cola bottle while he was strolling down the street
A pathetic man was looking at a whiskey bottle while he was strolling down the street
A pathetic man was looking in a whiskey bottle while he was strolling down the street
A pathetic man was sipping in a whiskey bottle while he was strolling down the street
A pathetic man was sipping up a whiskey bottle while he was strolling down the street
A pathetic man was sipping up a whiskey jar while he was strolling down the street
A pathetic man was holding up a whiskey jar while he was strolling down the street
A pathetic man was holding up a whiskey jar while he was strolling down the park
A pathetic man was holding up a whiskey jar while he was strolling around the park
A happy man was holding up a whiskey jar while he was strolling around the park :!!
A happy man was holding up a donation jar while he was strolling around the park
A happy man was holding up a donation jar while he was hopping around the park
A drunk man was holding up a donation jar while he was hopping around the park
A drunk man was holding up a donation jar while he was running around the park
A drunk man fell holding up a donation jar while he was running around the park.
A ****-bank man fell holding up a specimen jar while he was running around the park
A money bank man fell holding up a specimen jar while he was running around the park
A clumsy bank man fell holding up a specimen jar while he was running around the park
A clumsy bank man fell holding up a cremation jar while he was running around the park
A clumsy bank woman fell holding up a cremation jar while he was running around the park
A clumsy bank woman fell holding up a cremation jar while she was running around the park
A clumsy bin woman fell holding up a cremation jar while she was running around the park
A clumsy bin woman fell holding up a cremation jar while she was running around the cemetery
A clumsy old woman fell holding up a cremation jar while she was running around the cemetery
A deranged old woman fell holding up a cremation jar while she was running around the cemetery
A sick old woman fell holding up a cremation jar while she was running around the cemetery.
A sick old woman fell holding up a cremation jar while she was running around the mall.
A sick old woman fell holding up a cremation jar while she was running around the bathroom.
A sick old woman fell holding up a empty jar while she was running around the bathroom.
A frightened old woman fell holding up a empty jar while she was running around the bathroom.
:8: a sick olf woman fell holding up a empty jar while dancing around the bathroom
A sick olf woman fell holding up a empty jar while dancing in the bathroom.
A sick younger woman fell holding up a empty jar while dancing in the bathroom. ""
A deranged younger woman fell holding up a empty jar while dancing in the bathroom.
A deranged younger woman slipped holding up a empty jar while dancing in the bathroom.
A deranged younger woman slipped holding up a whiskey jar while dancing in the bathroom.
A deranged younger woman slipped holding up a whiskey bottle while dancing in the bathroom.
A deranged younger woman slipped holding up a whiskey bottle while dancing in the bar.
A deranged younger bear slipped holding up a whiskey bottle while dancing in the bar.
A smug younger bear slipped holding up a honey bottle while dancing in the bar.
A smug younger bear slipped holding up a honey bottle while dancing in the forest.
A smug clumsy bear slipped holding up a honey bottle while dancing in the forest.
A huge clumsy bear slipped holding up a honey bottle while dancing in the forest.
A huge clumsy bear slipped holding up a honey hive while dancing in the forest
A huge clumsy bear slipped holding up a bee hive while dancing in the forest.
A huge clumsy bear slipped grubbing up a bee hive while dancing in the forest.
A huge clumsy bear burped grubbing up a beehive while dining in the forest
A huge clumsy bear burped grubbing up a beehive while dining in the cave.
A huge clumsy bear burped grubbing up a beehive while running in the cave.
A small clumsy bear burped grubbing up a beehive while running in the cave.
A small agile bear burped grubbing up a beehive while running in the cave
A small agile bear burped holding up a beehive while running in the cave
A small ugly bear burped holding up a beehive while running in the cave
A small ugly bear burped holding up a beehive while running in the meadow.
A small cute bear burped holding up a beehive while running in the meadow.
