Just curious what everyone is trying to win with their coke reward points. I only have about 300 points so I am just gonna try to get to 550 for another year of pogo. None of the other prizes in my point range thrill me.
I have 1500 points but need 1700 for the binoculars. If I don't make the 1700 mark, I'll probably choose the soft cooler (1500 pts?) and another smaller point prize. I have almost a month to try to get the final 200 points I need, so I'm hopeful!
Good luck to everyone.
This is such a disappointment for an iced tea OCD person. There is no such thing as tea points. bbq21.gif
I am probably gonna add another year of pogo there is not much else that interests me undecided.gif
Funny you asked that. I just left their website looking at what was available. I guess I've been kinda lucky in the rewards point I have 2500 but still don't know what to do with them undecided.gif
I know one morning I think I won like 1250 kinda surprised me 500 x2 and 125 x2.
I've already applied them to an account or I would repay a few pogo code gifts I received in rewards.
I'll keep that in mind in the future if I get more, for those that were kind to me in the beginning of this tumbsup.gif
Quote from: Squid on September 19, 2009, 06:37:14 AM
I have 1500 points but need 1700 for the binoculars. If I don't make the 1700 mark, I'll probably choose the soft cooler (1500 pts?) and another smaller point prize. I have almost a month to try to get the final 200 points I need, so I'm hopeful!
Good luck to everyone.
Check your pms Squidly embrace.gif
Quote from: Squid on September 19, 2009, 06:37:14 AM
I have 1500 points but need 1700 for the binoculars. If I don't make the 1700 mark, I'll probably choose the soft cooler (1500 pts?) and another smaller point prize. I have almost a month to try to get the final 200 points I need, so I'm hopeful!
Good luck to everyone.
I take it the "soft" cooler isn't sponsored by Viagra giggle2.gif
Quote from: Homer on September 19, 2009, 07:05:04 AM
I take it the "soft" cooler isn't sponsored by Viagra giggle2.gif
rolleyes.gif tongue.gif
Quote from: Homer on September 19, 2009, 07:05:04 AM
I take it the "soft" cooler isn't sponsored by Viagra giggle2.gif
ROFL... The Floppy Disks aren't either! hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
Quote from: who me? on September 19, 2009, 06:53:19 AM
Check your pms Squidly embrace.gif
I want everyone to know that WhoMe? was SOOOO generous. She gave me 250 CokeReward points and the binoculars have been ordered. Woooo hoooo! For those interested to know, there was no shipping/handling/tax fees of any kind. They are just being sent to my home. THANK YOU WHOME? -!
I want to pay-it-forward. I have lots of Pogo passes and want to share. You know how to reach me, if you're interested.
I'm a happy girl.
Quote from: Squid on September 19, 2009, 07:13:34 AM
ROFL... The Floppy Disks aren't either! hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
I want everyone to know that WhoMe? was SOOOO generous. She gave me 250 CokeReward points and the binoculars have been ordered. Woooo hoooo! For those interested to know, there was no shipping/handling/tax fees of any kind. They are just being sent to my home. THANK YOU WHOME? -!
I want to pay-it-forward. I have lots of Pogo passes and want to share. You know how to reach me, if you're interested.
I'm a happy girl.
Geez you already ordered them, you work fast giggle2.gif
Like I said your more than Welcome Squid! I hope you enjoy embrace.gif
embrace.gif to WhoMe, you deserve it.
Quote from: arniebear on September 19, 2009, 07:27:30 AM
embrace.gif to WhoMe, you deserve it.
Honestly it was no big deal, it cost me nothing and I honestly didn't need them.
If it could bring some happiness to someone else then I am more than happy to share, and we all Love our Squidly blowkisses.gif
Thank You arniebear your a sweetie yourself embrace.gif
Very nice, who me? embrace.gif
Is that what the coke reward points are for, 2 buy something. well i never did understand why e1 wanted them. I learned something new LOL turkey4.gif
The only thing at mycoke rewards that interests me is pogo.
But not even that prize is interesting anymore. I've already got 10 years worth of pogo, none of my friends want any more pogo time (my step brothers eyes popped out of his when I showed him he had 9 years and 11 months....)
I would get the rental coupon (rent one, get one free) from blockbuster but I already get netflix (cheaper, easier) and sometimes rent from redbox.
I don't like the people that run the blockbuster near my home. Not only is the staff rude, they don't keep the store very clean. After expecting me to cough up $4.19 for a new release rental they expect me to be willing to cough up $5.49 for 3 bags of microwaved popcorn and a 20 ounce soda for $2.29. I can turn around and get the same movie (if I haven't already gotten it from netflix) from redbox at the walgreens across the street from my apartment for $1.09 with tax. I can find a box of 3 bags of microwaved popcorn at the dollar tree in the same parking lot as blockbuster and a 3 liter bottle of Shasta cola for $2.18 with tax. So for $3.28, I can a movie, soda and popcorn.
Not really interested in the magazines either.
I guess I'll just keep collecting and maybe I'll find some use for them.
Quote from: roadwarrior on September 19, 2009, 08:32:14 AM
The only thing at mycoke rewards that interests me is pogo.
I guess I'll just keep collecting and maybe I'll find some use for them.
I've never been a Blockbuster fan.
My son is in Boy Scouts and they go on lots of campouts, etc. I want those binoculars from MyCokeRewards so he'll have some to take with him. So I keep playing and playing, HOPING for Coke Rewards, but to no avail.
I saw a real cool canon pixma deluxe printer for 1750 points. It prints photos...and i THINK regular printing too from what I could tell on the description. I already have a pixma printer (not the same one) and I have a Kodak photo printer, so this prize is not for me, but maybe someone who has a lot of points to burn may need this. tumbsup.gif
I was thinking about getting the Health Smart grill with my points....other than that maybe a subway card..my hubby eats there alot when he is on the road. Those would come in handy for him. But you can only redeem ONE per member, so i can't get multiple cards.
Eh, maybe I will wait and see if there is anything else new before the coke program thingy runs out. I dont want to lose my points, but I REALLY don't need anymore pogo memberships! giggle2.gif
Quote from: hocky on September 19, 2009, 12:23:10 PM
Eh, maybe I will wait and see if there is anything else new before the coke program thingy runs out. I dont want to lose my points, but I REALLY don't need anymore pogo memberships! giggle2.gif
I wish they had Barnes and Noble giftcards!
I've redeemed tons of coke rewards over the last few years. You used to be able to redeem 100 points for a free 12 pack (did that one a bunch of times before they got rid of that one); I've got a telescope; did the blockbuster thing; gamefly for a month; small, medium and GINORMOUS polar bears (the 8-yr old had to have them); coca-cola glasses (the kind they drink out of on American Idol); a couple of coolers; some racing stuff; and 7 years of club pogo. They usually bing out a bunch of cool new stuff in October - hopefully they will this year too. If they don't have anything you like right now, just log in every few weeks to keep your account active and wait til they get new stuff!
So far I have 750 points but not much to get for that amount except more Pogo. But don't need more pogo.lol I did notice that anything near worthwhile is over 1,000+ points.
Quote from: gator8_24 on September 20, 2009, 08:10:08 AM
So far I have 750 points but not much to get for that amount except more Pogo. But don't need more pogo.lol I did notice that anything near worthwhile is over 1,000+ points.
Keep playing, Gator. You'll probably get more coke reward points which will put you over the top. I saw some stuff under 1000 pts. that I thought were worthwhile.... but I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder. Good luck, hon!
I had to contact the service department at coke rewards and get help to sign into my account. After getting that help, I was told this promotion was set to end in December of this year as of now. Just in case you need anything special, I wanted to let everyone know what I was told.
I don't know what I will do with my points. Probably add to my Pogo membership.
i just started saving mine i was going to try for the 550 year of pogo but i read where it will end in Dec. so no way ill get that much by then i only have 75but it was a nice thought. sad.gif
The 12pak of Coke offer is still available. I need to get back to playing the game to get more points. I haven't played the games for a few weeks.
20 oz bottles and 2 liter bottles give you 3 points
12 pk cans gives you 10 points
24 pack cans gives you 20 points
32 pack cans (i found at sams club) gives you 25 points
anyone want to trade my coke reward points for 5 90 day pogo passes?
I'm trying to gather up coke points for someone I know and wouldn't feel right if I didn't offer something in return.
Quote from: hocky on September 23, 2009, 04:15:40 AM
20 oz bottles and 2 liter bottles give you 3 points
12 pk cans gives you 10 points
24 pack cans gives you 20 points
32 pack cans (i found at sams club) gives you 25 points
Wow. Getting a winning spin of 125 and 500 coke points is really good then. A 24 pack only gives 20 points. You'd have to drink a lot of soda to get enough points for anything worthwhile (to me, anyway).
Gooooo spinners!
Yeah so like 125 points is worth like 12 and a half 12 packs of coke products........I dunno bout you, but that's alotta drinkin'. bbq21.gif
I cant even begin to imagine the time it would take me to drink 50 12 packs to equal the 500 point rewards on the subway wheel ! shocked.gif
I have won about the equivalent of 500 points by winning the 125 4 times since the contest began, but boy are those points few and far between.
I really need to have some vacation time so I can stay up late and play. It seems that's when all the winning is happening. I have won a couple years of pogo the hard way -- 2 at a time ---ugh! Hoping to win some Coke rewards for my co-worker - she has been saving and using these since they started. Too bad I don't even drink sodas and don't think I want to dumpster dive!!
LOL @ dumpster diving. I'm sure there are people who do it. If I were desperate enough, you'd have to wrap me from head to toe in saran wrap, bow optional, and then spray me down with Clorox when I got out. Blechhhhhh!
Keep trying for the passes, psmint. I have some codes for you, if you're interested. PM me when you get 25 posts under your belt.
LOL @ Squid!!! shocked.gif That would be quite a sight to see!!! Don't forget the flippers for the feet -- the bottom of the dumpster is probably a little "soupy" ! YUM! I was counting on staying up later Friday, but now have to go out of town Saturday morning for work. These people just don't understand that I have more important things to do!! blink.gif
I am 40 points away from my goal. UGH, I might have to break down and purchase some coke products.
Stinky........check your privates! giggle2.gif blowkisses.gif
Within the privacy of your bedroom, please. giggle2.gif
Quote from: Squid on September 24, 2009, 08:02:09 AM
Within the privacy of your bedroom, please. giggle2.gif
magnifier.gif wow.gif
Quote from: hocky on September 24, 2009, 07:59:13 AM
Stinky........check your privates! giggle2.gif blowkisses.gif
Yep, they are still there... oh wait... you mean Private Messages!!!!!!!!!! hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
Thanks so much, hun! You're a doll!!!!!
I'm off to place my order!
checking privates?! Ohhh my!!! hysterical.gif
Quote from: psmint on September 24, 2009, 08:55:58 AM
checking privates?! Ohhh my!!! hysterical.gif
Yes, everyone should check their privates regularly...in case they get so full you can't get anything more in there. They can only hold so much, ya know. giggle2.gif
Your man looks like he should check his too!!! Looking like he's got more than his hands full!! shocked.gif
Quote from: roadwarrior on September 23, 2009, 09:03:44 AM
anyone want to trade my coke reward points for 5 90 day pogo passes?
I'm trying to gather up coke points for someone I know and wouldn't feel right if I didn't offer something in return.
Hey roadwarrior,
I'll give you 5 years worth of club pogo passes for your my coke rewards points....I'm working towards and AMC Silver movie ticket and that would help greatly!!!
Please let me know!!!
FacebookCharlie beer11.gif elf2.gif
i have coke points still.
Hey there everyone,
I'll trade club pogo passes for anyone wanting to get rid of there coke rewards points!! Just let me know!!
FacebookCharlie beer11.gif elf2.gif
Quote from: psmint on September 24, 2009, 09:27:24 AM
Your man looks like he should check his too!!! Looking like he's got more than his hands full!! shocked.gif
He's probably got plenty of women willing to help check them out. giggle2.gif
Not me.....He's too good looking and knows it!! huh.gif I go more for the rugged and worn around the edges type.....
Quote from: FacebookCharlie on September 24, 2009, 10:54:06 AM
Hey roadwarrior,
I'll give you 5 years worth of club pogo passes for your my coke rewards points....I'm working towards and AMC Silver movie ticket and that would help greatly!!!
Please let me know!!!
FacebookCharlie beer11.gif elf2.gif
let me rephrase what I'm asking-sorry I typed it wrong. I want mycoke points. I'm willing to trade pogo passes.
My dad is wanting some cooler of my coke and I've been giving him all my coke points since I don't need them now. Been trying to win him some bonus points but all I win is pogo passes and I don't need anymore!!
Quote from: hocky on September 24, 2009, 07:59:13 AM
Stinky........check your privates! giggle2.gif blowkisses.gif
lets hope stinky remembers to wash down there!!
Quote from: roadwarrior on September 24, 2009, 01:11:46 PM
lets hope stinky remembers to wash down there!!
I try to remember to do that at least once a week! tumbsup.gif
Quote from: roadwarrior on September 24, 2009, 01:10:45 PM
let me rephrase what I'm asking-sorry I typed it wrong. I want mycoke points. I'm willing to trade pogo passes.
My dad is wanting some cooler of my coke and I've been giving him all my coke points since I don't need them now. Been trying to win him some bonus points but all I win is pogo passes and I don't need anymore!!
Sorry bout that....hope you get what you need....I'm trying to get the AMC Silver movie passes....makes good Christmas gifts!!!
Goodluck!!! beer11.gif elf2.gif
I want to say thank you sooooooooooo much to the people who shared Coke Rewards points with me. You're very kind and generous and it is greatly appreciated. I have placed my order and can't wait for it to arrive! embrace.gif
Stinkerball - is he coming gift wrapped?! giggle2.gif
Quote from: psmint on September 24, 2009, 04:38:39 PM
Stinkerball - is he coming gift wrapped?! giggle2.gif
Nawww, that was an extra 500 Coke Rewards points and for what? I'd just have to take it off him anyway. giggle2.gif
Quote from: Stinkerbell on September 24, 2009, 04:33:02 PM
I want to say thank you sooooooooooo much to the people who shared Coke Rewards points with me. You're very kind and generous and it is greatly appreciated. I have placed my order and can't wait for it to arrive! embrace.gif
lipsrsealed.gif giggle2.gif blowkisses.gif
I trying for the year of pogo with my coke rewards i need 50 more blink.gif
Quote from: hocky on September 24, 2009, 06:30:09 PM
lipsrsealed.gif giggle2.gif blowkisses.gif
My binoculars came today!!! VIA FedEx even!
Quote from: Stinkerbell on September 25, 2009, 05:25:43 PM
My binoculars came today!!! VIA FedEx even!
YAY! cheerleading.gif YAY! cheerleading.gif YAY! cheerleading.gif
Quote from: monna50 on September 25, 2009, 04:49:43 PM
I trying for the year of pogo with my coke rewards i need 50 more blink.gif
I'd be happy to help you out with your club pogo membership.
I have a lot of winnings to give away.
Check your messages and I'll send you some.
