Lindsay Lohan
Has to be Crazy ...
Blowing Off Court-Ordered Shrink
Lindsay Lohan has violated the judge's order in her probation case by not seeing a psychologist at least once a week ... TMZ has learned ... and that may be enough to send her to the slammer.
Judge Stephanie Sautner made it clear to Lindsay during her sentence last May ... she MUST see the shrink every week, but she has not. We're told one of her excuses is that she's been working out of the country, but Judge Sautner made it extremely clear ... work is not an excuse for failing to comply with the terms of probation.
And, Judge Sautner said, if Lindsay violates any court order, she's going to jail ... period.
As we first reported, it's even worse, because Lindsay was kicked out of the Downtown Women's Center, where Judge Sautner ordered her to perform 360 hours of community service ... kicked out because she repeatedly failed to show up, and when she did she frequently did not stay the required 4 hours at a time. That's another violation of Judge Sautner's court order.
And there's even more bad news for Lindsay. Judge Sautner is going to be extremely unhappy when she learns how much community service Lindsay has completed. Sources connected with the Probation Department tell us, as of September 30, Lindsay logged a grand total of 21 hours, leaving 339 hours which must be completed by May 11, 2012.
Short story ... Lindsay could go to jail next week, when she appears before Judge Sautner for her progress report.
I don't think anyone believes she will go to jail rolleyes.gif
Quote from: Homer on October 14, 2011, 02:45:15 PM
I don't think anyone believes she will go to jail rolleyes.gif
I'm not for sure about that, I watched that hearing and this judge said she didn't care if she was working on this "movie set" or not there'd be no excuses accepted even financial woes.
But this Lohan chick got some serious issues. popcorn2.gif
Lindsay Lohan says she's sick and tired of being "made an example of" ... insisting the TMZ reports about her on messing up ... over and over again ... are totally false.
Lindsay just took to Twitter, writing ... "I am not to be made an example of anymore."
She adds, "I am working hard and fulfilling my obligations every single day, to the court as well as myself. If I travel, its for work and its been approved. As is anything I do when I leave the state."
"I'd appreciate it if people will just let me do what is asked of me, so that I can get my life back. Please ignore the reports which have no truth to them. Thank you."
Quote from: Mayhem on October 14, 2011, 06:11:14 PM
Lindsay Lohan says she's sick and tired of being "made an example of" ... insisting the TMZ reports about her on messing up ... over and over again ... are totally false.
Lindsay just took to Twitter, writing ... "I am not to be made an example of anymore."
She adds, "I am working hard and fulfilling my obligations every single day, to the court as well as myself. If I travel, its for work and its been approved. As is anything I do when I leave the state."
"I'd appreciate it if people will just let me do what is asked of me, so that I can get my life back. Please ignore the reports which have no truth to them. Thank you."
hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
Quote from: Homer on October 14, 2011, 06:34:28 PM
hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
I second that! This chick is off the chain, really ate up! girls21.gif
This overrated punk had violated her terms of parole so many times and she has the balls to say she's being made an example? Please show me another example where the justice system was so kind to a repeat offender. Short of killing someone or breaking into Ft. Knox, I believe the trend will continue with her. It's sickening that we have judges that allow this, or people ignorant enough to vote them on the bench.
I hope she goes to jail.... and for the full term. I hope people turn their backs on her and people like her who think they are above the law. I wish her well but think she has many lessons to learn.
Maybe she just need to get laid, and not the kind you get in jail.
I'd like her to get the kind you get in jail. shocked.gif
I think Homer has a big-time crush on Lindsay. Lindsay and Homer... sittin' in a tree.....
Quote from: Squid on October 19, 2011, 04:41:40 PM
I think Homer has a big-time crush on Lindsay. Lindsay and Homer... sittin' in a tree.....
I don't do skanks slap1.gif slap1.gif slap1.gif
Quote from: Squid on October 19, 2011, 04:41:40 PM
I think Homer has a big-time crush on Lindsay. Lindsay and Homer... sittin' in a tree.....
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WTF!!! You talking about, huh? Who said that?!
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Lindsay Lohan is shooting nude photos for Playboy -- TMZ has confirmed -- and LiLo don't strip for peanuts ... the spread will earn her almost a million dollars.
Hope she keeps her mouth closed..her teeth are a huge turn off.. but at least she will make the air brush guy earn his pay..He'll be busy for weeks makin her look good..
Quote from: gran2x2 on October 25, 2011, 11:36:04 AM
Hope she keeps her mouth closed..her teeth are a huge turn off.. but at least she will make the air brush guy earn his pay..He'll be busy for weeks makin her look good..
I got something she can put in her mouth tongue.gif
What Edition will this be?( (
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lipstick.gif Oh Homer do tell me whats dat in her mouth. hhhhmmmmmm
Quote from: Sugarfootin on October 31, 2011, 06:48:02 PM
lipstick.gif Oh Homer do tell me whats dat in her mouth. hhhhmmmmmm
Lindsay Lohan has been sentenced to 30 days in jail, and the judge is holding her on a tight leash to make sure she completes her probation.
The judge now says ALL of Lindsay's community service must now be served at the L.A. County Morgue. And the judge gave Lindsay a tight structure on how she must complete the rest of her probation, and if she doesn't the judge will put a warrant out for her arrest and sentence her to an additional 270 days in jail.
well, I am betting on good money she won't complete the terms of her parole. If she hasn't learned by now, she never will.
She doesn't have to serve any jail time. She was sentenced to 30 days and because of overcrowding she only has to do 20% of that which is 6 days and in California there is another overcrowding law that people with under 60 days don't have to serve any time at all. So once again Lindsay gets away with it. swear2.gif
And she doesn't even have to check in till 11-9 so she can finish her Playboy shoot.... angry21.gif All I can say is when Karma catches her she is gonna get hit like a squirrel being hit by a semi..Eventually her luck will run out just like OJ's did...At least I hope so...I hate when low class "stars" get away with crap us "regular" people can't... swear2.gif prisoner.gif
Quote from: Homer on November 02, 2011, 01:33:09 PM
She doesn't have to serve any jail time. She was sentenced to 30 days and because of overcrowding she only has to do 20% of that which is 6 days and in California there is another overcrowding law that people with under 60 days don't have to serve any time at all. So once again Lindsay gets away with it. swear2.gif
she will get to do another stint of "house" arrest at the very best and at the very worst she spends 5-6 days in jail.
So in the end, another slap on the wrist. What's going to happen, Does she have to kill someone first?
The entire case has become a sham and a disgrace to our justice system. She may well believe she's ahead in the "game", but in the process is also becoming one of the most hated persons in America. Perhaps in her twisted mind it's all worth it. Lots of publicity and since she can't act anyway, life is good for her.
In to jail for 30 days last night and out today after 4 hours...Aint it great to be a nut case "star" in California???