PogoCheats Forum

Pogo Cheats => General Pogo Discussion => Topic started by: Signguy1969 on May 12, 2004, 08:52:43 AM

Title: whats the best auto for max tokens?
Post by: Signguy1969 on May 12, 2004, 08:52:43 AM
Whats the best auto play to get most tokens, I am kinda new to the auto thing so just reading and trying, so just wondered what one you recommend for best results
Title: Re: whats the best auto for max tokens?
Post by: Homer on May 12, 2004, 09:02:22 AM
Bubble Buster for Poopit. ;)
Title: Re: whats the best auto for max tokens?
Post by: Signguy1969 on May 12, 2004, 09:08:54 AM
any special way to set it up or just dl and run it??
Title: Re: whats the best auto for max tokens?
Post by: Homer on May 12, 2004, 09:11:39 AM
Try it on the default setting. Gets about 40k - 50k an hour. ;)
Title: Re: whats the best auto for max tokens?
Post by: Mayhem on May 12, 2004, 11:35:23 AM
on my p4 2.4 i get close to 80k/hr with bb7 using default settings
Title: Re: whats the best auto for max tokens?
Post by: Maelstrom on May 12, 2004, 12:08:28 PM
I think it's what game makes the most tokens as short as possible. Roulette can win you millions, but only if you have the time to sit through the games and get lucky enough.  I agree BubbleBuster is the number one for gaining tokens. Completing the puzzle gives you 1000+ whatever you get from fallen prizes. Poppit is a difficult game, and that's why the rewards are better.
Playbuddy's Pop Buddy is a little better, but this same rule applies to both programs - The faster your pc, the better solutions it will find in less time. Meaning more tokens in a sense. Playing the third skill level with a fast pc is usually pretty good odds.

I usually just play whatever my favorite games are and have at it. My pc is about 4 years old now, and can still run auto's but I can't run the defaults like everyone else can. That's just life, but you should try them all and find out for yourself what makes more tokens for you.
Title: Re: whats the best auto for max tokens?
Post by: ImRicherThanUAll on May 12, 2004, 12:46:43 PM
Hi Sign,

The best Autos to use are BubbleBuster7(bb7) and PopBuddy .. I use the PopBuddy because it gaines around 85k/hour on my p4 3.0 mgz and the settings are at 10 seconds wait till it gets a zero and my BB7 it gaines around 80 k an hour and i use settings 8 seconds and stop when it gets a 0 i think they are both the best...
  The AlphabetAttack it gaines around 60k/Hour its probably one of the easyest ones to get caught in .. Bob maybe an update would be good to avoid showing up on the bottem all the time and every 10 games loose 1 or 2 games i think it will be a lot harder to be caught then ..
  But the hardest one to be caught in is Slots because you are just clicking bet max and it seems you might be there ...
  Hope this helps
Title: Re: whats the best auto for max tokens?
Post by: DEBKARLAR on May 12, 2004, 06:39:20 PM
Quote from: Mayhem on May 12, 2004, 11:35:23 AM
on my p4 2.4 i get close to 80k/hr with bb7 using default settings
i got p4 with 1.8 but i don't recall getttin  that many
Title: Re: whats the best auto for max tokens?
Post by: yousmellbad on May 13, 2004, 12:30:12 PM
BB7 is the best auto out there! lots of tokies in the shortest amount of time
Title: Re: whats the best auto for max tokens?
Post by: ImRicherThanUAll on May 13, 2004, 12:42:50 PM
  Maybe you could make an update on all the autos from wordzw and put IN the report problem incase they have some problems with those programs and i am too the AA3 isnt workign with my new computer maybe you could help me?
  Maybe you can make it look like we are actually there .. Make it lose a lot of games in Poppit maybe make the percentage around 38-42% thats about what one who would really play it in word whomp you could make it look 2 out of every 10 games and make sure it will not make the bottem all the time... Maybe on the turbo twister make it so it will lose about 5 out of every 20 games... That might get pogo off our asses and never mess with us!

  Thnx, Playa
Title: Re: whats the best auto for max tokens?
Post by: DEBKARLAR on May 13, 2004, 02:43:49 PM
Quote from: a_playa on May 13, 2004, 12:42:50 PM
  Maybe you could make an update on all the autos from wordzw and put IN the report problem incase they have some problems with those programs and i am too the AA3 isnt workign with my new computer maybe you could help me?
  Maybe you can make it look like we are actually there .. Make it lose a lot of games in Poppit maybe make the percentage around 38-42% thats about what one who would really play it in word whomp you could make it look 2 out of every 10 games and make sure it will not make the bottem all the time... Maybe on the turbo twister make it so it will lose about 5 out of every 20 games... That might get pogo off our asses and never mess with us!

  Thnx, Playa
if you really want pogo off your butt playa you can always go back to DIY token getting
j/k  :P
Title: Re: whats the best auto for max tokens?
Post by: Santa69 on May 14, 2004, 06:41:30 AM
Quote from: a_playa on May 13, 2004, 12:42:50 PM
  Maybe you could make an update on all the autos from wordzw and put IN the report problem incase they have some problems with those programs

I would like to see a feature like in zippeaks added to all the programs old and new,where you can set it to take a break for a few minutes. I think this would really help out with aa and mm
Title: Re: whats the best auto for max tokens?
Post by: ImRicherThanUAll on May 14, 2004, 05:48:18 PM
Hi Santa,
  Right now i dont think they got any of that in there plans right now i think if they will do it it will be about 3 months because, they have a lot of programs they have to make, and update to make it the best it can.
  I think it would be a good idea to put TAKE A BREAK on AA for sure because, we do not wanna rack up tokies soooo faste even tho thats our objective (most of us lol) But another thing you need in the program is somthing that will automatically lose like 2 out of 10 games then people will not report you like hell to get you the boot.. Also somthing like this thing in MM4 miss a word on purpose then people will not see ur name every game maybe they wont report ya then... And also the REPORT PROBLEM should be in all the autos you guys manage so people can report problems and maybe you will satisfy more..
  MM4 it needs somthing that will loose about 3 out of every 10 games and Take a break option... Then you might not get caught as easy!
  ZZ it really doesnt need much but maybe the take a break option as Santa said....

Title: Re: whats the best auto for max tokens?
Post by: badcrazygirl on May 15, 2004, 12:52:38 PM
didn't someone just asked this question a while ago geeze