Have a great day!!! beer11.gif elf2.gif
Quote from: monna50 on September 25, 2009, 04:49:43 PM
I trying for the year of pogo with my coke rewards i need 50 more blink.gif
Monna50...your messages seems to be full, I'm trying to send you pogo codes, but it tells me your inbox is full...as soon as you can clear those messages I can send you the codes....FacebookCharlie
Got my binoculars this weekend! Woo hooo! They aren't cheap either. I don't know much about binocs but they seem substantial and are certainly good enough for my purposes. Good luck all!
Woohooo! WTG Squidly! magnifier.gif
I am saving my coke rewards for a year of pogo.
after looking at the rewards... I would have to choose a year of pogo ... I don't have a lot of reward points yet.
i may add another years pogo since i only need 50 more coke pints coffee.gif
Quote from: zombie on September 27, 2009, 03:54:01 PM
after looking at the rewards... I would have to choose a year of pogo ... I don't have a lot of reward points yet.
Hey there,
I'd love to trade pogo passes for any coke rewards you may have....please let me know!!
FacebookCharlie beer11.gif elf2.gif
I 've got 2125 coke points. guess I'm going to eat them with subs giggle2.gif
OMG... don't waste those coke points on pogo memberships! Lots of peeps will trade passes for the points, myself included.
Quote from: munch000 on September 28, 2009, 09:49:46 AM
I 've got 2125 coke points. guess I'm going to eat them with subs giggle2.gif
Please check your private messages...I would love to trade with you for those coke rewards points.... help.gif help.gif
I've got 10,000 points & I can not redeem anything. crying10.gif crying10.gif
Quote from: virgn36 on September 28, 2009, 10:55:58 AM
I've got 10,000 points & I can not redeem anything. crying10.gif crying10.gif
why not? if you haven't banked them in your my coke rewards account...I'll trade them for club pogo passes!!! cheerleading.gif cheerleading.gif beer11.gif
Quote from: FacebookCharlie on September 28, 2009, 12:00:39 PM
why not? if you haven't banked them in your my coke rewards account...I'll trade them for club pogo passes!!! cheerleading.gif cheerleading.gif beer11.gif
Charlie, why don't you ever send me anything? I was the first person on this forum to be subtly rude to you. Doesn't that count for anything? giggle2.gif
Quote from: Stinkerbell on September 28, 2009, 12:51:53 PM
Charlie, why don't you ever send me anything? I was the first person on this forum to be subtly rude to you. Doesn't that count for anything? giggle2.gif
Stinky....I am so terribly sorry....I thought you were checking your privates...... tease.gif
Well check your privates this time....I got something for you!!! beer11.gif elf2.gif
Quote from: FacebookCharlie on September 28, 2009, 12:56:06 PM
Stinky....I am so terribly sorry....I thought you were checking your privates...... tease.gif
Well check your privates this time....I got something for you!!! beer11.gif elf2.gif
You are such a doll, but I was really just joking with you! I sent the codes back to you so you can give them out to someone who really needs them.
I am winning quite nicely, and the ones I am winning are going to Homer to distribute.
Thanks again, you're such a kind and generous person and I'm so glad you found our forum! embrace.gif
Quote from: Squid on September 28, 2009, 10:09:41 AM
OMG... don't waste those coke points on pogo memberships! Lots of peeps will trade passes for the points, myself included.
Quote from: FacebookCharlie on September 28, 2009, 12:00:39 PM
why not? if you haven't banked them in your my coke rewards account...I'll trade them for club pogo passes!!! cheerleading.gif cheerleading.gif beer11.gif
Ya'll a bunch of Coke Reward hos. hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
ass.gif ass.gif ass.gif
Quote from: Stinkerbell on September 28, 2009, 03:27:29 PM
Ya'll a bunch of Coke Reward hos. hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
Thats Mrs. Ho lipstick.gif
hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
If virgin36 has unclaimed points and doesn't want them.....how about dividing them up -- we'll all give you Pogo passes for them.... You could make a real haul.. tumbsup.gif
Quote from: Stinkerbell on September 28, 2009, 01:10:09 PM
You are such a doll, but I was really just joking with you! I sent the codes back to you so you can give them out to someone who really needs them.
I am winning quite nicely, and the ones I am winning are going to Homer to distribute.
Thanks again, you're such a kind and generous person and I'm so glad you found our forum! embrace.gif
hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif I know it...I was trying to have some fun with you too...you sounded as if YOU REALLY needed some...and I don't want anyone to feel left out, but thanks for the return I sent them right out to someone who needed them desperately!!!
You are a doll yourself and take care, you brighten my day everyday.....especially with that little hottie in your signature!!! beer11.gif elf2.gif
Quote from: Stinkerbell on September 28, 2009, 03:27:29 PM
Ya'll a bunch of Coke Reward hos. hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
hysterical.gif giggle2.gif
is a Coke ho different from a crack ho? ass.gif
just curious!!! no-no.gif no-no.gif shocked.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
You know you're a Subway Scrabble Ho when...you see an empty soda cup blowing in the parking lot of the local Subway - stop your car - get out -- and da*n!! someone already took the codes off of it!!! Maybe I need rehab!!
Quote from: psmint on September 28, 2009, 07:14:57 PM
You know you're a Subway Scrabble Ho when...you see an empty soda cup blowing in the parking lot of the local Subway - stop your car - get out -- and da*n!! someone already took the codes off of it!!! Maybe I need rehab!!
hysterical.gif hysterical.gif Guilty as charged!
Quote from: FacebookCharlie on September 28, 2009, 06:14:28 AM
Hey there,
I'd love to trade pogo passes for any coke rewards you may have....please let me know!!
FacebookCharlie beer11.gif elf2.gif
how many coke reward points do you want to tradefor pogo year? as i stated before i don't have a lot of points yet
Quote from: psmint on September 28, 2009, 07:14:57 PM
You know you're a Subway Scrabble Ho when...you see an empty soda cup blowing in the parking lot of the local Subway - stop your car - get out -- and da*n!! someone already took the codes off of it!!! Maybe I need rehab!!
hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif OMG...STOP IT...I'M GOING TO PEE MYSELF!!! hysterical.gif giggle2.gif hysterical.gif giggle2.gif hysterical.gif giggle2.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
Quote from: zombie on September 29, 2009, 02:54:10 AM
how many coke reward points do you want to tradefor pogo year? as i stated before i don't have a lot of points yet
tell you what, I'll send you a year of club pogo in your privates (messages) and you send me what coke rewards points you think is fair....have a great day!!!
FacebookCharlie beer11.gif elf2.gif
help.gif how do i repy to your messag Charlie??? i don't see any where that will allow me to send you mail.
Quote from: zombie on September 29, 2009, 08:10:55 AM
help.gif how do i repy to your messag Charlie??? i don't see any where that will allow me to send you mail.
You have to have 25 posts on the forum to be able to send private messsages.
Quote from: Stinkerbell on September 29, 2009, 08:12:15 AM
You have to have 25 posts on the forum to be able to send private messsages.
Don't you mean you need to have 25 posts before you can check someone else's privates? magnifier.gif giggle2.gif
charlie if you send me your email in my messages i will email you the codes i have that way..... i have about 20 right now that i haven't banked already. but i will send you more as i get them.
Quote from: hocky on September 29, 2009, 08:13:56 AM
Don't you mean you need to have 25 posts before you can check someone else's privates? magnifier.gif giggle2.gif
True.... it's a good thing too. I don't want a bunch of newbies in my privates. Never know what they might put in there. panic button.gif
shocked.gif All this talk about privates!!!! Ain't no one looking in mine! Darn! crying10.gif
Lordy be! I think I need a cool cloth....
Quote from: Squid on September 29, 2009, 09:39:27 AM
Lordy be! I think I need a cool cloth....
