if this has been addressed bfore sry i missed it-----how do you get the master treasure hunter and thrill badges in jigsaw treasure hunter tumbsup.gif
Quote from: jetstar on May 24, 2009, 06:55:26 PM
if this has been addressed bfore sry i missed it-----how do you get the master treasure hunter and thrill badges in jigsaw treasure hunter tumbsup.gif
To get the Master Treasure Hunter badge you have to: achieve 5000 point.
To get the Thrill Seeker Badge you need to: finish 50 Random puzzles in unlocked puzzle mode.
Hope this answers your question. '
Good Luck
got it-----tyvm lucky9999 hi11.gif
The Master Treasure Hunter is a tough one because to get points you can't use hints. The auto almost always uses hints, even when there is only one piece left to the puzzle. I'm ranked out in the game and only have about 1/2 the points needed for that badge.
Does the auto use hints if you use it on and easy level?
It's been awhile but I think I tried it on all levels. I can't say for sure, DL.
finished 50 random puzzles but did not get the badge girls18.gif
These are the 3 extra badges in Jigsaw Treasure Hunter:
Master Treasure Hunter Badge Achieve 5,000 points
Adventurer Badge Complete all categories
Thrill Seeker Badge Finish 50 random puzzles in unlocked puzzle mode
Did you do the random puzzles in unlocked puzzle mode? (I have no idea what this means as I have not played Jigsaw and have the auto do it)
yes i done random in unlocked mode but know badge crying10.gif panic button.gif
I did not get credit for any of my random puzzles until I finished the adventure mode and got my 50th rank. I now have my thrill seeker badge (random puzzles) and I am now working on the master badge using the hard level, I am getting credit for 3 per puzzle and it is using the hints. Right now I am at 3227/5000 for my last badge.
I tried having the auto use the elite or master level but it seemed to have a hard time because of having to turn the pieces, so I just switched it to the hard level and it is just working away.
Jigsaw GPS 2.5....in case you want to know which version. dancing16.gif
It's using the hints and you're getting credit each game? Well, smack my bottom and call me Myrtle!! thanks, Sasserella.
Quote from: Squid on May 30, 2009, 04:37:15 AM
It's using the hints and you're getting credit each game? Well, smack my bottom and call me Myrtle!! thanks, Sasserella.
slap1.gif ass.gif Myrtle! giggle2.gif
Quote from: Squid on May 30, 2009, 04:37:15 AM
It's using the hints and you're getting credit each game? Well, smack my bottom and call me Myrtle!! thanks, Sasserella.
Yes Myrtle.... giggle2.gif
I am at 4100 now. I put the bar 1 click down from the fastest speed on hard. It finishes the puzzle in 2 minutes.
BUT this does draw attetion from the other people in the room magnifier.gif who are chatting instead of working the puzzle and trying to figure out how someone can get a puzzle in 8 to 10 minutes...THEN I saw my name.
Took everything I had NOT to respond and tell them "If you spent as much time working the puzzle as you do chatting and being nosy, you might get a puzzle finished." diablo.gif
I have all the badges in this game. Set up your cheat to win Hard Puzzles in about 4 minutes and ignore anyone blabbing.
Quote from: ~Sassy~ on May 30, 2009, 09:33:39 AM
Yes Myrtle.... giggle2.gif
I am at 4100 now. I put the bar 1 click down from the fastest speed on hard. It finishes the puzzle in 2 minutes.
BUT this does draw attetion from the other people in the room magnifier.gif who are chatting instead of working the puzzle and trying to figure out how someone can get a puzzle in 8 to 10 minutes...THEN I saw my name.
Took everything I had NOT to respond and tell them "If you spent as much time working the puzzle as you do chatting and being nosy, you might get a puzzle finished." diablo.gif
I will make not of that should i ever decide to purchase that auto. Thanks for sharing Sassy.
Quote from: ~Sassy~ on May 29, 2009, 05:01:17 PM
I did not get credit for any of my random puzzles until I finished the adventure mode and got my 50th rank. I now have my thrill seeker badge (random puzzles) and I am now working on the master badge using the hard level, I am getting credit for 3 per puzzle and it is using the hints. Right now I am at 3227/5000 for my last badge.
I tried having the auto use the elite or master level but it seemed to have a hard time because of having to turn the pieces, so I just switched it to the hard level and it is just working away.
Jigsaw GPS 2.5....in case you want to know which version. dancing16.gif
Guess everyone's different. I have the 3 extra badges and haven't ranked out yet on this game. Played on med and hard and auto did use hints. Just a note the fastest time listed in stats is incorrect. Most were done in 4 min or under.
Played: 2,703 puzzles
Completed: 2,370 puzzles
Biggest win: 5223
Categories unlocked: 15
Game points earned: 5,078
Pieces Connected: 194,030
Rank: Rank47 (47 of 50)
Random puzzles completed: 1,223
Fastest Time: 11:08
Total Tokens Won: 1038544
Good luck everyone.
