Pogo Cheats News - Page 59

Peggle Slots is Now Available

by Ken on
peggle slots

Pogo has released Peggle Slots! You can access the game now by visiting the Peggle Slots game page or by adding it to your favorites.

This game is considered a "Pogo Parlor" game - it uses the same coin bucket as other Pogo Parlor games: Bejeweled 2 Slots and Zuma Slots.

Peggle Slots has 50 ranks and 5 rank badges. Rank points are earned getting Peggle symbols on on the payline(s).

Tumble Tiles is Now Available

by Ken on
tumble tiles

Pogo has released Tumble Tiles! You can access the game now by visiting the Tumble Tiles game page or by adding it to your favorites.

Rank progress in Tumble Tiles is similar to the way rank progress is earned in Mahjong Escape. It's earned by getting stars on each puzzle. You can earn a maximum of three stars per puzzle.

Tumble Tiles has 50 ranks and 5 rank badges.

Chuzzle Slots is Now Available

by Ken on
chuzzle slots

Pogo has released Chuzzle Slots! You can access the game now by visiting the Chuzzle Slots game page or by adding it to your favorites.

This game is considered a "Pogo Parlor" game - it uses the same coin bucket as other Pogo Parlor games: Bejeweled 2 Slots and Zuma Slots.

Chuzzle Slots has 50 ranks and 5 rank badges. Rank points are earned by getting a spin that has one or more wild symbols on the payline(s).

Club Pogo Light and Fun Collection Games

by Ken on

Pogo has released a set of five games they call the "Club Pogo Light and Fun Collection". These games are small games created by other game developers and are available only to Club Pogo members.

These games are considered "Lite" games as they do not have jackpot spins, ranks, tokens or badges. They do have chat though.

Here are the first 5 games that are available to play right now (more of these games are coming in the future) : Alhambra Solitaire, Bouncing Letters, Chain Reaction, Dominoes and Gems Swap III.

Bejeweled 2 Slots is Now Available

by Ken on
bejeweled 2 slots

Pogo has released Bejeweled 2 Slots! You can access the game now by visiting the Bejeweled 2 Slots game page or by adding it to your favorites.

The payout in this game is pretty much the same with Zuma Slots, but your coin earnings can increase with a lucky go at the Bejeweled Bonus round and Wheel of Riches bonus spinner.

Bejeweled 2 Slots has 50 ranks and 5 rank badges.