Cool cloth heck, I need to fill my tub to the brim with ice and jump in winter31.gif
Quote from: who me? on September 29, 2009, 02:31:14 PM
Cool cloth heck, I need to fill my tub to the brim with ice and jump in winter31.gif
Awsome, I never knew coke rewards had good prizes like a year of club pogo membership. Ha, I guess digging these coke caps out of the trash cans at school were worth it last year, good thing I sitll have them. cheesy.gif
**CAN you use the same codes that you used on one account, on another account?
Quote from: Hustla on September 29, 2009, 03:07:19 PM
Awsome, I never knew coke rewards had good prizes like a year of club pogo membership. Ha, I guess digging these coke caps out of the trash cans at school were worth it last year, good thing I sitll have them. cheesy.gif
**CAN you use the same codes that you used on one account, on another account?
No.....once you apply a code to one account, it will not work on any other.
Quote from: zombie on September 29, 2009, 08:33:45 AM
charlie if you send me your email in my messages i will email you the codes i have that way..... i have about 20 right now that i haven't banked already. but i will send you more as i get them.
I sent you a message, check your privates and I'll talk to you later!!! Take care beer11.gif elf2.gif
charlie, just sent the email off to ya. thanks
Man you admins are so mean to me, why did you delete my post:(? girls18.gif
Quote from: Hustla on September 30, 2009, 05:00:28 PM
Man you admins are so mean to me, why did you delete my post:(? girls18.gif
Hustla watch sometimes when you take to long to type your post your get an error message that time has expired. I have done that a zillion times. Admin does not delete post unless you posted something not good nono.gif Just look for that red message if you took so long. giggle2.gif
I won the 125 coke points if someone wants then for some pogo passes. Passes not for me, I have been giving what ever I did manage to others as well. Facebook charlie and Homer were kind enough to give to me. So I got for myself, but do have a few people that I played on regular pogo with that couldn't afford the membership, so I dished them out to them. Not like it was alot anyway. I've only won 5 of the dang on things!! gets frustrating! girls18.gif
Ok I just saw I made my 26th post!! I am way happy now! I can PM also!!! yahhoooo.. boy that didn't take long at all.. gonna have a drink on that one! bbq21.gif
I will trade you for the 125 points if you want. PM me. beer11.gif
Quote from: hocky on September 19, 2009, 12:23:10 PM
I saw a real cool canon pixma deluxe printer for 1750 points. It prints photos...and i THINK regular printing too from what I could tell on the description. I already have a pixma printer (not the same one) and I have a Kodak photo printer, so this prize is not for me, but maybe someone who has a lot of points to burn may need this. tumbsup.gif
I was thinking about getting the Health Smart grill with my points....other than that maybe a subway card..my hubby eats there alot when he is on the road. Those would come in handy for him. But you can only redeem ONE per member, so i can't get multiple cards.
Eh, maybe I will wait and see if there is anything else new before the coke program thingy runs out. I dont want to lose my points, but I REALLY don't need anymore pogo memberships! giggle2.gif
Oooh!! Now I have something to save up for! I need a new printer! :-) Had I even seen it, I wouldn't have wasted points on magazines. <sighs> I'd be happy to trade 3 month passes for coke points, if anybody's interested. blowkisses.gif
Quote from: Googlefied on October 02, 2009, 01:35:18 PM
Oooh!! Now I have something to save up for! I need a new printer! :-) Had I even seen it, I wouldn't have wasted points on magazines. <sighs> I'd be happy to trade 3 month passes for coke points, if anybody's interested. blowkisses.gif
thats a good one trade POGO hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
Quote from: JAYREMI on October 02, 2009, 01:39:57 PM
thats a good one trade POGO hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
hysterical.gif only trading passes, not my account! ROFLMAO!
Does it really take 4 weeks to get your stuff? elf2.gif
Quote from: Homer on October 13, 2009, 01:55:13 PM
Does it really take 4 weeks to get your stuff? elf2.gif
I had my binoculars in 2 days.
If anyone has any mycokerewards they don't want could they gladly send them my way please? I'm trying to earn enough coke points to score some magazine subscriptions for some family members as a Christmas gift.
Quote from: Stinkerbell on October 13, 2009, 01:58:32 PM
I had my binoculars in 2 days.
I ordered the cordless screwdriver but alas it doesn't come with vodka. crying10.gif
Quote from: Homer on October 13, 2009, 02:18:47 PM
I ordered the cordless screwdriver but alas it doesn't come with vodka. crying10.gif
hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif zipper.gif giggle2.gif
Quote from: Homer on October 13, 2009, 02:18:47 PM
I ordered the cordless screwdriver but alas it doesn't come with vodka. crying10.gif
I'd demand a refund.
Quote from: Homer on October 13, 2009, 01:55:13 PM
Does it really take 4 weeks to get your stuff? elf2.gif
I had my binoculars in ... 8 days, I think.
Has anyone had a chance to use your binoculars outside yet?
Are you happy with them?
I've thought about getting them but wanted feedback on them first.
I'll go outside now. Stay tuned.
*** I went outside and pointed the binocs towards the woods. There is a fat tree about 100 feet off and just looks gray to the naked eye. With the binocs I can see all the individual lines of bark.
A UPS truck was parked about 250 feet away from my door. I could read the license plate with the binocs.
A bunch of mums are about 250 feet away and with the binocs I can see the details of each individual flower.
I think they're great but I'm not doing professional stuff like National Geographic tracking of bald eagles. I'm looking at waterfowl in the big pond and waterfall near my house. This would be a great pair of binocs for casual bird watching, sporting events, boy/girl scout activities, peeping in on your nekkid neighbors, boob watching (if you're Homer), hiking, etc. They have some weight to them and right now are bothering my neck with the strap. I wouldn't leave them hanging for long. The carrying case is fine and all the lenses have caps.
I'm very happy with these.
My husband said they are pretty decent.
Quote from: Stinkerbell on October 13, 2009, 02:57:54 PM
My husband said they are pretty decent.
WTG on the feedback. giggle2.gif blowkisses.gif
TYVM on the quick reply, I have a big telescope I drag around to watch bald eagles nesting and I was looking for a decent pair of binoculars to carry in the car, it would be so much easier than dragging a telescope around.
I think I'll go order them now before they are all gone.
Thanks to you both embrace.gif
Quote from: Squid on October 13, 2009, 02:52:59 PM
I'll go outside now. Stay tuned.
*** I went outside and pointed the binocs towards the woods. There is a fat tree about 100 feet off and just looks gray to the naked eye. With the binocs I can see all the individual lines of bark.
A UPS truck was parked about 250 feet away from my door. I could read the license plate with the binocs.
A bunch of mums are about 250 feet away and with the binocs I can see the details of each individual flower.
I think they're great but I'm not doing professional stuff like National Geographic tracking of bald eagles. I'm looking at waterfowl in the big pond and waterfall near my house. This would be a great pair of binocs for casual bird watching, sporting events, boy/girl scout activities, peeping in on your nekkid neighbors, boob watching (if you're Homer), hiking, etc. They have some weight to them and right now are bothering my neck with the strap. I wouldn't leave them hanging for long. The carrying case is fine and all the lenses have caps.
I'm very happy with these.
You've become quite the Peeping Inky, I see.
It took them 2 and a half weeks to send a stinking Subway card in the mail worth 10 bucks....but yet binoculars came 8 days or less swear2.gif giggle2.gif
Quote from: hocky on October 13, 2009, 05:41:07 PM
It took them 2 and a half weeks to send a stinking Subway card in the mail worth 10 bucks....but yet binoculars came 8 days or less swear2.gif giggle2.gif
Story of yours and my life Hocky giggle2.gif
Quote from: hocky on October 13, 2009, 05:41:07 PM
It took them 2 and a half weeks to send a stinking Subway card in the mail worth 10 bucks....but yet binoculars came 8 days or less swear2.gif giggle2.gif
I haven't gotten my $25 dollar Subway Card yet.
ohhhhh by the way...I have been scouting the Coke rewards website every day to see if there are any new items to spend my points on. There is this cool looking MP3 player...Its 4 GB.....plays video and music and has an FM tuner in it also.
