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BIG Brother - Season 15

Started by Squid,

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disneyland lady

Quote from: ozcar on August 13, 2013, 09:05:41 PM
I gotta get me some of that BBAD.

She's cute, for a lack of a better word. They're big. They're natural.  What more can you ask for?

OK, she smokes, that a drawback.

McCrae has talked to Amanda several times to let her know that he needs to talk to Jessie cuz he wants her to leave him her smokes when she goes. This is how little he thinks of these people. Jessie figured out that he was hitting her up for her smokes has been chain smoking because of it. She wants to go thru all of them before she leaves and is even wasting them by dousing them out after a couple of puffs into a drink. Discussing it with Spencer she said that at one point she was down to 2 a day.

Speaking of "natural" there are several shots around the web of most of the contestants pre-nosejob or with natural body parts. Amanda was buttugly and Elissa looks completely different - chubby cheeked. I think she took in a photo of Rachel when she had her facelift cuz she looked nothing like her sister before.

And as shallow and crass this seasons houseguests are, the women would vote her out for being naturally endowed.

On a side note CBS doles out those nicotine patches right and left during the lockdowns yet says nothing when they wear the patches yet still smoke. This is so very dangerous. I had a relative that used the patch before going into bootcamp and he had a heart attack at age 19. The doctors said it because of smoking while wearing that patch. He recovered but was then told the Marines would not take him. I am sure that CBS is making these people sign waivers all over the place for all those drugs given them (xanax, adderal....) but if someone was to die I doubt those waivers would protect CBS.


I wanted to slap GinaMarie in the face tonight!  What a horror show she is.  What an ugly human being.


Quote from: Squid on August 15, 2013, 06:36:43 PM
I wanted to slap GinaMarie in the face tonight!  What a horror show she is.  What an ugly human being.

But she's the queen, she from Staten Island.


Just when I was working up a good case of the disdains for Aaryn, GinaMarie had to go and be a big bully and instigator, making me forget my Aaryn mission and divert my resources to disliking HER.

disneyland lady

And for the 4th time Aaryn is HOH. No one but her has gotten blood on their hands in this game but I expect that Aaryn will get it up to the shoulder blades this week (hope, hope, hope). Last night BBAD was great with everyone kissing her butt. She does not forget that they have all had her doing their bidding. Helen was crying to all about how hard she has worked with Elissa to stop her from self-evicting even saying "I, too, am a mom who misses her kids." but the truth is - she must not miss them much cuz she is still least til Thurs.

I think that Aaryn has done some hateful things but my grandparents were from a small town in AR (Bald Knob) and my grandfather even though he married a full blooded Quapaw indian, was such a bigot that when he visited San Diego when I was a teen he went into the school and demanded that they remove the blacks (not the word he used) from his grand daughters school. And later in years my grandmother returned family photos to everyone when she was ancient and I found that they had cut most of my "rainbow" family from the snapshots! Even back in HS when I went to their town for summer I went to the "fillin' station" with my cousins to go get "soda pop" and I saw a sign pointing to the back that said "Colored Water" and I went expecting to see all these wonderful colors coming out of what was just a water tap in the back of the place. My grandfather was so upset that I did this when I came home and my cousins immediately ratted me out. So I believe that Aaryn is more a product of her upbringing and private schools. I think she regrets some of the things she has done and she has learned that every person no matter their race, religion or sexual preference has shortcomings. And when she leaves she will see how we all saw what she did and how we feel about it. I think she is young enough to learn from it and her time outside having to figure out a new career will actually make Aaryn a better person.

Of course if she does not put up Amanda and McCrae and/or Helen I take back everything I just said and want her GONE!

And don't get me started on Andy who is a professor at a community college teaching Public Speaking 3 days a week (or 2 depending on who he is talking to) and like GinaMarie, still lives with parents.

