Do you think Michael Vick should be allowed to engage in any type of plea negotiation?
Because I sure don't!! >:D I know it costs the goverment tons of money for a trial, but I don't think he should get any type of deal. He would only serve 12 -18 months and with good time served, he probably would serve about 45 days Paris Hilton style.
One lawyer on TV says " He still has a chance of not getting convicted, because he didn't know what was going on"
>:D >:D >:D That's what makes me mad >:D >:D
NO WAY...that jack :o0 should be put in a rink of pitbulls and the the dogs do their stuff and if Vick looses ....he shut be beat, hung or electrocuted the same way he did all those poor dogs >>:D >:D >>:D >:D >>:D >:D
I don't think he should either, and I don't think the others involved should of been able to take it either. If I hear one more news media person say that if it was white man, nothing would happen to him...I'm gonna scream!!!! This isn't a situation that the race card even needs to be brought up. >:D
I think he should stand trial and receive the punishment he deserves. I wonder if they are trying to keep it from going to trial because it may implicate other athletes as well besides the fact that Vick would get a lighter sentence. We already know one of his teammates D'Angelo Hall was going to be subpoenaed for the trial.
I saw one of his teammates on TV last night saying, Mike was not involved in it and he wishes everyone would leave him alone. :))
The media has said they don't want it to go to trial because of all the money it will cost the goverment to hold such a huge trial and it would be time consuming.
They have enough evidence against Mikey Vick....why waste all the time and money......Just shoot him and get it done and over with already..........I am so glad that celebrities are finally getting nailed ..... instead of buying thier way out of trouble. :& :& :D
I agree...everytime I see the crap from his backyard I get :xx Why waste tax payers money on him. >:(( He's guilty just put him away.
I Think instead of using tax payers money on all this Chit....they should use all of Mikey Vicks millions on this crap.....that would be a good 1st lesson for him. O0...what will he be without friends and money....... :)))
Exactly...use his money...He caused the mess...Let him pay for the mess.
Heres Mikey way dont take my football or money....i will run ++.....<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0">
This is a story on CNN (sports illistrated actually) it's too loon go post, but one thing in it says Vick got a ticket for not wearing a seat belt on Thursday lol
"As if he didn't have enough troubles, Vick was cited for not wearing a seat belt when a car he owned was pulled over Thursday by Virginia state troopers.
The officer stopped the car because the tint on the windows was too dark, state police Sgt. D.S. Carr said. The Vick-owned vehicle was being driven by someone else when pulled over in Isle of Wight County.
The driver was cited for the tint and Vick was slapped with a $25 fine for not wearing his seat belt. There are no court costs, and Vick doesn't have to go to court."
If you ask me the Pitbull dogs look way better than these idiots that are flipping and flopping on each other. :)))
Quote from: Tara on August 18, 2007, 12:27:00 PM
>:D >:D >:D That's what makes me mad >:D >:D
OmG dont piss Off >>:D Hell's Canyon lmfaoz >:D
:)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :))