I reported a user last night for having an insanely offensive pogo name (handle). I got a few emails from pogo about it. One stating my complaint had made it to level 1 and the other saying it made level 3. What do the different levels mean?
it means ur up further in the cue of the complaints .. btw why would u report someone who has a offensive name if they arent causing u any trouble???? so if that offensive id person knows or hears of u using autos on pogo how would u feel if they report u ???? beats me why u would report! !@#$
Why would I report someone who has an offensive user name?
Because it was offensive?? Because I was offended by it and having a swear in your user name on a FAMILY website is against it's TOS. You may not understand it, nor do I care that you do. The motivation behind my reporting was not my question, my question was about their emails to me in regards to my report.
That person can report me for auto using all they want. I DON'T USE autos. I never have.
Quote from: munkeechi on June 16, 2008, 07:19:19 AM
I reported a user last night for having an insanely offensive pogo name (handle). I got a few emails from pogo about it. One stating my complaint had made it to level 1 and the other saying it made level 3. What do the different levels mean?
That would be a question for you to ask Pogo. You might also ask them why they let someone make a name that was offensive to YOU. If you didn't like the name why didn't you just leave the room? What's the big deal? I'm sure Pogo doesn't find it a big deal or the name wouldn't of been allowed when the person was signing up for the screenname. I'm with Tracy on this on why you would even report a name. I don't like snitchs.
If you don'nt use the auto's why are you in the Land of the Cheaters?
reporting someone is so uncool...thats what children do in grade school...seems like you stayed in the room..you could have left or muted.
i see so many different names but don't bother me or pogo when they signed up..
P.S. when is the next cheat due out? lol
This reminds me of the fellow from Australia who was asked to change his screenname because someone found it offensive and Pogo suspended him for TOS, his so called offensive screenname was bigfatuglybutt and we joked and even offered to help him come up with another one. Really nice guy.
If Pogo let it through it can't be that bad as far as they are concerned. Find another room, I am with the majority on this.
Level 1. Top priority.
Level 2. Pass this one on.
Level 3. Send to Tara for review, she takes care of peeps! :))
Personally I beleive you are on the wrong site, maybe tattletale.com would be more appropriate.
Different words have different meanings all over the world and if pogo banned every word that could be seen as offence somewhere in the world, then maybe we would all just be a series of numbers. Though I'm sure in some parts of the world some numbers could be deemed offensive.
In my belief if someone tells tales and its not upheld then the complainer should get the same punishment that the person on the receiving end would have got.
Pogo, if they uphold your complaint, will most probably ban this account regardless of how many badges/gems etc that person holds and they have no hope of retrieving them.
As previous posters have said, pogo has a word filter, so don't you think that just maybe, the name is acceptable to the majority and just maybe if it offended you so much you could have just left the room or muted the player???
Well this place is just full of offensive people. Dont bother reporting anyone here because the head guy(Homer) is the most offensive one of us all. Go get a life and grow up And if I offended you tough report me to Homer he needs a laugh
Quote from: harley89 on June 16, 2008, 09:24:26 AM
Well this place is just full of offensive people. Dont bother reporting anyone here because the head guy(Homer) is the most offensive one of us all. Go get a life and grow up And if I offended you tough report me to Homer he needs a laugh
Harley...You really need to learn to open up more, be more expressive and let us know how you
really feel. Time to come out of your shell. :))
Quote from: Squid on June 16, 2008, 09:27:04 AM
BTW, I find it odd that you came to a cheater site for information when you don't use cheater programs. Something doesn't mesh here.....
I came to a "cheater" site because I came across this site many months ago and found the users to be very helpful with Pogo related problems as well as hints and tricks on how to play certain games I have problems with without using cheats or double browsing. I guess I was wrong about the helpful aspect as I've had no help given to me about my question and have been attacked constantly.
Thank you for changing my mind about this website. I will no longer be using it since it's such a hostile environment towards someone who was just helping Pogo enforce their TOS. There was absolutely no need for the insults and childish attacks that I have been given on this site.
what does my name tell you? :[
oops, look like someone took their bat home because they didnt like being given an opinion.
But thats ok, you only gave your opinion to pogo and that acceptable :!#
I think you will find that you were given help by Tracey who told you what your emails meant...........................
