Jackson's Wardrobe Malfunction Fine Dropped
A three-judge panel has thrown out a $550,000 fine over the broadcast.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Federal officials have dismissed an indecency fine TV bosses at CBS were charged after Janet Jackson flashed a breast during the 2004 SuperBowl half-time show.
Just days after Jackson's fellow SuperBowl performer Justin Timberlake poked fun at the 'wardrobe malfunction' controversy while hosting the ESPY Awards in Los Angeles, a three-judge panel has thrown out a $550,000 fine over the broadcast.
The judges of the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals have ruled that the Federal Communications Commission "acted arbitrarily and capriciously" in issuing the fine for the split-second image of nudity.
During the live show, Timberlake ripped open Jackson's bodice, revealing a breast. A red-faced Jackson quickly covered up.
More than 90 million people saw the live broadcast.
i saw this when it happened you did`nt see anything was so quick and her nipple ring covers her little bobbies :))
Watch PBS and you will see more :o