Moonshine Cake Recipe
10 Egg Whites
1/4 tsp Salt
7/8 tsp Cream of Tartar
7 Egg Yolks
1 1/2 cupsSugar ( Sifted 5 times )
1 tsp Almond extract
1 cup Pastry flour ( Sifted 5 times )
Oven Temp ~ 300° Baking Time ~ 1 Hour
Pan Type ~ 10 inch tube pan
Preheat oven, Do Not Grease Pan.
Add salt to whites of eggs and beat until light. Sift in cream of tartar and beat until stiff. Beat yolks of eggs until thick and lemon colored and add two heaping tablespoons beaten whites. To remaining whites add gradually sugar measured after five siftings. Add almond extract and combine mixtures. Cut and fold in flour, measured after five siftings. Bake in angel-cake pan, first dipped in cold water, in a slow oven one hour. Have a pan of hot water in oven during the baking.
Cover with Maraschino Frosting
2 ea Egg Whites; Large
1 c Sugar
1 T Water
2 T Maraschino Cherry Juice
1 T Light Corn Syrup
1/4 t Cream Of Tartar
10 ea Maraschino Cherries; Chopped
Mix all ingredients except cherries and beat constantly while heating in the top of a double boiler. When thoroughly mixed, thick, and spreadable frost cake. Decorate top of cake with chopped maraschino cherries.
:)) Interestin REcipe :!! I'll drink to that one!!!