I'm sure something will screw up in all this:
New game rewards are coming to Club Pogo!
You will continue to earn badges and tokens when ranking up in games, but soon you'll earn Pogo Mini avatar items too!
There will be dozens of new items you can unlock, starting with these fun games:
1. Canasta
2. Everyone Loves Bingo
3. Mahjong Garden
4. Pogo™ Addiction Solitaire
5. Tri-Peaks Solitaire
Already ranked up in these games? Not a problem! We'll have a Pogo Mini Awards page where you can claim your Pogo Minis!
We are updating the Pogo Mini Mall with cool new features to make changing and shopping for your Pogo Mini easier and more fun to do!
A new home page that showcases more of what's happening in the world of Pogo Minis! Easier-to-use Pogo Mini Mall
shopping cart. Add multiple items to your cart and check-out in one convenient session. To celebrate, we're giving FREE Mini items to Club Pogo members! Don't forget to pick 'em up at the new Mini Mall!
We are expanding the Pogo Gems™ universe to players on Pogo.com!
Soon Pogo.com players will be able to use Pogo Gems to get select Pogo Mini items and choose from a select collection of Club Pogo games to try for 1, 3, or 7 days, at a time.
The shopping cart for the mini mall is long overdue. cheesy.gif
However, I'm not sure I understand the logistics of the Gems for games idea. Why the hell would I pay Gems to play a game for a few days if I am already a Club member? Aren't Gems available only to Club members anyway? undecided.gif
Quote from: FreecellFanny on March 03, 2009, 02:36:24 PM
We are expanding the Pogo Gems™ universe to players on Pogo.com!
Soon Pogo.com players will be able to use Pogo Gems to get select Pogo Mini items and choose from a select collection of Club Pogo games to try for 1, 3, or 7 days, at a time.
Okay, does this mean that Exclusive Club Pogo members are no longer an exclusive?
Great their giving me a shopping cart..well too late...I already have everything that tokens will buy.
I wonder which games will get screwed up with this upgrade. Cribbage is still screwy.
I don't get the gem thing either. But we'll soon see.
It is called show me the money, Pogo style.
One thing they need to do is offer long-time Club members a discount on renewing. swear2.gif
Pogo should be thinking bigger than this - in a recession we drop buying our coffee at Starbucks and change going to a movie to renting one. As much as I love Pogo, I think they are going to see a loss of people spending their gems on things like the mall or a week of a game or a week of wearing a mini outfit if that is what they mean. But I doubt that the powers that be have ever been alive during a recession. I can remember giving my poor son's haircuts with the flowbee and buying tobacco in a bag and rolling my own.
It sounds like too me, that non paying members can soon buy gems for at least 7 days? hmmm
How about more RANKS for the games I have finished? beer11.gif
I always laugh when I see companies and businesses trying their hardest to get new customers, when they offer nothing to the long time customers. Most of the time they can't even handle the customers they have, but think they need more. How about more gems in the spins Pogo?? russian.gif I too have given up the pricey coffee!!
I'm glad about the mini mall shopping cart. It's a pain in the ass to have to click 5 times to buy one thing.
Quote from: Joe C on March 03, 2009, 04:44:29 PM
How about more RANKS for the games I have finished? beer11.gif
It's a darn good thing that they are giving the mini items to people who have already ranked out in the above mentioned games cuz I will be damned if I am going back to play tri peaks again!
What Pogo is doing is they want more money. They are going to give the free members a MINI and acccess to the MINI MALL where they can use tokens, and also let them buy GEMS (which is the money part) so they can buy the animated stuff for the minis and even the 1, 3, or 7 day club passes. That means OUR club EXCLUSIVE mini's will no longer be ours!! We should get a discount on Pogo for that.
Quote from: CrazyMan on March 03, 2009, 08:59:39 PM
What Pogo is doing is they want more money. They are going to give the free members a MINI and acccess to the MINI MALL where they can use tokens, and also let them buy GEMS (which is the money part) so they can buy the animated stuff for the minis and even the 1, 3, or 7 day club passes. That means OUR club EXCLUSIVE mini's will no longer be ours!! We should get a discount on Pogo for that.
Pogo will give you a discount, but it'll cost ya 18 gems.