Quote from: Tracey on June 16, 2008, 07:51:46 AM
it means ur up further in the cue of the complaints
I'm sorry but we are not for reporting in any form .. Sometimes we can be helpful on pointers on games and getting badges.
did you come here get help how to cheat???
hummm i better report to Homer on this...lol civilwar.gif
Quote from: PearlsZeeba on June 16, 2008, 08:09:29 AM
Why would I report someone who has an offensive user name?
Because it was offensive?? Because I was offended by it and having a swear in your user name on a FAMILY website is against it's TOS. You may not understand it, nor do I care that you do. The motivation behind my reporting was not my question, my question was about their emails to me in regards to my report.
That person can report me for auto using all they want. I DON'T USE autos. I never have.
Ahhh does that mean
YOU don't like us! >:D
Looks like you need to adjust your attitude a bit. We take care of our own here on the forum and we are allowed to freely express our opinions, you don't have to agree with them. But you came on
our forum and the second someone questioned your motives and expressed an opinion, about your reason, you get an attitude. Move on or move over. If you attack and act childish it will come right back at ya, it's called Karma.
Quote from: PearlsZeeba on June 16, 2008, 10:04:28 AM
just helping Pogo enforce their TOS.
tattle tales suck :o0
Poster child for why we never chat on Pogo Funny that so any people come here for help with Pogo. Reporting anyone just anit my thang. They got all the reporters they need. Maybe she will know that we dont approve of her actions but being the little darlings we are we will help with games if she needs it. Okay Harleys Bar IS OPEN DRINKS ON THE HOUSE
:!@ Wahooo Harley, set 'em up. I thought you would never open the bar! Put a seat belt on my stool I will be here awhile. :)) :)) :))
Quote from: Homer on June 16, 2008, 10:56:28 AM
Ahh Chief, I gotta have this one....my smileys grow in number.
Quote from: mr.clean on June 16, 2008, 08:42:52 AM
If you don'nt use the auto's why are you in the Land of the Cheaters?
yes....why are you walking the path of the darkside if you don't use autos/cheats?
Quote from: SassyBear on June 16, 2008, 10:56:39 AM
:!@ Wahooo Harley, set 'em up. I thought you would never open the bar! Put a seat belt on my stool I will be here awhile. :)) :)) :))
Your seatbelt awaits
Actually, you don't have to use cheats to come to this forum. There are people who come here that don't. But don't come here if your gonna snitch on people for stupid reasons. With that being said, I'm changing my name. <:>
Quote from: roadwarrior on June 16, 2008, 11:20:46 AM
yes....why are you walking the path of the darkside if you don't use autos/cheats?
we're the darkside?? :!$
Quote from: bobby on June 16, 2008, 12:33:47 PM
we're the darkside?? :!$
yep, and we have cookies! And beer...and good :{ and wonderful food
I ran out of deodorant 4 days ago,does that make me OFFENSIVE!!!
I am gonna try and be nice on this one but the problem is that in some place and someway everything is offensive thats the problem with prayers in school now cause one person found it offensive I see names all the time and sometimes i laugh out loud and sometimes I just move the cursor so that i dont see that name cause thats what we all need to do but complain cause someone has a offensive name to u does make u seem a bit like all the kids out there that come in room and are like a/s/l hmmm that tells me that schools officially out I even tell my daughter that its peep like this that kids that want to prayer in school cant and y after centuries of having certain sayings like in the pledge that our government has to change what our forefathers believed in
Quote from: PogoKaz on June 16, 2008, 09:00:45 AMDifferent words have different meanings all over the world
Gosh, you aren't kidding. >>:D
Being from England I know that better than many; I once got detention at school for saying I was going to go and "burn a f.ag", meaning I was going to go and have a cigarette. ::)
Over here though, it can mean much worse and it was taken the wrong way. :"
Pogo don't pay me to police their site. They have employees who should do that. Just wish people would mind their own business.
I use rooms on POGO very often and sometimes my granddaughter (aged 12)
asks to play, of course I can CLOSE the CHAT or restrict it to protect her but NAMES do not have the same protection, one or two are certainly open to comment, yes its easy to just fold your tent and leave , we all dont act in the same manner so why is this person (PEARL) castigated so, when all it required for someone who knew the answer she sought was to give it, and hopefully that would be the end of the matter. I personally would have dealt with her distaste at a questionable name differently but that was NOT her question.
