The square on the far left of the very bottom row is A1, the next square over to the right on the bottom row is B1, then C1, D1, E1, F1, G1 and finally H1 is the square on the far right of the bottom row.
The same letters apply to the row above the bottom row, but the numbers are now 2 instead of 1. The 3rd row up is numbered 3, 4th row is numbered 4, and so on to the very top row, which is numbered 8. The square to the far left on the top row is therefore A8 and the one to the far right on the top row is H8
Here is the chess tip - make the following moves and you will lose by being checkmated in 4 moves:
1. Move your pawn in square F2 to F3.
2. The other player moves their pawn in square E7 to E5.
3. Move your pawn in square G2 to G4.
4. The other player moves their queen from square D8 to H4.
This will result in a quick checkmate, winning the game for the other player. This is known as a "fool's mate" and is the fastest possible complete game.
Sooooooooo - get a partner and do this 10 times (5 times for you and 5 times for them) and you should both have your badges in less than 20 minutes.
thanks for the tip transponder :),will come in handy since i know squat about the game
oh the old 4 move trick, use to do that when i use to play, there are other ways, but all depeds on how the other person moves
excuse me...don't mean to be wise butt but shouldn't move #3 be G2 to G4...won't work goin G2 to G3 :)
I'm good enough to win legit
me 2
Thank you snooper i fixed it and no you werent being a wise butt lol.
Boy- thanks for the tip- I've never played that game before. ;D
Here is another tip for the chess challenge. I haven't tried it out yet but I understand from the chess players that are hard core this is the way to go. Make a move each player and then ask for a draw. I believe that is how you can quickly get a win. Let me know if it works. I need to get that badge but I dont know anything about chess either. I would be willing to play with someone in this manner if they are avail. Just let me know ok I sometimes dont even care if i get both badges cause I have fun playing other games. I mean chess of all games, How about hot potato for people that need something easy to play lol Or how about go fish LOL that would be easy, better than the darn frog jumping around. My little one likes to play that one. But even he gets mad lol Getty :o
Not everyone is willing to do the draw thing. Play the robot and do it and you will have badge in less than a minute. ;)
i did the chess challenge using my sn and my friends sn and the forfit is so much easier, it only takes 5 mins to get ure badge, set timer to 1min and move 1 piece and when the timer runs out you both get the point.
i done the draw thing, it does work, i was going around the rooms helping others get it that way. Takes about 1 minute doing it that way
Quote from: Homer on July 23, 2004, 01:41:08 PM
Not everyone is willing to do the draw thing. Play the robot and do it and you will have badge in less than a minute. ;)
My man you were so right!! Thanks for the info, I dont even think it was even a min lol Your the man homer Getty ;)
Your welcome getty. :)
i use the draw thing with another girl who was just wanting the badge...worked in about 2 mins. then i went around and helped other people...good to give back to the community. LOL
Yes nick it is good to help others and welcome to the forum. :)
Okay guys ... call me stupid but I can't get the whole "... move one and let the timer run out ..." thing to work. I even attempted to resign and it didn't work. Can someone give me the breakdown on how to do it?
if u tell me what room your in , in pogo i would glad to come in and help you get the badge ;D
I'm in beginners ... Room 183 ... table 53
Password: mmm
on my way :D
lol and everyone ran to see who sits at that table ;D
I pay homage to all u folks who want a quick solution to the chess badge but hey its a tidy game u ought to try it properly sometime
jeni xxx
WEEEELLLLLL .... it appears that POGO has "plugged" the ability to finish the game quickly. We attempted to use the glitches for a while and none of them worked.
Anyone got some suggestions? Things that worked yesterday don't seem to work today.
Hope this helps for the Chess Badge.... Each player moves 11 times and then the player who wants the other player to win resign. I helped 5 firends get their Badges with the 11 moves ;) Good Luck Everyone O0
already tried it- i did that yesterday and got the badge- it didnt work like 25 mins ago
I helped my sister get it late last night and it worked then. But people were talking about it earlier today in word whomp. May have been a spy in the room and it got fixed.
That would really be rotten for those that haven't gotten the badge yet. If I had to actually play the game and win, I would never get the badge. I don't understand that game at all, too many rules and crazy moves.
You have to move 11 moves and then the other person resigns and you get the win counted....move your pawns each up on....theres 8 (or maybe 9) lol...and then move a couple of them up 1 more agian and then resign your other player (if your double browsing)...I got it in like 10 minutes
yes i was doing the resign,draw and the timer that didnt wotk so did the 11 moves then resign some one must of fix them parts
Here is what ISN'T working as of - 06:45 AM CST, Friday:
4 Moves to Checkmate - You can still "win" the game but you will not get "challenge credit" for the win
10 Moves and Resign - No "challenge credit" given
11 Moves and Draw - No "challenge credit" given
It appears that the glitches were fixed after being reveiled on this site.
So ... as glitches are found, the only option is to move as quickly as possible to take advantage of them. Otherwise, you'll just miss out and have to go the long way to complete the challenges.
Thanks for the updated info :) Well how can Pogo they ban legal moves? I know because they Can ::)
I used th 11 moves and resign and it worked . I used the cheat against the bot and won 2 games easily but it took longer
sigh. None of these glitches are working for me. Is there a quicker way than playing this out with a p or the comp? :'(
Quote from: Lish on January 20, 2006, 06:14:24 PM
sigh. None of these glitches are working for me. Is there a quicker way than playing this out with a p or the comp? :'(
lish if you want me to help i will did you try the 11 moves pm me to let me know
thanks for offering nightperson- I have been playing with my hubby and we tried all the glitches several times and no luck. :'(
do you have the auto
nope don't have the auto, I was hoping there was a new glitch or something. That's what I get for waiting a whole TWO DAYS. Pogo can fix that crap but can't fix Wonderland Memories? ??? ::)
lish i sent you a pm ok
The 11 move and resigned worked for me just yesterday. Thank goodness - I HATE chess :-)
By using the auto and setting the move selection between
Speed vs Smarts to somewhere around the middle, you should be able to complete all 5 challenges. However ... as was stated eariler in the forums ...
... so that too may not work very much longer ...
The trick to using the 11 moves is you must "capture" at least one of the pawns.
Quote from: Helen on January 22, 2006, 06:05:44 AM
The trick to using the 11 moves is you must "capture" at least one of the pawns.
lol I did it with the 11 moves and didn't capture any of mine....I just moved all my pawns up 1 square, then moved them up 1 more square to get to the 11 moves and then resigned my other name...took me like 1-2 minutes a game
the other easy way is you move f2 to f3 opp moves e7 to e5 then you move g2 to g4 opp moves d8 to h4 all done you take turns so this is what i was told in there :)
Quote from: mama on January 22, 2006, 08:10:33 AM
the other easy way is you move f2 to f3 opp moves e7 to e5 then you move g2 to g4 opp moves d8 to h4 all done you take turns so this is what i was told in there :)
I tried that and won a couple games but it didn't count...I really do think they have it fixed so you have to make like 10 or 11 move and then win the game for it to count
opps did`nt see the other post sayin same thing :-\
i have learn to move all pons then the 2 horses then resign
Alright, I really dislike this game! I'm stuck at 1 win and can't seem to win using anything, even the auto. It always runs out of time... grrr! And I'm sure the computer cheats because it always Checkmate's me..... Double grrr! Help? Anyone?
leave timer off the game then you wont timeout