Posted Apr 2nd 2010 2:23PM by TMZ Staff
Tiger Woods' kindergarten teacher has something in common with his wife Elin Nordegren -- she's tired of his lies and she's not gonna take it anymore!
Maureen Decker, alongside her trusty attorney Gloria Allred, just finished her presser, re-iterating that she believes Tiger's tale of childhood racism never happened. She wants a personal apology, saying, "I am asking Tiger for a private and public apology to put my mind at ease and set the record straight."
Ms. Decker also said she was suffering from migraines and elevated blood pressure as a result of this ordeal ... and colitis.
All these women running around with Gloria Allred are just looking for a payday.
You are supposed to keep your mouth shut if you expect a big payday. You are not supposed to hire Gloria and go on national tv and tell the world you slept with someone.
Morals! What ever happened to people having morals? It's sad how no one cares anymore 6_6.gif
Isnt their 15 minutes up yet think anyone would believe if I said I had affair with Tiger I could use a big payday
Wooo hoooo
More Tiger Woods updates!!!!!!
Soon, the Masters tournament.
I saw that on TMZ and decided the teacher doesn't have retirement pension from her teaher's union! It was such a ridiculas statement and Gloria is nothing but an ambulance chaser of a lawyer.. Bet she advertises for these people. Also on TMZ (I don't remember which mistress) was to have recieved millions from Tiger to keep quiet. it was the the same $$ his wife was to get as a prenup but now she can double that amoiunt lol
I never miss TMZ right after the news lol
Who cares? I don't. Can someone please make this Tiger thing just go away. If he and his wife have problems, let them work it out in privacy. What do we care? I can't turn the channel fast enough when that crap comes on.
Quote from: Squid on April 04, 2010, 04:55:40 AM
Who cares? I don't. Can someone please make this Tiger thing just go away. If he and his wife have problems, let them work it out in privacy. What do we care? I can't turn the channel fast enough when that crap comes on.
More Tiger Woods' updates!!!!
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