i got a question.... hoiw can you find out how many times someone has been reported... someone was talking about it in a room tonight.. and i was curious as to how that can be found out. i didn't ask in there.. i don't talk in lobbies. but it would be very intersting to know since i have a HORRIBLE stalker problem.
I dont think you can........how do you have a stalker problem when you can easily block everybody except people on your friends list to see where you are?
someone that keeps making different names.. it is insane
It doesn't matter what names someone makes up....you can block EVERYBODY that is NOT on your friend's list. So it is impossible for someone to stalk you.
Also.....do not go to your "usual" game rooms where this person has spotted you before. Play in a different room..one that you never play in so they won't know where you are.
Also, if you turn off chat, then there is no temptation to reply. tumbsup.gif
that was my last question i'll ask here. sorry don't spend all my time on pogo. i play tourneys and that is where it happened. and has continued for 6 months now. so as for your blocking everyone and so on. i am well aware of the in's and out's. all i asked was a simple question and didn't need a lesson in pogo. wow. ya'll have a good day.
why all the anger? We were only being honest.
Click on your friends list. At the bottom of the screen, it says something to the affect of show blocked players list. Click there. Then on the next screen, theres a box at the bottom of the blocked players list that says "Show my current location to players on my Friends List only." Make that box is checkmarked. Go to your guest book and click on guest book settings. Choose your setting and hit save settings.
That way no matter how many names this person creates, your stalker friend can't find you.
Word of advice from someone who's had a pogo stalker or two-If by some chance, fate, coincidence-whatever you want to call it-they do somehow find you-hit the mute button and let them make a fool of themselves without drawing you into it.
I don't know how much simpler we can make it really and that's the God's honest truth. Don't understand why your getting so pissy about it.
Quote from: shoppingforme on October 14, 2009, 12:20:00 PM
that was my last question i'll ask here. sorry don't spend all my time on pogo. i play tourneys and that is where it happened. and has continued for 6 months now. so as for your blocking everyone and so on. i am well aware of the in's and out's. all i asked was a simple question and didn't need a lesson in pogo. wow. ya'll have a good day.
I think somebody needs a chill pill.
and i think that is u.. don't try to flame me it won't work. was no anger. made a simple statement. i asked a simple question and got what i got. period. now if u'd like to turn it into something other than that.. go right ahead..ull be talking to yourself. and once again since u must not be able to read. i said that i know all of what you said.. since u could not have read the thread, that had already been explained. and had NOTHING to do with the question i asked. and the only one getting "pissy" is u. must have nothing better else to do than to try and create trouble. bless you heart. this discussion is over. i will certainly never ask a simple question again. it seems there are some that don't understand what they read.
Quote from: shoppingforme on October 14, 2009, 12:20:00 PM
that was my last question i'll ask here. sorry don't spend all my time on pogo. i play tourneys and that is where it happened. and has continued for 6 months now. so as for your blocking everyone and so on. i am well aware of the in's and out's. all i asked was a simple question and didn't need a lesson in pogo. wow. ya'll have a good day.
I've been around here a long time and honestly, the people here are only trying to help. Honest. Your question was specific to handling a stalker, I think, so the answers were specific to that. Nothing was said about belonging to a league until later in the thread after the advice was handed out. Unfortunately, sometimes, as in your case where you don't want or can't block everyone, there's nothing you can do other than report said stalker to Pogo.
I'd love to know how you're able to play in tourneys without talking in the lobbys. I stopped doing them because you always seem to HAVE to chat.
Must be a full moon rolleyes.gif
anger issues plus a blue moon
whatever.... nothing like dealing with morons.... end of discussion. my last post. it is evident what this board is about. can't even read simple english. so chose to flame. i could care less.. good bye. people were right about this board.
Obviously I must have missed something. undecided.gif
Quote from: shoppingforme on October 14, 2009, 12:20:00 PM
that was my last question i'll ask here. sorry don't spend all my time on pogo. i play tourneys and that is where it happened. and has continued for 6 months now. so as for your blocking everyone and so on. i am well aware of the in's and out's. all i asked was a simple question and didn't need a lesson in pogo. wow. ya'll have a good day.
Why the hostility? You mentioned you had a horrible stalker problem and the users here were just trying to help you out.
Quote from: shoppingforme on October 14, 2009, 12:20:00 PM
that was my last question i'll ask here. sorry don't spend all my time on pogo. i play tourneys and that is where it happened. and has continued for 6 months now. so as for your blocking everyone and so on. i am well aware of the in's and out's. all i asked was a simple question and didn't need a lesson in pogo. wow. ya'll have a good day.
