What happened? I was playing it a couple of hours ago..... more importantly what happend to all those ppl? :))
Oh Pogo..... why can't you just get it right.... someone must have found a glitch........... too bad it wasn't me haha
I guess it's still there because I can see ppl from friends list in Hog Heaven rooms. Wonder why it's off the main page..... and you can't add it to favorites cause it's not there either.............. Phooey, I just added it and put in it alphabetically and now I'll have to do that all over again. :P
I noticed it was gone from main page but it took several tries to get in a room. Who knows what maddness moves Pogo's mind
Pogo shut hogs heaven down until Jan of 2007 because of technical issues...thats all pogo is saying.....dint know a time or date in Jan of 2007 pogo was very vague about it.....happy holidays all :<< ))) <...>
hope we keep our ranks i was at 35 already and right before it went down got 2,000 on a spin :/\
I sure am glad I finished the game yesterday. <..>
Hog Heaven Slots On Temporary Leave-- But Will Be Back!
Due to some technical issues, we have temporarily taken Hog Heaven Slots down. We recognize how popular this game is and we are very sorry to take it down, but we are working on fixing these issues and we hope to bring the game back soon. We do not have a specific date at this time, but we expect it won't happen until sometime in January.
If you were playing during the time we took the game down and exited the game after receiving the system message that we would be taking the game down, then all of your rank and badge progress will be saved. Likewise, if you were not playing the game when we took it down, you won't have to worry about losing any progress.
Again, we are very sorry to have to remove this extremely enjoyable game. We work very hard to provide high quality games, and the decision to take this down, while necessary, was not easy. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
oink oink oink.. aint this a *****
It will prolly be fixed after they get back from Holiday break >:(( I was almost to rank 27 :///
what was wong with the game it was working good for me
Pogo has never cared if a game worked right or not! Just look at some of the messes they have now(Battle Phlinx and Penguin Blocks) have needed fixed for a long time. The mobile games are a mess and they don't seem to care. Talking to customer service is a joke!!
Well shoot, I brought thelaptop with me and here I was all set to play the game! Maybe if ppl were getting the raqnks too fast orlarge spins they didn't like that lol
Quote from: gator8 on December 22, 2006, 07:41:03 PM
Well shoot, I brought thelaptop with me and here I was all set to play the game! Maybe if ppl were getting the raqnks too fast orlarge spins they didn't like that lol
Hey, u know us cheaters.......... if its possible to get all 5 badges in a day or two.. we will...... Pogo hates that... rofl
Oh when it comes back I will get the cheat as it's kinda borning, the 9 lines too not pay off eften enuf! %%
when i was in hog last night all people where talkin about was some glitch i never saw one the game work great so some one ruined it but they say will be back next month :///
>:(( pogo took away christmas ...hogs worked just fine...hope they add more ranks <:>
pogo why dont you lower the ranks in lottso... >>:D
I just bought the AUTO to
so I would not have to seat and look at piggies all day.
I hope Badgehelp will know that it was purchased
It looks like a kid's game Likethe new > black Jack
I miss the old Bucky
Hogs Heaven is now in 0:
Quote from: kandykitty20012 on December 23, 2006, 07:17:49 AM
Hogs Heaven is now in 0:
I wasnt crazy about this game...but its growin on me...now its gone... jus like pogo... give u a lil taste then take it away
i only got to rank 10 but i did it by hand, i was planning on letting the auto run but im tryin to finish up bowling so i had a fight with myself about which auto to let run, if i would have let slots run i would have at least rank 40 if not more by the time they shut it down but ive been letting my auto run for hours at a time in bowling so now im almost to rank 47 ))) <...>
at least now i dont have to fight with myslef about which game to finish :)))
Has running the auto in bowling been much of a hassle with the wtg'ers and nt'ers lately? I still have bowling to finish as well.
Nah, just put in your profile that you don't chat, turn chat off and let that backspin baby kinck down the elves. :)
i did come back one day to see someone was saying something about me but suprisingly the other ppl in the room were defending me which was odd, but whatever...
its not like i was getting anything crazy or outrageous as long as i was getting my 150s i was happy..
i also try to go in rooms with less people and people that arent talking because theyre prob the ones who are using autos as well :)))
Gosh,, I was doing really good in the game.. Pogo makes me crazy sometime..
I talked to someone that was playing right before they shut it down. They said they kept getting all hogs on every spin.
that stinks i loved playing it for tourneys!! guess im stuck with bingo for now~!!