I'm excited to get Mini Items in regular games! I can't wait bubblegum.gif
Quote from: FreecellFanny on March 03, 2009, 02:39:16 PM
The shopping cart for the mini mall is long overdue. cheesy.gif
However, I'm not sure I understand the logistics of the Gems for games idea. Why the hell would I pay Gems to play a game for a few days if I am already a Club member? Aren't Gems available only to Club members anyway? undecided.gif
this also going to be for non-members who will be able to use the gems play 1, 3, 7 days so they can get min items.
Quote from: Fluffy756 on March 04, 2009, 06:02:45 AM
this also going to be for non-members who will be able to use the gems play 1, 3, 7 days so they can get min items.
So what happens to their mini after 7 days? Are they going to be papercutouts dressed in outfits? To me this means that they will continue to have Club Pogo "looks" after their pay for play days are over.
My two paid subsrciptions are just fine. giggle2.gif
Quote from: Joe C on March 04, 2009, 06:19:32 AM
My two paid subsrciptions are just fine. giggle2.gif
So are mine but if Pogo is going to give the unwashed masses some of the same benefits that we are paying $40 a year for why shouldn't we get a discount or something ultra-exclusive for free? undecided.gif
I read all that stuff too, and it made little sense other than Pogo trying to squeeze more bucks out of you. If you are going to buy gems to play just buy a membership. There is little difference. undecided.gif
Pogo gems for non-members: Pogo's way of getting money from people bad at math. giggle2.gif
it appears to be a lame attempt by Pogo to draw more paying customers. In theses times it might be better to work on holding what you got .
Quote from: harley89 on March 05, 2009, 06:58:13 AM
it appears to be a lame attempt by Pogo to draw more paying customers.
I think that's exactly it. Peeps will like having mini items, etc. and won't want to lose them or will want to get more. It will probably lure more into joining Club Pogo.
EA games is down in profit and the outlook is not much better for this year, they cannot keep up with changing market in games, so of course they will stick it to their club members to make up for their lagging game sales.........this translates to squeezing more out of Pogo.
If Pogo opens up Minis to non-club members they are going to have Club Members realizing they don't need to be in that exclusive club to get the perks.
The problem is that there will always be games that are unavailable to non-club members. Pogo is getting tricky.
Quote from: disneyland lady on March 05, 2009, 10:58:39 AM
If Pogo opens up Minis to non-club members they are going to have Club Members realizing they don't need to be in that exclusive club to get the perks.
They are counting on our addiction to badges, to keep us paying for Club memberships.
Quote from: Stinkerbell on March 05, 2009, 02:18:32 PM
They are counting on our addiction to badges, to keep us paying for Club memberships.
Glad I'm not addicted. I just have a healthy insatiable obsession.
I've noticed they are a starting to put messages in the chatbox. There was an error when I was doing the pool challenge and it told me[in the chatbox] to disable my pop up blocker bad mood.gif
Yes, and getting that pogo.com update thingy in there too
Im not sure i quite understand pogo's logic, but to me it sounds like they are gonna let non-paying members buy Gems & have a mini also. Now i dont think its fair to us paying members. dont they get enough money from us now ? whats next, they gonna let them also play are games. gezzzzzzz
MsMissy, a company like Pogo can never be satisfied with enough money. They want MORE than enough money, they are a business, after all.
Well, Pogo knows if it I can get a badge, I will buy it. giggle2.gif
I still wait on sales for the M&M badges. But, I do buy the premium ones as soon as they come out. (https://www.getsmile.com/emoticons/funny-smileys/headphones.gif)
Pogo has a list of FAQ about the pogo.com people being allowed to play Club Pogo games and how it will increase our "fun". I swear they really believe their club members are dolts. Here is just one of the Q&A:
Why are Pogo Minis and Club Pogo games now available to regular Pogo players?
We have received much feedback from Club Pogo members about how much they enjoy creating an online persona through Pogo Minis. Pogo Minis have really become a great way to express yourself, connect with other players and be involved in a passionate, tight-knit community.
Because of this positive feedback, we wanted to extend the joy of Pogo Minis to everyone, allowing existing Club Pogo members to share their Pogo Mini creations with a larger audience and connecting with even more players.
Interesting on their spin but really I do not like to "share" with anyone on anything. All of their questions were answered with a large dose of lithium and either 'warm and fuzzy' feeling or cheerleader zeal. So the truth is that they are not doing this for possible Revenue but to extend the joy.
This is for pogo slap1.gif slap1.gif slap1.gif
Quote from: Homer on March 07, 2009, 06:12:49 AM
This is for pogo slap1.gif slap1.gif slap1.gif
Awww.....Homer is showing that he is 'passionate and tight-knit'.
