Pogo is offering seven days of bonus daily challenges for Pogo Slots!
If you can complete all seven pogo Slots daily challenges, you'll receive a Special Edition badge for your collection.
Just play the daily challenge each day through October 16th to get yours.
Daily Challenges
October 10th: Spend 2,000 coins
October 11th: Make a spin 50 times
October 12th: Win 1000 coins
October 13th: Get 30 Pogo bonus symbols
October 14th: Spend 2,000 coins
October 15th: Make a spin 50 times
Thank you.
They have the wrong dates on the homepage banner (9/5-9/11). Still, happy for the extra pogis!
Just a reminder to get your daily done today!
Thank you, sir!
Thank you.
Just another reminder to get your daily done today!
The new daily is up!
I hope everyone stockpiled some coins. Some of these challenges are going to take some loot!
Today's challenge is an easy one.
Just another reminder to get your daily done!
Today is the last day - go get your badge!
... and we're done!