A small cute bear burped holding up a beehive while dancing in the meadow
A small cute bear burped holding up a beehive while dancing in the mud
The small cute bear burped holding up a beehive while dancing in the mud
The small cute bear burped holding up a beehive while wiggling in the mud
The small black bear burped holding up a beehive while wiggling in the mud
The small black bear burped holding up a honeyjar while wiggling in the mud.
The small black bear gasped holding up a honeyjar while wiggling in the mud
The small black bear tried holding up a honeyjar while wiggling in the mud
The small black bear tried picking up a honeyjar while wiggling in the mud
The small black monkey tried picking up a honeyjar while wiggling in the mud
The small black monkey tried picking up a rock while wiggling in the mud
The small black monkey tried picking up a banana while wiggling in the mud
The small black monkey tried picking up a ball while wiggling in the mud
The small black monkey tried picking up a ball while playing in the mud
The small black monkey tried picking up a snake while playing in the mud
The small crosseyed monkey tried picking up a snake while playing in the mud
The small crosseyed oyster tried picking up a snake while playing in the mud.
The small crosseyed bat tried picking up a rottweiler while playing in the belfry.
The small crosseyed bat tried picking up a rottweiler while playing in the street.
The small crosseyed bat tried picking up a manhole cover while playing in the street
The small crosseyed midget tried picking up a manhole cover while playing in the street. irishman.gif
The small crosseyed midget died picking up a manhole cover while playing in the street.
The small crosseyed midget died picking up a Playboy cover while playing in the street. ???
The small crosseyed midget died picking up a Playboy cover while playing in the bathroom. :ooo
The small crosseyed midget tried picking up a Playboy cover while playing in the bathroom.
The small crosseyed midget tried licking up a Playboy cover while playing in the bathroom.
The small crosseyed dog tried licking up a Playboy cover while playing in the bathroom.
r1.gif The small crosseyed dog tried licking up a Playboy bunny while playing in the bathroom.
The small crosseyed dog tried licking up a Playboy bunny while hiding in the bathroom.
The small crosseyed dog tried licking up the Easter bunny while hiding in the bathroom.
The small crosseyed dog tried picking up the Easter bunny r1.gif while hiding in the bathroom.
The small crosseyed dog tried picking up the Easter bunny while bathing in the bathroom.
The small crosseyed dog tried picking up the dumb bunny while bathing in the bathroom
The small crosseyed dog tried picking up the dumb girl while bathing in the bathroom
The small crosseyed dog tried picking up the dumb girl while splashing in the bathroom
The small crosseyed dog tried picking up the dumb girl After splashing in the bathroom
The small crosseyed dog tried picking up the dumb girl after splashing in the toilet
The small crosseyed dog tried picking up the naked girl after splashing in the toilet.
The small crosseyed boy tried picking up the naked girl after splashing in the toilet
The small crosseyed boy tried picking up the naked girl after falling in the toilet.
The curious crosseyed boy tried picking up the naked girl after falling in the toilet.
The curious crosseyed boy tried picking up the naked girl after falling in the shower
The curious wide-eyed boy tried picking up the naked girl after falling in the shower
The curious wide-eyed boy enjoyed picking up the naked girl after falling in the shower
The curious wide-eyed boy enjoyed picking up the naked girl after peeking in the shower
The curious WELL-ROUNDED boy enjoyed picking up the naked girl after peeking in the shower
The curious mesmerized boy enjoyed picking up the naked girl after peeking in the shower
The curious mesmerized perv enjoyed picking up the naked girl after peeking in the shower
The curious mesmerized perv enjoyed picking up the naked girl after slipping in the shower
The curious mesmerized perv enjoyed picking up the soapy girl after slipping in the shower
The curious mesmerized perv enjoyed picking up the soapy girl after falling in the shower
The curious mesmerized perv enjoyed picking on the soapy girl after falling in the shower
The curious mesmerized perv enjoyed sitting on the soapy girl after falling in the shower
The curious mesmerized perv enjoyed spitting on the soapy girl after falling in the shower.
The curious mesmerized perv enjoyed hitting on the soapy girl after falling in the shower.
