Guru Challenge puzzles are now available in A Way With Words!
To unlock and access these new Guru Challenge puzzles, you must complete all previous Power Challenges, Brainiac Challenges and Ace Challenges.
There are 6 badges to be earned in the Guru Challenge puzzles, and you'll receive a new badge after completing 10, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 Guru Challenge puzzles.
Thank you.
is anyone else having problems with playbuddy clicking continue game? i am and sent a bug report
Quote from: birch on September 26, 2023, 07:03:29 AM
is anyone else having problems with playbuddy clicking continue game? i am and sent a bug report
That has happened to me in the past. Which game are you playing?
all the games for me still no update
My continue button can't be found by my buddies in any game either.
did you send a bug report if not do so still no update
I don't recall it happening for ALL games, just a particular game or two. Did you get a response to your bug report?
yes the automatic response lol but still no update i tried everything but still the same
can you see what you can do with playbuddy owners
I sent in a bug report for Snowbird, Cookies, Whomp, Tri-Peaks, Sweet Tooth, and A Way with Words.
Sometimes, Pogo will move a button or a border or something else in a barely imperceptible way, like a few pixels, and the auto no longer recognizes it. I think it's Pogo's way of partially thwarting us auto users.
Agreed! Mine are all still in limbo, quite frustrating for me, and I am not sure why - at least the buddies are able to play the games.
good morning
yes squid pogo knows what they are doing against auto users they will fail as soon as an update will happen
I just sent them an email, so I'll try and have an update for you guys soon.
Thank you!