Quote from: disneyland lady on March 07, 2009, 07:11:16 AM
Awww.....Homer is showing that he is 'passionate and tight-knit'.
hysterical.gif (waiting for the inevitable slap1.gif)
Quote from: disneyland lady on March 07, 2009, 06:02:06 AM
Why are Pogo Minis and Club Pogo games now available to regular Pogo players?
We have received much feedback from Club Pogo members about how much they enjoy creating an online persona through Pogo Minis. Pogo Minis have really become a great way to express yourself, connect with other players and be involved in a passionate, tight-knit community.
Because of this positive feedback, we wanted to extend the joy of Pogo Minis to everyone, allowing existing Club Pogo members to share their Pogo Mini creations with a larger audience and connecting with even more players.
Interesting on their spin but really I do not like to "share" with anyone on anything. All of their questions were answered with a large dose of lithium and either 'warm and fuzzy' feeling or cheerleader zeal. So the truth is that they are not doing this for possible Revenue but to extend the joy.
Pogo is full of fart.gif ! As if the club members want to connect with non club members! The NERVE of them! I could care less about who looks at my mini....and I am sure that there arent any non club members sitting at their computer going "Gee, if only I could have a mini like that". Pffft! If they wanted one so bad, they woulda joined da club.
I agree with you Stinkerbell, pogo is getting greedy. im going to slap them lol slap1.gif slap1.gif
Well said Hocky
there is still something i don't understand....why buy gems to get in pogo for 3 or 7 days...if we give them a pass they can play for nothing and spend their tokens in the mini mall...it either i am missing something or pogo is unglued or on glue... bubblegum.gif
Sounds to me like you can just spend money on gems and keep getting passes, so the one time use passes us members have will be obsolete.
I'll probably get a lot of grief for this, shrug.... but for starters, I get my mini mall stuff for me period. I don't chat and I don't respond to chats..... Now for the good stuff...... I find it so ironic that people who come to a "cheat" site can even talk about someone else being "unfair". Isn't cheating unfair? so, pogo changes a game to make it more "fair" so sites like this one have to up date their cheats to make the playing field in their favor..... and now it's about ppl that pay for memberships and get stuff vs. ppl who don't pay member ships and still gets stuff........I guess I'm missing something here. Maybe the word fair is just relative..... because I pay for my cheats I can justify that is is now fair because I paid for it? ......... I still don't get it
Quote from: gigi on March 10, 2009, 09:40:51 AM
I'll probably get a lot of grief for this, shrug.... but for starters, I get my mini mall stuff for me period. I don't chat and I don't respond to chats..... Now for the good stuff...... I find it so ironic that people who come to a "cheat" site can even talk about someone else being "unfair". Isn't cheating unfair? so, pogo changes a game to make it more "fair" so sites like this one have to up date their cheats to make the playing field in their favor..... and now it's about ppl that pay for memberships and get stuff vs. ppl who don't pay member ships and still gets stuff........I guess I'm missing something here. Maybe the word fair is just relative..... because I pay for my cheats I can justify that is is now fair because I paid for it? ......... I still don't get it
Whether one cheats or not I think the keyword is <b>clubmember</b> so it feels like you belong to a private golf club and now even if you cheat at golf, someone who has not paid the fees is getting the benefits of the 19th Hole Watering Spot. How is that for a run-on sentence.
Quote from: gigi on March 10, 2009, 09:40:51 AM
I'll probably get a lot of grief for this, shrug.... but for starters, I get my mini mall stuff for me period. I don't chat and I don't respond to chats..... Now for the good stuff...... I find it so ironic that people who come to a "cheat" site can even talk about someone else being "unfair". Isn't cheating unfair? so, pogo changes a game to make it more "fair" so sites like this one have to up date their cheats to make the playing field in their favor..... and now it's about ppl that pay for memberships and get stuff vs. ppl who don't pay member ships and still gets stuff........I guess I'm missing something here. Maybe the word fair is just relative..... because I pay for my cheats I can justify that is is now fair because I paid for it? ......... I still don't get it
This argument might apply if we were somehow stealing our Club Pogo membership, then complaining when Pogo began giving the same thing we're stealing away for free to non Club members.
Or maybe I'm missing the point of your post.
Wouldn't be the first time.
Not a word... ANYONE.