I know nothing about these gadgets and wanted some input as to whether or not anyone think it is worth it. Is 4 GB pretty standard ( i know there are IPODS that have 8 and 30 gb)...but I did a little google search and if I am looking at this particular brand and model correctly..it retails for around 50 bucks.
I think it is cool looking too. It just figures that it is 2000 points. I will never get that many. I will refrain from using the crying smilie though. LOL lipsrsealed.gif
wow you can get a decent pair of binoculars for Coke rewards..I'll have to check that out
I have like 500+ points....... hi11.gif
Check your privates FacebookCharlie. beer11.gif
Thank you sovery much cowboy63...check your privates!!!! giggle2.gif
beer11.gif elf2.gif
beer11.gif Thank you FacebookCharlie, I did not expect that. I will put them to good use. I have a few elderly friends that I play Pitch with on Thursdays at the Senior Center that will enjoy your thoughtfulness very much!
Anytime!!! camera.gif magnifier.gif cheerleading.gif beer11.gif elf2.gif
Quote from: hocky on October 13, 2009, 08:15:00 PM
ohhhhh by the way...I have been scouting the Coke rewards website every day to see if there are any new items to spend my points on. There is this cool looking MP3 player...Its 4 GB.....plays video and music and has an FM tuner in it also.
I know nothing about these gadgets and wanted some input as to whether or not anyone think it is worth it. Is 4 GB pretty standard ( i know there are IPODS that have 8 and 30 gb)...but I did a little google search and if I am looking at this particular brand and model correctly..it retails for around 50 bucks.
I can't speak for IPODS personally but I can tell you about the MP3 player I have-
I got a SanDisk Sansa Clip 1 GB MP3 Player off amazon.com as a gift about a month ago. Have to get a pair of decent headphones for it, but on amazon new ones of this brand is selling for $28 (plus free shipping!!) Can't use itunes with it, but can use rhapsody music (can still upload cds to it and buy songs from them-works very much like itunes and songs cost about the same price.)
The 1gb Sandisk player holds about 200 songs (though there are models that can hold more songs and plays music videos) and has an FM radio and microphone/ recorder with playback built into it and a clip on the back to attach to your pants, belt, shirt-whatever.
It's really not a bad player-and for it's size (little bigger than an ipod shuffle) it's pretty dang powerful. Can't compare it to an IPOD as I wouldn't know but...if I had the money to go out and buy one of these I would. I think it's a high quality cheaper altertive to IPODs...but then again I wouldn't know. Just my 2 cents. Listen to it all the time.
Quote from: hocky on October 13, 2009, 08:15:00 PM
ohhhhh by the way...I have been scouting the Coke rewards website every day to see if there are any new items to spend my points on. There is this cool looking MP3 player...Its 4 GB.....plays video and music and has an FM tuner in it also.
I know nothing about these gadgets and wanted some input as to whether or not anyone think it is worth it. Is 4 GB pretty standard ( i know there are IPODS that have 8 and 30 gb)...but I did a little google search and if I am looking at this particular brand and model correctly..it retails for around 50 bucks.
I saw that Big Lots has this same item in their sale flyer for the sale that starts Sunday. This is a good chance to check it out in person if you have a Big Lots near you.
Hi, gang.
I've won a 90 day membership at 24 Hour Fitness. There are none in my area and I'm willing to trade for coke rewards. I need 90 points to get something I'd like. If you're interested, please PM me. Thanks and good luck, all!
I have 125 coke points I need 10 pogo codes for my mom and brother Thanks beer11.gif
Quote from: ladygirl99 on October 18, 2009, 11:15:46 AM
I have 125 coke points I need 10 pogo codes for my mom and brother Thanks beer11.gif
I would love to trade with u...but your inbox is full
Quote from: ladygirl99 on October 18, 2009, 11:15:46 AM
I have 125 coke points I need 10 pogo codes for my mom and brother Thanks beer11.gif
Before you can trade you need to make 25 or more posts in order to send/receive PM's here. Thats why people are getting your inbox is full.
Dang I need 485 more points so I thought I'd check on ebay...heck everything else sells there, but alas none sad.gif
I'll keep spinning for a few more hours but I haven't actually gotten any in days.
Quote from: who me? on October 18, 2009, 04:42:58 PM
Dang I need 485 more points so I thought I'd check on ebay...heck everything else sells there, but alas none sad.gif
I'll keep spinning for a few more hours but I haven't actually gotten any in days.
I wish I could transfer my points to you, WhoMe?.
Quote from: who me? on October 18, 2009, 04:42:58 PM
Dang I need 485 more points so I thought I'd check on ebay...heck everything else sells there, but alas none sad.gif
I'll keep spinning for a few more hours but I haven't actually gotten any in days.
You can have my 125 coke Pt's that I won today.
I don't do coke! giggle2.gif
Check your PM
Getting dizzy from spinning -- some Pogo passes, but looking for Coke Rewards.... Tough to come by on the last day -- maybe they're all gone... crying10.gif Still trying....
Quote from: Squid on October 18, 2009, 04:52:11 PM
I wish I could transfer my points to you, WhoMe?.
Thank You Squidly I know you would embrace.gif, I'm still spinning though maybe with some luck I'll hit 500
Quote from: ing10 on October 18, 2009, 04:59:02 PM
You can have my 125 coke Pt's that I won today.
I don't do coke! giggle2.gif
Check your PM
Ahhh ing10 Thank You hun embrace.gif I'll use them if your sure your not going too, but they have 1 year magazine subscriptions you might like if you look. If you decide to use them thats fine its not like I NEED what I'm after. If you decide not to then Thank You oh so much embrace.gif
Do you need pogo codes ing10? I'm not getting many but 1 or 2 a name but your more than welcome to them tumbsup.gif
I don't do coke either giggle2.gif
I'm spent. Got three more pogo codes added them to my step dads account and got 125 coke points and added them.
Thank you ALL who sent me coke points. Your going to help me make my kid's Christmas day great with a trip to the movies. I'm still 3 movie passes short but I can get a lot of points from my coworkers.
Thank you all once again!!
I think Homer and Mayhem deserve a very cold case of Duff Beer, fresh donuts and a hamburger.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been so kind as to share their winnings of the my coke rewards points with me. It brings a tear to my eye that so many people that I do not know very well have opened their hearts and given me such a gift 6_6.gif....and also to those that I have traded pogo passes for the coke points, you all are truly remarkable people and I am honored to be a member of this forum.
Between winning points on the subway game and trading and also receiving gifts from those of you that were gracious with me embrace.gif inlove1.gif , I am able to give my son enough days at the movies to really make him smile dance11.gif tumbsup.gif Xmas Tree. Again, I am truly blessed to know such a wonderful group of individuals, their friends and families.
I thank you all and wish you all the best and happiness. carolers.gif xmas6.gif
FacebookCharlie beer11.gif elf2.gif
Quote from: FacebookCharlie on October 18, 2009, 09:54:29 PM
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been so kind as to share their winnings of the my coke rewards points with me. It brings a tear to my eye that so many people that I do not know very well have opened their hearts and given me such a gift and also to those that I have traded pogo passes for the coke points, you all are truly remarkable people and I am honored to be a member of this forum.
Between winning points on the subway game and trading and also receiving gifts from those of you that were gracious with me , I am able to give my son enough days at the movies to really make him smile . Again, I am truly blessed to know such a wonderful group of individuals, their friends and families.