And even in the blow up between Aaryn and GinaMarie, GM was saying "And I was just enjoying my ice" - she did not eat the entire day because she CHOSE to be a Have Not and she chops up ice like a slushy and eats it all day acting like she actually enjoys it. I think she had a minus calorie count for the day cuz she did exercise too. I think GMs blowup was because Aaryn confronted her several times about her not eating AND said she smelled like puke when GM left the bathroom so GM was upset at Aaryn. Elissa had said she did not want to sit next to GM because she smelled and that is why GM spent most of last night in the HOH talking about getting Elisss out and, of course, Helen was riding THAT train.

Once again - I wrote a novel.


I'm glad you wrote a novel, Dis.  I get so much more from you than is on my TV screen.  All I saw was GinaMarie provoking Aaryn and screaming at her.  GM kept accusing Aaryn (Lord, I hate that name) of yelling and acting up when it was really GM, chasing in the hall, down the stairs, back up to the HOH room, when Aaryn just was trying to get away from her.  GM looked like a petulant 9 year old chasing and screaming at A.  I didn't see A do anything so bad.  I didn't get some of this back story, though.  GM must've been angry at A for the bulemia implications.  I see a fair amount of that New York IN-YOUR-FACE bullying and I have to say it is so UGLY.  I don't care what GM is angry at - handle it like a grown up and a human being - don't become a badger with all the claws born.   When I think of the things she said to Candice on Candice's last day, I still *shudder*.  I know Candice said some bad things, too, but GM has no dignity when it comes to difference of opinion/argument/fight.  It's shameful.

It cracks me up that someone who is 33 lives with Mom and Dad.  Sorry if that offends anyone but it just seems so odd to me.  I left when I was 17, was forced to come back for a couple of years, then left again at 20 and have never been back to live.  Mom's only 6 miles down the highway so she's within visiting distance.


I'm so glad to see y'all think the way I do about these wackos   hysterical.gif  Its hard to believe they are all adults when they act more like pre-teens!   giggle2.gif no-no.gif  And I think they are getting worse instead of better!!   popcorn2.gif no-no.gif


Quote from: CindyLouWho on August 16, 2013, 10:55:38 AM
And I think they are getting worse instead of better!!   popcorn2.gif no-no.gif

You are SO right, CindyLou!

disneyland lady

I think there should be some sort of early warning system for poor Nick as GM has now announced not only that she met the love of her life on the game (while everyone else was talking about how Elissa wants to self-evict) but she wants to be married and start having babies as soon as possible. Since you do not see the feeds or After Dark you might not know that the blue hat that she is wearing and keeps having fits about when Spencer hides it - actually belonged to McCrae! I think McCrea brought in mostly hats to get him thru the whole summer.

And Amanda is quite ticked off last night at Aaryn because everyone was supposed to throw the HOH to Amanda. That is why McCrae got the question wrong. I rewound and re-watched where it was Amanda and Aaryn and you see Amanda giving her a look when Aaryn locked in her answer. She was not supposed to click in. Unfortunately unless Aaryn decides different Amanda wants her to put up Helen. After reviewing all I think the safest thing for her to do is to say "So that everyone can experience every part of Big Brother I am putting up Andy and McCrea - the only 2 who have not been on the block." Then more than likely if Andy wins THIS time he would use the POV. And if McCrea wins he will realize that him using it will backdoor Amanda. THEN and only then would this year be worth it.

Also there are rumors all over the net about Amanda being a friend of Alison Grodner. They are going to use either Sunday or Wed to show the wedding. They should just post videos on CBS so that those of us interested could watch and people like me would not have to poke needles in their eyes to get the visual out of their heads.

And before BEFORE B-E-F-O-R-E the jury member gets to come back in CBS needs to inform them that it was America that was MVP and voted Amanda several times to be up on the block. Make them ALL feel how we really feel about them and how it was not anyone elses fault - especially Judd.

disneyland lady

Oh and one of my recent tweets that got lots of retweets and favors was "@Gina_Zimmerman parents ready their unemployable adult daughter's room by adding the @nickuhas shrine. #bb15 #alltimelow"


Nick is in for the stalking of the millennium when that nutcase gets out of the house.

disneyland lady

Quote from: Squid on August 16, 2013, 03:31:06 PM
Nick is in for the stalking of the millennium when that nutcase gets out of the house.