Her question needed to go to Pogo not here. How would we know what levels Pogo uses for crybabies!! girls18.gif :'((
I was offended by he/she name that was used here too--ba ba go away!
Quote from: Sean South on June 16, 2008, 02:16:24 PM
I use rooms on POGO very often and sometimes my granddaughter (aged 12)
asks to play, of course I can CLOSE the CHAT or restrict it to protect her but NAMES do not have the same protection, one or two are certainly open to comment, yes its easy to just fold your tent and leave , we all dont act in the same manner so why is this person (PEARL) castigated so, when all it required for someone who knew the answer she sought was to give it, and hopefully that would be the end of the matter. I personally would have dealt with her distaste at a questionable name differently but that was NOT her question.
Don't you have to be 13 to play on Pogo? :-\
Quote from: FreecellFanny on June 16, 2008, 01:43:39 PM
Gosh, you aren't kidding. >>:D
Being from England I know that better than many; I once got detention at school for saying I was going to go and "burn a f.ag", meaning I was going to go and have a cigarette. ::)
Over here though, it can mean much worse and it was taken the wrong way. :"
:)) Freecell that is so funny! Yeah I'll bet you got detention alright. police.gif I know what the term means in England...but some others I haven't known about. I have an English friend and I said something in Pogo chat I thought meant something totally different. (Can't repeat it here) She took me into private chat to tell me what it
really meant and I was in hysterics for about an hour. I did learn a "new" English term...I just don't use it anymore. I am still laughing, you brought back a pleasant memory. :))
Quote from: rhino on June 16, 2008, 01:16:02 PM
I ran out of deodorant 4 days ago,does that make me OFFENSIVE!!!
No Rhino, with your name that means you are "ripe", but lonely! :)))
Quote from: FreecellFanny on June 16, 2008, 01:43:39 PM
Gosh, you aren't kidding. >>:D
Being from England I know that better than many; I once got detention at school for saying I was going to go and "burn a f.ag", meaning I was going to go and have a cigarette. ::)
Over here though, it can mean much worse and it was taken the wrong way. :"
:)) :)) :))
snap freecell, I'm from the UK, and my eyes fair pop out of my head when I read some of the language used. Some is swearing in the UK some just a double entrendre.
I remember one conversation, by a group from the USA, I was watching about weiners (never heard of them before), round here its slang for a male body part. Suffice to say the discussion on how they liked to eat them, suck the middles out, lick the sauce off had me falling off my chair in laughter. I had to leave the room in the end, I just could not concentrate on the game. >:D
So needless to say some of the words people from the UK(or anywhere else in the worl) come out with could be rude or offensive elsewhere.
wow im back and just read all the posts lol .. well im glad everyone thinks like me on here tumbsup.gif i wasnt sure if i was out of line being so truthful about how i felt on reporting about a offensive user name on pogo .. but as i read her or his replies i see she contradict herself or himself by saying she didnt get help but got attacked .. goes to show u that she didnt read my post when i answered her question first b4 mouthing off at her/him.. :oo
You did just great. You did answer her question. Tara answered her question too! Then she got defensive because you were curious why she would report somone. I don't know how she or anyone can expect to come on a forum for "cheaters" and say she/they reported someone and for all of us to not get just a little bit nervous :-\ and not be yelling..."Way to go". We all try to help people when we can with hints on games, Homer with Tech advice, people on here helping others to get badges they don't have time to get or know how, and then to further insult us by saying...they never use an auto when this site is partly funded by us "cheaters". Kind of sticks in your throat when they get a holier than thou attitude on top of it. Homer and Mayhem give a lot more latitude than I would to some people on here. They need to appreciate what is offered here and NOT criticize us for being a little paranoid about narcs! She needs to put her big girl panties on and deal with it. This is 2008 and the internet. Enough said...I will pick up my podium and be on my way. Have a good one Tracey.