The curious dirty perv enjoyed hitting on the soapy girl after falling in the shower.
The curious dirty perv enjoyed hitting on the soapy girl after bathing in the shower.
The curious dirty perv enjoyed hitting on the soapy girl after leaping in the shower
The curious dirty dog enjoyed hitting on the soapy girl after leaping in the shower
The curious dirty dog enjoyed hitting on the soapy guy after leaping in the shower
The curious dirty dog enjoyed hitting on the soapy guy after leaping in the lake.
The curious dirty dog enjoyed hitting on the soapy guy after leaping in the pool.
The curious dirty dog enjoyed licking on the soapy guy after leaping in the pool.
The curious dirty dog was licking on the soapy guy after leaping in the pool.
The curious dirty dog was licking on the drunken guy after leaping in the pool.
The little dirty dog was licking on the drunken guy after leaping in the pool
The little dirty cat was licking on the drunken guy after leaping in the pool
The little dirty cat was licking on the flea-infested guy after leaping in the pool
The little dirty cat was scratching on the flea-infested guy after leaping in the pool
The little dirty cat was scratching on the flea-infested guy after leaping in the swamp
The little stray cat was scratching on the flea-infested guy after leaping in the swamp
The little stray cat was scratching on the funny guy after leaping in the swamp
The tiny stray cat was scratching on the funny guy after leaping in the swamp
The tiny stray cat was scratching on the funny guy after leaping in the alley.
The tiny stray cat was scratching on the funny paper after leaping in the alley.
The tiny stray cat was scratching on the funny post after leaping in the alley.
The tiny stray cat was scratching on the wooden post after leaping in the alley.
The tiny stray cat was scratching on the wooden post after running in the alley.
The tiny stray cat was scratching on the wooden door after running in the alley.
The tiny stray cat was humping on the wooden door after running in the alley. :))
The large stray cat was humping on the wooden door after running in the alley. :)))
The large loopy cat was humping on the wooden door after running in the alley.
The large loopy clown was humping on the wooden door after running in the alley.
The large loopy clown was humping on the wooden toy after running in the alley.
The large loopy clown was humping on the wooden toy after smoking in the alley.
The large loopy clown was humping on the vibrating toy after smoking in the alley.
The old loopy clown was humping on the vibrating toy after smoking in the alley.
The old loopy clown was humping on the vibrating toy after licking in the alley.
The old loopy clown was humping on the vibrating toy while licking in the alley.
The old loopy clown was humping on the vibrating toy while licking her the alley.
The old loopy clown was humping on the vibrating toy while licking her own alley.
:)) :)) :))
The old loopy clown was humping on the vibrating toy while licking her own nasty alley.
The old loopy clown was humping on the vibrating toy while licking her own nasty salad.
Monkey >:D How did you let this sentence get so dirty. :))
The dried-up loopy clown was humping on the vibrating toy while licking her own nasty salad.
The dried-up loopy clown was spying on the vibrating toy while licking her own nasty salad.
The dried-up loopy clown was spinning on the vibrating toy while licking her own nasty salad.
The dried-up loopy clown was spinning on the vibrating toy while fixing her own nasty salad.
The dried-up loopy clown likes spinning on the vibrating toy while fixing her own nasty salad.
The dried-up loopy clown likes spinning on the vibrating chair while fixing her own nasty salad.
The dried-up loopy clown was spinning on the vibrating toy while licking her own nasty feet.
The dried-up loopy clown likes spinning on the vibrating chair while tasting her own nasty salad.
The dried-up loopy clown likes spinning on the office chair while tasting her own nasty salad.
The dried-up loopy clown likes spinning on the office chair while tasting her own fruit salad.
The dried-up loopy clown likes spinning on the office chair while tasting her own cseasar salad.
The dried-up loopy bum likes spinning on the office chair while tasting her own cseasar salad.
The dried-up loopy bum likes sitting on the office chair while tasting her own cseasar salad.
The dried-up drunken bum likes sitting on the office chair while tasting her own cseasar salad.
