Person above will offer you something. If you want it... you say "deal"... if what they're offering you--you just dont want it... say "no deal"........... Then you have to offer the next person something.
Sam:Pair worn stinky shoes
Pat: no deal
1 million dollars
Deal. (to the million dollars, lol)
All The Pogo Autos you could ever want.
No deal.. cause that stuff isn't condoned around this forum :oo
500 free autos :8:
My boobies in your face...lmfao
:@ hell no deal lol
pr of my thongs <<shut up Tara>> rofl hard
Locos belly slapping your belly.
Homer :-* your :o0 instead of giving you that divorce, nightly...
No deal
Giving up all your "toys" and becoming a nun or preist
Nooooooo Deal!!! Gotta have my tools... they're l0c0's best friend too... lol
Getting my No Limit Texas Holdem Badges for me!!!
No deal...shoulda been getting them instead of chasing men. :)) :))
Pay my way to go to the finale of AI tonight? >:D
Deal :P
A lifetime supply of beer :!!
No deal
Watching a dirty movie :xx
deal, but have to have men there too!
taco salad
Uh uh... no deal... no taco saladdddddddd fo' me...but lemme ask l0c04u lmfaoz
wash my dirty laundry
No Deal, so sorry Tokens
Half my turkey sandwich
No have cooties.
Breakfast in bed for a week
No deal...
Back massage for maybe ... uh.. what about 3 days
Deal....but wait, from who? <:>
A Jelly sandwich :)) :)) :)) :))
Quote from: Ms.Behavin on June 07, 2007, 02:58:42 PM
Deal....but wait, from who? <:>
A Jelly sandwich :)) :)) :)) :))
Deal... you want peanut butter on it
I paint "outside of your house all pink"
No Freaking Deal! ::) ::)
I give you a gift certificate to Fredericks of Hollywood
I pay for all the liquor you can drink this weekend... any kind...
Thats a deal. :!@
I share my liquor with you this weekend :!@
No deal
I'll do 5 badges in Mahjong for you if you do the last 5 badges in the Poppit Show for me? :;'
Quote from: Tara on June 16, 2007, 11:39:04 AM
No deal
I'll do 5 badges in Mahjong for you if you do the last 5 badges in the Poppit Show for me? :;'
No deal. I cant get my auto to work right. I can't even get my own. :(( >:( :((
Play with Monkey for a day?
Deal "if" you feed l0c0 for me for a day... lol :. *I'll take pictures* lmfaoz harder
No deal...Loco eats to fast for someone to have time to take a picture.
I will give you Homer for 50.00 :-[
No deal :-X
I'll give you a lifetime supply of bbq29.gif's for $100
No deal
I will give you pogo gems for a year
DEAL...and are u crazy for passin up the deal with hotdogs... man o man... that would be a DEAL to me!!!
Ok... pay all your bills for ONE MONTH if you do my Poppit to go for me... lol
:OO I do pay all my bills... lol
Time to make this a freebie post pilgrim2.gif turkey7.gif lmfaoz
Quote from: TmT on August 30, 2007, 07:50:52 PM
DEAL...and are u crazy for passin up the deal with hotdogs... man o man... that would be a DEAL to me!!!
Ok... pay all your bills for ONE MONTH if you do my Poppit to go for me... lol
No DEAL my auto wont work!!!
Help me get to master level in euchre?
no deal... hate euchre... lol
Help me with last badge in poppit show rofl
No DEAL my auto wont work!!!
Help me find a euchre partner!
deal... you have a preference, one that can play well... lol
Clean my tool shed outside
deal if you find me a well rounded euchre P!!
send me an ipod touch for xmas?
Hmmm.. guess I have to call Mrs J' and see if you've been naughty or nice... lol
I want a year of I owe you " free car washes"... lol <brothers do that> lol
but i want to use your visa card for 3 mins!!
no deal
I want to use your muscles to wash my car!! lol
No deal...that means I had to wash it myself...lmfaoz
Put all my Christmas decorations up for me and I do yours next year....lmao
No Deal!
Take down all my decorations this year and I will let you put them up next year!
nadda chance in >>:D hell
Clean my storage shed and organize it ....
ok... did that myself... (wasnt that bad)
Buy the next gems for the next poster... if they volunteer helpin anyone get the 100 super domino badge
* 100
No deal i am broke
offer to help anyone who asks help with a badge ?
clean my windows
Help me with Poker badges?
Deal ( if you help me with mine :))) )
help me clean my cellar and get ready for garage sale season
Help me help our economy by going shopping for bling blings with me. Your card or mine...not picky :^*
Finishing all my euchre badges...
go to jury duty for me
no deal
go shopping for bedding
help me figure out the mahjong safari secret badges :)) :)) :))
Not a chance... LOL
Help me figure out what to do on the cruise
deal ( although i am late i apologize )
help me finish lottso :))
omg no deal :))
Clean up after the storm mess
Notta chance :))
Get my poker badges for me. :'((
Talk to computer techs !@#$ about my computer.
no deal
help me get the gum off my face bubblegum.gif
Clean my kitchen floor
No deal, they can die.... :))
My floor got all messy from me washing your hair.
Do my grocery shopping
Quote from: Squid on May 07, 2008, 02:32:54 PM
ROFL!!! I'll sweep the dang floor, ok?
*Squid picks up all the dead petals from her lapsed flowers*
Ok, I'll do your food shopping.... but only if I can buy a box of Ding Dongs.
Wash my dinner pots and pans?
And I would plant your pretty posies for ya too....snookums :-*
While you are there....Buy me some Haggen Das..ok bbq22.gif Butter Pecan. :)))
deal or no deal....
Can you explain to me clearly how to buy Plate Spinner and Word Riot. :-\
Back to the or no deal
:-X Throw a surprise birthday party for Homer. party12.gif
Go with me to the drag races :?:
Deal! Hot men, hot cars and you look like a fun kind of trouble.
Deal or no deal, armchair coach the next Lakers/Jazz game with me :& ???
Go to Universal Studios and ride on the Jurassic Park ride.
Deal or no Deal, you, me , popcorn <:> and Iron Man tomorrow?
No deal, sorry... I don't go to movies much.
You prune my roses and I'll let you have a big bouquet!
No deal.
Go deep sea diving with George Clooney off of the coast of Spain.
Go parasailing with Vigo Mortenson?
No deal
Go on American Idol