Dear Shoppingforme
Well, I guess it is time to play "Deconstruct the rant". I feel slightly offended that I offered help and instead of "thank you" or "so nice to try, but it did not answer my question", my buds and I are punished for offering help. We get rude behavior from you for our efforts.
Here goes:
"That was my last question I'll ask here." People were honestly trying to help you. We cannot read minds, therefore, sometimes we answer the question we see written on the screen. All of us Pogo Cheaters have been reported. We have all been stalked. We did not like it. We learned lessons from it and want to share. We are a group of people that is very open to new people. We give them the benefit of the doubt over and over.
"Sorry don't spend all my time on pogo." What is the purpose of this sentence? I do not spend ANY time on Pogo, I have cheat programs that do it for me. My cheat programs run 24/7. Are you insulting us? Are you demeaning us? Is it wrong that my hobby is running cheat programs on Pogo? Are you better than others because you play tournaments?
"I play tourneys and that is where it happened. and has continued for 6 months now." I did not know this early on, but I can see where this causes problems. Tournaments usually require you to chat so you can report your scores. Tournaments like to see your profile, so they can check your stats. This is an issue that might cause you extra grief, since your stalker might know where you are more regularly. Your league should be able to assist you if someone is stalking you through the league.
"so as for your blocking everyone and so on. i am well aware of the in's and out's." Ok, you asked for help. Many people tried to help. Just because we did not answer the question you wanted answered (but did not write) does not give you the right to treat us this way. Your behavior is rude, demeaning and insulting. We have been wronged by your actions and we deserve an apology without excuses.
"all i asked was a simple question and didn't need a lesson in pogo. wow. ya'll have a good day." You are offended that people tried to help you? You asked a fairly vague question and did not get the exact answer you were looking for? Actually, despite the form of your question, you did receive an accurate answer. Hocky said "I do not think you can". We were informed later that you played tournaments, which might have narrowed down our responses.
In any case, your behavior has insulted me, even though it is slight, and you should apologize for your actions. Your actions are completely out of line for what people did trying to help you.
evidently you don't comprehend what you read. the question was, "DOES ANYONE KNOW IF YOU CAN FIND OUT HOW MANY TIMES SOMEONE HAS BEEN REPORTED", the stalker comment was simply a comment. not a QUESTION. it is not my fault you chose to not throroughly comprehend what you are reading. and the rest is history. i am done with this. it is simply not worth it. to sit and write a LETTER simply says all i need to know. it would be nice if u chose to cause such trouble that u take the time to read in completion first what was being asked. and in now way did i start this hostility. and as for the anger thing...u know what never mind. not worth the time.
Quote from: shoppingforme on October 14, 2009, 01:33:04 PM
whatever.... nothing like dealing with morons.... end of discussion. my last post. it is evident what this board is about. can't even read simple english. so chose to flame. i could care less.. good bye. people were right about this board.
If you can't block everyone because your in a tourny or whatever....when you realize said moron is in the room just mute said moron.
That's what the rest of us do.
That takes.....oh....I dunno...5 seconds at best??
Quote from: shoppingforme on October 14, 2009, 01:54:42 PM
evidently you don't comprehend what you read. the question was, "DOES ANYONE KNOW IF YOU CAN FIND OUT HOW MANY TIMES SOMEONE HAS BEEN REPORTED", the stalker comment was simply a comment. not a QUESTION. it is not my fault you chose to not throroughly comprehend what you are reading. and the rest is history. i am done with this. it is simply not worth it. to sit and write a LETTER simply says all i need to know. it would be nice if u chose to cause such trouble that u take the time to read in completion first what was being asked. and in now way did i start this hostility. and as for the anger thing...u know what never mind. not worth the time.
A question is followed by a question mark. It looks like this
?If you do not place a question mark at the end of your question, then it is implied that everything is part of your question.
Again, since you asked your "question" poorly, I personally had to guess what was part of your question and what was not part of your question. You continue to ATTACK others with your words and your actions instead of stepping back and looking how you treat us. Thanks for being so kind to us.
tongue.gif Wow, I always miss all the fun. I cannot see why you keep coming back with more of your mouth and throwing gasoline on the fire, IF you are done with the topic, thread and us, then leave! I cannot for the life of me figure out why you are being stalked, you are a very unpleasant person and rude period. Why do you need to check to see if someone has been reported or how many times?
When I first saw your question on here I was going to try to respond with humor and ask if you you were the stalker or stalkee, now I am glad I didn't bother. Get over yourself and stop shouting! We can read and we don't need any more of your immature behavior. If this is how you are going to act when you do ask a question, then please do as you said and don't ask anymore.
Everyone in here tries to help as much as they can with the information they are given. We are not mind readers and do not deserve your rant. I hope you will have a change of mind about visiting here, all of the people are nice, we just wanted to help, we did not create your situation, you did. End of story!
I tried to be nice and helpful. It doesn't come easy to me, and it's not something I do often, and this is the thanks I get? tongue.gif
Quote from: Joe C on October 14, 2009, 02:06:26 PM
A question is followed by a question mark. It looks like this ?
You're just a wellspring of information. embrace.gif
how bout this WHATEVER. A BUNCH OF SELF ABSORBED INTERNET LOSERS THAT HAVE COURAGE ONLY BEHIND A COMPUTER SCREEN. OMG. UNBELIEVABLE. DON'T WORRY...AS FAR AS ANSWERING BACK.. THIS IS A SITE FOR LOSERS THAT HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THEN FLAME OTHERS. MUST BE SAD WALKING IN YOUR LONELY SHOES. And to Homer, I do apologize. No disrespect was intended towards you or your site. And if you take the time and read the threads from the beginning, you will see how certain, i don't know what to call them, members act. And it is awfully funny it is only ones THAT LIVE ON HERE. poor things. bless their hearts.
Well .. I've heard enough. This is the thanks we get for trying to help someone out.
Goodbye shoppingforme.
Quote from: shoppingforme on October 14, 2009, 02:36:16 PM
how bout this WHATEVER. A BUNCH OF SELF ABSORBED INTERNET LOSERS THAT HAVE COURAGE ONLY BEHIND A COMPUTER SCREEN. OMG. UNBELIEVABLE. DON'T WORRY...AS FAR AS ANSWERING BACK.. THIS IS A SITE FOR LOSERS THAT HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THEN FLAME OTHERS. MUST BE SAD WALKING IN YOUR LONELY SHOES. And to Homer, I do apologize. No disrespect was intended towards you or your site. And if you take the time and read the threads from the beginning, you will see how certain, i don't know what to call them, members act. And it is awfully funny it is only ones THAT LIVE ON HERE. poor things. bless their hearts.
Sassy, she's shouting at you.
Quote from: Mayhem on October 14, 2009, 02:40:39 PM
Well .. I've heard enough. This is the thanks we get for trying to help someone out.
Goodbye shoppingforme.
Quote from: shoppingforme on October 14, 2009, 02:36:16 PM
how bout this WHATEVER. A BUNCH OF SELF ABSORBED INTERNET LOSERS THAT HAVE COURAGE ONLY BEHIND A COMPUTER SCREEN. OMG. UNBELIEVABLE. DON'T WORRY...AS FAR AS ANSWERING BACK.. THIS IS A SITE FOR LOSERS THAT HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THEN FLAME OTHERS. MUST BE SAD WALKING IN YOUR LONELY SHOES. And to Homer, I do apologize. No disrespect was intended towards you or your site. And if you take the time and read the threads from the beginning, you will see how certain, i don't know what to call them, members act. And it is awfully funny it is only ones THAT LIVE ON HERE. poor things. bless their hearts.
Where's my earplugs?
Homer/Mayham-please show this "person" the way out!!
If this "person" meant no disrespect, why all the anger, insults and shouting?
Guess I'm confused...???
It's already been taken care of tumbsup.gif
Does someone need an attitude adjustment? giggle2.gif
Quote from: ing10 on October 14, 2009, 02:49:07 PM
Does someone need an attitude adjustment? giggle2.gif
Maybe BadgeHelp has an auto for that?
Quote from: Mayhem on October 14, 2009, 02:47:49 PM
It's already been taken care of tumbsup.gif
cheerleading.gif beer11.gif
Quote from: Mayhem on October 14, 2009, 02:40:39 PM
Well .. I've heard enough. This is the thanks we get for trying to help someone out.
Goodbye shoppingforme.
shy12.gif You da MAN!!! blowkisses.gif
I admire you and Homer both for your tolerence and patience.
Everytime I see one of these people Mayhem I think about my grandfather and his razor strap. Did it ever touch my little behind? Nope, didn't have to. Did not touch his kids behinds more than once, no mouth, no drugs, no problems. Sure do miss him, he was fantastic.
