President coming on any minute to announce the death of Osama Bin Laden
Osama bin Laden dead, U.S. has body
The Associated Press and other news organizations are reporting that Osama bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda and architect of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States, is dead, and that the U.S. government has the body.
President Barack Obama will be making a statement to the nation shortly.
tease.gif dancing16.gif cheesy.gif cheerleading.gif
may 1st should be free gas day in america every year now low blow.gif
Quote from: bobby on May 01, 2011, 08:10:37 PM
may 1st should be free gas day in america every year now low blow.gif
fart.gif fart.gif fart.gif
Bout time they finally got his a$$! cheesy.gif cheerleading.gif If its true, I'm just wondering what his followers will do or if all this crap will be over? Sure would be nice to have some world peace but I know that will never happen.
Quote from: CindyLouWho on May 01, 2011, 08:20:13 PM
Bout time they finally got his a$$! cheesy.gif cheerleading.gif If its true, I'm just wondering what his followers will do or if all this crap will be over? Sure would be nice to have some world peace but I know that will never happen.
I don't think this is over by a longshot. undecided.gif
this calls for a big cigar..too bad there isnt a big cigar smiley on here...we need one july4_2.gif
Quote from: bobby on May 01, 2011, 08:38:17 PM
this calls for a big cigar..too bad there isnt a big cigar smiley on here...we need one july4_2.gif
this will have to do (
cheerleading.gif I'm glad they finally got him but I am sure it will bring about more attacks.. crying10.gif There are always wannabe's to take his place... swear2.gif
I wont comment on this. Been down the rabbit hole too long
I'm glad this is over. Hope it gives those who lost loved ones and friends some sense of justice.
I hope this means, at least some of our service people, can come home now.
We need them home. july4th_33.gif
I am glad he is dead. There are hundreds of ppl outside the WH celebrating and singing. Plus in NY. Time will tell what will hapend next but at least got the guy who ordered the WTC attacks , PA. and Pentagon and killed thousands of Americans.
CNN says his son was killed, as well as 2 couriers and a woman who was being used as a human shield. So see, women CAN be used for more than just sex!
Quote from: Stinkerbell on May 01, 2011, 09:50:38 PM
CNN says his son was killed, as well as 2 couriers and a woman who was being used as a human shield. So see, women CAN be used for more than just sex!
A weird fact..He was declared dead on the same day as Hitler. Hitler was May 1,1945, and his body was burned to a crisp. They just said BinLaden was buried at sea this morning..Now call me crazy but I find something off in that fact. Why did they dump him at sea so fast ...Just hits me wrong for some reason..
gran, don't you start pulling the just don Trump card.......what you now need a death certificate? Seems to me that they were very careful on the release of information last night. My deceased brother, who worked in NYC, and told me horror stories about the events on 9/11, has got to be dancing and playing music today. My young friends in the military are also dancing today, I'd pray and hope, it's long overdue. Always remember the awe you had when you watched the 1st moon landing. I'd hope all of our friends in the armed service feels that today!
quote author=gran2x2 link=topic=40451.msg595294#msg595294 date=1304337387]
A weird fact..He was declared dead on the same day as Hitler. Hitler was May 1,1945, and his body was burned to a crisp. They just said BinLaden was buried at sea this morning..Now call me crazy but I find something off in that fact. Why did they dump him at sea so fast ...Just hits me wrong for some reason..
Gran you are a smart person. I do believe you are beginning to get it. I have many fears of what is coming next. It wont be pretty. I will not breathe easy again for a while. But maybe I have looked too long at this countries dark side to feel anything else. If you read any of the Wikileaks files then you should know this government is already aware(well aware) of the plans made by his followers just for this event. If they follow through and pull it off 9/11 will look simple almost minor in scale. I will hold off on celebrating.
It has been reported that binLaden was buried according to Muslim law, and it had to be buried within 24 hours, thus the burial at sea. Tests were done before the dumping at sea and his identity proven. Hard to tell what will happen in the future.
I guess maybe I have just been around to long and seen to many slick deals from our government. I find it very hard to trust blindly everything they tell me is truth. I worry about retaliation and what our future holds. I also hate hearing the word "closure". Families of 9/11 victims will never have closure. Their loved ones will always be dead. I feel grateful and proud of our soldiers who never gave up the hunt for this evil criminal and I am glad they finally got their man..I hope all of us can find a little peace that one less evil murdering monster roams the planet.
This is hardly "closure"
In fact it is likely the "beginning" of attacks to come
BTW we have given around 80 billion dollars to Pakistan and he is hidden inside the country? Not one dime more should go to them
Quote from: Homer on May 02, 2011, 01:26:42 PM
This is hardly "closure"
In fact it is likely the "beginning" of attacks to come
BTW we have given around 80 billion dollars to Pakistan and he is hidden inside the country? Not one dime more should go to them
Pakistan is no ally they are a snake in the grass. I truly believe the only way this happened is they kept it completely off the radar. And oh yeah attacks will come not if but when.
im glad he is dead beer11.gif
Quote from: harley89 on May 02, 2011, 01:48:47 PM
Pakistan is no ally they are a snake in the grass. I truly believe the only way this happened is they kept it completely off the radar. And oh yeah attacks will come not if but when.
I know this is gonna be a controversial comment but if I had my way I would nuke the middle east and turn it into a sheet of glass. The people over there "hate" us and they aren't gonna change and I'm sure there are plenty of good people in those countries but if you want to live in a country that wants to do us harm I'm not willing to turn the other cheek. I wanna take you out. Will the rest of the world hate us for doing so? Of course but they hate us anyway at least until they need another handout.
