PogoCheats Forum

Pogo Cheats => Technical Help => Topic started by: harley89 on March 08, 2011, 03:38:40 AM

Title: Windows 7/ More Info Homer
Post by: harley89 on March 08, 2011, 03:38:40 AM
Okay I kept working on my auto problems with win 7. And I had a DUH moment last night. All my autos are on my desktop. So since i still had problems with autos shutting down(not all just some) I downloaded one to my laptop and bingo no problems at all. The difference is my laptop came with Win 7. My desktop was a upgrade. And I believe as with all upgrades it did not go as well as it seemed. I usually dont do upgrades because of problems but Win 7 will not network with anything but WIn 7.  SO Homer it could be that upgrading to Win7 is a hit or miss as usual. To save myself the hassle I will ask BH to reset my page and move the auots to my laptop.  ANd maybe at some point I will get the Win 7 thing worked out on my desktop