Thanks for taking care of everything. You guys sure don't have it easy.
it's totally crazy that she didn't realize that she was being rude and basically blaming other people. people were trying to help her and because she thought it wasn't helpful she decides to be rude to everyone. what i don't get is why did she keep coming back to answer if she thinks this board is stupid. it seemed like a waste of time on her part to answer if she wasn't satisfied with what people were saying.
giggle2.gif I think she was trying to draw Stinky out of her shell.
Quote from: ~Sassy~ on October 14, 2009, 03:52:30 PM
giggle2.gif I think she was trying to draw Stinky out of her shell.
I am rather quiet and reserved. shy12.gif
Quote from: ~buttercup~ on October 14, 2009, 03:50:41 PM
it's totally crazy that she didn't realize that she was being rude and basically blaming other people. people were trying to help her and because she thought it wasn't helpful she decides to be rude to everyone. what i don't get is why did she keep coming back to answer if she thinks this board is stupid. it seemed like a waste of time on her part to answer if she wasn't satisfied with what people were saying.
How many times did she say "this is my last post?" I'm just askin'...
Quote from: Stinkerbell on October 14, 2009, 04:06:15 PM
How many times did she say "this is my last post?" I'm just askin'...
I miss him/her/it already. I love playing "Deconstruct the Rant". tumbsup.gif
Quote from: Joe C on October 14, 2009, 06:52:03 PM
I miss him/her/it already. I love playing "Deconstruct the Rant". tumbsup.gif
Perhaps it should be added to the Fun and Games board?
Quote from: Stinkerbell on October 14, 2009, 06:55:53 PM
Perhaps it should be added to the Fun and Games board?
Perhaps it should. I hit the REPORT button sometime around 2 p.m. eastern today. hysterical.gif
Seriously, yelling at me WITH BAD PUNCTUATION? swear2.gif
Quote from: Joe C on October 14, 2009, 06:57:23 PM
Perhaps it should. I hit the REPORT button sometime around 2 p.m. eastern today. hysterical.gif
Seriously, yelling at me WITH BAD PUNCTUATION? swear2.gif
The nerve! Poor Joe. embrace.gif
beer11.gif After readin this I need a drink I get the impression that the rude person was in fact a stalker trying to find out how many times they have been reported maybe I just see the devil in the details
Quote from: Stinkerbell on October 14, 2009, 06:58:47 PM
The nerve! Poor Joe. embrace.gif
I was so shook up about all of it! giggle2.gif
Quote from: roadwarrior on October 14, 2009, 12:22:02 PM
why all the anger?
She was just flustered that she was called on her 'blocking' ignorance. The best defense is a good offense. I don't care if you're in a tourney or regular room, you can always block someone from knowing where you are in Pogoville. Also, if it's tourney problem, she can alert the tourney administration (if the 'stalker' is taking part in the tourney).
And what was with all the illiteracy comments?
I don't get it. I think this one just loves drama and is an attention seeker.
I think this person got mad at me too because I told her when she realizes this moron/idiot/stalker is in the same room as her it takes all of 5 seconds, if that, to mute the crazy person.
But no...she made it sound like it was the end of the world.
Wow...see what going to work for 9 hours does for a day of posting! I missed out on all the drama..... vomit.gif
I sure wish I would have had the chance to respond to that ungrateful person. Joe and I were the only ones to respond to her question and she has the balls to say we were being RUDE???? OMFG! slap1.gif
Yanno, I went back and looked at all of her posts.....she sure was grateful for this site when the free pogo was being handed out.
Quote from: shoppingforme on September 27, 2009, 12:01:53 PM
My room mate was right...this is amazing site... i love the that it also talks about alot of other stuff other than pogo as well. she's on her puter and i am on mine goin nutzo!!! oh i looked at my message tab and the top and nothing is there. I might get to play the cool club games as well!! I am so hyped. is there anything i can do to contribute codes for you guys as well? I am willing to help out as well! tumbsup.gif
Quote from: shoppingforme on September 28, 2009, 10:59:16 AMI am still new here. so still learning the ropes of everything. I am having a bunch of fun on here. My brain is on information overload! Thanks in advance for the passes. Hope you are having a great monday! And I like the smiley' s they are grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooovey!!! girls21.gif
Quote from: shoppingforme on September 30, 2009, 12:29:25 PM
Hope everyone is doing good today... its a beautiful Wednesday!! Facebook Charlie you are right, and I will be stickin around also...