I thank you all and wish you all the best and happiness.
Your other post said:
Well all I can say is "Thank god this game is over with!!! It was fun, but now I'm glad I can finally get some sleep !!!" It was fun and I had a blast playing and sharing with everyone on this thread!!! My totals for the end of the game are: 1418 3-month club pogo passes won (354 years 6 months worth) ----- 1411 given away to family, friends and folks on this thread (352 years); 4 dead codes; 3 not received or even sent by Subway (don't have the foggiest clue as to why--very random)-----5 500-pts MCR; 26 125-pts MCR; 2 SCRABBLE Apple Games; 2 90-day 24-hour Fitness memberships; 1 $50 CHAMPS Sports gift card.
To me, this was truly an amazing winning streak, I hope you all had a similar experience.
That means your winnings from your own spins included a total of 5,750 Coke Reward Points?? And how many were given to you?
That means your winnings from your own spins included a total of 5,750 Coke Reward Points?? And how many were given to you?
Well, a few we given, but mostly people traded with me for the pogo passes....I have a few folks who sent the MCRas gifts, but I also thanked them and sent them pogo passes for themselves and others, but I haven't got the exact amount. All the MCR's that I have were going towards the AMC movie tickets for my son. I've been laid off from my job now for 17 months and just don't have the funds for any sort of Christmas. That's all. But I am sorry, I don't have that total for you.
Wow, mega award points!
Sorry to hear about the job situation. I hear that more and more these days, as do we all, I suppose, and I hope that it all turns around for you soon. Tell your son that if he needs a date for the movies, Stinky is available and she'll buy the popcorn. She's nice that way. popcorn2.gif popcorn2.gif popcorn2.gif
Quote from: FacebookCharlie on October 19, 2009, 06:16:28 AM
That means your winnings from your own spins included a total of 5,750 Coke Reward Points?? And how many were given to you?
Well, a few we given, but mostly people traded with me for the pogo passes....I have a few folks who sent the MCRas gifts, but I also thanked them and sent them pogo passes for themselves and others, but I haven't got the exact amount. All the MCR's that I have were going towards the AMC movie tickets for my son. I've been laid off from my job now for 17 months and just don't have the funds for any sort of Christmas. That's all. But I am sorry, I don't have that total for you.
I so feel for you about the lay off. I was making $19 an hour at my old job. Then one day....well 1/3 of the company got laid off when the new CEO took over. Three days after he took over 1/3 (about 215 of us) of us got lovely parting gifts. Our last paycheck through the end of the day, all our vacation pay and sick day cashed out in a separate check, health insurance paid through the end of the month (8 days.....) 2 hours to pack our desks and an escort from company security to our cars.
That was 10 months ago. Thank Gawd I didn't wait and signed up hubby, me and the kids on our states low income health insurance plan that week because they stopped taking applications a week after I sent in our application.
So far the only work I've been able to find has been summer work at 6 flags-that job ended right after labor day-the state fair (lasted 22 days) and now I'm working at a local dollar tree. All the jobs I've had since then have paid minimum wage, and the job I have now (was hired as a temp through Christmas, my last day is Dec 30th) os just a few pennies over minimum wage.
I'm still collecting unemployment. I hate it!!! Hubby's on disability and his whole check goes to rent. With what I make working part time and what little I'm getting in unemployment stinks. Thankfully we're careful with our money and not in danger of loosing our home, both cars are paid off along with my student loans and we didn't have any credit card debt when I got laid off. It's been tough.
My paycheck and what little I get in unemployment is gone completely about 3 days before I receive either check. Something is always coming up. Buying all the supplies my kids needed to go back to school really killed us.
So I feel your pain-I really do.
But I am proud to say I was/am a Goodwill, thrift shop, Dollar Tree shopper before it was cool to be one!! :)
My coke codes supply has pretty much vanished. I guess someone else beats me to them. :( Its also a bummer that the work place now has free soda in CUPS. So no one brings their own anymore. :(
Its going to take forever to get the final 200 points, to reach 2,000.
Quote from: bullseye on October 19, 2009, 09:24:47 AM
My coke codes supply has pretty much vanished. I guess someone else beats me to them. :( Its also a bummer that the work place now has free soda in CUPS. So no one brings their own anymore. :(
Its going to take forever to get the final 200 points, to reach 2,000.
I guess your only option is like me-to go out and buy soda yourself. If you don't want to drink the stuff pawn it off on the local food bank. I know ours takes anything.
What are you working towards thats 2000 points?
Quote from: Squid on October 19, 2009, 07:06:27 AM
Wow, mega award points!
Sorry to hear about the job situation. I hear that more and more these days, as do we all, I suppose, and I hope that it all turns around for you soon. Tell your son that if he needs a date for the movies, Stinky is available and she'll buy the popcorn. She's nice that way. popcorn2.gif popcorn2.gif popcorn2.gif
giggle2.gif I'll let him know, thanks!!! embrace.gif
Quote from: roadwarrior on October 19, 2009, 09:09:10 AM
I so feel for you about the lay off. I was making $19 an hour at my old job. Then one day....well 1/3 of the company got laid off when the new CEO took over. Three days after he took over 1/3 (about 215 of us) of us got lovely parting gifts. Our last paycheck through the end of the day, all our vacation pay and sick day cashed out in a separate check, health insurance paid through the end of the month (8 days.....) 2 hours to pack our desks and an escort from company security to our cars.
That was 10 months ago. Thank Gawd I didn't wait and signed up hubby, me and the kids on our states low income health insurance plan that week because they stopped taking applications a week after I sent in our application.
So far the only work I've been able to find has been summer work at 6 flags-that job ended right after labor day-the state fair (lasted 22 days) and now I'm working at a local dollar tree. All the jobs I've had since then have paid minimum wage, and the job I have now (was hired as a temp through Christmas, my last day is Dec 30th) os just a few pennies over minimum wage.
I'm still collecting unemployment. I hate it!!! Hubby's on disability and his whole check goes to rent. With what I make working part time and what little I'm getting in unemployment stinks. Thankfully we're careful with our money and not in danger of loosing our home, both cars are paid off along with my student loans and we didn't have any credit card debt when I got laid off. It's been tough.
My paycheck and what little I get in unemployment is gone completely about 3 days before I receive either check. Something is always coming up. Buying all the supplies my kids needed to go back to school really killed us.
So I feel your pain-I really do.
But I am proud to say I was/am a Goodwill, thrift shop, Dollar Tree shopper before it was cool to be one!! :)
I appreciate and feel for you too. After 2000+ applications filled out, 850+ resume's sent out and numerous job fairs, online job fairs and friends trying to help a friend out....there is just NOTHING in my area for jobs....I've been contemplating going back on the road driving truck. But I have a lot of med problems and my back & neck are just shot.....I don't know, but this game gave me something good to think about...AND it was fun sharing all the pogo passes with everyone!!! tumbsup.gif
I hope it works out for you.....Something better HAS to come around, eh?
Take care,
FacebookCharlie beer11.gif
Quote from: Squid on October 19, 2009, 07:06:27 AM
Wow, mega award points!
Sorry to hear about the job situation. I hear that more and more these days, as do we all, I suppose, and I hope that it all turns around for you soon. Tell your son that if he needs a date for the movies, Stinky is available and she'll buy the popcorn. She's nice that way. popcorn2.gif popcorn2.gif popcorn2.gif
I am nice, but I am also picky. Unless he looks like the hunk-o-man in my siggy, he need not apply. girl5.gif
hello everyone how is everyones night im new to the site cheerleading.gif
i do the coke rewards points im in need of some points if anyone has any they can spare that would be awsome of you if you dont thanks anyway and have a wonderful night
lucy --- if you're like me --- I have taken to dumpster diving as a new hobby. My daughter thinks I've gone off the deep end! lol hysterical.gif She just doesn't get it - young whippersnapper!
