Lindsay Lohan Tested Positive for Cocaine
9/17/2010 2:44 PM PDT by TMZ Staff
Lindsay Lohan tested positive for cocaine last week and that is why she failed her drug test ... sources tell TMZ.
As we first reported, Lindsay failed the court-mandated drug test -- and according to the terms of her probation, she will go back to jail for 30 days as a result.
Sources close to Lindsay say she's been telling friends she's "getting her life together." However, we're also told, she's surrounded herself with some "bad influences."
Story developing...
Some ppl just can't learn from past mistakes and I hope she does go back to jail. She is no better than the average joe even tho' she thinks she is better!
Now they are reporting she has failed multiple drug tests and may be facing 30 days in jail for each failed test
I really hope so! police.gif
She needs to make good on her probation failures and then needs the courts to mandate she go into a residential rehab facility for a full year. NO TIME OFF FOR ANY REASON.
If she doesn't embrace this opportunity, her life will probably go right down the toilet.
Hope she goes down. She's becoming a junkie and needs a reality check as well as professional help.
I might add that a violation of probation results in manditory prison time in many states.
23 days will not cure her addiction. It takes months of intense therapy to overcome. The process of cleaning out the drugs and getting your body to go without them is like a descent into hell. But none of that can happen until Lindsay herself is ready. And she doesnt appear to be ready to admit she has a problem. I truly hope she does reach the point of asking for help and comes to understand her fight will be for the rest of her life. My brother went to rehab after reaching rock bottom no where to go but up. Seeing him after detox was heart breaking. But he wasnt strong enough he died 3 months after rehab one time was all it took. Hopefully she has friends good friends that can see her throught it and stand by her after. It doesnt appear that she has family support. I hope she makes it every life has value no matter how much we may think it doesnt
When my hubby went to rehab for vicoden, pcp, gambling and cociane addiction (thank god he had no legal troubles resulting from the addiction) but none the less was hooked deep into that crap-
It took my entire family standing behind him to get him clean. I pushed all the family members and friends of out his life (at the time he hated me for it) that were enableing his addiction (the ones with the it's not as "bad" as I was making it out to be, he's not a gambler just bad with money attitude.) If they weren't commited to helping me help his stay sober and beat his addiction, they were gone from his life.
While at day 9 he finally was testing 100% clean on his drug tests, it took a full 65 days for the cravings for the drugs to finally stop. Had I let him come home to me and the kids at day 23, (first 30-40 days he was on the phone with me every day begging me to let him come home from rehab. I refused and made him stay,) he would have replased.
By day 45, he was 100% comminted to the rehab soberity program.
He's been clean now for 5 years. The first year was pure hell.
My point? Until Lohan decides to kick all her enablers to the curb and the people remaining in her life back her up 100% and make her stick to the rehab program (that she decides she wants to go to) she'll keep screwing up like this.
I know this sounds really mean of me to say-but knowing first hand what drug addiction can do to a person and their family-
I hope she spends 30 days in jail for each offense. I wish the jail would have kept her for the full 45 days she was sentenced to. I really do.
I wish she was forced to spend the full 90 days in rehab.
20 some odd days in jail doesn't do much-reaility for most people doesn't sink in until day 30 (I work at a jail, so I know)
An arrest warrant has been issued for the hot mess known as Lindsay Lohan
Quote from: Homer on September 20, 2010, 03:12:00 PM
An arrest warrant has been issued for the hot mess known as Lindsay Lohan
Well I hope when all was said and done she spends more than 23 days in jail. More like 230 days.
Lindsay has been thrown in the slammer again without bail which means she will be in lockup until her court date October 22
Quote from: Homer on September 24, 2010, 09:38:37 AM
Lindsay has been thrown in the slammer again without bail which means she will be in lockup until her court date October 22
cheerleading.gif cheerleading.gif cheerleading.gif
stop.gif Bet she is out within 5 days..She won't be punished for anything..She'll keep going till an overdose catches her..Just do not understand why these Hollywood young women get by with so dam much..They gotta be sleepin with the right people.. giggle2.gif giggle2.gif
Well that didn't last long... rolleyes.gif
Lindsay Lohan Will Bail Out of Jail
9/24/2010 5:45 PM PDT by TMZ Staff
UPDATE 6:02PM PDT: Lindsay will have to get a SCRAM bracelet (this will be her third) within 24 hours -- and under the terms of her bail, she is not allowed to be around known drug users ... and must submit to search by law enforcement at any time.