It's not fair that to say it's not fair if you're not being fair about what fair people do when their being fair about other peoples fairness when then cheat fair, because only the fair know what fair is in the cheating world. Isn't that fair to say? bubblegum.gif
Quote from: Tara on March 10, 2009, 10:25:08 AM
It's not fair that to say it's not fair if you're not being fair about what fair people do when their being fair about other peoples fairness when then cheat fair, because only the fair know what fair is in the cheating world. Isn't that fair to say? bubblegum.gif
I am fairly certain but fair is fair.
hahahaha thanks for the responses..... there is always logic to be found illogically .. and I don't mean that in a bad way shy12.gif .. (that's probably worse than the run on sentence.) My golfer husband complains all the time about non golf club members being on "his" (right, "his" lol) course..... believe me, if there is a way.... determined people will find it.
Quote from: gigi on March 10, 2009, 09:40:51 AM
I'll probably get a lot of grief for this, shrug.... but for starters, I get my mini mall stuff for me period. I don't chat and I don't respond to chats..... Now for the good stuff...... I find it so ironic that people who come to a "cheat" site can even talk about someone else being "unfair". Isn't cheating unfair? so, pogo changes a game to make it more "fair" so sites like this one have to up date their cheats to make the playing field in their favor..... and now it's about ppl that pay for memberships and get stuff vs. ppl who don't pay member ships and still gets stuff........I guess I'm missing something here. Maybe the word fair is just relative..... because I pay for my cheats I can justify that is is now fair because I paid for it? ......... I still don't get it
What was your question? embarrassed.gif
Quote from: gigi on March 10, 2009, 10:26:19 AM
hahahaha thanks for the responses..... there is always logic to be found illogically .. and I don't mean that in a bad way shy12.gif .. (that's probably worse than the run on sentence.) My golfer husband complains all the time about non golf club members being on "his" (right, "his" lol) course..... believe me, if there is a way.... determined people will find it.
The difference between your hubby and us, is we get badges!
Perhaps pogo is doing this to let the non club members get a taste of what they are "missing out on" by not being club members....again, another marketing strategy to get more people to join. New members = more $$ for pogo. But, I do have to say one thing....if the free 5 day pass( or two week pass, or one month pass) is not enough to entice someone to join pogo, then I highly doubt someone paying for gems to try a "club" game is not going to work either!
Quote from: disneyland lady on March 10, 2009, 10:26:09 AM
I am fairly certain but fair is fair.
I agree, but you know what they say....
Quote from: Tara on March 10, 2009, 10:25:08 AM
It's not fair that to say it's not fair if you're not being fair about what fair people do when their being fair about other peoples fairness when then cheat fair, because only the fair know what fair is in the cheating world. Isn't that fair to say? bubblegum.gif
That's fair to say.
OMG that is so funny, I have to tell my hubby that I get badges and he only loses balls - that is hysterical....
hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
hysterical.gif giggle2.gif hysterical.gif
I pay for my membership, my Gems, my premium badges, books and so on.
I also cheat at the games.
Ya know what though? I don't feel in the least bit guilty because I am not trying to rip of Pogo by claiming the jackpots or prizes so I have never understood why some people on Pogo rant and rave the way they do about those of us who use autos.
Why do they even give a damn? We're not taking anything from them or from Pogo. My cheating doesn't lessen their chances of winning a prize.
My conscience is perfectly clear. tumbsup.gif
I will give someone a free pass for 20 gems. popcorn2.gif
Quote from: Tara on March 10, 2009, 02:50:30 PM
I will give someone a free pass for 20 gems. popcorn2.gif
A free pass to what? And why so high? I think 16 gems is a better bargaining price.
Quote from: disneyland lady on March 10, 2009, 02:51:50 PM
A free pass to what? And why so high? I think 16 gems is a better bargaining price.
A free 5 day pass to pogo.
Quote from: Tara on March 10, 2009, 02:52:56 PM
A free 5 day pass to pogo.
Oh Tara, you just opened up a whole new whoopa$$. By Pogo charging for passes, we can now sell our free passes for less gems than Pogo is going to sell theirs.
Quote from: disneyland lady on March 10, 2009, 02:55:36 PM
Oh Tara, you just opened up a whole new whoopa$$. By Pogo charging for passes, we can now sell our free passes for less gems than Pogo is going to sell theirs.
OMG Tara you crack me up. hysterical.gif hysterical.gif