Well...........so much for her sticking around, eh? I mean.....BEFORE she got banned.... giggle2.gif
All I want to know is.....why didn't you slap her Homer? shocked.gif
Seriously though, I was in a league at one time. I was a TD, HTD and an Admin. As admin, I was called alot of times to handle situations like what she was describing. I would tell the players to all mute the person causing the problems. And it was usually the person being stalked that didn't want to mute them because they enjoyed the drama of answering back. Drama is the main reason I am not in any leagues. I have enough in the "real" world without creating more. I come to the computer to have fun, laugh and relax. I thoroughly enjoy this site and the people on it. Mayhem and Homer, you have done a wonderful job. My sense of humor is a little off sometimes I guess, so I hope none of you get ticked at me, but if you do....just tell me and I'll listen to you whine for a while b4 telling you to shut up! (j/k). Oh...one more thing. I haven't been here very long....still a newbie....haven't gotten close to anyone yet or really learned your personalities, but one thing I'm pretty sure of....Stinky? I don't believe you're reserved or quiet or any other synonyms of the like. tongue.gif
I've got enough drama in my real every day life.
Heck, if I want more I'll call up my ex husband who can't pay child support/hasn't paid a dime for his 13 yr old son we had together in 5 years but can afford the rent on a down town apartment ($2500 a month) and a lease on a new bently every 2-2 1/2 years and who paid for his young girl friends boob job with cash!!
oh well. Hubby and I are decorating our place for Halloween tomorrow.
I send the cranky person who started this thread some chill pills!!!
Quote from: roadwarrior on October 15, 2009, 01:05:12 AM
I've got enough drama in my real every day life.
Heck, if I want more I'll call up my ex husband who can't pay child support/hasn't paid a dime for his 13 yr old son we had together in 5 years but can afford the rent on a down town apartment ($2500 a month) and a lease on a new bently every 2-2 1/2 years and who paid for his young girl friends boob job with cash!!
oh well. Hubby and I are decorating our place for Halloween tomorrow.
I send the cranky person who started this thread some chill pills!!!
EEeeek! Unfortunately, your son is the one who pays that toll. Your ex seems to think that by providing for his offspring, he is REALLY just putting cash in the hand of his ex (with whom, I presume, the break-up was .... unfriendly). He doesn't view that money as putting a roof over his son's head or food in his belly. He just thinks he's padding his ex-wife's bank account. I hope you have the courts involved. Family court would be my first order of business. Sorry, I don't mean to tell you what to do. Good luck, RW.
Quote from: roadwarrior on October 15, 2009, 01:05:12 AM
and who paid for his young girl friends boob job with cash!!
He won't get custody of them babies either when he cashes her in for a newer model.
Quote from: alyaks on October 14, 2009, 10:35:44 PM
but one thing I'm pretty sure of....Stinky? I don't believe you're reserved or quiet or any other synonyms of the like. tongue.gif
gets it from blames it on me...... lipsrsealed.gif
Quote from: hocky on October 15, 2009, 05:30:06 AM
She gets it from blames it on me...... lipsrsealed.gif
We need a road map now. giggle2.gif
Quote from: Joe C on October 15, 2009, 05:44:53 AM
We need a road map now. giggle2.gif
slap1.gif slap1.gif slap1.gif blowkisses.gif
Quote from: hocky on October 15, 2009, 05:45:53 AM
slap1.gif slap1.gif slap1.gif blowkisses.gif
tease.gif hysterical.gif
Quote from: alyaks on October 14, 2009, 10:35:44 PM
but one thing I'm pretty sure of....Stinky? I don't believe you're reserved or quiet or any other synonyms of the like. tongue.gif
I'll have to work harder on my cover. giggle2.gif
Quote from: hocky on October 15, 2009, 05:30:06 AM
She gets it from blames it on me...... lipsrsealed.gif
I lernt from the best. embrace.gif
wow!!!!! alot can go on in just a few days. I read the post the first day but havent read any replies until today.
am i missing something? i thought she was asking for help for blocking a stalker.
i read all replies and everyone answered her post but then she just flips out her train runs off the track lol.
i dont understand why she was insulting everybody? when all u did was answer her ?
i think you all did a great job with the advice you gave her its a shame she couldnt see that.