The liquored-up drunken bum likes sitting on the office chair while tasting her own cseasar salad.
The liquored-up drunken bum likes sitting on the office chair while tasting her own tainted salad.
The liquored-up drunken cook likes sitting on the office chair while tasting her own tainted salad
The liquored-up drunken cook likes standing on the office chair while tasting her own tainted salad
The liquored-up drunken cook likes standing on the office chair while tasting her own tainted creation
The liquored-up drunken cook likes standing on the office chair while tasting his own tainted creation
The liquored-up drunken cook likes standing on the office desk while tasting his own tainted creation
The liquored-up drunken cook likes standing at the office desk while tasting his own tainted creation
The middle-aged drunken cook likes standing at the office desk while tasting his own tainted creation
The liquored-up drunken cook likes standing by the office desk while tasting his own tainted creation
The dried-up drunken cook likes standing by the office desk while tasting his own tainted creation
The dried-up drunken cook likes standing by the office cooler while tasting his own tainted creation
The dried-up drunken cook likes standing by the office cooler while tasting his own tainted food.
The dried-up drunken cook likes standing near the office cooler while tasting his own tainted food.
The dried-up tired cook likes standing near the office cooler while tasting his own tainted food.
The dried-up tired cook likes standing over the office cooler while tasting his own tainted food.
The dried-up exausted cook likes standing over the office cooler while tasting his own tainted food.
The dried-up fat cook likes standing over the office cooler while tasting his own tainted food.
The dried-up fat sloth likes standing over the office cooler while tasting his own tainted food.
The big fat sloth likes standing over the office cooler while tasting his own tainted food.
The scaly fat sloth likes standing over the office cooler while tasting his own tainted food.
The scaly fat boss likes standing over the office cooler while tasting his own tainted food.
The scaly fat boss likes standing over the office cooler while tasting his own tainted coffee.
The scaly fat boss likes sitting over the office cooler while tasting his own tainted coffee.
The scaly fat boss likes sitting behind the office cooler while tasting his own tainted coffee.
The bald fat boss likes sitting behind the office cooler while tasting his own tainted coffee.
The bald fat boss likes sitting behind his office desk while tasting his own tainted coffee.
The bald fat boss likes sitting behind his office desk while tasting his own tainted lunch.
The bald fat boss likes sitting behind his office desk while fingering his own tainted lunch.
The bald fat boss likes sitting behind his office desk while fingering his own tainted clothes.
The bald fat boss hates sitting behind his office desk while fingering his own tainted clothes.
The bald fat boss hates sitting behind his office desk while fingering his own smelly clothes.
The bald fat boss hates sitting behind his office desk while fingering his own smelly belly button.
The bald fat boss hates sitting behind his office desk while fingering his own smelly phone button.
The bald fat boss hates sitting behind his office desk while dialing his own smelly phone button
The bald fat boss hates sitting behind his office desk while dialing his own sticky phone button
The bald fat boss hates sitting behind his office desk while dialing his own sticky coat button
The bald fat boss hates sitting behind his tiny desk while dialing his own sticky coat button
The bald fat female boss hates sitting behind her tiny desk while dialing her own sticky coat button
The bald fat female boss hates sitting behind her tiny desk while pulling her own sticky coat button
The bald fat female boss hates sitting behind her tiny desk while pulling her own dirty coat button.
The bald fat female boss hates sitting behind her tiny husband while pulling her own dirty coat button.
The bald fat female boss loves sitting behind her tiny husband while pulling her own dirty coat button.
The bald fat lazy boss loves sitting behind her tiny husband while pulling her own dirty coat button.