i agree with u 100% thats is why i got angry ( which i shouldnt off because its the internet) when the cheek of someone reporting a persons offensive id to pogo ..god have they not got better things to do than mouth on people? god there is other things going on in real life than reporting people on a game site sheesh .. yes u could see into it if the person was being abusive etc but anyway thanks guys for thinking like me on this one tumbsup.gif and :)) >> I will pick up my podium and be on my way. Have a good one Tracey. <<< LOL to f funny
Quote from: Sean South on June 16, 2008, 02:16:24 PM
I use rooms on POGO very often and sometimes my granddaughter (aged 12)
asks to play, of course I can CLOSE the CHAT or restrict it to protect her but NAMES do not have the same protection, one or two are certainly open to comment, yes its easy to just fold your tent and leave , we all dont act in the same manner so why is this person (PEARL) castigated so, when all it required for someone who knew the answer she sought was to give it, and hopefully that would be the end of the matter. I personally would have dealt with her distaste at a questionable name differently but that was NOT her question.
I have a great love for children of all ages. You got more to worry about on pogo than offensive names. Pogo is just crawling with rooms trolls that are looking for any female turning off chat does nothing to stop private chat request. And there is some really offensive stuff in the profiles. Pogo allowed the name. So Pogo takes responsibility for the name being allowed. But what is offensive to you may not be offensive to any one else. Phrases have different meanings in different countries. Simply holding a belief that something is offenisve to you does not make you right. Our point was she subjected what most probably is a totally nice person the the H*LL of Pogo trying to solve a preceived problem that 1 person had.
I happen to agree with everyone here. Being reported myself once and suspended for 3 days was not fun. :'(( There was a minor (supposedly only 10 yrs old) in a 40s room with men hitting on her. I did leave the room, but not without a few choice words first, which did include the "f" word. I was new to Pogo and didn't even know about reporting. Oh well. A lesson learned. :ll
But I was madder than hell!!! >:D
Hey PearlsZeeba
I commend you for sticking to your beliefs (your mother never breast fed you did she?).
I truly believe that in your particularly small IQ brain that some name can offend you (I think you forgot to take your Prozac today).
I really do enjoy people like you though, as you are easily manipulated and have no self confidence or control over your vast array of bi-polar feelings.
Can some text on a screen hurt you? (You never had any toys when you were a kid did you?).
I personally think that you have such a miserable life that you are trying to make others as miserable as you are.
Did you really expect to come to a site like this and think everybody would rally around you and give you high 5's for doing something so stupid?
I bet in retrospect you really feel what you did was dumb.
There is a way you can redeem yourself a little bit and save some morality for yourself. You should pogo mail that ID and apologize like crazy. Maybe that person will not forgive you but maybe it will make you a better person.
After analyzing your posts I think the name did not offend you at all, I bet that person either was winning a lot in the game, or gave you a good whipping or had more badges than you , or maybe even have tons more tokens than you.
Furthermore, I very much doubt you don't use autos; you were just justifying your immoral response with justification that you are a better person because you don't use autos. BS.
Just a little advice, you don't like your misery, why pass it on?
an offensive name....good grief...if she/he got nuttin else to do i wonder if they want to get my golf flawless badge for me b4 it drives me nuts...it was just a thought... canadian2.gif
Quote from: Squid on June 16, 2008, 09:27:04 AM
Have a great day, everyone. And whatever you do, don't use BATS-HIT-BASEBALLS as a username because the word S * I T is in there somewhere. If you look again, you might find B A T S * I T, too. *GASP*
Edited to get around the censors.... ROFL
Ummmmm Squid said B*LLS I'm tellin :!#
Don't ya just love that warm, fuzzy feeling that envelopes the forum when we all come together for a common cause, indeed, for the greater good? Group Hug! (OO) (OO) (OO)
Quote from: Stinkerbell on June 16, 2008, 08:42:42 PM
Don't ya just love that warm, fuzzy feeling that envelopes the forum when we all come together for a common cause, indeed, for the greater good? Group Hug! (OO) (OO) (OO)
Been quite spell since somebody riled us up. we should be good for a while Guess I better close Harleys bar.
And who said Mondays were boring pillowfight.gif
People who report other players and appoint themselves as some sort of pseudo-Pogo Police really irritate me. You need to judge someone you don't know and make their life difficult, probably getting their account and badges yanked over a username? Seriously? Cut the condescending crap about helping Pogo enforce their TOS. You're not that important, and it's not your job. It took you longer to file an abuse report than it would have taken to just click the X, leave the room and move on!