Also, nightclubs will be a major no-no ... Linds has to stay out of places where alcohol is the "chief item of sale."
Lindsay Lohan will be a free woman soon, because a judge has just reversed Judge Elden Fox's decision and has granted LiLo bail ... TMZ has learned.
Judge Fox ruled earlier today ... Lindsay could be held without bail. But apparently the Judge's ruling flies in the face of California law, which gives defendants the right to bail in misdemeanor cases.
Judge Patricia Schnegg, Assistant Supervising Judge for the L.A. County Criminal Courts, just threw Judge Fox's bail decision out the window. Judge Schnegg has set bail at $300,000.
Lindsay, who is in Lynwood Jail right now, should get out soon ... probably in a few hours.
rolleyes.gif rolleyes.gif rolleyes.gif
She's stupid. If she keeps it up, she'll end up filing for bankruptcy from bailing herself out 24/7. I mean, seriously? throw her @$$ in jail, and throw away the key!
Quote from: lilsh0rtii445 on September 24, 2010, 07:38:24 PM
rolleyes.gif rolleyes.gif rolleyes.gif
She's stupid. If she keeps it up, she'll end up filing for bankruptcy from bailing herself out 24/7. I mean, seriously? throw her @$$ in jail, and throw away the key!
There are already rumors about her being broke. It is really going to be hard for her to find work because no one is going to hire her knowing they could lose millions of dollars because Lindsay can't stay out of jail.
At this rate it probably won't be long before there is a RIP post about her
Quote from: Homer on September 24, 2010, 08:07:14 PM
There are already rumors about her being broke. It is really going to be hard for her to find work because no one is going to hire her knowing they could lose millions of dollars because Lindsay can't stay out of jail.
At this rate it probably won't be long before there is a RIP post about her
I couldn't agree with you more, which is VERY sad. She's a pretty girl (or used to be before she got on drugs), and she's a really good actress. I don't understand why her family is just watching her basically kill herself. Very very sad.
speaking of working-she was supposed to start filming a movie this month. But the producers fired her from the film back in June or July-whenever it was she was sentenced to the 90 days in jail/90 days in rehab.
Lohan can make a comeback and restart her career. If she wants to. I think her mom is 90% of her problems-I can see how much enabling her mom is doing.
Her dad and younger sister seem to care but her mom seems totally nuts.
When she decides to kick out all the toxic people in her life and commit her self 100% to getting and staying clean-it's then and only then can she think about putting her life back together.
Quote from: lilsh0rtii445 on September 24, 2010, 09:21:11 PM
I couldn't agree with you more, which is VERY sad. She's a pretty girl (or used to be before she got on drugs), and she's a really good actress. I don't understand why her family is just watching her basically kill herself. Very very sad.
Dina is a large part of the problem here. She refuses to acknowledge her daughter has a problem. Ironically the one person Lindsay wants nothing to do with seems to honestly care about her and that's her father Michael. He has been begging the courts for months to put his daughter in a "serious" rehab program before they find her dead.
Most drug addicts always turn against those who make them confront their addiction..her Mom backs her I think to keep her hands on the money and that free ride ..If Lindsay cleans up then she will probably realize Mom hasn't done her any favors..She needs at least a 6 month court ordered in house mandatory treatment program with counseling etc. I'm afraid if she doesn't get that,she'll be starring in movies with Heath ledger and River Phoenix..
She will never be off drugs the way the Courts and Judges give her celeb. jail time. She knows time in jail will never happen so will continue her old ways.
Quote from: gran2x2 on September 25, 2010, 07:16:09 AM
she'll be starring in movies with Heath ledger and River Phoenix..
She's not that good.
Lindsay has entered rehab hoping to avoid jail time but check out the story below. She isn't taking her problem seriously.
Lindsay Lohan tweeted about failing her drug tests while out at Hollywood restaurant Magnolia where she laughed and drank Jack and Cokes while she typed. Read more on Lindsay's behavior below.
An eyewitness at Magnolia in Hollywood watched troubled actress Lindsay Lohan slam Jack and Cokes as she tweeted about failing her drug tests.
Lohan wrote the tweet while her assistant and male friend helped her make it sound "more personal." The source said her friends would say, 'No, use 'setback,' don't say 'mistake.' They'll say you make mistakes all the time!"
The friend also said, "It's better to say you're responsible. Denying it will just get everyone mad per usual."
