I'd personally like to thank Pogo for changing the "Continue Game" button page/location. Uncle Otto doesn't know what to do with himself now. ass.gif
Which game?
almost all
Quote from: Mayhem on May 26, 2022, 12:31:54 AM
Did you send in a problem report?
I'm still seeing the old version.
I helped a friend get their Solitaire blitz badge and on their account it was the new version. But on my account it was still the old version. I even tried accessing it through edge instead of chrome and it's the same thing.
I sent in the report but haven't heard anything. I might be such a minority at this time that it's not worth anyone's time.
Oh, this is a new "Challenge Queue" Pogo is working on and are rolling out slowly to players.
I'll post more about it in the "Latest Pogo News" section.
I have the new "continue game" button and like squid Uncle Otto just sits there. Guess we will have to wait until it is rolled out more for a fix. PIA babysitting.
Quote from: raine56 on June 05, 2022, 01:19:38 AM
I have the new "continue game" button and like squid Uncle Otto just sits there. Guess we will have to wait until it is rolled out more for a fix. PIA babysitting.
Raine, I've been using the clicker and it's working for me. Also, a friend told me they switched browsers and it started working for them. I don't understand that but thought I'd pass along the info.
Oh, I wonder if Pogo is testing this feature in certain browsers only?
My second account still has the old style button set up and uncle otto is working fine. It must be a gradual roll out which makes it hard for those of us who got it early.
They were all updated last night.