I just tryed to download the new version of the jigsaw auto,but for some reason it will not download,I just deleated1.9,any help would be great thank`s help.gif Dave
Quote from: Dave1970 on May 31, 2009, 01:33:01 PM
I just tryed to download the new version of the jigsaw auto,but for some reason it will not download,I just deleated1.9,any help would be great thank`s help.gif Dave
reboot your pc and try again
Quote from: lucky9999 on May 31, 2009, 10:57:54 AM
Guess everyone's different. I have the 3 extra badges and haven't ranked out yet on this game. Played on med and hard and auto did use hints. Just a note the fastest time listed in stats is incorrect. Most were done in 4 min or under.
Played: 2,703 puzzles
Completed: 2,370 puzzles
Biggest win: 5223
Categories unlocked: 15
Game points earned: 5,078
Pieces Connected: 194,030
Rank: Rank47 (47 of 50)
Random puzzles completed: 1,223
Fastest Time: 11:08
Total Tokens Won: 1038544
Good luck everyone.
shy12.gif I should have said I did not bother trying for the random puzzles until after I ranked out.
Thank`s Homer tryed that 3 times know thank you though Homer crying10.gif Dave
Quote from: Dave1970 on May 31, 2009, 01:54:32 PM
Thank`s Homer tryed that 3 times know thank you though Homer crying10.gif Dave
Not sure what to tell you. It downloads fine for me.
What happens when you try to download it?
It run`s like it`s downloading but never comes up I`ve checked my folder were the other one was at to see if it`s there but say`s empty I deleted it,rebooted,and tryed to download,but nothing,so I don`t know what I did wrong.Dave
Quote from: ~Sassy~ on May 31, 2009, 01:49:30 PM
shy12.gif I should have said I did not bother trying for the random puzzles until after I ranked out.
If I am understanding you Sassy, you have to rank out in the adventure mode first then you rank out in the unlocked mode to get the extra badges ?
Quote from: Dave1970 on May 31, 2009, 02:17:11 PM
It run`s like it`s downloading but never comes up I`ve checked my folder were the other one was at to see if it`s there but say`s empty I deleted it,rebooted,and tryed to download,but nothing,so I don`t know what I did wrong.Dave
Try using another browser
Quote from: ~Sassy~ on May 31, 2009, 01:49:30 PM
shy12.gif I should have said I did not bother trying for the random puzzles until after I ranked out.
Quote from: twinkle6590 on May 31, 2009, 02:54:02 PM
I am not understanding you Sassy, embarrassed.gif do you have to rank out in the adventure mode first then you rank out in the unlocked mode to get the extra badges ? white flag.gif panic button.gif help.gif
dancing16.gif Can I have a cookie if I tell ya?
Quote from: Dave1970 on May 31, 2009, 02:17:11 PM
It run`s like it`s downloading but never comes up I`ve checked my folder were the other one was at to see if it`s there but say`s empty I deleted it,rebooted,and tryed to download,but nothing,so I don`t know what I did wrong.Dave
You need to
completely delete the program...folder too.
Then do what Homer said. That could be what is messing you up.
When you download the new program, it will create a new folder for you. It's worth a try.
Thank you for all the help I had to unistall AVG and then was able to redownload it work`s know Thank`s again Homer,Sassy for your advice ya`ll are great hi11.gif Dave
Quote from: Dave1970 on May 31, 2009, 05:04:06 PM
Thank you for all the help I had to unistall AVG and then was able to redownload it work`s know Thank`s again Homer,Sassy for your advice ya`ll are great hi11.gif Dave
Glad you was able to get it working. tumbsup.gif
Quote from: ~Sassy~ on May 31, 2009, 04:19:42 PM
dancing16.gif Can I have a cookie if I tell ya?
Yes Sassy you can have 2 cookies. I made them fresh today. Even got ice cold milk to go with them.
I want some cookies, too! turkey4.gif
Quote from: Squid on June 01, 2009, 08:57:54 AM
I want some cookies, too! turkey4.gif
Quote from: Squid on June 01, 2009, 08:57:54 AM
I want some cookies, too! turkey4.gif
Here you go Inky...Enjoy (https://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r438/SoByteMe/cookies.gif) A glass a milk for you too. (https://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r438/SoByteMe/milk.gif)
Quote from: ~Sassy~ on May 31, 2009, 04:19:42 PM
dancing16.gif Can I have a cookie if I tell ya?
Quote from: twinkle6590 on May 31, 2009, 07:36:07 PM
Yes Sassy you can have 2 cookies. I made them fresh today. Even got ice cold milk to go with them.
topsecret.gif Twink, it is how the auto seemed to want to do it. I would try for a random one and on the very next puzzle the auto would select adventure. I just left it alone, figured it knew what it was doing.
Quote from: ~Sassy~ on June 01, 2009, 10:31:57 AM
topsecret.gif Twink, it is how the auto seemed to want to do it. I would try for a random one and on the very next puzzle the auto would select adventure. I just left it alone, figured it knew what it was doing.
Thanks Sassy. I was just curious. Squid heres some cookies for you too. Enjoy !!!
Thanks so much! I'm not much for sweets but freshly baked cookies and ice cold milk will get me every time! So will Harley's open bar! hehehe
You're welcome. Glad I could help your craving out.