In the mini mall under the category clothing under the sub-catergory costumes is an item.
The item is called "Head on a plate" and is available for purchase for women or men.
The totally unfair thing is that for men it cost 3600 in tokens but the same thing cost us women 6750 in tokens.
Why should women pay an extra 3150 in tokens for the same thing?
I sent a letter to the editor of Pogo an email over a week ago but have not seen any change so far.
Just wanted to vent.
Hugs, Sue
My guess is that more women use the mini stuff then men, and they figure they can gouge the women. How unfair!
The women gets to personally pick whos head is on the plate. The men just get random heads.
Quote from: disneyland lady on October 20, 2009, 05:20:28 AM
The women gets to personally pick whos head is on the plate. The men just get random heads.
that's worth the extra tokens!
Quote from: AlpenaMi on October 20, 2009, 04:34:03 AM
In the mini mall under the category clothing under the sub-catergory costumes is an item.
The item is called "Head on a plate" and is available for purchase for women or men.
The totally unfair thing is that for men it cost 3600 in tokens but the same thing cost us women 6750 in tokens.
Why should women pay an extra 3150 in tokens for the same thing?
I sent a letter to the editor of Pogo an email over a week ago but have not seen any change so far.
Just wanted to vent.
Hugs, Sue
I probably shouldn't share this, knowing how frustrated you are giggle2.gif but I got this for my mini the first day it was out
and it was on sale. I paid 5000 tokens for mine. Still a bit too much to pay if the guys are getting it for less, but still....I don't know how long they had it for 5000 tokens, but I though what the heck!!! Between that and the hanging barrell costume, it gave me the best looks for Halloween.
Take care, just my 2 cents worth beer11.gif cheerleading.gif girls18.gif shy12.gif slap1.gif low blow.gif
I bought the mans one and put my guy on the plate as his head is currently on the platter.
Too bad they don't have a dog house I could put him in. LOL diablo.gif
I'd pay extra tokens if I can choose who's head goes on the plate hysterical.gif diablo.gif(
Just use the Free Shopping Token Glitch and don't worry about how much it costs.
Actually I think someone at Pogo got mixed up. The prices should be reversed because everyone knows that womens heads are worth more than mens!! tease.gif
Quote from: alyaks on October 20, 2009, 10:57:12 PM
Actually I think someone at Pogo got mixed up. The prices should be reversed because everyone knows that womens heads are worth more than mens!! tease.gif
If the prices were reversed then the men's head on a plate would cost more. ass.gif
Now I was just speaking in general, not my head (brain) in particular. I admit I'm an exception to the general rule. My head isn't worth much at all cus I'm a ditz. Good thing you're around to set me straight Crazy. girl5.gif tongue.gif whistle.gif
Quote from: Stinkerbell on October 20, 2009, 08:52:13 AM
Just use the Free Shopping Token Glitch and don't worry about how much it costs.
What is the "free shopping token glitch" ??
Quote from: AlpenaMi on October 20, 2009, 04:34:03 AM
In the mini mall under the category clothing under the sub-catergory costumes is an item.
The item is called "Head on a plate" and is available for purchase for women or men.
The totally unfair thing is that for men it cost 3600 in tokens but the same thing cost us women 6750 in tokens.
Why should women pay an extra 3150 in tokens for the same thing?
I sent a letter to the editor of Pogo an email over a week ago but have not seen any change so far.
Just wanted to vent.
Hugs, Sue
Larger Mouths? Heavier Brains?
Why not insert a joke in your rant. giggle2.gif
Also, some of us buy every mini-part (non-gem minis) for both sexes. I do, because I have the legs to pull it off. lipstick.gif
Quote from: twinkle6590 on October 21, 2009, 11:22:43 AM
What is the "free shopping token glitch" ??
Look in the Up Your Glitch thread. About page 52ish or so. Maybe 55.
Quote from: Joe C on October 21, 2009, 12:38:44 PM
Also, some of us buy every mini-part (non-gem minis) for both sexes. I do, because I have the legs to pull it off. lipstick.gif
magnifier.gif camera.gif wow.gif
I have two computers.... do you have to be running an "automaker"
Or can any game play on one computer...void any token loss on the other while shopping?
Quote from: AlpenaMi on October 21, 2009, 04:32:17 PM
I have two computers.... do you have to be running an "automaker"
Or can any game play on one computer...void any token loss on the other while shopping?
You don't have to run an auto as long as one computer is actively playing while the other is shopping.
does it work for gems too or just tokens
Quote from: jrzydvl on October 21, 2009, 07:11:39 PM
does it work for gems too or just tokens
Just tokens. I WISH it worked for gems. Test this glitch, make sure you know how to work it and then shop, shop, shop before Pogo fixes it.
Quote from: Stinkerbell on October 21, 2009, 07:15:25 PM
Just tokens. I WISH it worked for gems. Test this glitch, make sure you know how to work it and then shop, shop, shop before Pogo fixes it.
now i know why i never got good grades in following directions, read the glitch page too late lol
so 5 millions tokens for mini mall items for the men cost me about 2 million cause i cant follow directions
Quote from: jrzydvl on October 21, 2009, 07:54:25 PM
now i know why i never got good grades in following directions, read the glitch page too late lol
so 5 millions tokens for mini mall items for the men cost me about 2 million cause i cant follow directions
It's tricky. You have to follow the directions exactly or you'll lose the tokens. Even now I sometimes make a mistake. If the playing computer stops the game for some reason, or you quit shopping too late or too soon... it takes practice which is why I say to test it out with small items first. But once you get the hang of it, it's awesome.
Quote from: Stinkerbell on October 21, 2009, 08:17:13 PM
It's tricky. You have to follow the directions exactly or you'll lose the tokens. Even now I sometimes make a mistake. If the playing computer stops the game for some reason, or you quit shopping too late or too soon... it takes practice which is why I say to test it out with small items first. But once you get the hang of it, it's awesome.
yea it is i got burned on it the first time was playing diner dah family style already shopping quit to do the challenges then checked out and lost 25 million tokens not that i couldnt spare them then did it correctly and lost none thank you stinkerbell fo the help.
Quote from: Joe C on October 21, 2009, 12:38:44 PM
Also, some of us buy every mini-part (non-gem minis) for both sexes. I do, because I have the legs to pull it off. lipstick.gif
Hey Joe...Have ya ever tried using cheap hair conditioner when you shave your legs. Softens the skin and is so much cheaper than shaving cream. Just a suggestion. topsecret.gif
Quote from: alyaks on October 21, 2009, 09:27:12 PM
Hey Joe...Have ya ever tried using cheap hair conditioner when you shave your legs. Softens the skin and is so much cheaper than shaving cream. Just a suggestion. topsecret.gif
I use that sometimes. Also, shampoo works well.
Quote from: Stinkerbell on October 22, 2009, 04:18:07 AM
I use that sometimes. Also, shampoo works well.
Go back to bed. It's early.
Quote from: Stinkerbell on October 22, 2009, 04:18:07 AM
I use that sometimes. Also, shampoo works well.
lipstick.gif sg.gif