Actually, this would make for a reality show that I would love to watch. My gaydar popped up all over the place when Nick was interacting with the houseguests. First towards the men, Nick was especially touchy-feelie. Then at one point GinaMarie was trying to lay across him in the hammock and he spent the entire time finding reasons to get in another position. Soon after this GM was talking with Aaryn about how it was the first time she had laid on a guys lap when she didn't feel anything growing. Aaryn tried in a nice way to say Nick had just gone up on the block and was worried. But Amanda in her sweet subtle way said "McCrea can't stop getting aroused around me."

And writing this I realize that GM and Amanda are quite the same - just focused on different people - GM has found the love of her life and is going to have Nick's babies even though the only discussion they ever had was that he liked Monster Trucks and said he goes to them all over the US and she said she would meet up with him at the one in NY and he said it sounded like a fun idea (in other words "I want you to have my babies"). I actually looked at the Monster Jam sched and there IS one in NY - Jan 2014! Stalking is when 2 people go on a long romantic walk together but only one knows about it!

And Amanda cannot say one thing without it being about herself. Same thing!

Here are some of the tv shows already on that we could name a future reality show:

The Mentalist
Person of Interest
The Following

disneyland lady

Elissa won POV! All this info is from BBAD as CBS will show the comp on Wed. It was the OTEV (Veto backwards) where they get questions about HGs and they have to dig thru mud and water to find a name that they think is correct, then climb using a rope up a dirty hill and submit the name to the robot called OTEV. Guess Elissa's yoga helped her (and she actually plowed thru Andy at one point) and I guess the fact that most of the others lay around worked for her too. And Helen was told by Aaryn that Spencer now goes up and he will go home and she believes this. She is already telling Elissa how one of them will need to win HOH next week and get rid of Aaryn. I swear they all think they are safe. I now hope that Candice is the one who gets to come back in because Judd hates Elissa blaming her for Aaryn backdooring him. Candice and Elissa were buds and that would give her someone that does not disgust her and would be willing to work that house.

Aaryn found her comfort plush Clownie in a noose hanging from the bathroom curtain rod. If it was me, I would refuse the entire house from using the bathroom again and let them go use the filthy one downstairs. But considering how bad this year is, Clownie could have just been trying to self evict and found it to be his only way out.

On a side note - GinaMarie spent the entire 2 hrs of BBAD being very upset that CBS did not use Nick in the competition and I am sure when we see it you will see her going from name to name just looking for Nick's name. And had they had one with his name on it she would have left the game to put it on her Nick altar.

On another side note - Spencer said that he bets Union Pacific loves all the publicity they are getting from him being on Big Brother.   He is soon to pass up Frank (bb14) for being on the block the most. Little does he know that he is no longer a Union Pacific employee.

On a really cringeworthy note - the other night McCrae was called to the Diary Room then came back complaining that he was told to remove the used condoms from where he had been stashing them under McC & Amanda's bed. BB voice "You are not allowed to talk about production". Then someone mentioned that they should go into the "condom locker" in the storage room and get one to put on a banana to put in Spencer's bed. 2 days later Elissa complained to them that the banana with the condom was still sitting around. These people are just disgusting and understand why Elissa is having a bad time in that house 7/24 - and the fact that she is my all-time least favorite person's sister makes it hard to care about her. AND I learned something new - they have a condom locker in the storage room! And alleged adults think condoms and bananas are really funny.


