whats everyones thoughts about these tapes being aired..why not take them straight to the police..kind of funny they show up the same time as the video of the guy in the hospital doing his daily therapy...im beginning to think the tapes were probably all staged by someone the Hulk knows,just to get some sympathy for the family..what does anyone else think.
The police are investagating this the tapes where from john`s family member i think john`s brother sounds like him but you can`t blame him due to his brother being so hurt you get so angry i`ve been in there shoes in my daughters bad car acciedent..i hope all the money that is gotten for john goes to hospital carein for him not the mother he did`nt live with her for over 6 years before and he is`nt home now ..
The Graziano's already confirmed the voice on the tape is John's step brother
Thanks Homer did`nt see news yet today...
Is there a link to this part of the story, cuz I'm confuuuuuuuused.
has anyone watch brooke knows best?
yes it is under boob tube :^*