Lindsay responded by giggling and having her assistant order her another Jack and Coke.
Lohan reportedly told friends of drinking whiskey that evening, "What are you gonna do? "I'm ill" while making air quotes with her fingers.
Lindsay's mother Dina told guests at her Sept. 17 birthday party that her daughter would get off scot-free. "She said, 'Who cares if it's true? Our new team is like a machine. They'll squash this.'"
Wow! Lindsay is really taking all of this very seriously huh? We'll see how amusing it is when they send her ass back to jail!
I wonder how hard she'll be laughing at the end of 200+ days in jail, no money and no acting roles.
Doesn't she have to get a Scram anklet that sets off alarms if she drinks?? Thought she has to get one tomorrow..
Quote from: gran2x2 on September 26, 2010, 01:06:52 PM
Doesn't she have to get a Scram anklet that sets off alarms if she drinks?? Thought she has to get one tomorrow..
Yup and she is pissed about that also. She drank when she had it on last time and tried to use some excuse like someone spilled their drink on me or it was my self tanner. rolleyes.gif
Quote from: Homer on September 26, 2010, 01:51:50 PM
Yup and she is pissed about that also. She drank when she had it on last time and tried to use some excuse like someone spilled their drink on me or it was my self tanner. rolleyes.gif
self tanner? yea....Whatever beetch.
Quote from: roadwarrior on September 26, 2010, 05:53:35 PM
self tanner? yea....Whatever beetch.
someone spilled booze on her...that *just* happen to get on her scram bracelet?
I read up on the scram bracelet and it measures the alcohol in your body sweat..and it's gets checked every so many days etc for a total does a drink spilled on you get into your body sweat..what a crackhead bad..not nice to call a junkie drunk a crackhead ,is it?? giggle2.gif beer11.gif
Quote from: gran2x2 on September 26, 2010, 08:31:23 PM
I read up on the scram bracelet and it measures the alcohol in your body sweat..and it's gets checked every so many days etc for a total does a drink spilled on you get into your body sweat..what a crackhead bad..not nice to call a junkie drunk a crackhead ,is it?? giggle2.gif beer11.gif
I know for a fact from hubby's experience having to wear one (recovering alki/drug addict...been clean/sober now for 4 1/2 years) those things are super sensitive. Very, very sensitive. It could (key word, *could*) give a bad reading if enough booze is spilled on it (his former probation officer told us so) BUT if your that close to some one drinking booze that they happen to spill booze on your SCRAM bracelet, then there's 99.999% chance you were already doing something you shouldn't have been doing to begin with (like being around people who *are* drinking....)
Lindsay must really be crapping her pants. First she agrees to go to rehab and now she is visiting a homeless center? Is she scoping out her future home or trying to look good for the judge? It's all an act if you ask me. rolleyes.gif
Quote from: Homer on September 27, 2010, 07:54:10 AM
Lindsay must really be crapping her pants. First she agrees to go to rehab and now she is visiting a homeless center? Is she scoping out her future home or trying to look good for the judge? It's all an act if you ask me. rolleyes.gif
Yea, it's an act.
Can someone PLEASE explain to me why when one judge tells Lohan I ain't buying your crocodile tears and go directly to jail, do not pass go another judge overrules the first judge and lets her out?
She went to jail for less than a 1/4 of what a judge wanted to go to, went to rehab less than 30 days before she threw enough of a tantrum that a different judge let her go from rehab then she violates her parole, got a judge that ordered to be held without bail until her probation violation hearing but she threw a big enough tantrum that a judge let her post bail.
WTF????????????????????????????????????? Really. What the holy mother effen FFFFFFFFKKKKKKKK?????????????
This is one reason she's not taking anything serious. She gets a judge fed up with "act" and doesn't believe one ounce of her tears, orders her back to jail.
She then throws a tantrum until she finds a judge that gives her what she wants.
She's learned if she throws a big enough stink she'll find a judge that will give her what she wants.
Between her mommy denying she's got a problem and enough judges where she lives falling for her crocodile tears it's no effing wonder she's not taking anything seriously.
It is cruel to say but there is a saying that desperate ppl might say " better off dead" and she will be if doesn't get rid of her so called assistants etc who are enablers. But she will never recognize anyone who doesn't enable her.
Quote from: roadwarrior on September 27, 2010, 08:07:32 AM
Yea, it's an act.
Can someone PLEASE explain to me why when one judge tells Lohan I ain't buying your crocodile tears and go directly to jail, do not pass go another judge overrules the first judge and lets her out?
