This is sad when someone passes away on Christmas Day :(
man that kinda sucks :-\
Dying on a holiday shouldn't be allowed. :'((
He was only 73 too.
If I knew I would make it to 73 I think I would be very happy.
How many more years does that give you? :)))
Enough to make it count. :<<
just heard this tonight. At lease he did have a good long live and a lot of hit music.
Oh my the Father of Soul has passed away... wow... I didnt know that... thank goodness for this forum... man o man... how depressin on Christmas too... wow
very sad and they had video of him a few days before out and smiling he didnt even look sick it really stinks!!
Sad part is,,,,,, There will never be anyone that could come close to replacing him....
Dying on Christmas day is horrible. Imagine how his family must be feeling...
Christmas day would be the day I'd LEAST like to die on out of any of the holidays