Quote from: Squid on October 15, 2009, 04:17:11 AM
EEeeek! Unfortunately, your son is the one who pays that toll. Your ex seems to think that by providing for his offspring, he is REALLY just putting cash in the hand of his ex (with whom, I presume, the break-up was .... unfriendly). He doesn't view that money as putting a roof over his son's head or food in his belly. He just thinks he's padding his ex-wife's bank account. I hope you have the courts involved. Family court would be my first order of business. Sorry, I don't mean to tell you what to do. Good luck, RW.
as for my ex-screw him. I'm at the point I don't care anymore. My current hubby treats my kids as if they were his own flesh and blood and they call him dad. My kids refer to my ex (their real father) as sperm donor man. My hubby's been better to my kids in the 3 years we've been married (5 years together) than my ex ever did in the 12 years we were together.
As for the crazy lady from yesterday-I really, really, really really hope she found a chill pill. Or a straight jacket.
Quote from: Joe C on October 14, 2009, 06:57:23 PM
Perhaps it should. I hit the REPORT button sometime around 2 p.m. eastern today. hysterical.gif
Seriously, yelling at me WITH BAD PUNCTUATION? swear2.gif
And bad grammar and spelling.
Stupid is as stupid does Josie. embrace.gif
Flogging aka beating a dead horse comes to mind.......
Quote from: simplyaok on October 15, 2009, 07:39:45 PM
Flogging aka beating a dead horse comes to mind.......
Why, pray tell, would anyone do that? Poor, dead horse.
Quote from: simplyaok on October 15, 2009, 07:39:45 PM
Flogging aka beating a dead horse comes to mind.......
This thread stayed on topic for four more pages than we usually can do. cheerleading.gif
Quote from: Joe C on October 16, 2009, 06:02:20 AM
This thread stayed on topic for four more pages than we usually can do. cheerleading.gif
Does it count if a newbie does it?
Quote from: Joe C on October 16, 2009, 06:02:20 AM
This thread stayed on topic for four more pages than we usually can do. cheerleading.gif
The thread subject is "Being Reported" but doesn't limit us to what is being reported. So I am going to report that I got a tip stating that someone was flogging a dead horse.
Quote from: Stinkerbell on October 16, 2009, 07:49:33 AM
The thread subject is "Being Reported" but doesn't limit us to what is being reported. So I am going to report that I got a tip stating that someone was flogging a dead horse.
I am reporting everyone on this fifth page for sarcasm tumbsup.gif
Quote from: Joe C on October 16, 2009, 07:55:14 AM
I am reporting everyone on this fifth page for sarcasm tumbsup.gif
Sarcastic?? Moi??????????????????
Quote from: Joe C on October 16, 2009, 07:55:14 AM
I am reporting everyone on this fifth page for sarcasm tumbsup.gif
In that case I'm going to report you for reporting everyone
<insert more sarcasm here>
swear2.gif just because a girl wants to flog a dead horse doesn't warrant her to be reported.....geez!!! slap1.gif low blow.gif ass.gif
Quote from: FacebookCharlie on October 16, 2009, 08:17:24 AM
swear2.gif just because a girl wants to flog a dead horse doesn't warrant her to be reported.....geez!!! slap1.gif low blow.gif ass.gif
Ooohhhhhh, I agreeeeeeeeeee 100% rolleyes.gif (note the intended sarcasm)
I'm reporting Joe C for not letting me use Oxxford sad.gif
I keep trying to make a reply with poor grammar and punctuation, but I cannot hit the post button. tumbsup.gif
Quote from: Stinkerbell on October 16, 2009, 08:39:44 AM
Ooohhhhhh, I agreeeeeeeeeee 100% rolleyes.gif (note the intended sarcasm)
hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif giggle2.gif giggle2.gif giggle2.gif make her stop....I'm going to pee myself..... hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
Quote from: FacebookCharlie on October 16, 2009, 11:49:19 AM
hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif giggle2.gif giggle2.gif giggle2.gif make her stop....I'm going to pee myself..... hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
You cannot stop Stinkerbell, you can only hope to contain her. tumbsup.gif
Quote from: Joe C on October 16, 2009, 01:30:47 PM
You cannot stop Stinkerbell, you can only hope to contain her. tumbsup.gif
Quote from: FacebookCharlie on October 16, 2009, 08:17:24 AM
swear2.gif just because a girl wants to flog a dead horse doesn't warrant her to be reported.....geez!!! slap1.gif low blow.gif ass.gif
Turn off the chat sorry your going through that
Quote from: who me? on October 16, 2009, 03:41:53 PM
hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif