Has anyone else had this problem when trying to play Jungle Gin? I have tried Chrome and IE. even updated Chrome as it was needing it. I also checked my Java and I have the latest version. I'm trying to get this weeks badge in the game.
No problems here. Got mine and the badges of others. If you need help, let me know CM.
No problems on my end either. Strangely enough, I'm winning 9 out of 10 games. Pogo usually makes my regular games harder when it's a challenge, so this is a rare treat (and I'm playing the "old fashion" was, wink wink)
I figured out the problem. I got this free program the other day that is a new kind of protection software. Instead of virus definitions getting updated all of the time, it has 7 lists of bad sites and blocks communicating with those IP addresses, I terminated the program and can play Pogo now. I also was able to tell it to allow aol sites since I have aol as one of my emails.
love it when problems are solved cheesy.gif
Those darn FREE programs...more trouble than they are worth. I can list a lot of free stuff that just caused me trouble trying to remove them. AVG was one of them, and still don't know how it got loaded...I probably got click happy.
Well good luck and thanks for the reminder about free stuff.