The bald fat lazy boss loves sitting infront of her tiny husband while pulling her own dirty coat button
The bald fat lazy boss loves sitting infront of her tiny husband while pulling her own dirty coat pocket
The bald skinny lazy boss loves sitting in front of her tiny husband while pulling her own dirty coat pocket
The bald skinny lazy boss loves sitting in front of her tiny husband while ripping her own dirty coat pocket
The bald skinny lazy boss loves sitting in front of her tiny husband while cleaning her own dirty coat pocket
The bald skinny lazy boss loves standing in front of her tiny husband while cleaning her own dirty coat pocket
The bald skinny lazy boss loves standing in front of her tiny husband while sewing her own dirty coat pocket
The bald skinny lazy boss loves standing in front of her tiny husband while sewing her own dirty coat hem
The bald skinny lazy lady loves standing in front of her tiny husband while sewing her own dirty coat hem
The bald skinny lazy lady loves standing in front of her tiny husband while sewing her own fur coat hem
The bald skinny lazy lady loves walking in front of her tiny husband while sewing her own fur coat hem
The bald skinny lazy lady loves walking in front of her fat husband while sewing her own fur coat hem
The bald skinny lazy lady loves walking in front of her fat husband while sewing her own fur bathrobe hem
The beautiful skinny lazy lady loves walking in front of her fat husband while sewing her own fur bathrobe hem
The beautiful skinny lazy lady loves walking in front of her fat husband while stroking her own fur bathrobe hem
The beautiful skinny rich lady loves walking in front of her fat husband while stroking her own fur bathrobe hem
The beautiful blonde rich lady loves walking in front of her fat husband while stroking her own fur bathrobe hem
The beautiful blonde rich lady loves walking in front of her gorgeous husband while stroking her own fur bathrobe hem
The beautiful blonde rich lady loves walking in front of her gorgeous husband while stroking her own pink bathrobe hem
The beautiful blonde rich lady loves walking in front of her gorgeous boyfriend while stroking her own pink bathrobe hem
The beautiful blonde rich lady loves walking in front of her gorgeous boyfriend while stroking her own pink bathrobe bow
The stupid blonde rich lady loves walking in front of her gorgeous boyfriend while stroking her own pink bathrobe bow
The stupid blonde rich lady loves walking in front of her gorgeous boyfriend while stroking her own blue bathrobe bow
The stupid blonde rich lady loves walking in front of her gorgeous boyfriend while stroking her own sexy bathrobe bow
The stupid blonde rich lady loves walking in front of her gorgeous boyfriend while knotting her own sexy bathrobe bow
The stupid blonde rich lady loves walking in front of her gorgeous boyfriend while undoing her own sexy bathrobe bow
The stupid blonde rich lady loves walking in front of her slimy boyfriend while undoing her own sexy bathrobe bow
The pretty blonde rich lady loves walking in front of her slimy boyfriend while undoing her own sexy bathrobe bow
The pretty blonde rich lady loves standing in front of her slimy boyfriend while undoing her own sexy bathrobe bow
The pretty blonde rich transvestite loves standing in front of her slimy boyfriend while undoing her own sexy bathrobe bow
The pretty blonde rich transvestite loves standing in front of her slimy boyfriend while undoing her own striped bathrobe bow
The pretty nasty blonde rich transvestite loves standing in front of her slimy boyfriend while undoing her own striped bathrobe bow
The really nasty blonde rich transvestite loves standing in front of her slimy boyfriend while undoing her own striped bathrobe bow
The really nasty blonde fat transvestite loves standing in front of her slimy boyfriend while undoing her own striped bathrobe bow
The really nasty blonde fake transvestite loves standing in front of her slimy boyfriend while undoing her own striped bathrobe bow.
This sentence sure has gotten long. undecided.gif
The really nasty blonde fake transvestite loves standing in front of her slimy boyfriend while undoing her own striped teddy string
The really nasty blonde fake transvestite loves squatting in front of her slimy boyfriend while undoing her own striped teddy string
The really nasty blonde fake transvestite loves dancing in front of her slimy boyfriend while undoing her own striped teddy string
The really nasty redhead fake transvestite loves dancing in front of her slimy boyfriend while undoing her own striped teddy string
The really nasty redhead fake stewardess loves dancing in front of her slimy boyfriend while undoing her own striped teddy string
The really nasty redhead fake stewardess loves dancing in front of her slimy girlfriend while undoing her own striped teddy string
The really nasty redhead fake stewardess loves dancing in front of her slimy girlfriend while undoing her own striped teddy snaps.
