PogoCheats Forum

Pogo Cheats => Club Pogo => Topic started by: beachbabe on December 27, 2004, 07:19:24 AM

Title: spider sol auto?
Post by: beachbabe on December 27, 2004, 07:19:24 AM
is there a spider sol gonna be released soon ? if so how long before its out man! lol  I need some help a glitch or tip or someone to play it for me lol i want nuttin to do with it but i want the badges lol
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: viper061697 on December 27, 2004, 08:11:50 AM
i have been playing this game since it has been out and i am only at rank 2 it takes so long to get to next rank
i hope an auto comes out soon
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: Kelly on December 27, 2004, 09:53:44 AM
Quote from: Barbara on December 27, 2004, 09:34:55 AM
The men who make the autos deserved to have the holiday season also. Let's be patient.
So true Barbara!!
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: Dream Faerie on December 27, 2004, 11:51:04 AM
Quote from: Barbara on December 27, 2004, 09:34:55 AM
The men who make the autos deserved to have the holiday season also. Let's be patient.

I agree with ya 110%. They need time to work on these autos. If they let one come out that still has bugs in it, most people would be complaining that it shouldnt have been released yet. The programmers cant win  :(
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: Token Monster (iaMnafetS) on December 27, 2004, 12:41:32 PM
Wish I could figure out how to just PLAY the game ;)
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: Token Monster (iaMnafetS) on December 27, 2004, 01:07:24 PM
Quote from: Barbara on December 27, 2004, 12:52:10 PM
Quote from: Token Monster (iaMnafetS) on December 27, 2004, 12:41:32 PM
Wish I could figure out how to just PLAY the game ;)
I think you could play this game well S.  It just takes focus.  Here's what I like to focus on-beating Douglas to the next rank.  Sure, I am still in my pajamas at 4:00 in the afternoon and I have a crick in my neck and my left arm is numb.  I will have the satisfaction of telling Douglas at the end of the day, "Hey, you are only 10 ranks ahead of me, Mister Bear!"

No comment.  :)  JK, I know the feeling, except for me it's Halo 2 rankings.  Anyways, I had a question if yall could answer.  Is it possible to gain ranks on the easiest (1 Suit)?  If so, a single suited auto would be super easy (aside from reading the board etc, I'm talking just the logic) and I might be able to draw one of those up in a few days.  I need a pick me up from that stupid squelchies auto which I might just abandon, especially at the success of both Badgehelp and WordzW's versions...
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: bob@pogopal on December 27, 2004, 01:28:13 PM
You advance very slowly on the easy level. On level 9 a game advances you 6% or 7% of a level versus 80% on hard.
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: Kelly on December 27, 2004, 01:45:02 PM
I got the name for this one already!! Itsy Bitsy Auto!!!!
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: bob@pogopal on December 27, 2004, 02:02:33 PM
Quote from: KsArt on December 27, 2004, 01:45:02 PM
I got the name for this one already!! Itsy Bitsy Auto!!!!

Yes, it will be. See:

Quote from: BadgeHelpBob on November 21, 2004, 12:58:32 PM
It will be Itsy Bitsy Auto
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: beachbabe on December 27, 2004, 02:17:42 PM
i know they deserve a holiday i guess  im just on the floor pouting like a baby cuz i really do suck at that game! and Im on pins an needles wanting a new auto to play wif lol.  I do have to say ty for the buy one get one i have alot of  the autos now that i really wanted  was hard to choose  for me i was torn between getting the autos that help towards my game award badges and those that can just help me get my weekly badges lol.  Dont worry if i dont post much in the next week or so im gonna be having floors done and its like moving becuase you have to find somewhere for your crap to go so they can work fast
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: Homer on December 27, 2004, 02:19:44 PM
When your done come over to my place. :P j/k
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: Kelly on December 27, 2004, 03:13:49 PM
Quote from: BadgeHelpBob on December 27, 2004, 02:02:33 PM
Quote from: KsArt on December 27, 2004, 01:45:02 PM
I got the name for this one already!! Itsy Bitsy Auto!!!!

Yes, it will be. See:

Quote from: BadgeHelpBob on November 21, 2004, 12:58:32 PM
It will be Itsy Bitsy Auto

Shows how much I read the posts....lol.
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: Homer on December 27, 2004, 03:14:24 PM
Maybe you should lay off the bubbly. :P j/k
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: beachbabe on December 27, 2004, 05:36:45 PM
mmmmm over your to your place how come when i think of your place  images of beer bottles and plastic chairs scrattered about comes to mind? and lets not forget the nice waterbed im sure you have in the shape of a big heart for your dates and stuff right homer? lol

im telling you its much harder to relocate crap its like all the good hiding spots are already home to other crap lol.
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: Homer on December 27, 2004, 05:39:58 PM
Hmmmmm waterbed ??? More motion to the ocean? :o Better stop there. LOL j/k
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: Kelly on December 27, 2004, 06:01:05 PM
Quote from: Homer on December 27, 2004, 03:14:24 PM
Maybe you should lay off the bubbly. :P j/k
Haven't had a drink in a long time maybe I need one....lol.
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: beachbabe on December 27, 2004, 06:28:06 PM
you've been a very naughty boy homer! hope you dont have to return your santa presants  for that lol
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: Homer on December 27, 2004, 07:09:50 PM
Naughty boys have more fun. :P >:D
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: Homer on December 27, 2004, 07:13:56 PM
They do if they are with Homer. :P ::)
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: DressedForSuccess on December 27, 2004, 08:57:29 PM
I played this for a long time on Windows, so I have it pretty well nailed. At least in NORMAL. I have yet to win a game in HARD. I am on rank 21 but would not mind an auto for it :)
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: Token Monster (iaMnafetS) on December 27, 2004, 09:41:45 PM
I'm thinking an easy level auto would be relatively easy to program, win most of the games, and you could just leave it on overnight or whatever for like 25 ranks or something,
Title: Re: spider sol auto?
Post by: yoyo on December 28, 2004, 03:31:45 AM
that would be soooo great ;D ;D ;D O0