March 12, 2025, 09:18:22 AM

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What's wrong with Pogo?!?!

Started by GrumpyBear,

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I am normally not one to complain, much. I tell you latley the pogo players have been becoming more offensive by the day. Playing in a normal spades room today I had 2 major issues.
First off there was someone in the main chat talking about being in need of a "female friend". The words this person was using were completely unappropiate! I think he was spacing his words to get past the chat filter "L I K E T H I S" I reported him to pogo, and ignored him very quickly.
Later during the same session I wound up with a partner in a game that was more than nuts! He was going crazy because of some of the moves I was making. Now I admit, I am NO expert in spades, but my rating was much better than his was. Somehow this person got my email and has been harrassing me ever since! Again, I report to Pogo, and get a wonderful response that it is in their line of Que.  ::)
My children are just starting to get the hang of playing different games in pogo, and I really don't want them expossed to this type of stuff. Vulger chat, harrassment for moves someone doesn't like. I mean come on!!
I just really needed to vent here. This has really upset me.  :'(


grumpy if you dont mind me asking who was this person that was emailing you so i will tell wife to watch out for him and mute him before he starts


i think people like that should be banned, now we cant stop them from saying stuff hopefully if everyone reports pogo will do something about this. the whole thing with people complaing how you play that is one of my biggest pet peeves, for spades for example i have played on real life tourneys twice a week for 8 years or so, I'm the greatest but i know how to play and they want to complain how your playing, i don't think there is a right or wrong way on how to play everyone has there own strategy thats it, don't let it get you down. now as for your kids maybe you should get another account for them, i know you shouldn't have to but to protect them it might be best. :)


Unfortunatly Austin, I forgot his screen name. The emails come from a johnxxxxx, but that was not his screen name on Pogo.
A very strange fellow, keeps emailing me calling me a fake and so on and so forth. Whats super funny about it all, is I was the one making all the bids, and carrying him, he couldn't even bid right. Bid 10, and didn't have a single ace or a 2?!?! But I am the fake one  ::)
As far as getting the kids their own seperate account, I might do that, but at the same time that does not do anything really to protect them. I don't know. I have been a relativly long player, and its only been recently that the Rif-Raf has been joining.
I really do hope that other people follow suit and report these people who make pogo a XXX site, and not a family site. I would understand such talk if I were in a room with unrated chat!!
It's just unacceptable!!


I've been on pogo little over 4 yrs now and I thought I've seen it all,but I haven't yet it seems.90% of the ppl are good.It's the other 10% you hafta look out for.Best thing for your kids wise get them seperate account with limits on what rooms they can get into by their age group.If I play a game and get beat who cares.It's just a game and I'm here just for fun.Which is way I look at it.Good Luck Grumpy



the only thing you still have to look out for is if you get them a separate account if people click the play now button it doesn't know there age group it puts them where ever and the youngest on then is 20's and yes I'm 20 something  but just not that dam stupid, so you always will have to monitor, but hopefully pogo fixes the problem. Grumpy are they emailing you through pogo or through your normal email?


well my question is what do u do about someone who is "stalikng" you
i would like to be able to have control over my "friends" account
i got this guy following me everwhere - giveing me his pass word
and asking me to do badges for him----------
i feel violated - and thee3r is nothing i can do but go play somehwere without chat
the worst is
was playing w/a friend
now he put her on "firends" list and is following her around - am telling u nothing worse than sitting at
your own computer AT home
and being frightened.............................................


Depending on the ages of your kids, the best bet is for the chat to be turned off.  They don't need chat to play the games. 

My personal favorite?

The parents that will tell a 30's uncensored room for us to watch our language because their kid will be playing while they check dinner, get laundry, etc.  We are in an uncensored room for a reason.  Those are the ones that need to take their kid to what I call an "Oprah" room if they are worried. 


Quote from: sagenkenzismom on April 11, 2005, 05:40:04 PM
the only thing you still have to look out for is if you get them a separate account if people click the play now button it doesn't know there age group it puts them where ever and the youngest on then is 20's and yes I'm 20 something  but just not that dam stupid, so you always will have to monitor, but hopefully pogo fixes the problem. Grumpy are they emailing you through pogo or through your normal email?
Through my NORMAL EMAIL!!


The easiest solution to issues with the chat section is to just turn it off as soon as you go in there.  Otherwise you are continuing to let it bother you by sitting there and reading it.

As for the e-mail situation- You should be able to block e-mails from an account and or report them as spam.  If it has become that big of an issue, you can contact your ISP and have them investigate the issue and have something more done about it.

I don't understand why individuals go nuts over their kids watching the chat.  As a parent, you should know that there are things said in EVERY game room that might not be appropriate for any given child.  Turn the chat off or supervise your child(ren) while they are playing.

We all know that there are some people floating around Pogo (and everywhere else for that matter) who have nothing better to do than get under people's skin just for the heck of it.  Step up and be the better person- ignore it.  It's nothing new, Pogo is aware of the concerns, you might as well take care of it yourself.


Quote from: Snarechick on April 12, 2005, 02:28:38 PM
The easiest solution to issues with the chat section is to just turn it off as soon as you go in there.  Otherwise you are continuing to let it bother you by sitting there and reading it.

As for the e-mail situation- You should be able to block e-mails from an account and or report them as spam.  If it has become that big of an issue, you can contact your ISP and have them investigate the issue and have something more done about it.

I don't understand why individuals go nuts over their kids watching the chat.  As a parent, you should know that there are things said in EVERY game room that might not be appropriate for any given child.  Turn the chat off or supervise your child(ren) while they are playing.

We all know that there are some people floating around Pogo (and everywhere else for that matter) who have nothing better to do than get under people's skin just for the heck of it.  Step up and be the better person- ignore it.  It's nothing new, Pogo is aware of the concerns, you might as well take care of it yourself.

But an adult shouldn't have to turn off chat, let alone in a game room, of spades, in which it can be benificial to have chat on to talk to your partners.
The guy has been blocked from my email, do you think I wish to keep recieving these stupid emails? Just dont understand where, or how it got it. As far as I can tell it is not in my profile.
Truely just venting here ya know!!
Are you a parent? Would you like your 7 year old child learning what a <admin edit: please be careful there are members as young as 13 that visit this site> is in a pogo chat room?


Here's opening a huge can of worms,

First, I agree with Barbara.  Amen, Snarechick. 

As far as I'm concerned, there's no reason for a 7 y/o to be in pogo anyway.  But, if they happen to be there, you'd believe that there needs to be a parent at their side making sure that chat IS and STAYS off. 


Alas, sometimes it is much easier to throw your child on the internet than it is to take the time and get them involved with what you are doing.  My children are 4 and 3...they cannot read but they sure know how to play simple games like GB and Poppit.  However, the rule is that when I am not on the computer they are not on the computer.  Yes, following the first sentence will take you longer but it will keep your child away from inappropriate chat.  I had my 3 year old helping me can jams and jellies last week and it took a lot longer than it should have but I knew where she was.  LOL...thanks to her overzealousness with the strawberries and sugar, I now have more strawberry jam and cinnamon apple jelly than I intended. 

As for stalkers, hadn't dealt with them in Pogo yet but any chat I deem to be offensive I either:  turn my chat off, mute the offenders, or leave the room.  I don't report people since I find generated responses from Pogo more offensive than the offender.


ok ok ok for gods sakes.....whenever I let the child play, I am always right there. He plays the slots or something relatively easy. He finds it a lot of fun. Since I do not wish for him to have a playstation, nintendo, or any other mind-numbing games at his age, I somehow feel playing show slots ll for 1/2 once in a blue moon is perfectly fine! And yes, i do turn the chat off, cause this child reads so well, and I don't wish for him to learn about anything gross, morbid, or anything negative out of a chat room.
When did this subject turn to my parenting abilities?


yea, ok your right, and I do appologize.
I just feel incrediably ganged up on here.
All because I let my oldest child play Show Biz slots once in a while!



I completely agree with grumpy, Pogo is NOT supposed to be an adult site.  And that fact is this 53 year old Christian woman doesn't want vulgar and foul lang either.  Does it matter wheather the player is 7 or 70, that kind of lang is offensive.  We have rights to you know


While I agree to some point about stalkers on the internet, I disagree with the discussion about pogo becoming an adult oriented site.  Although the main adult rooms are uncensored, it urks me when someone cusses in the regular rooms and then gets reemed for letting it slip out.  If you don't like the language turn the chat off.  I let my child play poppit and other games all the time with the chat on and if someone says something the @#$% what.  There are other options besides pogo if you are so upset that the only thing you can whine about is other people and thier language.  Why should we give up our freedom of expression just to please a few people.

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