Quote from: Stinkerbell on October 19, 2009, 03:53:49 PM
I am nice, but I am also picky. Unless he looks like the hunk-o-man in my siggy, he need not apply. girl5.gif
Sorry Stinky, he's only 15, he's
NOT quite up to those standards that you've set....but I'll let him down easy for you giggle2.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif shy12.gif slap1.gif low blow.gif
Awww, be nice Stinky, I bet he's cute.
Quote from: FacebookCharlie on October 20, 2009, 05:53:02 AM
Sorry Stinky, he's only 15, he's NOT quite up to those standards that you've set....but I'll let him down easy for you giggle2.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif shy12.gif slap1.gif low blow.gif
Gadzooooooooks! I little too young for my tastes. hysterical.gif hysterical.gif Yeah, let him down REAL easy and don't mention my name, screen name, or anything about me. hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
Coo coo ca-choo
Quote from: Squid on October 20, 2009, 03:04:54 PM
Coo coo ca-choo
I look NOTHING like Mrs. Robinson, thank you very much.
Quote from: Stinkerbell on October 20, 2009, 03:03:49 PM
Gadzooooooooks! I little too young for my tastes. hysterical.gif hysterical.gif Yeah, let him down REAL easy and don't mention my name, screen name, or anything about me. hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif ok hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
A co worker brought in a bag of 32 caps for me today to enter. Still got 15 or so more to enter....whew.
I thanked her tons.
When she was asked why she had so many bottle caps she said they were for the stores resident coke addict (made it sound like I was doing drugs but we knew she was just kidding about it) and man did the boss give me the weirdest look!!
Quote from: roadwarrior on October 20, 2009, 07:23:57 PM
A co worker brought in a bag of 32 caps for me today to enter. Still got 15 or so more to enter....whew.
I thanked her tons.
When she was asked why she had so many bottle caps she said they were for the stores resident coke addict (made it sound like I was doing drugs but we knew she was just kidding about it) and man did the boss give me the weirdest look!!
hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif coke addict hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif sniff sniff hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
Quote from: psmint on October 19, 2009, 08:01:04 PM
lucy --- if you're like me --- I have taken to dumpster diving as a new hobby. My daughter thinks I've gone off the deep end! lol hysterical.gif She just doesn't get it - young whippersnapper!
omg rofl ugghhhh im not dumpster diveing hysterical.gif
Unfortunately I don't drink sodas and my resident Coke addict at work does the MCR sad.gif Hopefully someone will have a Phillies or Penn State party by this weekend..... Only thing is - I have to get there before the trash truck comes along! panic button.gif
panic button.gif someone talked about the kewl binoculars
I am Trying to get the 2100 Coke points..I have like 1100++
it's gonna be a rough road with 2-3 caps a week...LoL
cheesy.gif...But it will happen!!
G'day all!!
Steak anyone?! and I'm not talking about all of the beefcake here! Omaha steak is having a big sale - 19.99 for lots of great steaks. You can use MCR to get $10-$20 off the price -- 560 points - $20 Omaha card - 19.99= free. All you have to pay is the shipping. i.e. 4 filet mignons for $13.99 --- yummmmm! If you happen to have an Omaha steak place near you -- no shipping --- even better! wow.gif Free food -- can't beat that with a stick!
cheerleading.gif Just won 25 pts in McD's Monopoly.......more than I won in the Subway game dancing16.gif
dang arnie...you are doing better than me on mcd's game...i have entered 38 codes so far and i got nuttin! swear2.gif
I am surprised, we don't visit McD's much....just did a drive thru to get the dogs a large fries after their trip to the Vet. Doesn't say much for my dogs eating habits does it, but they do like their fries, lol.
I an understand the pups wanting their fries. Years ago I had a cat that when we went to Micky D's we had to get her an order for herself or we would not get any. blowkisses.gif
My Brother Had a dog that liked McD CheeseBurgers..
My brother would open the wrapper and set Burger on
the floor.the dog would remove the Pickle and chow
down on the Burger...and not make a mess..
Gotta love pets
Good Day All
FacebookCharlie & psmint you too are just too funny. ive had my laugh for today. hysterical.gif Do you really go to dumpsters?? hehe Oh by the way, where is this new game freom McDonalds at?
As a non-soda drinker -- I've gotta get caps where I can. For me that means the nearby dumpsters and there doesn't seem to be a lot of Coke people living here. C'mon people - help an old lady out!! swear2.gif Tip #1 for dumpster diving: always take trash with you to dumpster - you don't look quite as obvious whistle.gif
Tip #2: Pull a clean trash bag over your head and make arm and head holes. Wear it into the dumpster so when you start climbing in, you'll look like you belong.
Just kidding around with ya, minty.
Quote from: psmint on October 26, 2009, 07:13:03 AM
As a non-soda drinker -- I've gotta get caps where I can. For me that means the nearby dumpsters and there doesn't seem to be a lot of Coke people living here. C'mon people - help an old lady out!! swear2.gif Tip #1 for dumpster diving: always take trash with you to dumpster - you don't look quite as obvious whistle.gif
ok i took the advice for dumster diveing and guess what i got in return the man across the street from me rott chaseing me go figure im not fighting no rott for coke lids lmaoooooooooo next time i will tie a steak to a peaice of string here puppy puppy diablo.gif
Must be some newbie dumpster divers here!! hysterical.gif Full-size garbage bags, hip waders & gloves are a must. Mask optional - Halloween is just around the corner no one will give it a second thought!! As for the rott -- gotta be prepared.... always take a spare piece of meat with you for the varmits and unknowns (rott). Always throw meat in opposite direction of the dumpster -- that should buy you some time!!
Practice, practice, practice! Much more challenging and rewarding than just buying a soda and keeping the lid! Think of the calories you can burn running from the rott!! tumbsup.gif
Quote from: psmint on October 26, 2009, 06:30:14 PM
Must be some newbie dumpster divers here!! hysterical.gif Full-size garbage bags, hip waders & gloves are a must. Mask optional - Halloween is just around the corner no one will give it a second thought!! As for the rott -- gotta be prepared.... always take a spare piece of meat with you for the varmits and unknowns (rott). Always throw meat in opposite direction of the dumpster -- that should buy you some time!!
Practice, practice, practice! Much more challenging and rewarding than just buying a soda and keeping the lid! Think of the calories you can burn running from the rott!! tumbsup.gif
lmaoooooo im going dumpster diveing with you and you can be my look out ((( dumpster queens)))))) hysterical.gif
Speaking of dumpster diving, I got the perfect gift for the dumpster diver or the dumpster diver wannabe:
http://www.amazon.com/dp/1559500883/ (http://www.amazon.com/dp/1559500883/)
http://www.amazon.com/Dumpster-Diving-Advanced-Peoples-Publicity/dp/158160369X/ref=pd_cp_b_2 (http://www.amazon.com/Dumpster-Diving-Advanced-Peoples-Publicity/dp/158160369X/ref=pd_cp_b_2)
Who would have thought a book like that exists?
Crud!!! So much for me being able to write a book on dumpster diving and making a few bucks! rolleyes.gif
Keep in mind that it is illegal to dumpster dive almost anywhere. We used to go to the carpet store dumpsters years ago to get the carpet samples and would make patchwork throw rugs to sell at the swapmeet and once I had my kids in the car as I pulled them out and the police came by, They ticketed me for theft (thrown out when I explained) and threatened to take my kids to Child Protective Services. Made me stop my dumpster diving quick. Someone elses trash.......is exactly that - theirs.