And as for it being a "family" site, some families use salty language, whatever it was. And I bet it wasn't even that bad or offensive in the first place. It could have been a cultural or language thing. You must be a very petty, unhappy person. The only "childish attack" committed here was by you, when you reported someone who did nothing to you personally. (oh and despite your goodbye cruel forum message, I know you're here reading these responses :P )
I have read the feedback on this particular subject and feel I need to say something. Don't get me wrong everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I have come across several players who have names that are offensive to me. I have not reported them but have told them politely that their name is offensive to me but that doesn't mean I find them offensive. In fact all except one (there have been about 6 offensive names) were very nice and helpful etc in the games we were in. Most of the offensive name owners were not aware that something in their country could be offensive to some one in another country. But as it has been said several times, if pogo not like it they not allow it to start with.
The one who wasn't very nice was verbally abusive and threatening. I put them on mute and kept on playing. I did find out later that several people in the room reported that person and he was suspended. Seems he had been attacking anyone who so much as spoke to him.
sparkler.gif LAST CALL
:{: wow what a topic
After reading all this XXXX i think you beter open the bar up again. I need a drink . :!!
>:D Playing devils advocate here. Would you report a SN that had something about having sex with someone under the age of consent? I saw someone with the Pogo ID that said something about screwing a child. I do not want to put the ID here because someone would think it was an endearing saying in some language. While we might not be offended by what anyone sees in someones SN, I do know that baggage carried into a room sometimes dictates how they react to it. I am always surprised at some of the very creative names people have come up with. But there are those that offend so I am hoping that Pogo Hall Monitors are dealing with the extremes and not something that otherwise would be small pototoes. Also still shocked that they made a friend who has the last name GAY change their screen name because it "might be taken the wrong way". Hmmm......what is the wrong way?
Disneyland lady insane diego
Disney the issue is Pogo. They run what appears to be a nice family site. But it is not monitored by them. Screen names are the first thing they should check. The sn you mentioned should have been stopped before it even used. Pogo is not the safe friendly site it appears. Pogo refuses to police it themselves. Relying instead on users to report . And most times it is whackos reporting anything that even slightly ticks them off. If I saw the name and it suggested what you say it does honestly I would have turned them in. But I care very much for the well being of children and take no chances where they are concerned. Profiles are another issue, Pogo doesnt not pay any attention to them and some of them are way out of line. To me the bottom line is Pogo owns the site Pogo collects the revenues from the site and Pogo bears the responsibleity for what appears on the site. They can either age restrict it and let it be wide open Or they can enforce the TOS they so proudly cite everytime it suits their purposes. When you have a open age site the owners assumes the policing of the site. This forum is not age restricted we have many members that are underage Homer takes care of the content. Pogo bears the same responsibility and has more people than Homer has.
:/// Do I still have time for one more, Harley. :!@ I thought everyone went on Pogo to play! Geesh was I wrong. :))
Everyone has a right to their opinion but it is not anyone's job who really wants to play to be checking all of the names to see if they are "politically correct". Nor to take it a step further and to tell the person you are offended by their screenname. That sounds like someone spoiling for a fight. Does anyone know that if you truly want to play on Pogo they have several options, you can close the chat window, you can go to another room or you can sign out. I don't chat except with people I have known for a very long time. It is certainly NOT our problem here if someone wants to work for Pogo and help with their TOS but please send your job requests to the right place. I looked on the internet and Pogo is hiring. The lady did ask a question, but her smart and hateful reply caused all of the problems and discussion. Well, I gotta run, Toastmasters just called and they want me to give a speech. :))
Just when you think everything is under control Someone just gets us all waded up and we know how that feels. I Love this Forum! We are really nice people we just don't like our feathers ruffed or waded up! We are definitely not quite when it comes to our OPINIONS and that is what they are. Except the comment about Homer (LOL) that could be true. Have not been here long enough to know. I do Love you Homer honest!