All we are to the Mideast is a money tree and someone to fleece with oil sales. And as far as pakistan goes..The luxury compound he was living in was 1000 meters from a Pakistan military post..Are we really so stupid as to believe they didn't know he was there.He had no disguise and roamed freely..I say get out and leave em all to make it on their own..Pakistan is nothing but a hide out for anti American killers.
Homer you didn't say anything that offended me..I think almost all of us have had similar thoughts about the MidEast..
Homer you could never offend me. The whole thing is complicated and not all Muslims are bad. But the moderate Muslims are scarred to death of the radicals. With good reason. Now when it comes to Afgan they should have just bombed the Taliban areas until it was a sheet of glass and left it. That would have sent a powerful message to leave us alone. Then the Northern Alliance with some US arms could have handled the rest. No ground troops needed. But that is just my simplistic mind at work
Homer for President!!
cheerleading.gif cheerleading.gif cheerleading.gif
bin laden.dead.........on a bank holiday. Well in all these years that's the only bin to be taken out on a bank holiday!!
on serious note i have to agree with gran something just doesn't seem right :( glad he is gone though!!!
Hubby and I were talking about how fishy this whole thing is. Yes, glad he's dead...but somethings not quite right.
Things are gonna be quite now for about 3-6 months. Huge power struggle in alquadia (sorry, spelling) due to the fact there's probably at least 15-20, if not more, who all want the top spot in this terrorist group. So a huge internal power struggle.
Once that is over with (3-6 months, tops) little things are gonna start happening again. A bombing here, a threat there. Some high ranking government official kidnapped. And so we'll begin our battle with them all over again.
I actually have a question for anyone ..Why was it so wrong for the Bush people to waterboard etc to get info from prisoners..Obama's big deal to yell about during the election...but now it's ok to actually kill the enemy... I just don't get his double standard..torture is wrong but killing is ok.. I guess maybe my age has me missing something somewhere..
And why does he get so much credit for this..He just carried out the plan from a previous administration and it's the military that really got the's over except the battle now begins release the photos and video to the public..That should be interesting....
Quote from: gran2x2 on May 03, 2011, 05:40:54 AM
I actually have a question for anyone ..Why was it so wrong for the Bush people to waterboard etc to get info from prisoners..Obama's big deal to yell about during the election...but now it's ok to actually kill the enemy... I just don't get his double standard..torture is wrong but killing is ok.. I guess maybe my age has me missing something somewhere..
And why does he get so much credit for this..He just carried out the plan from a previous administration and it's the military that really got the's over except the battle now begins release the photos and video to the public..That should be interesting....
crazy isn't?
Gran, this is a similar situation to what carter was in. He had to deal with the Iraq-Iran hostages. An hour after Regan was sworn into office, they got released. Regan's staff and Carter (mainly carter) got them released (99.9% of Carter's doing, remember this...) but it was Regan who got to make the announcement and it was Regan who will also be remembered for getting them released.
It was Bush Sr who started the hunt for Hussian to kill him. But it was Bush Jr who the world will always remember for finishing the job.
And just like now, it was Bush Jr who started the hunt for Osma but Obama who got to announce we killed him.
Sadly, that's all the public will remember at the end of the day.
Aother note, this was a possible because GITMO detanies had inhanced interigation techinques done to them to get information to make the mission possible. Everything Obama was against when he was running. At least he can realize his outlook was wrong when he finaly got full details about his job and the ramifications. footinthemouth.gif
People break out the Geneva Convention which set the standards in international law for humanitarian treatment of the victims of war.
As far as I'm concerned terrorism is different from conventional war and I would extract the info "By Any Means Necessary" copyright Homer
AMEN...torture for fun or sport on prisoners is wrong but to make em squeal on fellow terrorists about future attacks.. They got my vote..go for it..
My hubby just got some awesome news about the burial at sea...After binLadens body was dumped into the sea..All military guys on ship suddenly needed to tinkle and so the whacko was buried being pissed on by Americans..
(joke) hysterical.gif
Is Bin still dead today?
I'm starting to get annoyed. Yes, I know it's hard to believe that unflappable Moi would get flapped, and I knew this would happen, but more and more I'm reading headlines like, "Osama unarmed during assault..." and "SEALs thought Osama was armed..." If they're just releasing details, fine. But if they're starting to criticize our SEALs and our Gov't for taking the fecker out, it's gonna piss me off!
Were 3,000 innocent civilians armed on 9/11? NO!!! Did Osama think they were armed when he masterminded the attacks on the WTC? NO!
GAH! I hope they're not criticizing his death, which wasn't long and torturous enough, if you ask me.
Quote from: Stinkerbell on May 04, 2011, 03:38:25 PM
I'm starting to get annoyed. Yes, I know it's hard to believe that unflappable Moi would get flapped, and I knew this would happen, but more and more I'm reading headlines like, "Osama unarmed during assault..." and "SEALs thought Osama was armed..." If they're just releasing details, fine. But if they're starting to criticize our SEALs and our Gov't for taking the fecker out, it's gonna piss me off!
Were 3,000 innocent civilians armed on 9/11? NO!!! Did Osama think they were armed when he masterminded the attacks on the WTC? NO!
GAH! I hope they're not criticizing his death, which wasn't long and torturous enough, if you ask me.
Oh I get it my friend. But the gov should have gotten their act and stories right before they opened their mouths. When you give the details and then change the details people start thinking strange things and smelling rats. I do believe they were sent in with orders to kill on sight and I got no problem with that, they just should have said that to start with.
Quote from: harley89 on May 04, 2011, 05:25:38 PM
I do believe they were sent in with orders to kill on sight and I got no problem with that, they just should have said that to start with.
Amen, my biker friend! No one should have to make excuses or sugar coat the reasons he was taken out.
Will everyone now take your blood pressure?