She went to jail for less than a 1/4 of what a judge wanted to go to, went to rehab less than 30 days before she threw enough of a tantrum that a different judge let her go from rehab then she violates her parole, got a judge that ordered to be held without bail until her probation violation hearing but she threw a big enough tantrum that a judge let her post bail.
WTF????????????????????????????????????? Really. What the holy mother effen FFFFFFFFKKKKKKKK?????????????
This is one reason she's not taking anything serious. She gets a judge fed up with "act" and doesn't believe one ounce of her tears, orders her back to jail.
She then throws a tantrum until she finds a judge that gives her what she wants.
She's learned if she throws a big enough stink she'll find a judge that will give her what she wants.
Between her mommy denying she's got a problem and enough judges where she lives falling for her crocodile tears it's no effing wonder she's not taking anything seriously.
Isn't the California justice system grand? As I stated earlier in this thread, many states require manditory prison time for probation violation.
Money talks so junkies walk.. rolleyes.gif
Quote from: AustinBennett on September 28, 2010, 04:01:34 AM
Isn't the California justice system grand? As I stated earlier in this thread, many states require manditory prison time for probation violation.
No chit!!
If she was a nobody pulling this crap she'd be sitting in jail right now without bail.
BTW, why are her "friends" bailing her out? If lohan was my loved one, (wife, sister, daughter, niece, grandchild, however the heck she was related to me) yes I would visit her in jail but I would NOT be bailing her out. At this point I would be telling the jail they could keep her. Well...I take that back. I would have told the jail they could keep her months ago.
My friends and family already know that if they call me to bail them out of jail for a DUI-don't even bother. call to tell me in your jail, call me for a ride home *after* they have released you but don't even think about asking me to post your bail because the answer is and will always be NO.
I have only bailed out a loved one from jail once. And that was because my son was accused of domestic violence. Normally I would have left him there but he had broken up with this girl who already was a jealous controlling type who went bat chit crazy on him, my daughter and hubby and I after my son called it off with her. She would follow me to work, slash my tires and beg me to tell my son she had changed, wanted therapy and loved him so much. She'd track my daughter down at the middle school she attended at the time (she was in 7th grade at the time) go on campus during lunch and find her to tell her to tell her brother (my son was 20 at the time and working full time) how much she loved him. She was a piece of work alright. After battling it out in the courts, the charges were dropped against him and she finally quit harassing us after she fell in love with a new guy almost a year and a half after breaking up with my son. No surprise when they broke up she pulled the same stunt all over again.
But family and friends know they have a better shot at winning the lottery than having me bail them out of jail.
The really sad thing about this whole mess is that she is going to die if she continues living her life this way.
She is an addict. We've all seen this behavior by others before her and that's what makes it so frustrating to read and hear.
Until SHE is ready for treatment, she will continue. I hope she gets the help she so desperately needs before it's too late.
Or I'm afraid her name will be added to the list of names like Elvis, Anna Nichol and others mentioned here. sad.gif
One thing that might helpis if there could be nom press coverage and the press fowllowing her every move. It makes her famous, so wny quit the drugs etc?
Lindsay escapes jail as judge orders her to stay in rehab until January 3rd 2011 but she is still not happy read below. She has made a mockery of the justice system and I can't stand her.
Lindsay Lohan: Rehab Could Kill My Career
10/22/2010 11:04 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
Lindsay Lohan told her probation officer that continued, inpatient treatment would be a hardship financially, and damaging to her career ... this according to Probation Department docs obtained by TMZ.
It's pretty stunning that Lindsay said this, since inpatient rehab was her only hope of staying out of jail.
The documents, prepared for today's hearing, say, "The defendant says her clothing line is falling apart because she is not available to monitor the product." She told the probation officer she's scheduled to start working on a movie in November -- we're guessing it's "Inferno" but the director tells us he will wait for her.
Although Lindsay says she thinks rehab has been a positive experience, the person who wrote the report says she "needs to continue to work on her issues in order to save her life."
Quote from: Homer on October 22, 2010, 06:37:08 PM
I can't stand her.
And I thought you wanted to marry her Homer. (
Quote from: Crazy~Man on October 22, 2010, 07:26:23 PM
And I thought you wanted to marry her Homer. (
vomit.gif vomit.gif vomit.gif
wow thats crazy, some people can't seem to stay away from drugs. that's sad