Yes dumpster diving is illegal in my area, but picking up the trash on people's tree lawns is not. It amazes me on trash day how many people cruise the neighborhoods early in the morning. I pitched a chair and table, and it was picked up in minutes, I laughed watching the people trying to stuff it in their car.
When we were moving we had several yard sales. Some of the used treasures just wouldn't sell. So, we sat things by the curb with and every single thing got picked up. We didn't even wait til trash day! I wonder if anyone took the stuff thinking they might be stealing.
I worked for police agencies in OK and also IN...dumpster diving was not illegal and the officers would not cite the individuals unless the property owner was willing to come down and sign a complaint of trespassing. Most owners will not. As an operator, it was my job to tell the callers that the diver was doing nothing wrong...items thrown away no longer 'belong' to you. You have already expressed that you no longer want it.
I am amazed at some of the stupid laws out there--outlawing dumpster diving has to be up there! It is environmentally friendly...I would think CA would be all over that!
Quote from: triviamaven on October 27, 2009, 05:32:41 PM
I am amazed at some of the stupid laws out there--outlawing dumpster diving has to be up there! It is environmentally friendly...I would think CA would be all over that!
Please, we can't even keep the Governor's wife from a criminal act.
I ordered 6 silver AMC movie tickets today! YEA!!!
I have a whole 37 whopping mycokepoints left.
ooohhh wow.
Not even enough to get a magainze. At least our christmas day movie is safe.
Now to stock up my large purse with Dollar Store/walmart movie candy between now and then.
I got my 12 pack cooler yesterday from Coke Rewards. It's perfectly fine but hardly seemed worth the reward points. There wasn't much else I could get, though. Between the cooler and the binoculars, I'm a happy girl. I hope everyone else is happy with their rewards.
Today is double Diet Coke rewards day. I logged a couple of codes in this morning, however instead of giving me 6 points - I was only credited with 3 points each. sad.gif Called them and they credited the account. Told me to call back if it happens any more...
Diet Coke still not doubling points so I called back. The woman said the double offer is for "select MCR members"! I cried foul, but guess that's the way they want to run things... swear2.gif
Quote from: roadwarrior on October 28, 2009, 03:57:30 AM
I ordered 6 silver AMC movie tickets today! YEA!!!
I have a whole 37 whopping mycokepoints left.
ooohhh wow.
Not even enough to get a magainze. At least our christmas day movie is safe.
Now to stock up my large purse with Dollar Store/walmart movie candy between now and then.
I saw lots of Sweepstakes things you could enter. They were like 2 points per entry or something like that.
Quote from: Stinkerbell on October 28, 2009, 09:40:06 AM
I saw lots of Sweepstakes things you could enter. They were like 2 points per entry or something like that.
I'm going to hang on to them. One of my coworkers gave me a plastic shopping bag half full of coke points. Going to take me 2-3 weeks to enter them all because of the stupid 150 point limit crap.
From what I can tell she gave me about 340 some coke points.
I am still holding out for a last minute BIG "got to have" prize before the whole promotion ends. I have enough points to get the highest available item they have, I just dont need or want what they have available right now. I was thinking I shoulda got the MP3 player before they went out of stock, but I have a sirius satellite radio in my car, so I can listen to commercial free music anytime I want and don't have to take up any time (or money) to upload music that I may want to listen to.
C'mon coke rewards, give the people what we really want instead of lame plastic coolers that you can but at Wallyworld for under 20 bucks!
I have a free 30 day membership for www.gamefly.com (http://www.gamefly.com)
They rent video games through the mail like netflix does the movies.
They have games for most systems.
If you would like the gift code let me know. The offer is only good for new accounts. So you would have to create an account then apply the code.
Quote from: Homer on October 29, 2009, 06:29:08 AM
I have a free 30 day membership for www.gamefly.com (http://www.gamefly.com)
They rent video games through the mail like netflix does the movies.
They have games for most systems.
If you would like the gift code let me know. The offer is only good for new accounts. So you would have to create an account then apply the code.
We had GameFly years ago and it was pretty awesome. My son keeps asking to renew it, but he doesn't want to pay the monthly fee. nono.gif
Quote from: Stinkerbell on October 29, 2009, 07:53:24 AM
We had GameFly years ago and it was pretty awesome. My son keeps asking to renew it, but he doesn't want to pay the monthly fee. nono.gif
Love the concept of gamefly.
Had the service for about 3 months earlier this year. And frankly, it was horrible.
I don't know if this was system wide, affecting only a few people or if it was just my account they were out to get-
Took 7-10 days for a game to get to me on average. I'd send a game back and if I was lucky enough for them to acknowledge getting the game back (50% of the time I had to report the game missing 6-7 days after I mailed it to them) it would take them 5-7 days to mail me the next game on my list and then another 3-5 days to get it. I reported one disk lost in the mail-I swore up and down I mailed it. reported it lost in the mail.
Just last week-4 months after I canceled the subscription, I get an email from them saying the post office just delivered my "lost" disk even though I know for a fact I mailed it back 4 months earlier.
So gamefly left a bad taste in my mouth.
netflix, on the other hand-Netflix rocks.
My poor netflix account used so much poor thing's worn out and we're still using it like mad.
I found a new source for Coke caps -- the dumpster at work!! I had just been checking the recycling in my small area at work -- however found that the entire building goes to a central location!!! The guy there informed me that the 2 recycling cans are full on Tuesdays. This could be fun!! beer11.gif
If anyone has anymore pogo codes please pm me I have 125 coke points up for trade let me know thanks .
I have several passes i'll trade for sum coke points. email me at
<admin edit: please don't post email addy in public>
wuffie tumbsup.gif
Quote from: roadwarrior on October 29, 2009, 08:17:03 AM
Love the concept of gamefly.
Had the service for about 3 months earlier this year. And frankly, it was horrible.
I don't know if this was system wide, affecting only a few people or if it was just my account they were out to get-
Took 7-10 days for a game to get to me on average. I'd send a game back and if I was lucky enough for them to acknowledge getting the game back (50% of the time I had to report the game missing 6-7 days after I mailed it to them) it would take them 5-7 days to mail me the next game on my list and then another 3-5 days to get it. I reported one disk lost in the mail-I swore up and down I mailed it. reported it lost in the mail.
Just last week-4 months after I canceled the subscription, I get an email from them saying the post office just delivered my "lost" disk even though I know for a fact I mailed it back 4 months earlier.
So gamefly left a bad taste in my mouth.
netflix, on the other hand-Netflix rocks.
My poor netflix account used so much poor thing's worn out and we're still using it like mad.
I have been using them for around 5 years and rarely have an issue. About a year ago I was having trouble getting my games but it turns out the main post office here was destroying and re-routing mail rather than deliver it. It was a big scandal here and once the problem was exposed delivery times went back to normal in 2-3 days.
Quote from: Homer on October 29, 2009, 01:31:35 PM
I have been using them for around 5 years and rarely have an issue. About a year ago I was having trouble getting my games but it turns out the main post office here was destroying and re-routing mail rather than deliver it. It was a big scandal here and once the problem was exposed delivery times went back to normal in 2-3 days.
Ahh we had a scandal here but it was with netflix.
We watch them as fast as we can and send them back-we're on the 4 at a time plan here and go through about 13-15 disks a month. 4-5 disks a week.
Our problems started when over half the envelops we got looked like they had been chewed up and spit out by some postal machine and at the worst point we were getting only 1-2 movies a week and having to report 3-4 a week missing.
I was afraid Netflix was going to call us up and ask what were we doing with the movies, eating them?
According to the news reports, Netflix launched an investigation with the help of the USPS regarding one specific post office and determined that two postal workers were stealing netflix DVDs.
After they were fired by the post office and arrested things were back to normal about a week after that.