PogoCheats Forum

Pogo Cheats => General Pogo Discussion => Topic started by: gigi on April 06, 2016, 08:51:27 PM

Title: New Poll?
Post by: gigi on April 06, 2016, 08:51:27 PM
Why would Pogo have an opinion poll on Penguins?  Is their next new game going to have penguins? 
Title: Re: New Poll?
Post by: PissedOffPumpkin on April 06, 2016, 10:13:01 PM
Possibly because they're afraid to have a poll that would be actually helpful. You know, like "would you like to see the leaderboards brought back?" Or "would you like the ability to click 'seen this in the chat already, stop posting it now.'" Especially if we were given the option to include a message.   tongue.gif
Title: Re: New Poll?
Post by: AustinBennett on April 07, 2016, 02:24:35 AM
Would you like a weekly challenge in which coins or gems are involved where there's not a technical issue that favors Pogo?
Title: Re: New Poll?
Post by: Yoming 2 on April 07, 2016, 02:28:22 AM
How bout---

Would you like Pogo to check out the Wed. challenges and make sure there are enough rooms and the games are ready to play????   
Title: Re: New Poll?
Post by: Squid on April 07, 2016, 04:49:41 AM
They're probably interested in knowing how people feel about penguins because maybe they'll start charging gems for an ice block in Penguin Blocks.  Love penguins?  Buy a block and help the poor penguin get a fish....

I'm still peeved at Pogo for stealing my coins and my Chuzzle points.  Grrrr
Title: Re: New Poll?
Post by: disneyland lady on April 07, 2016, 05:08:39 AM
Obviously my personal problems are being addressed by POGO. They also have issues with Bob still living with his mother. And I vote for Bob to move in with my son and brother eating penguins they buy with their own coins and not mine. Poof to my anger issues!
Title: Re: New Poll?
Post by: PissedOffPumpkin on April 07, 2016, 05:41:51 AM
I swear, Pogo is the only place where I get really fuming pissed off. It's so gratifying to see other people are doing the same. Try saying anything negative in the evil forum. Buh-bye post!
Title: Re: New Poll?
Post by: Stinkerbell on April 07, 2016, 05:48:41 AM
Quote from: PissedOffPumpkin on April 07, 2016, 05:41:51 AM
I swear, Pogo is the only place where I get really fuming pissed off. It's so gratifying to see other people are doing the same. Try saying anything negative in the evil forum. Buh-bye post!

You're right. And what makes it so ironic is that Pogo is supposed to be fun! Unless plotting out the demise of a cactus (and a slow painful one at that) gives you your jollies, why would anyone PAY to get angry??? Pogo is shooting themselves in the foot, me thinks.
Title: Re: New Poll?
Post by: PissedOffPumpkin on April 07, 2016, 06:38:47 AM
The main reason I'm still on Pogo is that my husband travels regularly, so when he has some downtime, we play games together and chat. It's our quality time when he's not home. If I could find another game site where we could play cards or yahtzee, etc., together while chatting, we'd both be outta this stinkhole. Just a shame that when we go, we can't thumb our noses at anyone, because there's no way to contact anyone who would actually give a rat's shiny behind.
Title: Re: New Poll?
Post by: gran2x2 on April 07, 2016, 07:58:55 AM
Here's a poll......Is Pogo greedy and run by a pack of monkeys?

A. O  Hell Yes

B  O  No (but I am always confused)

C. O  Maybe cuz I buy gems with bananas
Title: Re: New Poll?
Post by: AustinBennett on April 07, 2016, 04:06:01 PM
Pogo players over the years have made a lot of friends there. That's what keeps most from leaving and going elsewhere. There's little else that one can't find better elsewhere.
Title: Re: New Poll?
Post by: gran2x2 on April 07, 2016, 04:23:51 PM
When you figure out that it's like 10 cents a day to play not counting the extras we buy voluntarily...it is a good deal but I just wish we had better customer service and games that were maintained better so we could actually play them.