Does anyone know of a site that has backdoors for fortune bingo?
Hi to everyone, this is my first post.
You just do a right click then it is your back door ;D
Create a shortcut on your desktop. :)
As far as i know there arent any sites with club game backdoors except for but all they have are tripeaks and gin so far
Thanks for the all help concerning the P backdoor question. Now that I'm over the first post phobia, I know where to go for help.
Don't be afraid to ask. We'll be happy to answer your questions ...provided we have the answers....someone usually does. Welcome to the group. :D
The only backdoors i know are ( but that site doesnt have backdoors for club pogo
You can create your own backdoor by creating a shortcut. ;)
would u be able to get in club pogo games without having club pogo?
I highly doubt it.
you would have to join for the free period and make all the links if you want Club P. access
do backdoors only/just make quicklinks to the game?
As far as I know yes.
do they do anything to the logs at pogo?
Like what? All it will show is that you enterwed the room.
go to [Admin Edit : Please do not post links to external sites]
Has back doors for club games also
Our sister site has all the updated pogo backdoors ( links.
good site