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Sports & Entertainment Corner => News => Topic started by: Homer on December 18, 2012, 11:29:51 AM

Title: Lindsay Lohan - Toilet Clogger....
Post by: Homer on December 18, 2012, 11:29:51 AM
Why not? Here career is flushed anyway

Lindsay Lohan 'Scary Movie 5': Star Reportedly Clogs Toilet On Set
Posted: 12/18/2012 12:52 pm EST  |  Updated: 12/18/2012 12:52 pm EST

As if Lindsay Lohan hasn't already flushed enough of her career down the toilet, the actress reportedly sparked a plumbing nightmare on the set of "Scary Movie 5," according to the New York Post.

Lohan clogged the toilet in her trailer, which prompted all the other bathrooms on the movie's Atlanta lot to stop working for two days. A source told Wetpaint Entertainment that "everything got so messy" and took more than two days to clean up, during which time production fell behind schedule.

"And let's just put it this way: She didn't win over any new fans among her co-stars or the crew," the source said.

The New York Post's Page Six reports that Lohan flooded her trailer after trashing it and leaving the shower running.

The star's on-set mayhem comes just a few months after she attempted to back out of the "Scary Movie 5" gig altogether. Lohan reportedly was displeased that her cameo poked fun at her notorious partying reputation. A source told the New York Post that Lohan missed every meeting and phone call associated with the movie, including script reads and wardrobe fittings.

Multiple sources said Lohan then reportedly tried to break her contract by claiming to have walking pneumonia, but the "Liz and Dick" star's rep denied that was true.

Lohan's "Scary Movie 5" scene features her in bed with fellow party animal Charlie Sheen, who last month sent her a $100,000 check to help her pay off tax debt.
Title: Re: Lindsay Lohan - Toilet Clogger....
Post by: Squid on December 18, 2012, 02:15:40 PM
Make it stop.  Please.
Title: Re: Lindsay Lohan - Toilet Clogger....
Post by: hotpinklovesofa on December 18, 2012, 02:32:09 PM
Now we know what her attempted escape plan will be in prison. Take everything away from her before she floods her future cell. 

You know she's really not well liked when they're willin to release this info when usually studios bend over backwards trying to keep bad or embarrassing info completely hush.  Hollywood has officially shut it's doors to Lindsay and they sure as hell took their sweet time. See ya LiLo.
Title: Re: Lindsay Lohan - Toilet Clogger....
Post by: gran2x2 on December 18, 2012, 05:32:41 PM
I figured it all out... She thought since her life is in the crapper she would stop it up so when it over flowed she could get it back again.. hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif