Don't know if anyone else had noticed with word whomp, After a few games the tokens it tells you you have munched is a lot less than what you should get according to the summary. Best thing to do is go and room and go back in or go to another. I
must have lost thousands till I noticed. Using the auto you tend not to notice.
If you leave it too long get the Cripes message
Quote from: mistybeare on November 12, 2006, 05:11:18 AM
Don't know if anyone else had noticed with word whomp, After a few games the tokens it tells you you have munched is a lot less than what you should get according to the summary. Best thing to do is go and room and go back in or go to another. I
must have lost thousands till I noticed. Using the auto you tend not to notice.
If you leave it too long get the Cripes message
Pogo puts a timer on games so you don't win everything. :'(( But I
think with Word Whomp if you have it set to Slowest it would get you your Tokens. O0