Quote from: disneyland lady on August 18, 2013, 08:15:46 AM
... considering how bad this year is, Clownie could have just been trying to self evict and found it to be his only way out.

hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

And had they had one with his name on it she would have left the game to put it on her Nick altar.

hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

On another side note - Spencer said that he bets Union Pacific loves all the publicity they are getting from him being on Big Brother.   He is soon to pass up Frank (bb14) for being on the block the most. Little does he know that he is no longer a Union Pacific employee.
Unless something else has happened, he still has his job because he is union (don't get me started) and there is a "process" that must take place before he can lose his job.

On a really cringeworthy note - the other night McCrae was called to the Diary Room then came back complaining that he was told to remove the used condoms from where he had been stashing them under McC & Amanda's bed.

vomit.gif vomit.gif vomit.gif

Then someone mentioned that they should go into the "condom locker" in the storage room and get one to put on a banana to put in Spencer's bed.
Why Spencer?  Is there something I don't know about Spencer...?

I think it's smart that BB offers condoms but don't grown adults think they should discard these things appropriately?  This group grosses me out.  Maybe someone should open a condom wrapper carefully, fenestrate it, replace it in its wrapper and then put it in Amanda/McCrae's bedside table?  New title:  BB:  The Next Generation


LOL, Amanda needed some 'alone' time so she spent it hiding behind the garbage can in the pantry.   vomit.gif hysterical.gif

Aaryn thinks Helen is so great.  Blow a little smoke up Aaryn's arse and she'll think you're terrific.  If there's anything Aaryn isn't, it's humble, as Helen said.

ROFLMAO... GM said to Helen when Helen said her mother, who came from North Korea, does not speak English:  "Well, Helen... it's really hard, it's almost as though she's in a different country... kind of".   no-no.gif no-no.gif no-no.gif

disneyland lady

GM talking to Helen's mom would mean someone would have to translate. And they would probably need someone to translate what GM says to Helen's hubby as his name is foreign too - Fitzpatrick.

I found an early photo of Amanda and McCrae together: 

And too bad Amanda does not have an upcoming birthday cuz I found the perfect cake for BB to give to her:

There was a BIG blowout last night. Amanda and McCrea were having some sort of fight (caused by needy Amanda) and people were going up to the HOH to get Aaryn to put up Amanda instead of Spencer because she was told that GM would be going before Spencer. She was really getting on board to it but Amanda arrived and shooed everyone out and once again ruined a great plan. I think the others are still working on it. But Andy spilled the beans. This time though every time Amanda told Aaryn how SHE is the one responsible for saving her, Aaryn brought up that while this may be true, Aaryn has blood all over her from doing Amanda's dirty deeds and needs Amanda to acknowledge that she has been doing everyone's dirty work. Later Aaryn did get others to see how easy it was for Andy to lie right to their faces. I do not hold out any hope for things to change for the replacement nominee today. I would LOVE to see Aaryn start off the meeting with this question to each and every one of them "Who do you have a final 3 alliance with?"

Important things could happen on Thurs though. If Amanda does get put up and voted out she could win the only thing she ever did and go right back in. At this point I want Helen or Candice to go back in. If Helen at least she would finally figure out it is time for that big move and she has Elissa on her side. Candice would also have Elissa but she would not badger her constantly like Helen does.

I also understand why Elissa was so depressed about missing her sons first day of 3rd grade. She is a stay at home mom who had been there for all her child's special days. Helen has been a working gal passing off the job of 1st days of school to the "nurturing parent", babysitter or relative. And Elissa's sister does not have children (and hopefully will never breed). Elissa might have several homes including a condo in Vegas but she has never not been there to pick up her child from school. Helen is upset that the kitchen sink is small.


Quote from: disneyland lady on August 19, 2013, 06:10:22 AM
Elissa's sister does not have children (and hopefully will never breed).
This actually surprises me.  I expected the sister (please note that I refrain from uttering the name) to start spitting out kids like a Pez dispenser.

Helen is upset that the kitchen sink is small.   
hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif  The things people will get upset over...


You have to find someone that want her to spew out their kids.


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