Quote from: SassyBear on June 16, 2008, 03:35:47 PM
:)) Freecell that is so funny! Yeah I'll bet you got detention alright. police.gif I know what the term means in England...but some others I haven't known about. I have an English friend and I said something in Pogo chat I thought meant something totally different. (Can't repeat it here) She took me into private chat to tell me what it really meant and I was in hysterics for about an hour. I did learn a "new" English term...I just don't use it anymore. I am still laughing, you brought back a pleasant memory. :))
I still say things at work that make my co-workers swivel their heads that are completely innocuous to us Brits:
"Knock me up in the morning!" is always good for a laugh but "Bugger me" gets 'em every time! :)))
Quote from: PogoKaz on June 16, 2008, 04:35:55 PM
I remember one conversation, by a group from the USA, I was watching about weiners (never heard of them before), round here its slang for a male body part. Suffice to say the discussion on how they liked to eat them, suck the middles out, lick the sauce off had me falling off my chair in laughter. I had to leave the room in the end, I just could not concentrate on the game. >:D
Heh...I still snicker whenever I hear or meet a man called John Thomas. :))
Ahhh, all this talk of home is making me crave Bubble and Squeak. !@!
Quote from: FreecellFanny on June 17, 2008, 02:30:50 PM
I still say things at work that make my co-workers swivel their heads that are completely innocuous to us Brits:
"Knock me up in the morning!" is always good for a laugh but "Bugger me" gets 'em every time! :)))
having lived in jolly old England for two years..........I still chuckle at your name FANNY.......LOLOL.........maybe I should be offended ++
Quote from: Squid on June 17, 2008, 03:48:16 PM
At the risk of sounding unintelligent.... or, at the very least, uninformed.... what's so snickery about John Thomas? Me no gets.
I might work up a snicker or two for Woodrow Johnson..... but John Thomas?
Its a slang word
Ugh..this topic has been beat to death. Next. :)))
Amen ...sista <:>
Quote from: Tara on June 17, 2008, 05:13:54 PM
Ugh..this topic has been beat to death. Next. :)))
Bet you just offended someone. :))
Quote from: Tara on June 17, 2008, 05:13:54 PM
Ugh..this topic has been beat to death. Next. :)))
:>> Tara, Did you bring the "golden" key? :))
Quote from: PearlsZeeba on June 16, 2008, 08:09:29 AM
Why would I report someone who has an offensive user name?
Because it was offensive?? Because I was offended by it and having a swear in your user name on a FAMILY website is against it's TOS. You may not understand it, nor do I care that you do. The motivation behind my reporting was not my question, my question was about their emails to me in regards to my report.
That person can report me for auto using all they want. I DON'T USE autos. I never have.
"That person can report me for auto using all they want. I DON'T USE autos. I never have. "
Ok so if you don't used Autos at all then why are you on this site?Not to be rude but if I never used autos I doubt I would look and find this site.
Quote from: PogoKaz on June 16, 2008, 09:00:45 AM
Personally I beleive you are on the wrong site, maybe tattletale.com would be more appropriate.
Different words have different meanings all over the world and if pogo banned every word that could be seen as offence somewhere in the world, then maybe we would all just be a series of numbers. Though I'm sure in some parts of the world some numbers could be deemed offensive.
In my belief if someone tells tales and its not upheld then the complainer should get the same punishment that the person on the receiving end would have got.
Pogo, if they uphold your complaint, will most probably ban this account regardless of how many badges/gems etc that person holds and they have no hope of retrieving them.
As previous posters have said, pogo has a word filter, so don't you think that just maybe, the name is acceptable to the majority and just maybe if it offended you so much you could have just left the room or muted the player???
Very well said. :!!
This thread is SO yesterday. bubblegum.gif
Quote from: Tara on June 19, 2008, 05:22:12 PM
This thread is SO yesterday. bubblegum.gif
Just Like Your Hair Style ++ <..>
Quote from: Tara on June 19, 2008, 05:22:12 PM
This thread is SO yesterday. bubblegum.gif
But not for those who haven't seen it before.
Quote from: fwankwinsmom on June 19, 2008, 06:11:25 PM
But not for those who haven't seen it before.
Exactly tumbsup.gif
Quote from: fwankwinsmom on June 19, 2008, 06:11:25 PM
But not for those who haven't seen it before.
Like I said..............