How has this sentence gotten so long? hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
The really nasty redhead fake stewardess loves dancing in front of her slimy wheelchair while undoing her own striped teddy snaps.
Quote from: Monkey on February 21, 2009, 11:54:22 PM
How has this sentence gotten so long? hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
The really nasty redhead fake stewardess loves dancing in front of her slimy wheelchair while undoing her own striped teddy snaps.
LOL No kidding...time to start from the beginning sentence again.
The lazy brown dog wallowed in the puddle of mud, while chasing his tail.
The lazy brown dog swam in the puddle of mud, while chasing his tail.
The funny brown dog swam in the puddle of mud, while chasing his tail.
The funny brown dog swam in the puddle of mud, while chasing the cat.
The funny brown dog swam in the puddle of mud, while chasing the rabbit.
The silly brown dog swam in the puddle of mud, while chasing the rabbit.
The big brown dog swam in the puddle of mud, while chasing the rabbit.
The big brown dog swam in the puddle of mud, while chasing the catfish.
The big Red dog swam in the puddle of mud, while chasing the catfish.
The big Red dog fell in the puddle of mud, while chasing the catfish.
The big Red dog fell in the bucket of mud, while chasing the catfish.
The big Red dog fell in the bucket of water, while chasing the catfish.
The big Brown dog fell in the bucket of water, while chasing the catfish.
The big Brown dog fell in the bucket of water, while chasing the goldfish.
The big Brown dog jumped in the bucket of water, while chasing the goldfish.
The big Brown dog jumped in the bucket of water, while eating the goldfish.
The big Brown dog jumped in the bucket of water, while eating a goldfish.
A big Brown dog jumped in the bucket of water, while eating a goldfish.
A big Brown dog jumped over the bucket of water, while eating a goldfish.
A big Brown cat jumped over the bucket of water, while eating a goldfish.
A little Brown cat jumped over the bucket of water, while eating a goldfish.
A little Brown cat jumped over the bucket of water, while eating a mouse.
A little Brown cat jumped over the bucket of cream, while eating a mouse.
A little Brown cat jumped over the bucket of cream, while chasing a mouse.
A little Brown cat jumped over the saucer of cream, while chasing a mouse
A little Brown cat jumped over the saucer of cream, while eating a mouse
A little Brown cat jumped over the bucket of cream, while eating a mouse
A little Brown cat hopped over the bucket of cream, while eating a mouse
A little Brown bird hopped over the bucket of cream, while eating a mouse.
A little Brown bird hopped over the bucket of cream, while eating a fly.
A little Brown bird hopped over the bucket of cream, while eating a worm.
A little Brown bird hopped over the bucket of cream, while swallowing a worm.
A little red bird hopped over the bucket of cream, while swallowing a worm.
A little red sparrow hopped over the bucket of cream, while swallowing a worm.
The little red sparrow hopped over the bucket of cream, while swallowing a worm.
The little red sparrow flew over the bucket of cream, while swallowing a worm.
The little red sparrow flew over the bucket of worms, while swallowing a worm.
The little red sparrow flew over the bucket of worms, while choking on a worm.
The little red Corvette flew over the bucket of worms, while choking on a worm.
The little red Robin flew over the bucket of worms, while choking on a worm.
The little red Robin fell over the bucket of worms, while choking on a worm.
The little red Robin fell over the bucket of dirt, while choking on a worm.
The little red Robin fell over the lump of dirt, while choking on a worm.
The little red Robin fell over the lump of dirt, while choking on a rock.
The little red Robin fell on the lump of dirt, while choking on a rock.
The little red parrot fell on the lump of dirt, while choking on a rock.
the little red bubblegum.gif parrot embarrassed.gif tongue.gif tongue.gif fell out of nest on top of dirt chocking on works