Earn Free Pogo Gems through surveys and offers supplied by Peanut Labs.
I still receive quite a few emails about this, so hopefully this information will help.
Players have reported seeing e-mails, chat messages and other forms of communications regarding offers of "Free Gems" or "Free Tokens" and other items.
We strongly recommend that you do NOT sign up for these deals, as many of them are not legitimate offers. Some of these offers are made merely to collect screen names and passwords in order to hijack accounts.
On occasion, Pogo will offer free pogo gems, but those offers will come directly from Pogo or their official partner, Peanut Labs - via the pogo.com site. Be sure to look very carefully at the web address, as some of these offers come from sites that look a lot like "pogo.com" - but you'll be able to see that they are not.